Ptu Syllabus For Bath 2011 Onwards

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The document outlines the course structure and syllabus for an Electronics and Communication Engineering program, including details of courses, labs, credits, and semester structure.

The 3rd semester covers courses in Engineering Mathematics, Object Oriented Programming, Analog and Digital Circuits, Network Analysis and more as well as labs for Analog Circuits, Digital Circuits and Object Oriented Programming.

Experiments covered in the Digital Communication Systems lab include studying Time Division Multiplexing, pulse code modulation, delta modulation, amplitude shift keying, frequency shift keying, phase shift keying, error detection and correction using Hamming code and digital link simulation.


Scheme& Syllabus of B. Tech. Electronics & Communication Engineering [ECE]

Batch 2011

By Board of Studies Electronics & Communication Engineering

Third Semester Course Code BTAM-301 BTCS-305 BTEC-301 BTEC-302

Course Title

Load Allocation L T P 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 4

Contact Hours: 29 Hrs. Marks Distribution Total Credits Marks Internal External 40 40 40 40 40 30 30 30 60 350 60 60 60 60 60 20 20 20 40 400

Engineering Mathematics-III Object Oriented Programming using C++ Analog Devices & Circuits

100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 100 750

5 4 4 4 4 1 1 2

Digital Circuit and Logic Design BTEC-303 Network Analysis and Synthesis BTEC-304 Lab Analog Devices & Circuits BTEC-305 Lab Digital Circuit and Logic Design BTCS-309 Lab Object Oriented Programming Workshop Training * TOTAL



*The marks will be awarded on the basis of 4 weeks workshop training conducted after 2 Semester

Fourth Semester Course Code

Course Title

Load Allocation L T P 4 3 3 4 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2

Contact Hours: 32 Hrs Marks Distribution Total Credits Marks Internal External 40 40 40 40 40 40 30 30 30 60 60 60 60 60 60 20 20 20 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 5 4 4 5 4 4 1 1 1

BTEE-402 BTEC-401 BTEC-402 BTEC-403 BTEC-404 BTEC-405 BTEC-406 BTEC-407 BTEC-408

Linear Control Systems Analog Communication Systems Signal & Systems Electromagnetics & Antennas Electronic Measurement & Instrumentation Pulse Wave Shaping and Switching Lab Analog Communication Systems Lab Electronic Measurement & Instrumentation Lab Signal & Systems using MATLAB/Mentor DSP TOTAL

General Fitness 20 6 6

100 430

NA 420

100 850


Fifth Semester Course Code

Course Title

Load Allocation L T P 3 3 4 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2

Marks Distribution Internal 40 40 40 40 40 30 30 30 30 60 380

Contact Hours: 30 Hrs Total Credits

External 60 60 60 60 60 20 20 20 20 40 420 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 100 800 4 4 5 4 5 1 1 1 1 1 26

BTCS-304 BTEC-501 BTEC-502 BTEC-503 BTEC-504

Data Structures Digital Communication System Digital Signal Processing

Linear Integrated Circuit Micro processors & Micro controllers. BTEC-505 Lab Digital Signal Processing BTEC-506 Lab Linear Integrated Circuit BTEC-507 Lab Digital Communication System BTEC-508 Lab Hardware Programme & Interfacing Industrial Training * TOTAL


*The marks will be awarded on the basis of 06 weeks workshop training conducted after 4 th Semester

Sixth Semester Course Code

Course Title

Load Allocation L T P 3 4 3 3 4 3 20 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 2 2 4

Contact Hours: 30 Hrs Marks Distribution Total Credits Internal 40 40 40 40 40 40 30 30 100 400 External 60 60 60 60 60 60 20 20 NA 400 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 100 800 28 4 5 4 4 5 4 1 1

BTCS-401 BTEC-601 BTEC-602 BTEC-603 BTEC-604 BTEC-XXX BTEC-605 BTEC-606 General Fitness

Operating Systems Microwave & Radar Engineering Wireless Communication System Engineering Economics & Industrial Management VLSI Design Elective-I Lab VLSI Lab Microwave Engineering TOTAL

Seventh / Eighth Semester Course Code Course Title

Load Allocation L T P 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 5 2 2 6 10

Contact Hours: 30 Hrs. Marks Distribution Total Credits Internal 40 40 40 40 40 30 30 100 100 460 External 60 60 60 60 60 20 20 50 NA 390 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 150 100 850 25 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 3

BTCS-403 BTEC-701 BTEC-702 BTEC-YYY BTEC-ZZZ BTEC-703 BTEC-704 BTEC-705 General Fitness

Computer Networks Embedded Systems Optical Communication Elective-II Elective-III Lab Wireless and Optical Systems & Networks Lab Embedded Systems Major Project TOTAL


Seventh / Eighth Semester Course Component For Software Training * For Industry Oriented Project Training Internal Marks 150 Marks 300 Marks External Marks 100 Marks 200 Marks Total Marks 250 Marks 500 Marks

Note: *The institution may provide training on any of the softwares from amongst ORCAD, MATLAB, Mentor DSP, MULTISIM, OPTSIM, OPTISYSTEM NS2 OPNET etc.

Departmental Elective I (Common Code XXX) BTEC 901 Relational Data Base Management System BTEC 902 Micro Electronics BTEC 903 Industrial Electronics BTEC 904 Digital System Design BTEC 905 Intellectual property rights & patent systems BTEC 906 Intelligent Instrumentation BTEC 907 Information Theory & Coding BTIT 702 Software Project Management Departmental Elective II (Common Code YYY) BTEC 908 CMOS based design BTEC 909 Biomedical signal processing BTEC 910 Satellite Communication BTEC 911 Artificial Intelligence Techniques & Applications BTEC 912 Speech & image Processing BTEC 913 Human Resource Management BTEC 914 Computer organization and Architecture BTIT 501 Cyber Law & IPR Departmental Elective III (Common Code ZZZ) BTEC 915 Electromagnetic interference & compatibility BTEC 916 Neural Networks & Fuzzy logic BTEC 917 Robotics BTEC 918 Operation Research BTEC 919 Mobile Computing BTEC 920 Wireless Sensor network BTEC 921 Numerical Methods

Third Semester

BTAM301 Engineering Mathematics-III

Unit I Fourier Series: Periodic functions, Euler's formula. Even and odd functions, half range expansions, Fourier series of different wave forms. Unit II Laplace Transforms: Laplace transforms of various standard functions, properties of Laplace transforms, inverse Laplace transforms, transform of derivatives and integrals, Laplace transform of unit step function, impulse function, periodic functions, applications to solution of ordinary linear differential equations with constant coefficients, and simultaneous differential equations. Unit III Special Functions: Power series solution. of differential equations, Frobenius method, Legendre's equation, Legendre polynomial, Bessel's equation, Bessel functions of the first and second kind. Recurrence relations, equations reducible to Bessel's equation. Unit IV Partial Differential Equations: Formation of partial differential equations, Linear partial differential equations, homogeneous partial differential equations with constant coefficients. Unit V Applications of PDEs: Wave equation and Heat conduction equation in one dimension. Two dimensional Laplace equation in Cartesian Coordinates, solution by the method of separation of variables. . Unit VI Functions of Complex Variable: Limits, continuity and derivative of the function of complex variable, Analytic function, Cauchy-Riemann equations, conjugate functions, harmonic functions; Conformal Mapping: Definition, standard transformations, translation, rotation, inversion, bilinear. Complex Integration: Line integrals in the complex plane, Cauchy's theorem, Cauchy's integral formula and derivatives of analytic function. Taylor's and Laurent's expansions (without proofs), singular points, poles, residue, Integration of function of complex variables using the method of residues.
Suggested Readings/ Books: Kreyszing, E., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Eighth edition, John Wiley, New Delhi. Grewal, B. S., Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi. Ian N. Sneedon, Elements of Partial Differential Equations, McGraw- Hill, Singapore, 1957. Peter. V. O'Nil, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Wadsworth Publishing Company. Taneja, H. C., Engineering Mathematics, Volume-I & Volume-II, I. K. Publisher. Babu Ram, Advance Engineering Mathematics, Pearson Education. Bindra, J. S., Applied Mathematics, Volume-III, Kataria Publications. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, O'Neil, Cengage Learning.

__________________________________________________________________________________ BTCS 305 Object Oriented Programming Using C++

Unit I Object-Oriented Programming Concepts: Introduction, comparision between procedural programming paradigm and object-oriented proramming paradigm, basic concepts of object-oriented programming concepts of an object and a class, interface and implementation of a class, operations on objects, relationship among objects, abstraction, encapsulation, data hiding, inheritance, overloading, polymorphism, messaging.

Unit II Standard Input/Output: Concept of streams, hierarchy of console stream classes, input/output using overloaded operators >> and << and memberv functions of i/o stream classes, formatting output, formatting using ios class functions and flags, formatting using manipulators. Unit III Classes and Objects: Specifying a class, creating class objects, accessing class members, access specifiers, static members, use of const keyword, friends of a class, empty classes, nested classes, local classes, abstract classes, container classes, bit fields and classes. Unit IV Pointers and Dynamic Memory Management: Declaring and initializing pointers, accessing data through pointers, pointer arithmetic, memory allocation (static and dynamic), dynamic memory management using new and delete operators, pointer to an object, this pointer, pointer related problems - dangling/wild pointers, null pointer assignment, memory leak and allocation failures. Unit V Constructors and Destructors: Need for constructors and destructors, copy constructor, dynamic constructors, explicit constructors, destructors, constructors and destructors with static members, initializer lists. Unit VI Operator Overloading and Type Conversion: Overloading operators, rules for overloading operators, overloading of various operators, type conversion - basic type to class type, class type to basic type, class type to another class type. Unit VII Inheritance: Introduction, defining derived classes, forms of inheritance, ambiguity in multiple and multipath inheritance, virtual base class, object slicing, overriding member functions, object composition and delegation, order of execution of constructors and destructors. Unit VIII Virtual functions & Polymorphism: Concept of binding - early binding and late binding, virtual functions, pure virtual functions, abstract clasess, virtual destructors. Unit IX Exception Handling: Review of traditional error handling, basics of exception handling, exception handling mechanism, throwing mechanism, catching mechanism, rethrowing an exception, specifying exceptions. Unit X Templates and Generic Programming: Template concepts, Function templates, class templates, illustrative examples. Unit XI Files: File streams, hierarchy of file stream classes, reading/writing

error handling during file operations, randomly, updating files.





Suggested Readings/ Books: Lafore R., Object Oriented Programming in C++, Waite Group. E. Balagurusamy, Object Oriented Programming with C++, Tata McGraw Hill. R. S. Salaria, Mastering Object-Oriented Programming with C++, Salaria Publishing House. Bjarne Stroustrup, The C++ Programming Language, Addison Wesley. Herbert Schildt, The Complete Reference to C++ Language, McGraw Hill-Osborne. Lippman F. B, C++ Primer, Addison Wesley.


BTEC301 Analog Devices & Circuits

Unit I Semiconductor diode Theory of PN junction diode, Band structure of open circuited PN junction, Volt Ampere Characteristics, Temperature Dependence of PN diode, LED, LCD and Photo- diodes, Tunnel diode, Zener diode as Voltage Regulator. Unit II Transistors, Characteristics and Biasing Transistor, Types of Transistor, Transistor current components, Transistor as an Amplifier, Transistor characteristics in CB, CE and CC modes. Operating point, bias stability, various biasing circuits, stabilization against Ico, VBE and beta, Construction, Characteristics & applications of Junction Field Effect Transistor (JFET), UJT and MOSFET. Unit III Large Signal Amplifiers: Class A direct coupled with resistive load, Transformer coupled with resistive load, harmonic distortion, variation of output power with load, Push-Pull Amplifiers, operation of class- B push-pull amplifier, crossover distortion, transistor phase inverter, complementary- symmetry amplifier. Unit IV Feedback Amplifiers and Oscillator: Feedback Concept, Effect of negative feedback on gain, bandwidth, stability, distortion and frequency Response, Sinusoidal Oscillators, Sinusoidal oscillators; criterion for oscillation, Different types of oscillators: RC Phase Shift, Wein Bridge, Hartley, Colpitts and Crystal Oscillators. Derivation of expression for frequency and amplitude of these oscillators. Unit V Low & High Frequency Transistor Model: Transistor Hybrid Model, h parameter equivalent circuit of transistor, Analysis of transistor amplifier using h-parameters in CB, CE and CC configuration, The high frequency T model, hybrid pi CE transistor model, hybrid pi conductance in terms of low frequency h parameters.

Suggested Readings/ Books: Electronic Devices & Circuits by Millman- Halkias, Tata Mcgraw Hill Electronic Devices & Circuits Theory by Boylested, Pearson Education. Electronic Fundamentals & Application, by J.D. Ryder, PHI. Electronic Devices, by Floyd, Pearson Education. Electronics Devices & Circuits by J.B.Gupta, Katson. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

BTEC302 Digital Circuit and Logic Design

Unit I Number System and Binary Code: Introduction, Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal Number System (Conversion, Addition & Subtractions). Signed and unsigned numbers, Binary Subtractions using 1's and 2's compliment, ASCII code, Excess 3 code, Grey code, BCD code and BCD additions. Unit II Minimization of logic function: OR, AND,NOT,NOR,NAND,EX-OR, EX-NOR, Basic theorem of Boolean Algebra, Sum of Products and Product of Sums, canonical form, Minimization using K-map and Q-M method.

Unit III Combinational Circuits: Introduction, Combinational circuit design, Encoders, decoders, Adders, Sub tractors and Code converters. Parity checker, seven segment display, Magnitude comparators. Multiplexers, De-multiplexer, Implementation of Combinational circuit using MUX. Unit IV Sequential Circuits: Introduction, flip flops, Clocked flip flops, SR, JK, D, T and edge triggered flipflops. Excitation tables of Flip flops. Shift Registers, Type of Shift Registers, Counter, Counter types, counter design with state equation and state diagrams. Unit V D/A and A/D Converters: Introduction, Weighted register D/A converter, binary ladder D/A converter, steady state accuracy test, D/A accuracy and resolution, parallel A/D converter, Counter type A/D converter Successive approximation A/D converter. Single and dual slope A/D converter, A/D accuracy and resolution. Unit VI Semiconductor Memories: Introduction, Memory organisation, Classification and characteristics of memories, Sequential memories, ROMs, R/W memories. Content addressable memories. PLA and PAL. Unit VII Logic Families: RTL, DCTL, DTL, TTL, ECL, CMOS and its various types, Comparison of logic families.
Suggested Readings / Books: Morris Mano, Digital Design, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd Donald P.Leach and Albert Paul Malvino, Digital Principles and Applications, 5 ed., Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 2003. R.P.Jain, Modern Digital Electronics, 3 ed., Tata McGrawHill publishing Company limited, New Delhi, 2003. Thomas L. Floyd, Digital Fundamentals, Pearson Education, Inc, New Delhi, 2003 Ronald J. Tocci, Neal S. Widmer, Gregory L. Moss, Digital System -Principles and Applications, Pearson Education. Srivastava/Srivastava/Srivastava, Digital Design: HDL Based Approach, Cengage Learning. Roth, Fundamentals of Logic Design, Cengage Learning _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

BTEC301 Network Analysis and Synthesis

Unit I Circuit Concepts: Independent and dependent sources, Signals and wave forms: Periodic and singularity voltages, step, ramp, impulse, doublet, loop currents and loop equations, node voltage and node equations, Network Theorems: Superposition, Thevenin's, Norton's, Maximum Power Transfer, and Reciprocity. Unit II Time and Frequency Domain Analysis: Representation of basic circuits in terms of generalized frequency and their response, Laplace transform of shifted functions, transient and steady response, Time domain behaviors from poles and zeros, Convolution Theorem. Unit III Network Synthesis: Network functions, Impedance and admittance function, Transfer functions, Relationship between transfer and impulse response, poles and zeros and restrictions, Network function for two terminal pair network, Sinusoidal network in terms of poles and zeros, Real liability condition for impedance synthesis of RL and RC circuits, Network synthesis techniques for 2-terminal network, Foster and Cauer forms.


Unit IV: Classification of filters, characteristics impedance and propagation constant of pure reactive network, Ladder network, T-section, -section, terminating half section, Pass bands and stop bands, Design of constant-K, m-derived filters, Composite filters.
Suggested Readings/ Books: Bird John, Electrical Circuit Theory and Technology, 2nd Ed., Newnes. Chakraborty, Abhijit, Circuit Theory, 2nd Edition, Dhanpat Rai, 2001. Chaudhury D. Roy, Networks and Synthesis, New Age International. Edminister J.A., Electric Circuits, 4th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002. Iyer T.S.K.V., Circuit Theory, Tata McGraw Hill, 2006. Mohan, Sudhakar Sham, Circuits and Networks Analysis and Synthesis, 2nd Edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2005. Van Valkenberg, M.E., Network Analysis and Synthesis, PHI learning, 2009.


BTEC303 Lab Analog Devices & Circuits

1. Study of Zener regulator as voltage regulator 2. Study of Half wave, full wave & Bridge rectifiers. 3. To plot the input and output characteristics of CE configuration. 4. To study the characteristics of a Class- A amplifier. 5. To study the characteristics of Class- B amplifier. 6. To study the characteristics of Class- B push-pull amplifier. 7. To study the characteristics of complementary symmetry amplifier. 8. To study the response of RC phase shift oscillator and determine frequency of oscillation. 9. To study the response of Hartley oscillator and determine frequency of oscillation. 10. To study the response of Colpitts oscillator and determine frequency of oscillation. 11. To study the response of Wien Bridge oscillator and determine frequency of oscillation _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

BTEC-304 Lab Digital Circuit and Logic Design

1. Study of Logic Gates: Truth-table verification of OR, AND, NOT, XOR, NAND and NOR gates; Realization of OR, AND, NOT and XOR functions using universal gates. 2. Realization Half Adder / Full Adder using Logic gates. 3. Realization Half Subtractor / Full Subtractor using Logic gates 4. Design 4-Bit Binary-to-Gray & Gray-to-Binary Code Converter. 5. Design 4-Bit magnitude comparator using logic gates.Multiplexer: Truth-table verification and realization of Half adder and Full adder using MUX. 6. Demultiplexer: Truth-table verification and realization of Half subtractor and Full subtractor using DEMUX. 7. Flip Flops: Truth-table verification of RS, JK , D, JK Master Slave Flip Flops.


8. Design MOD-7 Synchronous up-counter using JK/RS/D Flip Flops. 9. Shift Register: Study of shift right, SIPO, SISO, PIPO, PISO & Shift left operations using IC7495 chip. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

BTCS 309 Object Oriented Programming Using C++ Lab

1. [Classes and Objects] Write a program that uses a class where the member functions are defined inside a class. 2. [Classes and Objects] Write a program that uses a class where the member functions are defined outside a class. 3. 4. 5. [Classes and Objects] Write a program to demonstrate the use of static data members. [Classes and Objects] Write a program to demonstrate the use of const data members. [Constructors and Destructors] Write a program to demonstrate the use of zero argument and parameterized constructors. 6. 7. 8. 9. [Constructors and Destructors] Write a program to demonstrate the use of dynamic constructor. [Constructors and Destructors] Write a program to demonstrate the use of explicit constructor. [Initializer Lists] Write a program to demonstrate the use of initializer list. [Operator Overloading] Write a program to demonstrate the overloading of increment and decrement operators. 10. [Operator Overloading] Write a program to demonstrate the overloading of binary arithmetic operators. 11. [Operator Overloading] Write a program to demonstrate the overloading of memory management operators. 12. [Typecasting] Write a program to demonstrate the typecasting of basic type to class type. 13. [Typecasting] Write a program to demonstrate the typecasting of class type to basic type. 14. [Typecasting] Write a program to demonstrate the typecasting of class type to class type. 15. [Inheritance] Write a program to demonstrate the multilevel inheritance. 16. [Inheritance] Write a program to demonstrate the multiple inheritance. 17. [Inheritance] Write a program to demonstrate the virtual derivation of a class. 18. [Polymorphism] Write a program to demonstrate the runtime polymorphism. 19. [Exception Handling] Write a program to demonstrate the exception handling. 20. [Templates and Generic Programming] Write a program to demonstrate the use of function template. 21. [Templates and Generic Programming] Write a program to demonstrate the use of class template.


22. [File Handling] Write a program to copy the contents of a file to another file byte by byte. The name of the source file and destination file should be taken as command-line arguments, 23. [File Handling] Write a program to demonstrate the reading and writing of mixed type of data.


Fourth Semester


BTEE 402 Linear Control Systems

Unit I Introductory Concepts: Plant, Systems, Servomechanism, regulating systems, disturbances, Open loop control system, closed loop control systems, linear and non-linear systems, time variant and invariant, continuous and sampled-data control systems, Block diagrams, some illustrative examples. Unit II Modeling: Formulation of equation of linear electrical, mechanical, thermal, pneumatic and hydraulic system, electrical, mechanical analogies. Transfer function, Block diagram representation, signal flow graphs and associated algebra, characteristics equation. Unit III Time Domain Analysis: Typical test input signals, Transient response of the first and second order systems. Time domain specifications, Dominant closed loop poles of higher order systems. Steady state error and coefficients, pole-zero location and stability, Routh-Hurwitz Criterion. Unit IV Root Locus Technique: The extreme points of the root loci for positive gain. Asymptotes to the loci, Breakaway points, intersection with imaginary axis, location of roots with given gain and sketch of the root locus plot. Unit V Frequency Domain Analysis: Closed loop frequency response, Bode plots, stability and loop transfer function. Frequency response specifications, Relative stability, Relation between time and frequency response for second order systems. Log. Magnitude versus Phase angle plot, Nyquist criterion for stability. Unit VI Compensation: Necessity of compensation, series and parallel compensation, compensating networks, applications of lag and lead-compensation. Unit VII Control Components: Error detectors potentiometers and synchros, servo motors, a.c. and d.c. techno generators, Magnetic amplifiers. Suggested Readings / Books
Dorf Richard C. and Bishop Robert H., Modern Control System, Addison Wesley, Pearson New Delhi Ogata K., Modern Control Engineering, Prentice Hall, Kuo B. C., Automatic Control System, Prentice Hall Nagrath I.J. and Gopal M., Control System Engineering, Wiley Eastern Ltd. Singh / Janardhanan, Modern Control Engineering, Cengage Learning Kilian, Modern Control Technology: Components and Systems, Cengage Learning _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

BTEC 401 Analog Communication Systems

Unit I Base Band Signals and Systems: Introduction, Elements of communication system, Noise & its types; Noise Figure & noise factor, Noise equivalent temperature. Modulation & Demodulation, Mixing; Linear & Nonlinear, need of modulation, types of modulation systems, basic transmission signals, Frequency multiplexing technique. Unit II Analog Modulation Techniques: Introduction, theory of amplitude modulation; AM power calculations, AM current calculations, AM modulation with a complex wave, theory of frequency modulation; mathematical analysis of FM, spectra of FM signals, narrow band of FM, Wide band FM, Theory of phase


modulation, phase modulation obtained from frequency modulation, comparison of AM & FM, Comparison of PM & FM. Unit III AM Transmission: Introduction, generation of Amplitude Modulation, Low level and high level modulation, basic principle of AM generation; square law modulation, Amplitude modulation in amplifier circuits, suppressed carrier AM generation (Balanced Modulator) ring Modulator, Product Modulator/balanced Modulator. Unit IV AM Reception: Receiver Parameters; Selectivity, Sensitivity, Fidelity, Tuned Ratio Frequency (TRF) Receiver, Super heterodyne Receiver; Basic elements of AM super heterodyne Receiver; RF Amplifier, Neutralization of RF Amplifiers, Class of operation of RF Amplifiers, High power RF Amplifiers, Image Frequency Rejection, Cascade RF Amplifier, methods of increasing Bandwidth, frequency Conversion and Mixers; Additive Mixing, Bipolar Transistor Additive Mixer, self exicted Additive Mixers, multiplicative mixing, Multiplicative Mixer using dual gate MOSFET, Tracking & Alignment, IF Amplifier, AM detector; square law detector, Envelope or Diode detector, AM detector with AGC, Distortion in diode detectors, AM detector Circuit using Transistor, Double hetro-dyne receiver, AM receiver using a phase locked loop (PLL), AM receiver characteristics. Unit V FM Transmission: FM allocation standards, generation of FM by direct method, varactor diode Modulator, Cross by Direct FM Transmitter, Phase-Locked-Loop Direct FM Transmitter, Indirect generation of FM; Armstrong method, RC phase shift method, Frequency stabilised reactance FM transmitter. Unit VI FM Reception: Frequency demodulators, Tuned circuit frequency discriminators; Slope Detector, Balance Slope Detector, Foster Seeley discriminator, Ratio Detector, FM detection using PLL, Zero crossing detector as a Frequency Demodulator, quadrature FM demodulator, pre emphasis and de emphasis, limiter circuits, FM Capture effect, FM receiver, FM stereo transmission and reception, Two way FM Radio Transmitter and Receiver. Unit VII SSB Transmission: Introduction, Single Side band systems, AM-SSB; Full carrier, Suppressed carrier , reduced carrier, Independent side band, and Vestigial side band, Comparison of SSB Transmission to conventional AM, Generation of SSB; Filter method, Phase Shift Method, Third Method. Unit VIII SSB Reception: SSB Product Demodulator, Balanced Modulator as SSB Demodulator, Single Side band receivers; Single side band BFO Receivers, Coherent Single side band BFO Receivers, Single Side band Envelop detection receiver, Multi Channel Pilot Carrier SSB Receiver. Unit IX Pulse Modulation Transmissions and Reception: Introduction, Sampling Theorem Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM), Natural PAM Frequency Spectra for PAM , Flat-top PAM, Sample and hold circuits, Time division Multiplexing, PAM Modulator Circuit, Demodulation of PAM Signals, Pulse Time Modulation (PTM); Pulse Width Modulation(PWM), Pulse Position Modulation (PPM), PPM Demodulator.


Suggested / Recommended Books: Electronic communication Systems by Kennedy & Davis, Tata Mcgraw Hill. Analog Communication Systems by Manoj Kumar & Manisha, Satya Prakashan, New Delhi, 2 nd Edition. Electronic Communication System, Tomasi, Pearson Education. Electronic Communication, Roddy, Pearson Education. Analog Communication Systems by Symon Hykens, John Wiley & Sons . Principles of Communication System, Taub & Schilling, Tata Mc-Graw Hill.


BTEC402 Signals & Systems

Unit I Classification of Signals and Systems: Continuous time signals (CT signals), discrete time signals (DT signals) - Step, Ramp, Pulse, Impulse, Exponential, Classification of CT and DT signals - periodic & aperiodic, random &deterministic signals, Even& Odd Signals, Energy & Power Signals, Description of continuous time and discrete time systems. Unit II Analysis of Continuous Time Signals: Fourier series analysis, Spectrum of C.T. signals, Fourier Transform and its properties in Signal Analysis, Power Spectral Density and Energy spectral density. Unit III Linear Time Invariant Continuous Time Systems: Linear Time invariant Systems and their properties. Differential equation & Block diagram representation, Impulse response, Convolution integral, Frequency response (Transfer Function), Fourier transforms analysis. Unit IV Analysis of Discrete Time Signals: Sampling of CT signals and aliasing, DTFT and its properties, Ztransform and properties of Z-transform. Unit V Linear Time Invariant - Discrete Time System: Difference equations, Block diagram representation, Impulse response, Convolution sum, LTI systems analysis using DTFT and Z-transforms. Unit VI Random Signal Theory: Introduction to probabilities, Definition, probability of Random events, Joint and conditional probability, probability Mass function statistical averages. Probability density functions and statistical averages. Examples of P.D. function, transformation of random variables random processes, stationary, True averages and Ergodic.
Suggested Readings / Books: Signals and Systems by Allan V.Oppenheim, S.Wilsky and S.H.Nawab, Pearson Education. Fundamentals of Signals and Systems by Edward W Kamen & Bonnies Heck, Pearson Education. Communication Signals & System by Simon Haykins, John Wiley & Sons. Signals and Systems by H P Hsu, Rakesh Ranjan, Schaums Outlines, Tata McGraw Hill. Digital Signal Processing by S Salivahanan, A. Vallavaraj, C. Gnanapriya, McGraw Hill International. Signals and Systems by Simon Haykins and Barry Van Veen, John Wiley & sons, Inc. Signal, System & Transforms, Phillips, Pearson Education. Roberts, Signals & Linear Systems, by Robert A. Gabel and Richard A., John Wiley. Signals & systems, by Rodger E. Ziemer, William H. Tranter, D. Ronald Fannin. Pearson Education. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

BTEC403 Electromagnetics & Antennas

Unit I Electromagnetic Waves: Maxwell's equations in differential and integral forms Wave equation and its solution in different media, polarization. Plane wave propagation in a dielectric medium, Reflection and transmission of an EM waves. Surface impedance, Poynting theorem.


Unit II Waveguides and Transmission Lines: Waves between parallel planes. TE, TM and TEM Waves, velocities of propagation, Attenuation in parallel plane guides, wave impedance. Circuit representation of parallel plane transmission lines. Low loss transmission lines. Distortion less condition. Smith charts. Rectangular and circular wave guides. Wave impedance and characteristics impedances. Transmission line analogy for wave guides. Unit III Antennas: introduction, concept of radiation in single wire, two wire, and dipole, Antenna parameters, Retarded potential, infinitesimal dipole. Current distribution of short dipole and half wave dipole, Far-field, Radiating near-field and reactive near-field region, Monopole and Half wave dipole. Unit IV Antenna Arrays: Array of two point sources, Array factor, Array configurations, Hansen-woodyard end fire array, n-element linear array with uniform amplitude and spacing, n-element linear array with nonuniform spacing, Analysis of Binomial and Dolph-Tschebysceff array, Scanning Array, Super directive array. Unit V Aperture Antennas: Field Equivalence principle, Rectangular and circular aperture antennas, Horn antenna, Babinets Principle, Slot Antenna, Reflector antenna. Unit VI Wave Propagation: Free space equation, Reflection from earths surface, Surface and Space wave propagation, Range of space wave propagation, Effective earths radius, Duct propagation, Troposphere propagation. Structure of ionosphere, propagation of radio waves through ionosphere, Critical frequency, Maximum usable frequency, Optimum working frequency, lowest usable high frequency, virtual height, Skip Distance, Effect of earths magnetic field.
Suggested Readings / Books: Electromagnetics and radiating systems, Jordan E.C., PHI. Antenna Theory, Balanis C.A, John Wiley & sons. Antenna and wave propagation, R.L.Yadava, PHI Problem and solutions in electromagneics, W H Hayt and J A buck, Tata McGraw Hill Antenna Theory, Krauss J.D., McGraw Hill. Shen/Kong/Patnaik, Engineering Electromagnetics, Cengage Learning.


BTEC-404 Electronics Measurements and Instrumentation

Unit I Fundamentals: Generalized instrumentation system Units and Standards, Calibration Methods, Standards of measurements, Classification of errors, error analysis. Static Characteristics- Accuracy, Precision, sensitivity, linearity, resolution, hysteresis, threshold, input impedance, loading effects etc. Dynamic Characteristics. Unit II Electronic Meters: Electronic Analog voltmeter: DC voltmeters-Choppers type-DC amplifier, solid state voltmeter, Differential voltmeter, peak responding voltmeter, True RMS voltmeter, calibration of DC voltmeters. Digital Voltmeter:- Introduction, Ramp Techniques, dual slope, integrating type DVM, Successive approximation type DVM, Resolution and sensitivity of digital meters, general specification of a DVM. CROs


study of various stages in brief, measurement of voltage, current phase and frequency, special purpose oscilloscope. Unit III Measuring Instruments: Principle of operation of galvanometer, PMMC, Moving Iron instruments, Resistance measurements using Wheatstone bridge, Kelvin Double Bridge, Ohm meter, AC bridges: Maxwell bridge, Maxwell wein bridge, Heys Bridge, Schering Bridge, Anderson Bridge, Campbell Bridge. Unit IV Instrumentation for Generation and Analysis of Waveforms: Signal generators: Fixed and variable AF oscillators, AF sine and square wave generator, Function generator: Square and pulse generator, Sweep generator, wave analyzer, harmonic distortion analyzer, spectrum analyzer, spectrum analysis. Unit V Storage and Display Devices: Necessity of recorders, recording requirements, graphic recorders, strip chart recorders, magnetic tape recorders, digital tape recorders. Electronic indicating instruments, seven segment display, fourteen segmental display Nixie tube. Unit VI Transducers and DATA Acquisition Systems: Strain gauge, LVDT, thermocouple, piezoelectric, crystal and photoelectric transducers and their applications. Data acquisition systems. Unit VII Telemetry: Introduction, method of data transmission, types of telemetry systems and applications.
Suggested Readings / Books: Electrical and Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation, by K. SAWHNEY. Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques, by D Cooper. Electronic Instrumentation, by H.S. Kalsi, Tata McGraw Hill Applied Electronics Instrumentation and measurement, David Buchla, Wayne Melachlan: Electronics Measurement and Instrumentation,Oliver by B.H and Cag J.M. McGrawHill. Element of Electronic Instrumentation & Measurment, by Carr, Pearson Education. Electronic Measurments & Instrumentation, by Kishore, Pearson Education. Process Control Systems and Instrumentation, Bartelt, Cengage Learning _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

BTEC405 Pulse Wave Shaping and Switching

Unit I Introduction to Basic Elements and Waveforms: Passive and Active circuit elements, AC through inductor and capacitor, AC through Resistor-inductor and resistor-capacitor in series, Series and parallel resonance circuit, Different input signals, Average and RMS value. Unit II Bistable Multivibrators: Role of feedback in electronic circuits, Fixed bias and self-bias bistable multivibrator, Speed-up Capacitors, unsymmetrical and symmetrical triggering, Application of Trigger input at the base of OFF Transistor, Application of Trigger input at the base of ON Transistor, Bisatble multivibrator as T Flip-Flop, Schmitt trigger circuit, Calculation of Upper Tripping Point and Lower Tripping Point. Unit III Monostable and Astable Multivibrators: Collector Couple and Emitter Coupled Monostable multivibrator, Expression for Gate width, Astable Collector coupled and emitter coupled multivibrator, complementary Transistor Astable multivibrator.


Unit IV Switching Characteristics of Devices: Diode and transistor as electronic switch,


mechanism in diode, Effect of temperature on diode, Charge storage phenomena, Switching times in diode and transistor, Delay time, Rise time, Storage time and fall time, Use of Schotkey diode for reducing storage time. Unit V Linear Wave Shaping: Low pass RC Network, Response to standard waveforms circuits, Integrator High Pass RC circuits, Response to standard waveforms, Differentiator, Double differentiation, Attenuator. Unit VI NON- Linear Wave Shaping: Clipping circuits (diode & transistor), Diode comparators, Transistor differential comparator, Operational amplifier comparator, clamping circuits, Practical clamping circuit, clamping circuit theorem.
Suggested Readings / Books: Pulse and Digital Switching Circuits by Milliman, Taub; Tata Mcgraw Hill Pulse and Digital Circuits by Mothiki S. Prakash Rao; Tata Mcgraw Hill Pulse & Digital Circuits, by Rao K, Pearson Education. Switching Theory & Logic Design, by Rao , Pearson Education. Wave Generation and Shaping by Strauss McGraw Hill. Pulse and Switching Circuits by Sanjeev Kumar; Dhanpat Rai & Company


BTEC406 LAB Analog Communication Systems

Generation of DSB & DSB-SC AM signal using balanced modulator & determine modulation Index & detection of DSB using Diode detector. Generation of SSB AM signal & detection of SSB signal using product detector. To generate a FM Signal using Varactor & reactance modulation. Detection of FM Signal using PLL & foster seelay & resonant detector. To Study Super heterodyne AM receiver and measurement of receiver parameters viz. sensitivity, selectivity & fidelity. To study the circuit of PWM & PPM modulator & Demodulator Study of Frequency Division Multiplexing / Demultiplexing with sinusoidal & audio inputs Using DSBSC. Generation & study of Analog TDM at least 4 channels. Sampling Theorem & Reconstruction of Signal from its samples using Natural Sampling, Flat Top Sampling & Sample & Hold Circuits & effect of duty cycle. To draw & study Polar plots & polarization of Helical, Ground plane, Yagiuda & dipole Antenna & calculate Antenna gain, Antenna beam width, Element current & Front-back ratio of antenna. To study Antenna matching using stubline.
To study a transmission line attenuation & frequency characteristics.



Measurement of Inductance by Maxwells Bridge. Measurement of Capacitance by Schering Bridge. Measurement of Frequency by Wein Bridge.

BTEC407 Electronic Measurement & Instrumentation

Measurement of small resistance by Kelvins Bridge.

Measurement of medium resistance by Wheat Stones Bridge. Determination of frequency & phase angle using C.R.O. To find the Q of a coil using LCR-Q meter. To determine output characteristic of a LVDT and determine its sensitivity. Study characteristics of temperature transducer like Thermocouple, Thermistor and RTD with implementation of small project using signal conditioning circuit. Study characteristics of Light transducer like Photovoltaic cell, Phototransistor and Pin Photodiode with implementation of small project using signal conditioning circuit. To study input- output characteristics of a potentiometer and to use two potentiometers as an error detector. To study transmitter- receiver characteristics of a synchro set to use the set as control component. To study the operation of a d-c positional servo system and to investigate the effect of damping and supply voltage on its response. To study the operation of an a.c. position servo-system and to obtain effects of supply voltage and system parameter on its transient response. To study a stepper motor and control its direction speed and number of steps with the help of a microprocessor. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

BTEC408 Lab Signal & Systems Using MATLAB / MENTOR DSP

Generation of continuous and Discrete Unit step signal. Generation of exponential and Ramp Signal in Continuous and Discrete Domain. Continuous and Discrete time Convolution. Adding and subtracting two Given Signals (Continues as well as Discrete Signals) To generate a random binary wave. To Generate a Random Sequences with arbitrary distribution, means and Variances for following: Rayleigh Distribution Uniform distribution Gaussian distribution. To Plot Probability density functions. Find Mean and Variance for the above distribution


To study Power Spectrum Density To study Difference Equation to develop elementary signal function modules (m-files) for unit sample, unit step, exponential and unit ramp sequences. To develop program modules based on operation on sequences like signal shifting, signal folding, signal addition and signal multiplication. To develop program for discrete convolution and correlation . To develop program for finding response of the LTI system described by the difference equation. To develop program for computing inverse Z-transform.



Fifth Semester

BTCS 304 Data Structures

PART-A 1. Dynamic Memory Management: Understanding pointers, usage of pointers, arithmetic on pointers, memory allocation, memory management functions and operators, debugging pointers - dangling pointers, memory leaks, etc. [2]

2. Introduction: Concept of data type, definition and brief description of various data structures, data structures versus data types, operations on data structures, algorithm complexity, Big O notation. [2]

3. Arrays: Linear and multi-dimensional arrays and their representation, operations on arrays, sparse matrices and their storage. [3]

4. Linked List: Linear linked list, operations on linear linked list, doubly linked list, operations on doubly linked list, application of linked lists. [4]

5. Stacks: Sequential and linked representations, operations on stacks, application of stacks such as parenthesis checker, evaluation of postfix expressions, conversion from infix to postfix representation, implementing recursive functions. [4]

6. Queues: Sequential representation of queue, linear queue, circular queue, operations on linear and circular queue, linked representation of a queue and operations on it, deque, priority queue, applications of queues. [4] PART-B 7. Trees: Basic terminology, sequential and linked representations of trees, traversing a binary tree using recursive and non-recursive procedures, inserting a node, deleting a node, brief introduction to threaded binary trees, AVL trees and B-trees. [4]

8. Heaps: Representing a heap in memory, operations on heaps, application of heap in implementing priority queue and heap sort algorithm. [2]

9. Graphs: Basic terminology, representation of graphs (adjacency matrix, adjacency list), traversal of a graph (breadth-first search and depth-first search), and applications of graphs. [3]

10. Hashing & Hash Tables: Comparing direct address tables with hash tables, hash functions, concept of collision and its resolution using open addressing and separate chaining, double hashing, rehashing. [3]

Searching & Sorting: Searching an element using linear search and binary search techniques, Sorting arrays using bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort, quick sort, merge sort, heap sort, shell sort and radix sort, complexities of searching & sorting algorithms. [5]

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Sartaj Sahni, Data Structures, Algorithms and Applications in C++, Tata McGraw Hill. Tenenbaum, Augenstein, & Langsam, Data Structures using C and C++, Prentice Hall of India. R. S. Salaria, Data Structures & Algorithms Using C++, Khanna Book Publishing Co. (P) Ltd. Seymour Lipschutz, Data Structures, Schaum's Outline Series, Tata McGraw Hill Kruse, Data Structures & Program Design, Prentice Hall of India. R. S. Salaria, Test Your Skills in Data Structures

BTEC-501 Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100


UNIT I: - Elements of Digital Communication System:- Block diagram of Digital Communication system, Digital representation of Analog signals, Advantages and Disadvantages of Digital Communication system, Bandwidth S/N trade off, Hartley Shannon Law, Sampling theorem . Concept of amount of Information and entropy, Shannon Fano Source Coding, Huffman source coding and Lampel-Ziv Source coding algorithm. UNIT-II: - Pulse Code Modulation:- Sampling, Sampling Rate, Aliasing, quantization error, Uniform and Non uniform quantization, Dynamic Range, Coding efficiency, A law & law companding, Bandwidth of PCM, Block diagram of PCM system, Delta Modulation, Continuously variable Slope Delta Modulator (CVSDM) or Adaptive Delta Modulation, Differential Pulse Code Modulation, Intersymbol Interference, Eye Patterns, Signal power in binary digital signals. UNIT-III Line Coding & Multiplexing Techniques: Line Coding & its properties. NRZ & RZ types, signaling format for unipolar, Polar, bipolar (AMI) & Manchester coding and their power spectra (No derivation), HDB and B8ZS signaling, Nyquists criterions for pulse shaping, Fundamentals of time division multiplexing, Bit versus word interleaving, Statistical TDM, Codecs & Combo Chips. Basics of TDMA, FDMA and CDMA UNIT-IV Digital Carrier Modulation & Demodulation Techniques: Introduction, Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK), ASK Spectrum, ASK Modulator, Coherent ASK Detector, Noncoherent ASK Detector, Frequency Shift Keying (FSK), FSK Bit Rate and Baud, Bandwidth and Frequency Spectrum of FSK, FSK Transmitter, Non-coherent FSK Detector, Coherent FSK Detector, FSK Detection Using PLL, Binary Phase Shift Keying, Binary PSK Spectrum, BPSK Transmitter, Coherent PSK Detection, Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK), QPSK Demodulator, Offset QPSK, /4 QPSK, Comparison of conventional QPSK, Offset QPSK and /4 QPSK, M-Ary BPSK, Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM); MQAM transmitters and receivers, Band Width efficiency, Carrier Recovery; Squaring Loop & Costas Loop, Differential PSK, DBPSK transmitter and receiver, Constant Envelop Modulation; Minimum Shift Keying (MSK) & Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying (GMSK ), matched filter receivers, bandwidth consideration and probability of error calculations for ASK, PSK, FSK schemes. TEXT BOOK RECOMMENDED 1. Electronic Communication System Fundamentals through Advance Wayne Tomasi 5th 2009 Pearson Education.

2. Communication Systems, Fourth Edition, Simon Haykin, Wiley publication. BOOKS RECOMMENDED 1. Modern Electronic Communication, (6th edition), by Gary M. Miller, published by Prentice-Hall, 1999 2. Introduction to Communication Systems, third edition, by F. G. Stremler, AddisonWesley, 1990. 3. Digital Communication, E.A. Lee and D.G. Messerschmitt, , Kluwer Academic Publishers,1994 4. Digital Communication Receivers, H. Meyr, M. Moeneclaey, S.A. Fechtel, Wiley, 1998 5. Modulation and Coding Techniques in Wireless Communications by EVGENII KROUK, SERGEI SEMENOV, WILEY, 2011.

BTEC-502 Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100


UNIT I Introduction: Limitations of analog signal processing, Advantages of digital signal processing and its applications; Some elementary discrete time sequences and systems; Basic elements of digital signal processing such as convolution, correlation and autocorrelation, Concepts of stability, causality, linearity, difference equations. DFT and its properties; Linear Periodic and Circular convolution; Linear Filtering Methods based on DFT; Fast Fourier Transform algorithm using decimation in time and decimation frequency techniques; Goertzel algorithm. UNIT II The Z Transform: Introduction, Z-Transform, Region of convergence; Inverse Z Transform methods, properties of Z transform. UNIT III Design of Digital Filters: Structures of realization of discrete time system, direct form, Cascade form, parallel form and lattice structure of FIR and IIR systems. Linear Phase FIR filters; Design methods for FIR filters; IIR filter design by Impulse Invariance, Bilinear Transformation, Matched Z-Transformation, Analog and Digital Transformation in the Frequency Domain. Finite Precision Effects: Fixed point and Floating point representations, Effects of coefficient unitization, Effect of round off noise in digital filters, Limit cycles. UNIT IV DSP Processors: Architectures of ADSP and TMS series of processor. RECOMMENDED TEXT BOOK Digital Signal Processing Principles, Algorithms and Application John G Proakis, Dimtris G Manolakis 4th 2009. Books Recommended 1. Discrete-Time Signal Processing Alan V Oppenheim, Ronald W Schafer, John R Back 2nd 2008, Prentice Hall. 2. Digital Signal Processing S. Salivahan, A Vallavaraj, Gnanpiya 1st 2008 Tata McGraw Hill. 3. Digital Signal Processing-A computer based approach S. K. Mitra 1st 2006 Tata McGraw Hill 4. Jervis, Digital Signal Processing, Pearson Education India. 5. Introduction to Digital Signal Processing Johny R.Johnson 1st 2006, Prentice Hall.

BTEC-503 Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100


UNIT I DIFFERENTIAL AND CASCADE AMPLIFIERS: Introduction, Differential Amplifier, Differential Amplifier Circuit Configuration, Dual Input-Balanced output Differential Amplifier, Dual Input-Unbalanced output Differential Amplifier, Single Input-Balanced output Differential Amplifier, Single Input-unbalanced output Differential Amplifier with their DC and AC analysis, Differential Amplifier with swamping resistors, Constant current bias, Current Mirror, Cascaded differential Amplifier Stages, Level Translator, CE-CB configuration. UNIT II INTRODUCTION TO OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS: Block diagram of a typical Op-Amp, Schematic symbol, integrated circuits and their types, IC package types, Pin Identification and temperature range, Interpretation of data sheets, Overview of typical set of data sheets, Characteristics and performance parameters of and Op-Amp, Ideal Op-Amp, Equivalent circuit of an Op-Amp, Ideal voltage transfer curve, Open loop configurations : Differential, Inverting & Non Inverting. Practical Op-Amp: Input offset voltage, Input bias current, Input offset current, total output offset voltage, Thermal drift, Effcet of variation in power supply voltages on offset voltage, Change in Input offset voltage and Input offset current with time, Temperature and supply voltage sensitive parameters, Noise, Common Mode configuration and common mode rejection Ratio. Feedback configurations. UNIT III APLICATIONS OF OP-AMP: DC and AC amplifiers, Peaking Amp, Summing, Scaling and Averaging Amp, Instrumentation Amplifier, V to I and I and to V converter, Log and Antilog Amp, Integrator, Differentiator. Active filters: First order LP Butterworth filter, Second order LP Butterworth filter, First order HP Butterworth filter, Second order HP Butterworth filter, Higher order filters, Band pass filter, Band reject filters, All pass filter, Phase shift oscillator, Wein bridge oscillator, Quadrature oscillator, Square wave generator, Triangular wave generator, Sawtooth wave generator, Voltage controlled oscillator, Basic comparator, Zero crossing detector, Schmitt trigger, window detector, V to F and F to V converters, A to D and D to A converters, Peak Detector, Sample and Hold Circuit. UNIT IV

SPECIALIZED IC APPLICATIONS: IC 555 Timer: Pin configuration, Block diagram, application of IC 555 as Monostable and Astable Multivibrator., Phase Lock Loops: Operating principles & applications of IC 565, Voltage Regulators: Fixed voltage regulators, Adjustable voltage regulators, Switching Regulators. Recommended Text Book: 1. Op Amps & Linear Integrated circuits by Ramakant Gayakwad. Recommended Reference Books 1. Op Amps & Linear Integrated circuits by Coughlin 2. Op Amps & Linear Integrated circuits by RaviRaj Dudeja.

BTEC-504 Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100


Unit I INTRODUCTION TO 8085 MICROPROCESSOR: History and evolution of Microprocessors, 8085 Microprocessor, Memory Interfacing, Memory mapped I/O and peripheral mapped I/O 8085 Microprocessor Programming model. Introduction to 8085 instructions, programming techniques, counters and time delays, stack and subroutines, interrupts. Unit II 8051 MICROCONTROLLER: Comparison of Microprocessor and Microcontroller, micro controller and embedded processors, Architecture and pin configuration of 8051 Unit III 8051 ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE PROGRAMMING: Introduction to 8051 Assembly programming, Data Types and directives, 8051 flag bits and PSW register. Register banks and stack. Jump loop and call instructions, I/O Port programming: Addressing modes and accessing memory using various addressing modes. Arithmetic instructions and programs, Logic instructions and programs, Single bit instructions and programming, Timer/counter programming in the 8051. Unit IV SERIAL COMMUNICATION: 8051 connection to RS 232, 8051 serial communication programming, interfacing of 8051microcontroller: LCD, ADC and DAC, Stepper motor.

Recommended Text Books:1. Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and application with 8085 by Gaonkar 2. The 8051 Microcontroller and embedded Systems by: - Ali Mazidi, Pearson Education 3. The 8051 Microcontroller by K. J. Ayala, Cengage Learning.

BTEC-505 Internal Marks: 30 External Marks: 20 Total Marks: 50 List Of Experiments:


Perform the following exercises using MATLAB 1. To develop elementary signal function modules (m-files) for unit sample, unit step, exponential and unit ramp sequences. 2. Write a program in MATLAB to generate standard sequences. 3. Write a program in MATLAB to compute power density spectrum of a sequence. 4. To develop program modules based on operation on sequences like signal Shifting, signal folding, signal addition and signal multiplication. 5. Write a program in MATLAB to verify linear convolution. 6. Write a program in MATLAB to verify the circular convolution. 7. To develop program for finding magnitude and phase response of LTI system Described by system function H(z). 8. To develop program for finding response of the LTI system described by the difference equation. 9. To develop program for computing inverse Z-transform. 10. To develop program for computing DFT and IDFT. 11. To develop program for conversion of direct form realization to cascade form realization. 12. To develop program for cascade realization of IIR and FIR filters. 13. To develop program for designing FIR filter. 14. To develop program for designing IIR filter. 15. To write a MATLAB program for noise reduction using correlation and autocorrelation methods. 16. To write a MATLAB programs for pole-zero plot, amplitude, phase response and impulse response from the given transfer function of a discrete-time causal system. 17. Write a program in MATLAB to find frequency response of different types of analog filters. 18. Write a program in MATLAB to design FIR filter (LP/HP) through Window technique a. Using rectangular window b. Using triangular window

BTEC-506 Internal Marks: 30 External Marks: 20 Total Marks: 50 List Of Experiments:


To study differential amplifier configurations. To measure the performance parameters of an Op amp. Application of Op amp as Inverting and Non Inverting amplifier. To study frequency response of an Op Amp To use the Op-Amp as summing, scaling & averaging amplifier. To use the Op-Amp as Instrumentation amplifier Design differentiator and Integrator using Op-Amp. Application of Op Amp as Log and Antilog amplifier. Design Low pass, High pass and Band pass 1st order butterworth active filters using Op Amp. 9. Design Phase shift oscillator using Op-Amp. 10. Design Wein Bridge oscillator using Op-Amp. 11. Application of Op Amp as Sawtooth wave generator. 12. Application of Op Amp as Zero Crossing detector and window detector. 13. Application of Op Amp as Schmitt Trigger. 14. Design a series regulators with an error amplifier to provide an output voltage of 5 volt at a load current of 1.5 Amp. Use a 741 Op-Amp and specify the Zener voltage necessary transistor gain and the maximum power dissipation of the transistor. 15. Design a delay circuit using 555. 16. To examine the operation of a PLL and to determine the free running frequency, the capture range and the lock in range of PLL. 17. Verification of hardware results obtained using SPICE.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


Lab-Digital Communication System

Internal Marks: 30 External Marks: 20 Total Marks: 50 LIST OF EXPERIMENTS

LTP 002

1. Study of Time Division Multiplexing system. 2. Study of pulse code modulation and demodulation. 3. Study of delta modulation and demodulation and observe effect of slope overload. 4. Study pulse data coding techniques for various formats. 5. Data decoding techniques for various formats. 6. Study of amplitude shift keying modulator and demodulator. 7. Study of frequency shift keying modulator and demodulator. 8. Study of phase shift keying modulator and demodulator. 9. Error Detection & Correction using Hamming Code 10. Digital link simulation; error introduction & error estimation in a digital link using MATLAB (SIMULINK)/ communication simulation packages.

BTEC-508 Internal Marks: 30 External Marks: 20 Total Marks: 50

Lab Hardware Programme & Interfacing LTP 002

LIST OF EXPERIMENTS Note: Any Eight Experiments each from Part A and Part-B Part-A: List of Experiments using 8085/8086: 1. Study of 8085 and 8086 Microprocessor Kits. 2. Write a program to add two 8-bit number using 8085. 3. Write a program to add two 16-bit number using 8085. 4. Write a program to subtract two 8-bit number using 8085. 5. Write a program to subtract two 16-bit number using 8085. 6. Write a program to multiply two 8 bit numbers by repetitive addition method using 8085. 7. Write a program to sort series using bubble sort algorithm using 8085. 8. Write a program to copy 12 bytes of data from source to destination using 8086. 9. Write a program to find maximum and minimum from series using 8086. 10. Write a program to control the operation of stepper motor using 8085/8086 microprocessors and 8255 PPI. 11. Write a program to control speed of DC motor using 8085/8086 microprocessors and 8255 PPI. Part-B: List of Experiments using 8051: 1. Study of 8051/8031 Micro controller kits. 2. Write a program to add two numbers lying at two memory locations and display the result. 3. Write a program for multiplication of two numbers lying at memory location and display the result. 4. Write a Program to arrange 10 numbers stored in memory location in Ascending and Descending order. 5. Write a program to show the use of INT0 and INT1. 6. Write a program of Flashing LED connected to port 1 of the Micro Controller 7. Write a program to generate a Ramp waveform using DAC with micro controller. 8. Write a program to interface the ADC. 9. Write a program to control a stepper motor in direction, speed and number of steps. 10. Write a program to control the speed of DC motor. 11. Interfacing of high power devices to Micro-controller port-lines, LED, relays and LCD display.

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