Corrections to the math chapters of Beating the CSET! and Methods, Strategies, and Content for Beating AEPA, FTCE, ICTS, MSAT, MTEL, MTTC, NMTA, NYSTCE, OSAT, PLACE, PRAXIS, and TEXES.
Corrections to the math chapters of Beating the CSET! and Methods, Strategies, and Content for Beating AEPA, FTCE, ICTS, MSAT, MTEL, MTTC, NMTA, NYSTCE, OSAT, PLACE, PRAXIS, and TEXES.
Corrections to the math chapters of Beating the CSET! and Methods, Strategies, and Content for Beating AEPA, FTCE, ICTS, MSAT, MTEL, MTTC, NMTA, NYSTCE, OSAT, PLACE, PRAXIS, and TEXES.
Corrections to the math chapters of Beating the CSET! and Methods, Strategies, and Content for Beating AEPA, FTCE, ICTS, MSAT, MTEL, MTTC, NMTA, NYSTCE, OSAT, PLACE, PRAXIS, and TEXES.
‘As you walk through the problem below examine it for the use of the associative prop-
erty of multiplication which allows us to regroup information to make the process easier and
so-how the value of the decienal-ph a a
Note how the decimal place is
‘expressed as a fraction,
be Using the asociatve prope of
inion ou ex ere the ator
in the steps that follow,
Gaels a. TL Use, The conumutocty
PEEL oF Matti heat of fo n
507 X33 = 627 X33) (2 4h) escent hes fra
100 “70,
of fractions
sarxaasc6arx99x( 25) Now ve ply theres ormoliptinton
of whole numbers,
527X335 17399 In this step, we observe the rules for
‘multiplying a whole number and a fraction.
x3. 1 vide as indicat
527x33=7y Lastly we divide as indicated
5.27 X3.3-= 17.396
ee reunye.
‘Scientific notation is a relative newcomer to the mathematical scene. Its thought that physi
cists working to define the electrical standards such as volt and ohm were the first to develop
it as a sort of mathematical shorthand. Scientific notation is a method that allows us to write
extremely large or small numbers easily. Itis based on the concept of place value expressed in
Figure 15.6, The process is rather simple and involves movement of the decimal point right or
left and counting. The methodology as lsid out is important so that you understand each step
in the process so that you can attack multiple-choice or essay questions on the examination
effectively. Copy each step and focus on the reason for the action. This will be helpful if you
are faced with an essay question that explores scientific notation.
In Figure 15.6, note how the number is transformed by counting the nomber of moves it
takes to get a number into the ones place before adding the exponents ta account forthe zeros
youhave removed.
Compacting a Large Number | Reasoning
00000000000 ‘+ Move tho decimal to the fof until you have
‘one digit in font off
‘Thora aro 14 otal moves. | + Count your total number of moves let,
1M tis cace,
10!4 + Use that number as your power of
10 exponent.
2.805 x 1014 *+ Write as a product of the decimal number and
‘power of 10. Eliminate zeros as needed.FIGURE 15.7
‘Now ty to apply the same procedure on the number in the practice problem below.
Gerais ies gn asa 28000000 0,000"
‘You should have arrived at 1.259 x 101°, Ifyou didn’t, let’s examine how the answer was
reached. In every whole number a decimal is atthe end whether itis written or not.
‘We move the decimal to the left until one digit remains in front of it and count as we
‘move and use that as our power for the 10. We moved the decimal until we were left with 1.259
and since we moved a total of 15 places tothe left we have 10'5,
‘We can also expand a number out of scientific notation into standard notation (see
Figure 15.7).
‘To oxpand a number compacted
‘with selentifie notation Reasoning
4.9510" + reverse the compacting process.
“There are 8 total moves. + Tako the power of 10
498. “+ Wete the decimal number
495000000 + Move the decimal tothe righttne same
‘number of places as the power of 10.
495,000,000 + Add commas as needed.
Expand thie number into standard nolaon: 3.926 x 10" eal
‘You should have arrived at 392,500,000,000. Here is how the answer was achieved. The
decimal was taken from where it was and moved 11 places to the right because the power of
10 was II.
‘The next thing to learns how to work with decimals and scientific notation. Review bow
to compact decimals into scientific notation to reflect extremely sina fractions of one.
Reinember that you have to count the number of zeros behind the decimal point and express
the exponent negatively (see Figure 158),
Compact Decimal Numbers | Reasoning
532 ‘+ Move tha decimal tothe rightuntl you have one
natural number In front ofthe decimal. Discard
the z0r08.
‘There were 11 total maves. | + Count the total number cf moves lft you made.
to" “+ Write tas the negative power of en,
5.82 10° + Wiito Its the product ofthe decimat number
anid the negative power of 10.
| Compact tis docimal numbsr ite seisntie notation: oogonde0g000¢46376
You should have arrived at 4.45 x 10-15, Ifnot, let's examine the process, We moved the
decimal to the right until we had one number ia front of the decimal, 4.45, and we counted as
‘we moved to determine the power of ten, We moved 13 places so we write the power as 10°,
‘Now, lets learn the reverse: How to expand a number in scientific notation into a deci-
smal (sec Figure 15.9). Remember to look for negative exponents when deciding the direction
jn which to add the zeros (either behind or in front of the decimal)
ricune res
poses + Wit to compat umbe
There wee ts moves. + Gaunt he nepteporerot 1
oosonn2s3 + Move he decal that many cot tho
tng vrs oo racssoy
As yourow nos, te sanin ont of he exponent ils you cvrthing tht you need
know about where to add your zeros.
ie Bo ac moO bald nln 78 =a
‘You shld have aed at OOC0000000785 It ets exemine hpi as worked
[The power of 10 tes sth ne of places ome he desma to the AOE fom
the negative power that I will be creating a decimal. I take 7.85 and move the decimal righ 12
Places ing eos needed, A
(Over the centuries people have observed some patterns that have evolved into some basie prop-
erties of how rational numbers work. They have been given names—identity, inverse, associs=
tive, commutative, and distributive; and they allow us to manipulate numbers, develop
equality, and give us methods to prove mathematical principles. The properties seem self-
evident mathematically, but in algebra they help us solve equations,
1 entity properties allow us to state positively that a number is what itis.
1 Inverse properties of addition show that any number plus its opposite is equal to 7210,
whereas the inverse property in multiplication allow us to show that any nurnber multi-
plied by its reciprocal is equal o one
1 Associative propertis give usa method of regrouping in addition and mulipicetion and
still have the same result
1 Commutative properties give us the ability to reverse the order of adition and malipli-
cation and sil achieve the same answer,
1 Distributive properties allow us to spread multiplication overa group of numbers that are
added, subtracted, oc mubiplied=
Mathematical models have been standardized to illustrate these properties. A. proper
knowledge ofthe properties of numbers allows us not only to understand the functioning of
rational numbers, bu also to facilitate our understanding of how equations are solved
‘The property of identity allows us to prove that a number is what it claims to be, Remember
that 2 +247 What that means is that 4 is the combination of 2 and 2. These mathematical