The Jacobi Method: Susanne Brenner and Li-Yeng Sung (Modified by Douglas B. Meade) Department of Mathematics

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MATLAB Lab for Math 526

Week 9

The Jacobi Method

Susanne Brenner and Li-Yeng Sung (modied by Douglas B. Meade) Department of Mathematics

This lab, and the next two labs, examine iterative methods for solving a linear system Ax = b. When the matrix A satises some general criteria and the iterations are selected appropriately, these methods can be very ecient - much faster than the O(n3 ) expected from basic Gaussian elimination. New MATLAB commands introduced in this lab are zeros, to create a zero matrix, and the timing commands tic and toc.

Part I
The general iterative method for solving Ax = b is dened in terms of the following iterative formula: Sxnew = b + Txold where A = S T and it is fairly easy to solve systems of the form Sx = b. The Jacobi method exploits the fact that diagonal systems can be solved with one division per unknown, i.e., in O(n) ops. To implement Jacobis method, write A = L + D + U where D is the n n matrix containing the diagonal of A, L is the n n matrix containing the lower triangular part of A, and U is the n n matrix containing the upper triangular part of A. (Note that this is not the LDU factorization of A.) Let S be the diagonal part of A, S = D. Then, T = S A = (L + U). A 5 5 Example Consider Ax = b where A = 6 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 9 1 1 1 1 1 10 10 6 0 8 18 .

and b =

2 1 The exact solution for Ax = b is x = 0 . 1 2 S = diag( diag(A) ) T=S-A x = zeros(size(b)) for k=1:10, x = S \ (b+T*x) end

The following MATLAB commands compute the rst ten (10) Jacobi iterations with initial guess x = 0: % diagonal matrix formed from diag(A) % A=ST % initial guess is x = 0 % perform one Jacobi iteration

It should be apparent that the vectors x are converging to the exact solution of Ax = b.
Version 3 (Fall 2005) Created 19 September 2005

MATLAB Lab for Math 526

Week 9

Iterations Controlled by Preset Tolerance The number of iterations needed before it is possible to conclude that an iterative method has converged depends on the particular system and the selection of the matrices S and T. An estimate of the relative error can be used to detect convergence before the maximum number of iterations have been executed. Use the MATLAB Editor to create jacobi1.m that contains the following commands (the comments are not necessary): % jacobi1.m - MATLAB script le for Lab 09 % MATLAB script that executes iterations of Jacobis method to solve Ax = b. % The matrix A and vector b are assumed to already be assigned values in the % MATLAB session. The iterates are stored in the matrix X. clear X tol = 1.e-8; maxiter = 100; relerr = inf; niter = 1; S = diag( diag(A) ); T = S - A; % remove existing value of X % preset tolerance (108 ) % maximum number of iterations % initialize relative error to large value % initialize iteration counter % diagonal of A % o-diagonal of A

X(:,1) = zeros(size(b)); % initial guess (x = 0) while relerr > tol & niter< maxiter, % iterate until convergence, or maximum iterations X(:,niter+1) = S \ (b+T*X(:,niter)); relerr = norm(X(:,niter+1)-X(:,niter),inf )/norm(X(:,niter+1),inf ); niter = niter+1; % increment iteration counter end fprintf( \n\nAfter %g iterations of Jacobis method the relative error is %g.\n, niter, relerr ) Be sure you save this le as jacobi1.m. Return control to the MATLAB Command Window and type the following: format long g jacobi1 % select format for output % execute script in M-le

This script stores the vectors x for each iteration in the columns of the matrix X. If you wish to see the matrix of all iterations of Jacobis method, enter the following MATLAB command: X Timing MATLAB Commands To determine the elapsed time to execute the jacobi1 script execute the script as follows:1 tic, jacobi1, toc Note that the count of oating-point operations can be obtained similarly: tic, ops(0), jacobi1, ops, toc Clear all variables before you begin to work on Part II.
faster computers the elapsed time for this problem is likely to be reported as 0 seconds. To increase the likelihood a positive elapsed time will be reported, work with a larger problem or a lower tolerance.
1 On

% display matrix of iterations

Version 3 (Fall 2005)

Created 19 September 2005

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