Lama Nachman, Ralph Kling, Robert Adler, Jonathan Huang, Vincent Hummel
Corporate Technology Group Intel Corporation Santa Clara, CA, USA
Abstract--The Intel Mote is a new sensor node platform motivated by several design goals: increased CPU performance, improved radio bandwidth and reliability, and the usage of commercial off-theshelf components in order to maintain cost-effectiveness. This new platform is built around an integrated wireless microcontroller consisting of an ARM*7 core, a Bluetooth radio, SRAM and FLASH memory, as well as various I/O options. The Intel Mote software architecture is based on an ARM port of TinyOS. Networking and routing layers have been created on top of the TinyOS base to provide Bluetooth-based multi-hop functionality. The network is self-organizing on startup and has mechanisms to repair failed links and circumvent failed nodes. A reliable high bandwidth streaming transport layer has also been created. The Intel Mote was deployed in an equipment monitoring application using industrial vibration sensors. This application was chosen since it benefits from the increased platform capabilities and network bandwidth of the Intel Mote platform. The paper presents a detailed analysis of the observed network operation, packet transfer rates, and power consumption. Keywordswireless sensor networks; Intel mote; condition based monitoring; Bluetooth motes and transmit larger data streams efficiently. In addition, local CPU computational capabilities can be used for data compression as well as initial classification and analysis.
Sensor networks have been built for a number of different applications and environments. Traditionally, motes have been based on 8-bit microcontrollers such as the Atmel*-128 and single channel radios in the 300-900 MHz range [1]. These platforms worked well for initial deployments that were focused on environmental monitoring [2]. Typical sensors used by those applications required fairly low bandwidth for measuring temperature, humidity or barometric pressure data. The sensor network hardware was sufficient to handle the requirements of such sensor inputs. Increasingly, sensor networks are being deployed in industrial monitoring solutions. This is a new application area with a number of different requirements. Some of the desired measurements, such as vibration and acceleration, require higher bandwidth and longer sampling periods. This in turn necessitates platforms that can acquire
Bluetooth is a trademark of its proprietor and used by Intel Corporation under license. Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
In order to facilitate sensor network research, the Intel Mote was designed as a modular platform. This allows custom sensor boards, battery boards, interface boards and debug boards to be attached to the system in a flexible manner. As shown in Fig. 1, this flexibility is provided via a set of pass-through connectors on the main board.
state. By stopping the inquiry process for nodes already in the tree connected to the root, this algorithm avoids creating loops in the tree. After the root node connects with another node, all other connections are initiated by unconnected nodes called free nodes. Free nodes continue the process of alternating between inquiry and inquiry scan states. When a free node discovers another node, it determines whether the other node has a path to the root node. If it is not connected the free node disconnects and continues its search. If the other node is connected, the free node joins the other nodes piconet as a slave. This maintains the tree topology for the network in which each master in every piconet is closer to the root than its slaves.
2.4GHz antenna
C. Reliability Protocol
We have defined an end-to-end reliable transport protocol to support reliable transmission of large datagrams in sensor networks. This was needed for the vibration sensing application described below, as each collection required the reliable transmission of a 6KB buffer, which does not fit into even the largest Bluetooth packet. A major requirement of this protocol was reduction of communication overhead, as well as memory requirements in each node. The data is divided into multiple fragments which may be transferred across multiple hops, may arrive out of order, or may be dropped by intermediate nodes. To be able to support different link types, the fragment size is negotiated in the connection setup process. This protocol relies on the receiver to periodically send a list of missing fragments and controls a fixed size sliding window. Since the receiver is aware of the total datagram size, it is able to verify the receipt of the complete datagram. The sender will not retransmit any fragments until it receives a NACK packet. It will only retransmit the fragments that the receiver has requested. The protocol has three phases, a connection setup, a data transfer and a final acknowledgement phase.
A. Network Formation
We have implemented a scatternet formation algorithm which creates a network with a tree topology using a pre-determined node at the root of the tree. This is a simplified version of the algorithm described in [8]. At initialization each node randomly enters either an inquiry scan or inquiry state. Each node then alternates between these two states until it discovers another node or another node attempts to form a connection with it. When a connection is made, the two nodes exchange information including a flag which indicates whether each node has a route back to the root node. If neither node has a path back to the root, the connection is broken and both nodes resume searching. Any node connected directly to the root node will learn that it has a path back to the root node during the initial handshake. For every new connection, the node initially connected to the root node becomes the master in the local piconet and the originally free node becomes the slave. After a node has joined the tree, it stops performing the inquiry operation and remains in an inquiry scan
It is connected to a line powered local Stargate gateway node [9] via a serial link. All gateways are connected to a root gateway via an 802.11b network. Finally, the root is connected to a central server that runs data analysis software. This test deployment was designed as proof of concept for sensor networks in real industrial applications and environments. In addition to the Intel Mote clusters, we also had MICA2 based clusters deployed in the same building. This enabled us to compare the features of the two platforms with respect to this industrial monitoring application.
A. Experiment description
We deployed 3 Intel Mote and 3 MICA2 clusters. Each cluster covered a set of equipment in separate sections of the building. The cluster sizes (up to 10 motes per cluster) were dictated by the location of the equipment. Each mote had about 5 sensors attached. All motes were instrumented to log many vital networking stats (data transfer delay, network formation overhead, packet retransmissions, etc). The experiment lasted for 7 days and generated significant statistics. The motes were configured to only sleep for one hour between collections in order to heavily exercise the network. All vibration data was successfully transferred via the gateways to the backend server and imported into Rockwell Enshare software for further analysis. We have designed a custom sensor board to interface the Intel Mote to Wilcoxon 786A vibration sensors. Much like the manual method that this replaces, multiple sensors are connected to a single sensor network node. The Intel Motes large amount of available memory and high speed DMA-based UART enabled us to keep the design simple and inexpensive. Each collection consisted of 3000 vibration samples, of 16 bits. We were able to fit a complete 6KB buffer in the internal SRAM of the Imote. The A/D sampling rate was 19.2KHz at 16 bits. The Intel Motes UART was used to transfer the data from the sensor board at 460Kb/s. In the case of the MICA2 sensor board, an external RAM buffer and a second processor had to be added to the sensor board due to the limited capability of that platform.
very similar to the internal one, despite having to go through walls as well as longer hop distances. In addition, the performance of the Imote clusters seemed much more consistent across the different collection cycles compared to the Mica2 clusters. Fig. 4 shows the cumulative distribution function of the data transfer time for a Mica2 and an Imote cluster over the total number of collection cycles. It can be seen that the variance in the Imote performance is much less than the Mica2.
Cumulative Probability
Collection Cycle
Figure 2.
Network formation
Figure 4.
To investigate the effect of physical distance on transmission reliability, we performed a separate experiment: two nodes were connected directly and the slave transmitted a 3KB buffer to the master using the reliability protocol. The distance between the two nodes was increased in steps of 3 meters. At each location, 8 transmissions of the 3KB buffer were performed. Fig. 5 shows the min, max and average transmission times as a function of distance. The average transmission time for distances smaller than 30m is about 1.2 seconds. Since the sender is configured to send 100 byte packets every 40ms, 1.2s is the minimum achievable transmission time. As the distance is increased beyond 30m, we start seeing longer transmission times, as expected. However, even at 60m, we still get reliable transmissions (at the expense of higher power consumption). The above experiments were performed indoors, in a cubicle environment with people moving around and in the presence of 802.11b networks. In all of these experiments we hardly see any transport layer NACK packets sent, however, the transmission times vary quite a bit. This is a result of the Bluetooth MAC layer retries. As the link quality decreases, more packets fail the CRC check and dont get acknowledged. The link controller on the transmitter side will retry these packets multiple times.
D. Radio Performance
Two of the Intel Mote clusters had their cluster heads inside the building whereas the sensor motes were connected to equipment outside the building. The performance of these external clusters was
Tra nsm iss ion Tim e (seconds)
low power mode. The average low power mode current can be reduced from 3mA to at least 1.5mA by stopping all of these timers before we enter the sleep cycle. This will increase the average lifetime to more than 6 months in the daily collection case. Another way to reduce the current consumption is to tear down the network completely in-between collections and re-establish the network at the beginning of each collection cycle. The sleep current can be reduced to <700uA in this case. However, this means that we will now encounter the network formation overhead in every collection. We chose to go with the current design to allow for ondemand data collection and reduce the network response time to less than one minute. However, if this feature is not needed and we assume that we can only access the network through the preprogrammed collection cycles, we can increase the battery lifetime substantially. Fig. 6 compares the average current consumption and the battery lifetime (shown in months) of both approaches for varying sleep duration. Note that network formation overhead has been added for the disconnected network case. It can be seen that even for the one hour sleep duration, the disconnected network approach consumes less power. The current consumption can be reduced even further if we use an external real time clock solution and completely shut off the processor during the sleep cycle, which can bring the sleep current down to the 10uA range. In this case and with a daily collection cycle we would get about 4.5 years of battery life.
15 10 5 0
Distance (meters)
E. Current Consumption
We have measured the current consumed in the different phases of operation. The following table shows the amount of current consumed and time spent in each mode. Note that we assumed the Imote radio is always on during an active cycle, this is a conservative estimate (Imote with radio off consumes about 9 mA). The table sets the sleep cycle to 1 hour to match the deployment. As the collection frequency is decreased, the sleep current dominates the current consumption. The battery solution that was used in this deployment (4 C-cells) has a capacity of ~9100mAh at 6V nominal. For this configuration, the resulting network lifetime is roughly 2 months. Since this deployment was a retrofit, supplying power hookups to the motes was deemed too expensive by the facilities team which might not be the case in new installations.
TABLE 1. Current consumption
6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Lifetime (months)
C urrent (mA )
Sleep mode Imote + radio Imote+Sensor Imote+Sensor+A/D
Total cycle
Isupply [mA]
3.0 20.7 54.6 58.8
tcycle [s]
3600.0 591.0 75.5 1.5
There are multiple lessons to take away from this experiment: First, the current consumed by the sensor and board exceeds that of the mote even in full power. Second, the current consumed to perform a collection cycle was less than one tenth that of the MICA2 clusters, due to the faster transfer times. This is where Bluetooth shows to be a much better fit for higher data rate applications. As the collection frequency decreases, the sleep current dominates the current consumption. We had a higher average sleep current due to keeping the network connected at all times, in addition to a few software problems that need to be addressed. We discuss these possible optimizations below. Currently the processor wakes up frequently to service some high resolution timers (reliable transport layer) that are not needed in the
1 ho ur
Sleep Duration
Figure 6. Current consumption & Lifetime
12 u ho
24 u ho rs
1 m on th k
e we
successfully deployed in real sensor network applications. In order to take advantage of the Intel Mote platforms capabilities and its Bluetooth radio, an application should benefit from the increased computational resources and radio bandwidth. The equipment monitoring application that we are currently piloting is a good example thereof. We have also shown that it is possible to use the Bluetooth scatternet mode to create multi-hop sensor networks. These networks can be self-organizing and self-healing in a similar way to traditional sensor networks. The nominally higher power consumption of Bluetooth radios can be amortized over the higher network bandwidth and higher link reliability. As has been shown previously, the per-bit power consumption of Bluetooth radios can nominally be lower than for single frequency solutions. In addition, the overhead of forming network connections as required by the protocol can be negligible in semi static network configurations. The high tolerance of channel variations achieved by the frequency hopping schema enables stable links without the necessity for frequent reconnections. The tight clock synchronization at the MAC level allows piconets to operate very efficiently as the transmitter and receiver can be precisely turned on for their respective communication slots. We are working on a number of optimizations in the network formation and maintenance algorithms that are expected to reduce connection overhead at least two-fold. In addition, we also expect to speed up the reliable data transmission protocol by a factor of 2-4, thereby further increasing network throughput and reducing transmission times. In addition, new platform software and hardware currently under development will reduce leakage and extend battery life by an expected factor of 2-3.
Sensors, Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems 2000, pages 93-104. [7] A Transmission Control Scheme for Media Access in Sensor Networks, Alec Woo, David Culler, Mobicom 2001. [8] An Efficient Scatternet Formation Algorithm for Dynamic Environments, Godfrey Tan, Allen Miu, John Guttag, and Hari Balakrishnan, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science Cambridge, MA 02139. [9] Crossbow, Inc., Stargate gateway, http://www.xbow.com/ Products/productsdetails.aspx?sid=8.
We would like to thank the Intel Research Berkley team, in particular Wei Hong and Phil Buonadonna for their help in porting the Intel Mote Software to TinyOS 1.1. In addition, we would like to thank the folks at Intel Research in Oregon, namely Jasmeet Chhabra, Mark Yarvis, Lakshman Krishnamurthy and Nandakishore Kushalnagar for their cooperation on the reliable data transfer protocol and the mote deployment. Major thanks to Mick Flanigan and his team from Intel facilities for helping us with the deployment. Finally, we would like to thank Zeevo, Inc. for their technical support of this research project.
[1] Crossbow, Inc., MICA2 mote, http://www.xbow.com/ Products/productsdetails.aspx?sid=72. [2] A. Mainwaring, J. Polastre, R. Szewczyk, D. Culler, and J. Anderson, Wireless Sensor Networks for Habitat Monitoring, ACM International Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks and Applications 2002. [3] Intel Mote, Intel Corporation Research, http://www.intel.com/research/exploratory/motes.htm. [4] TC2001P Product Brief, Zeevo, Inc., http://www. zeevo.com/pdf_files/TC2001P_HCI_prodbrief_v1.2.pdf. [5] Bluetooth Core Specification v1.1, Bluetooth Special Interest Group, http://www.bluetooth.org/spec. [6] J. Hill, R. Szewczyk, A. Woo, S. Hollar, D. Culler, and K. Pister, System Architecture Directions for Networked