Oumh2203 Notes

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NETWORKING AT THE WORKPLACE Starting a Conversation Making Small Talk Getting Down to Business 1.0 INTRODUCTION Interact more effectively at the workplace Adapt the way you speak (language use) tips on how to introduce yourself help you network effectively within and outside your organisation. 1.1 Starting a Conversation need to look and sound friendly, confident, sincere and helpful. creating favourable first impressions 1.1.1 How to introduce yourself at the workplace Examples: Hello, my name is ... Im with IT services. Good morning, may I introduce myself? My name is ... and Im from the marketing department. Hello, I dont think weve met before. Im ... and Im responsible for new product development. Hi there, my names Timothy 1.1.2 Introducing others at your workplace Hi everyone, meet ... She is my personal assistant. Can I introduce you to ...? Hes our new project manager. Id like to introduce you to ..., our new web designer. 1.3 GETTING DOWN TO BUSINESS 1.3.1 Taking about your job describe your job or answer questions about the company or organisation use the right words project a positive professional image Which company are you with? Im with XYZ. What do you do at XYZ Company? I am in charge of marketing. Im responsible for sales. I recruit and train employees.

What business are you in? I am in the computer business. I am in the hospitality industry. What do you do for a living? Im a doctor. Im in sales. Im a consultant with ABC Sdn Bhd. Im with the Public Services Department. Im the assistant director in charge of Social Welfare. 1.3.2 Describing your company What it offer (product or service) Business structure ( sole, partnership or co.) Logo ( branding image )

BASIC TELEPHONE SKILLS Getting Ready Receiving Calls Taking and Leaving Messages Difficult Calls 2.1 Getting ready Pre plan your call Suit your work schedule Clear your objective for calling Anticipate questions Ready pen, paper or files Check recent correspondence for updating Ready with a desk calendar Make appointment before calling 2.2 Receiving calls Rules to follow when making formal business call: Brief Clear Polite 2.2.1 Telephone Etiquette (page 23) 2.2.2 Im Calling Because. Indentify the problem Verify product/company Determine warranty Ascertain the usage of the product Find steps to rectify the problem 2.2.3 Common Telephone Words Introducing yourself Finding whos on the telephone Asking for someone Connecting someone Saying that someone is not available Asking for what was said

Ending a call 2.3 TAKING AND LEAVING MESSAGES Five simple steps Mention your name State time and reason for call Make a request Leave your number End the call Eg a) Offering to take a message b) Leaving a message c) Promising action 2.4 difficult calls 2.3.2 Tips for Effective Message Taking Use a pad Record the date and time Spell names accurately Quickly ascertain what the caller wants Offer assistance Follow up appropriate action

DISCUSSIONS AND MEETINGS Form and functions Language expressions 3.1 Meetings Enable people to : Exchange information Discuss ideas Make decisions By using: Language expressions In various stages of the meeting 3.2 Expressing opinion Various ways Forceful way Neutral way Tentative way ( hesitation, reservation ) 3.3 expressing agreement / disagreement Positive or negative Strength or degree e.g. I absolutely agree ( strong ) I agree ( neutral ) There seems to be a small problem ( reservation ) 3.4 making / asking for suggestions Strong We must .. Neutral

I think we should .. Tentative It might be good

MAKING PRESENTATIONS Planning Presentation Proper 4.1 PRESENATION POINTERS How you project yourself Consider the context Adopt an approach to suite audience Ask yourself questions 4.2 PLANNING 4.2.1.Structuring Mind mapping Outlining Use organisational pattern 4.2.2 Structuring the Presentation Audience awareness Effective opening lines Appropriate Visual aids Non-verbal communication 4.3 PRESENTATION PROPER Tips Clear objectives Structure the content Strong opening statement Use examples to illustrate your points Choose appropriate visual aids Show enthusiasm Adapt the audience needs and expectations Listen carefully to questions Be polite NON BUSINESS WRITING 1 Language of Business Writing Format of Business Letters Grammar: Singular and Plural Forms Layout Punctuation Styles 5.1 THE LANGUAGE OF BUSINESS WRITING Express yourself effectively ( no misinterpretation) Direct style is encouraged Reader-friendly to get message across easily and quickly Select right words, courteous tone, appropriate length and proper paragraphing 5.1.1 Choice of words Concise, precise and to the point Avoid clichs

Non sexist 5.1.2 Sentence Structure Readability Punctuation ( pause where necessary add clarity ) Various lengths ( improve flow of ideas) 5.1.3 Paragraph Structure Coherence and cohesion Suit the purpose of your communication To inform To instruct To persuade 5.1.4 Tone Choice of words and order of information Courteous vs aggressive and patronising Send your payment now! ( use please more polite) Logical development ( use connectors- however, therefore, nevertheless, etc ) 5.1.5 Word order Sentence should complete Subject (S) and verb (V) ( one clause ) + object (O) I eat ( S + V), I eat rice ( S + V + O ) Change the word order can change its meaning 5.2 FORMAT OF Business letters Work related issues, formal and essential layout Parts of the letter Letterhead Date Inside address Attention line Greeting Subject line Body Complementary close Signature block 5.3 GRAMMAR: Singular and plural forms Subject Verb agreement Subject - noun or noun phrase Countable and uncountable nouns 5.3.1 Countable Nouns 5.3.2 Uncountable nouns 5.3.3 Plural Nouns ( refer page 87 to90 ) 5.4 layout Full block layout Modified block layout Modified block layout with indented paragraphs (refer page 92 to 95) o Open style o Mixed style

BUSINESS WRITING 2 Writing Business letters Types of Business Letters Writing Resumes 6.1 writing business letters Careful planning Portray professional image With objectives in minds Express clearly Meet the recipient needs. 6.2 types of business letters Categories good news (giving and asking infomation) (e.g inquiry, request, acknowledgment, inform services, special offer, grant loan, etc) neutral bad news 6.2.1 Good News and Neutral Letters Identify the purpose in the subject line Place the good news in the opening paragraph State details that support the good news in the middle paragraphs Close with goodwill statement Examples, letter of inquiry, placing order, reply to enquiry, promoting new product/offer, job application, 6.2.2 Bad News Letters Unwelcome news Bad news but yet wishes to retain goodwill Examples, refuse credit letter, refuse a request, decline invitation, unsuccessful job notification, inability to fulfil order Order of information ( tactful) Open with courteous opening Explain the situation State the bad news Close with positive paragraph 6.3 Writing resumes Personal information Education Training and skills Experience Achievement

TABLES, CHART AND GRAPHS Introduction Develop skills to comprehend numerical data Develop ability to interpret Sharpen vocabulary and grammatical skills

CHAPTER 7.1 Types of Graphic aids Tables Bar graphs Pictographs Line graphs Pie charts 7.2 Tables 1. Interpret data 2. Describing changes in data - trend ( up, down, no change ) - adverbs ( ending ly ) 7.3.Line graphs Plot changes in quantity and highlight movement or trends - Use adverbs 7.3.2 Plotting Line Graphs 1. Read and understand the text 2. Identify the movement / trend 3. Notify the use of adverb 4. Draw line on the graph 7.4 Gannt Chart Scheduling and tracking key events on a project Shows steps and relationship over time in a project MEMOS, E-MAILS AND FAXES 8.1 Memo Circulated within a company Less formal but official Use to convey information, explain new procedures, announce changes, make request, confirm results, offer advice,etc Use certain format, style, and organisation 8.1.1 Advantages of a Memo Same message to many people at the same time Takes little time to construct Allow for detailed or difficult information logically Uses company letterhead for internal and part of company procedure 8.1.2 Parts of a Memo Heading ( To, From, Date, Subject) Body ( Short paragraphs, blocked to left margin) Reference initial ( optional ) Attachment notation Distribution list ( refer page 144 ) 8.4 Types of Memo Directive memo Response memo Trip memo Field memo Transmittal memo

Announcement memo Instruction memo Authorisation memo 8.3 Grammar ( Subject-verb Agreement ) Either-Or with singular verb Neither-Nor with plural verb Every, each, one, everyone, anyone, some one, anybody, somebody nobody uses singular verb ( is, was, has, does, takes, walks) TOPIC 8.4 E-mails 8.4.1 Netiquette 8.4.2 Net addresses 8.4.3 Addressing e-mails 8.4.4 Layout 8.4.5 E-mail abbreviations 8.5 Faxes 8.5.1 Sending faxes 8.5.2 Layout of faxes 8.5.3 Receiving faxes COVER LETTERS AND RESUME 9.1 Cover letter 9.1.1 Guidelines for writing Cover Letter First paragraph Middle paragraph (s) use key phrases Closing paragraph 9.2 Resume Basic resume Functional resume Specific resume BUSINESS REPORT 10.1 Planning and writing Reports 10.2 Layout of short reports Title page An introduction Body (Section with headings) Conclusion Reccommendations Attachments ( if any ) 10.3 Types of short reports Justification report Progress report Periodic report 10.4 Prepositions ( relate noun or pronoun to another word ) e.g Report about the manager Report by the manager Report for the manager

10.5 Writing Long Reports 10.5.1 Sequencing a long report 10.5.2 Presentation 10.5.3 Parts of a long report 10.5.4 writing introductions 10.5.5 writing conclusions 10.6 Adjectives ( describe a noun or pronoun) 10.7 Adjective Information 10.7.1 Single word adjectives 10.7.2 Two words adjectives 10.8 Adverbs and adverbials

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