Kings Photographyi f13s14
Kings Photographyi f13s14
Kings Photographyi f13s14
Steffany King
E-mail: School e-mail: (this is your best bet for communication!) Home e-mail: Phone: 552-5534 (my answering machine I am in the room from 8:30 11:00 am / 12:45 2:40 pm) Web Site: Additional help or work time: The photo lab is open from 7:15 am until 2:40 pm each day, except for 1 st. Classes are in the lab every hour 2-4 and 6. Check in if you would like to come in 5 th or 7th or after school. Students are welcome to work at any time assuming there is equipment and space available and they are not disturbing the class in session. Contact me to set up a time for additional individual help I can be available most days after school until 3:20. If I am not available, it is often possible to set up a student with a peer helper or lab assistant who can provide assistance. What will we learn / cover? During the semester, you will learn the basics of black and white photography. We will start by building and photographing with pinhole cameras, and then we will move into working with a digital camera. You will learn how to make strong photographs, develop and print from negatives, and finish with matting and presenting your work. We will also cover basics of design and how they affect photography, as well as learn about other photographers and history through research. More importantly, you will learn how to self-evaluate your work and figure out how you function on a semi-independent basis in a lab situation. Attendance Expectations: You are expected to be in class each day. As a lab based class, your attendance is important in getting work completed. School attendance policy will be followed please see your student handbook. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to follow up with me on what you have missed and to make up work as quickly as possible. The calendar on the bulletin board is a good place to start, it will tell you in a couple words what we did. If you get behind in this class, you will have problems catching up later be on top of things! After an absence you will be given 5 days to complete work for full credit. Any late work will result in a 10% grade reduction. In the end it is always worth handing in something rather than nothing. Any points versus no points will always help your grade. Be careful with taking too much time to get back on track it can result in additional late assignments. Tardy Expectations: You are expected to be in the classroom when the bell rings. Attendance will be taken as soon as possible to allow as much work time as can be allowed. If you are tardy please sign in on the sheet on the board with your name, date and time. Be sure to mark if you have a pass in your handbook or if you placed on in the box on the counter. CHECK IN with me! If we are working in the lab, I may not notice that you have come in. This process assures that you will be cleared if there are problems later no proof no clearance. School tardy policy will be followed please see your student handbook. Grading expectations: During the semester you will complete the following blocks of work, which apply approximately the following percentage to your grade... Pinhole Photography Unit/Assignment 40% Scavenger Hunt Elements Seek and Find 15% Digital Work 25% Written assignment report and web report 5% Final test and project 5% In addition, there will be class participation projects and activities 10% (** Percentage of grade is estimated based on last semesters classes this may vary each semester depending on the group of students and time schedule.) A minimum of 60% of the total points available during a quarter or semester must be met to achieve a passing grade. Grades will be figured on a 90-80-70-60 percentage scale with top 3% for a plus and bottom 3% for a minus within each grade level. Everything counts towards your grade!!! Extra credit will be given on a minimal basis. The expectation is that you do your work well and on time the first time. Your grade will be affected by the quality of your work both in knowledge and production. Having work in on time makes the biggest difference in your success in the class! Not handing in assignments will have a negative impact on your grade. Due Dates:
Due dates for assignments will be given as the assignment is presented. They will be listed on the board in the classroom for reference both in a list and in a calendar. Keep track of what you are to be working on and when things are due. Because we multi-task there are often multiple assignments due in a week, stay on top of your work for a higher level of success. Extra credit (5%) will be given on work that is handed prior to the due date but only if it is complete and meeting the criteria on major assignments during the semester. This includes most of the pinhole and digital work. Additional extra credit is not available, get it while you can! Full Credit will be given based on evaluation of work that is handed in on the due date. Late Work (- 20%) Projects will be evaluated and then 20% will be taken off the total grade for all work handed in after the due date. Late work will be accepted for 5 days after the due date. A late mark and zero will be put in the gradebook as due dates pass and will be replaced as work is handed in. Meaning if there is a zero in the gradebook I do not have the work in my possession. Equipment Expectations: For the first unit in Pinhole Photography, each student will be expected to bring a box that can be made into a camera. The second unit in camera parts and information requires no outside equipment. The second part of the class, students will be expected to photograph using a digital camera. The best outcome will come from the student having their own camera at hand for their use. We recommend looking now for one to use family, friend, purchase, pawn shop, goodwill, - there are lots of options. A small number of cameras will be available for checkout from the instructor for a 24 hour time period you will always have to rely on someone else bringing it back for you to use. Your grade will be affected if camera is not returned on time and student assumes full responsibility for replacement if lost or damaged. All other equipment photo paper (25 sheets, additional may be purchased at current cost) will be supplied through the department budget. A Pro Flickr account is your responsibility if you choose to upgrade otherwise we work on the free level. Instructional Materials: Textbooks are provided on an in classroom only basis, when needed for assignments. If a textbook assignment is made (very few!) class time will be allowed for completion. Basic information and assignments will be posted on my web site (listed above). Handouts and other materials will be given to each student at the appropriate time in the semester. This will include: instructional and informational handouts, articles, assignments, review information. Classroom Conduct Expectations: 1. Be here! We miss you when you are not! 2. Be responsible. 3. Respect the rights of self, others, possessions, classroom equipment. 4. No food or drink during class. Screw top water bottles are acceptable, but must be kept off of the tables and out of the darkroom. 5. Phones, ipods, etc should be put away during class. School policy and it is disrespectful to be checking messages (or playing games) when you should be listening or working. No earphones in sight please put them away. Special Note - The light from your phone will expose paper in the darkroom. Dont be the person your classmates are annoyed with 6. Approved phone use timer on your clock (this happens when you are out taking pictures not during a lesson), camera when you are taking photos for in class assignments (most of your digital photos should be taken out of school). During this time you should not be texting, calling, checking, playing. 7. Learn something! We will not tolerate stealing. If you are caught stealing other peoples work or something from the lab you will receive an F for the semester and will not be allowed to return to class.
District Standards: We have recently completed a review of our curriculum in each art department class and have identified standards from the list of Art related District Standards that each assignment or unit meets. It is our goal to meet all of the given standards for a basic level class at the high school level with in the semester. Individual goals will be
listed on each assignment as given to students. For a complete list of Art Standards for the DCSD please see the attachment on my web site called District Art Standards. This class meets Early High School grades 9-10 sub-points of the following standards within the Art Learning Area: #1 Understanding and applying media, techniques and processes #2 Using knowledge of structures and functions #3 Choosing and evaluating a range of subject matter, symbols and ideas #4 Understanding the visual arts in relation to history and cultures #5 Reflecting upon and assessing the characteristics and merits of their work and the work of others #6 Making connections between visual art and other disciplines Calendar and estimated due dates: Attached is a list of basic assignments and information that will be covered during the semester. Due dates are estimated based on initial planning. Dates may be adjusted during the semester typically by moving ahead not back.
Photography I Curriculum
This is an elective class which meets the fine arts graduation requirement - meaning you have chosen to be here and do the work. It is expected that all work handed in is at the highest level you are capable of. Efforts to improve skills will be taken into consideration in evaluation as you move through the semester. This class meets Early High School grades 9-10 sub-points of the following standards within the Art Learning Area: #1 Understanding and applying media, techniques and processes #2 Using knowledge of structures and functions #3 Choosing and evaluating a range of subject matter, symbols and ideas #4 Understanding the visual arts in relation to history and cultures #5 Reflecting upon and assessing the characteristics and merits of their work and the work of others #6 Making connections between visual art and other disciplines This class may also meet some of the standards set in the Technology Across the Curriculum Learning Area through digital photography and computer based work and research. These standards may also be found on my web site. You will be expected to complete, evaluate, and hand in the following projects during the semester. Each project will be accompanied by the appropriate evaluation information on or before the date specified in the calendar. Introduction Syllabus Getting to know you collage Pinhole Photography Unit History of Pinhole Photography (A4.1, A4.2) Creation of a pinhole camera Photographing black and white images with your camera Darkroom set up and usage Printing from paper negatives Matting Evaluating Images and Camera Quality / Self - Assessment Camera Parts/ Technical Information Unit Scavenger Hunt Principals and Elements of Design (A2.1) Use of Gallery creation, Uploading personal images Justification and Self-evaluation of galleries and personal digital images Using a digital camera how to on functions Creating your own images (A1.1, A1.3, A2.2, A3.2, A5.3, A6.1) Using a light meter Use of - digital image alterations and enhancements, exposure, sizing images Assessing and applying alterations Self-evaluation and critique, may be verbal or written (A2.1, A3.1, A4.3, A5.1) Written assignment (A3.1, A4.1, A4.3, A5.1, A5.2, A6.2) Written compare and contrast report based on articles about photographers Class participation projects and activities (A2.1, A4.1, A4.3, A5.1, A5.2, A6.1, A6.2) Individual, small group and full class projects and activities will be assigned during the semester as needed to fulfill curricular and understanding needs. These may include... Light meter exercises or worksheets Varying forms of written or verbal critique Introductions to assignments (ie scavenger hunt group what do you know worksheet) Assignments, which include web or library, research to obtain information about photo history, photographers, or technical information.
Final Written test includes information about everything that is learned during the semester. Project typically a one print project due at the end of the semester specifics TBD
Estimated Dates for units and projects: Due Dates will be given as we begin each unit. Pinhole photography Unit takes approximately 5 weeks to complete. Classroom work and individual work will be given due dates as assigned. Additional items due will be small, mostly in class topic related assignments which will be due upon completion in class. They will be determined as needed during the semester.