LTE Link Budget
LTE Link Budget
LTE Link Budget
Antenna Diversity Gain(dB) Body Loss(dB) Thermal Noise Density(dBm) Receiver Antenna gain(dB) Noise Figure(dB) Diversity Gain(dB) Receiver Lossess(dB) DL 46 14 10 2000 UL 23 8
Voice Codec Bit rate Packetization Interval OFDMA frame duration Headers RTP UDP IP RLC MAC Total Headers Packet Insertion Loss Header Over head Voip Packet duty cycle Total Overhead Total BoIP bitrate
Unit kbps ms ms
12 20 0.5
Parameter Transmitter Power Antena Gain System Losses Antenna Diversity Gain Delaye EIRP Carrier Frequency BW BW eficiency Effective BW Total No of Sub carriers Thermal Noise Density Total Thermal Noise in system Antenna Gain Noise Figure Receiver Lossess UE(Gain and Lossess) Neighbor cell Loading Other own cell interference Required SINR for BPSK 1/2 Simulation Results Required SINR @ Cell edge Alpha -Shannon Farmula Antenna Configuration No of Bits per Symbol(Sub Carrier) Coding Rate Useful Bits per symbol No of Bit per RB Spectral Effiency Alpha(For AMC) Min SE(For AMC) Max SE(For AMC) Required SINR @cell edge Required SINR @cell edge (UL)
dBm/Hz dB dB dB dB dB
1TX-2RX 1 0.5 0.5 12.5 0.500050005 0.4 0.05 3 3.762874946 p r=p*q r=25*p*q SE=r*1000/(66.66*375) Alpha
S=10 *log10(2^(SE/alpha)
MCS required for DL DL SINR required for Balancing Path Loss 1 path loss Exponents(n) S.D of SF Coverage Probability Shadow Fading Margin Interference Margin Indoor Path loss Total Path Loss Cell Radius(from Okumura Hata) dB dB dB/km dB % dB dB dB KM S=D-G+k-L 147.1 L1=D-G+K-S 3.63 0 98 12.2 SF 3 0 L_indoor 134.87 L=L1-SF-L_indoor 0.774
From the 3gpp specification: -1 Radio Frame = 10 Sub-frame -1 Sub-frame = 2 Time-slots -1 Time-slot = 0.5 ms (i.e 1 Sub-frame = 1 ms) -1 Time-slot = 7 Modulation Symbols (when normal CP length is used) -1 Modulation Symbols = 6 bits; if 64 QAM is used as modulation scheme Radio resource is manage in LTE as resource grid.... -1 Resource Block (RB) = 12 Sub-carriers Assume 20 MHz channel bandwidth (100 RBs), normal CP Therefore, number of bits in a sub-frame = 100RBs x 12 sub-carriers x 2 slots x 7 modulation symbols x 6 bits = 100800 bits Hence, data rate = 100800 bits / 1 ms = 100.8 Mbps * If 4x4 MIMO is used, then the peak data rate would be 4 x 100.8 Mbps = 403 Mbps. * If 3/4 coding is used to protect the data, we still get 0.75 x 403 Mbps = 302 Mbps as data rate. I think this gives you little help. If any question, feel free to ask. Thanks.