Smart Cards
Smart Cards
Smart Cards
It has been said that smart cards will one day be as important as computers are today. This statement contains a bit of an error because it implies that smart cards are not computers, when in fact, they are. Because smart cards are indeed tiny computers, its difficult to predict the variety of applications that will be possible with them in the future. Its quite possible that smart cards will follow the same trend of rapid increases in processing power that computers have, following "Moores Law" and doubling in performance while halving in cost every eighteen months. Smart cards have proven to be quite useful as a transaction/authorization/identification medium in European countries. As their capabilities grow, they could become the ultimate thin client, eventually replacing all of the things we carry around in our wallets, including credit cards, licenses, cash, and even family photographs. By containing various identification certificates, smart cards could be used to voluntarily identify attributes of ourselves no matter where we are or to which computer network we are attached. According to Dataquest, the worldwide smart card market has grown 4.7 Billion units and $6.8 Billion by 2002. We live in a world of fast-moving technical change. This is perhaps particularly relevant and challenging when related to smart cards, where hundreds of thousands of card-reading terminals need to be available, and tens of millions of smart cards need to be deployed, all with a potential life of several years. Forwards compatibility, and cross border and cross scheme interoperability is increasingly difficult to maintain against the background of rapid chip technology development. EEPROM may give way to faster and longer-lived Flash memory. Voltages for powering smart cards are reducing almost annually. Security technologies demand ever-faster processing power.
Latest super smart cards have keypads, LCD displays, battery and math co-processors for performing complex encryption algorithms.
OPTICAL MEMORY CARDS Can only store data, but has a larger memory capacity than IC memory cards.
A wide range of Mobile and Desktop Readers for off-line or on-line transactions like Proximity Terminals & Finger Print Scanners are available. Some examples include reader integrated into a vending machine, handheld battery-operated reader with a small LCD screen, reader integrated into a GSM mobile phone, and a reader attached to a personal computer.
Applications using smart cards work through an API providing card services. The card services interface with the COS through the driver software, which is generally card-specific. In general terms, the card services
It provides 2/3 factor authentication because it checks for Biometrics (Fingerprint, Iris scan) - 'Who you are', Smart Card - 'What you have' and Password/Pin - 'What you know'. This is the most secure mechanism. Such biometrics include Iris and Retinal scans, Face or Hand geometry, and of course DNA, but the most likely and most acceptable attribute is the fingerprint.
Vcc is the supply voltage that drives the chips and is generally 3 volts.
However that in the future we are likely to see a move towards 1 volt taking advantage of advanced semiconductor technology and allowing much lower current levels to be consumed by the integrated circuit.
RST is the signal line that is used to initiate the state of the integrated
circuit after power on.
The CLK signal is used drive the logic of the IC and is also used as
the reference for the serial communications link. There are two commonly used clock speeds 3.57 MHZ and 4.92 MHZ
The Vpp connector is used for the high voltage signal that is necessary
to program the EPROM memory.
Dept of IT MESCE, Kuttippuram
CHIP AREA=21.33mm2
A smart card's microprocessor chip has all the components needed for the smart card application. Diagram 2 below indicates its main components and describes their function.
The microprocessor is often a low-power, low speed device, with 8bit operation at 3MHz. More recently, there has been a move towards dedicated 32-bit processor design, using RISC concepts, operating at 25MHz.The I/O controller is a serial device operating at 9600 baud. This means that all data transmission is serial bit-stream and is restricted to one way at a time. All the program code and security features to support the smart card application are burned into a ROM area. This includes the Card Operating System (COS or "Mask") and any secret encryption keys. There is no external method of reading out this data. The RAM is the working area for the COS. It is implemented as volatile memory, so that when power is removed, the data disappears. There is no method of accessing this data externally. Application data is stored in EEPROM. Memory persists in the absence of power ten years minimum guaranteed. Read/Write access to the application data is subject to strict security measures policed by the COS.
For example, the following is the directory structure of M-Card. There are some files we are interested in ... especially the purse file, i.e., 3f.00/02.00/02.01.
CLA : Class byte. It is usually unique to an application. INS : Instruction byte. It specifies the instruction. P1 : Parameter 1. Instruction specific. P2 : Parameter 2. Instruction specific. P3 : Parameter 3. This specifies the length of the data. Data : 0 - 255 byte data transmitted from host to card, or the other
Chip specification
There are a number of factors to be decided in the specification of the
integrated circuit for the smart card. The key parameters for the chip specification are as follows:a. Microcontroller type (e.g 6805,8051) b. Mask ROM size c. RAM size.3 d. Non volatile memory type (e.g EPROM, EEPROM) e. Non volatile memory size f. Clock speed (external, and optionally internal) g. Electrical parameters (voltage and current) h. Communications parameters (asynchronous, synchronous, byte, block) i. Reset mechanism j. Sleep mode (low current standby operation) k. Co-processor (e.g for public key cryptography)
2. Card specification
The specification of a card involves parameters that are common to many existing applications using the ISO ID-1 card. The following list defines the main parameters that should be defined,
5. Chip Fabrication
The first part of the process is to manufacture a substrate which contains the chip. This is often called a COB (Chip On Board) and consists of a glass epoxy connector board on which the chip is bonded to the connectors. There are three technologies available for this process, wire bonding, flip chip processing and tape automated bonding (TAB). In each case the semiconductor wafer manufactured by the semiconductor supplier is diced into individual chips . This
Thermo compression bonding requires the substrate to be maintained at between 150C and 200C. The temperature at the bonding interface can reach 350C. To alleviate these problems thermo sonic bonding is often used which is a combination of the two processes but which operate at lower temperatures. The die mounting and wire bonding processes involve a large number of operations and are therefore quite expensive. However in the
Assuming the application is to be placed in the PROM memory of the IC then the next stage in the process is to load the code into the memory. This is accomplished by using the basic commands contained in the operating system in the mask ROM. These commands allow the reading and writing of the PROM memory.
7. Card Personalisation
The card is personalized to the particular user by loading data into files in the PROM memory in the same way that the application code is loaded into memory. At this stage the security keys will probably be loaded into the PROM memory but as mentioned previously we will explore this in more detail later.
8. Application Activation
The final operation in the manufacturing process is to enable the application for operation. This will involve the setting of flags in the PROM memory that will inhibit any further changes to be made to the PROM memory except under direct control of the application. Again this is an integral part of the overall security process.
National ID card Smart Card based National IDs project have started to take of in many countries among which Sultanate of Oman is first middle east country to deploy 1.2 million National ID cards to its residents. Gemplus, one of the leading providers of smart cards is behind this project with their solution
Patient Data Card(PDC) A Patient data Card is a mobile data card held by the patient. It stores current, accurate health information. Data typically stored on a PDC includes patient ID, insurance information, emergency record, disease history and electronic prescriptions. Health Professional Card(HPC) An HPC is an individually programmed access authorization card held by the health professional. It gives him/her the right to read or write specific data fields on a PDC and it can also carry a digital signature for secure communication. This solution is popular and can be found available for citizens of countries like France, Germany, Slovenia, Belgium.
Student Identification Library card Meal card Transportation card Student ID card, containing a variety of applications such as electronic purse (for vending and laundry machines), library card, meal card and transportation are used and University of Nottingham is one them.
Employee Identification cards These are used as identification cards at offices. Employee access cards
PC Security cards Chip cards are used today by majority of the corporations like Microsoft, Oracle to access their networks, chip cards can be incorporated with technologies like Active Directory to store the PKI certificates for authentications makes it dual factor (Digital Certificate + User password) and the it also allows the users to encrypt the files and digitally sign the emails. The advantage of this mechanism is that in case of any damage to smart card due to tampering/usage the user data is still secure to be decrypted by issuing a new card with the same original Digital Certificate. In case the smart card is lost or if company decided no to reissue the same digital certificate to avoid any kind security breach, they can reissue the smart card with a new private key (Digital Certificate) and the data can be decrypted for the user by an special key.
Light and easy Easy to use Portable Can be used independent of terminal devices. Secret place for storing information.
Capable of processing, not just storing information. Communicating with computing devices. Information and applications on a card can be updated without having
The processing power of a smart card makes it ideal to mix multiple functions. For example, government benefit cards will also allow users access to other benefit programs such as health care clinics and job training programs. A college identification card can be used to pay for food, phone calls and photocopies, to access campus networks and to register classes. By integrating many functions, governments and colleges can manage and improve their operations at lower costs and offer innovative services.
A smart card contains all the data needed to personalize networking, Web connection, payments and other applications. Using a smart card, one can establish a personalized network connection anywhere in the world using a phone center or an information kiosk. Web servers will verify the user's identity and present a customized Web page, an e-mail connection and other authorized services based on the data read from a smart card. Personal settings for electronic appliances, including computers, will be stored in smart cards rather than in the appliances themselves. Phone numbers are stored in smart cards instead of phones. While appliances become generic tools, users only carry a smart card as the ultimate networking and personal computing device.
Chip is tamper-resistant. Information stored on the card can be PIN code and/or read-write protected.
There are two types of personalisation. chip. The second is the Graphical Personalisation, which means printing the required optical layout on the card surface (Text, Photos, Signature, and Graphics). The first one is the Electronic Personalisation, which means writing the data (particular data, fingerprint minutiae, variable data, etc.) into the
Smart card is an excellent technology to secure storage and authentication. If an organization can deploy this technology selecting the right type of solutions which is cross platform compatible and supports the standards required, it would be economical as well as secure. This technology has to be standardized and used in various applications in an organization not just for physical access or information access. Various developments are happening in the smart card industry with respect to higher memory capacities and stronger encryption algorithms which could provide us with much tougher security. But we need to understand that we will achieve better security only if we have users educated to use these technology with at most care. A smart world is the future.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Information Technology Magazine - June 2003 edition. Whats so smart about smart cards? 2002,Gemplus C.A. "Understanding Smart Technology" Ahmed Qurram Baig, CSSP Jan 13, 2003. Contactless Technology for Secure Physical Access: Technology and Standard Choices, Smart card Alliance, 2002. 6. 7. Why Use a Biometric and a Card in the Same Device? "Smart Card Technical Capabilities" Won. J. Jun, Giesecke & Deverent July 8, 2003.
I express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Agnisarman Namboodiri, Head of Department of Information Technology, MES College of Engineering for his support to shape this paper in a systematic way. I am greatly indebted to Mr. Saheer H and Ms. S.S. Deepa, lecturers in the Department of IT for their guidance and valuable advice that helped me in the preparation of this paper. Lastly, I would like to thank all staff members of IT Department and all my friends for their suggestions and constrictive criticism.
Smart Cards are handy bits of plastic with embedded microprocessor or memory chips that are used for identification. Smart cards look like a credit card in size but have a computer chip embedded in them. The chip has a certain amount of memory capable of storing data, with a Card Operating System (COS), which is protected with advanced security features. Smart cards when coupled with a reader has the processing power to serve several different applications. Smart cards can be considered as the worlds smallest computers. Its quite possible that smart cards will follow the same trend of rapid increases in processing power that computers have, following "Moores Law" and doubling in performance while halving in cost every eighteen months. As their capabilities grow, they could become the ultimate thin client, eventually replacing all of the things we carry around in our wallets, including credit cards, licenses, cash, and even family photographs. Smart cards have tremendous applications starting from the simple driving license to biometrics.
1. INTRODUCTION a) b) 2. a) b) 3. a) b) 4. 5. An Introduction to Smart Cards Definition of Smart Cards History of Smart Cards Current trends Memory Cards Microprocessor/Intelligent Smart Cards
CARD ACCEPTANCE DEVICE (CAD) DIFFERENT CONTACT INTERFACES a) b) c) Contact Smart Cards Contactless Smart Cards Combi/Dual Interface Smart Cards Standard dimensions of a Smart Card Contacts of the Smart Card module The Chip Smart Card Directory Features