Flamebar BW11 FyreWrap For Commercial

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F l a m e b a r B W 1 1 /F y re W r a p fo r C o m m e rc i a l K i t c h e n G re a s e D u c t s
T E S T E D & L I S T E D TO T H E R E Q U I R E M E N T S O F A S T M E - 2 3 3 6 , N F PA 9 6 a n d U L 1 9 7 8 , TO P R OV I D E A T WO H O U R R AT I N G AT LAST
Rectangular grease duct constructed in flanged sections up to 49 x 49. No more costly site welding and fabrication resulting in lighter grease duct, speedier installation and major cost savings.

FLAMEBAR BW11 Internal Grease duct test to ASTM E-2336

F l a m e b a r B W 1 1 /FyreWrap max 2.0 Properties and Listing as a Grease Duct

ASTM E-2336 A S T M E - 2 3 3 6 I n t e r n a l G r e a s e D u c t Te s t A S T M E - 1 1 9 F u l l S c a l e E n g u l f m e n t Te s t ASTM E-84/UL 723 Surface Burning Characteristics Flame Spread Rating Smoke De v e l o p m e n t R a t i n g A S T M E - 8 1 4 F i r e s t o p Te s t A S T M E - 1 3 6 N o n C o m b u s t a b i l i t y Te s t A S T M C - 5 1 8 D u r a b i l i t y Te s t Complies Z e ro cl e a r a n c e t o c o m b u s t i b l e s a t a l l l o c a t i o n s on wrap 2 Hour Fire Rating UL File No. R14514 (FireWrap max 2.0) Unfaced Blanket Zero Z e ro F-Rating = 2 hour s T-Rating = 2 hours Complies Complies Encapsulated <25 <50

Flamebar B W 1 1 Fire Rated Grease Ductwork

FLAMEBAR BW11 grease duct is constructed from 20 gage galvanized sheet steel in flanged lengths up to 49 x 49 cross section. The duct is then degreased and factory fire sprayed with FLAMEBAR BW11 which is a specially formulated water based compound which contains selected mineral filters in a lower permeability elastomeric binder to a thickness of approximately 0.04 to give a finished product. The ductwork is produced in flanged sections, each approximately 59 long, and is assembled on site using FLAMEBAR gaskets and sealants. The ductwork is then wrapped with FyreWrap max 2.0 duct insulation, consisting of two layers applied directly to the duct surface. The FyreWrap max 2.0 may be installed at zero clearance to combustibles at all locations on the wrap. All the above components are necessary to achieve ASTM E-2336 listing. The first layer of insulation can be installed with transverse (perimeter) joints butted and minimum 3 longitudinal overlaps. All overlaps for the second or outer layer are required to be a minimum of 3. For the second layer, transverse (perimeter) overlaps of adjacent blankets may be installed using one of the following three methods as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 layer detail

FLAMEBAR BW11 Kitchen Grease Duct System ASTM E-2336 Tested System Insulated with FyreWrap MAX 2.0 Duct Insulation 1 or 2 hour fire rated enclosure, shaft alternative Zero Clearance to Combustibles

Legend: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FyreWrap MAX 2.0 Duct Insulation, Two Layers (each 2, total thickness = 4) Filament Tape (Temporary Hold) Carbon or SS Banding Straps (Permanent Hold) 3 Minimum Longitudinal Overlap 3 Minimum Transverse Overlap (2nd Layer) 1 Compressed Butt Joint Steel Hanger Rod Steel Angle or Channel 6 wide FyreWrap MAX 2.0 Collar

Flamebar B W 1 1 Fire Rated Grease Ductwork

Access Doors
Field fabricated and pre-fabricated grease duct access doors are permitted for use with FLAMEBAR grease ducting. Installation details are provided in Figure 2, either as field fabricated access doors or prefabricated Ductmate Ultimate.
Figure 2
FLAMEBAR BW11 ASTM E-2336 fire engulfment test showing ASTM E119 hose stream test at 30psi for 6 1/2 minutes

FLAMEBAR BW11 Commercial Kitchen Grease Duct System Access Door Systems

Ductmate Ultimate Door System

Flamebar B W 1 1 Fire Rated Ductwork to UL 1978

UL 1978 Section a 14 Temperature Test 500F (280C) Flue Gases 15 Abnormal Temperature Test 16 Leakage Test 17 Vertical Support Test 18 Strength Tests 18.1 General 18 Strength Tests 18.2 Impact Test 18 Strength Tests 18.3 Longitudinal Force Test 18 Strength Tests 18.4 Load Test for Grease Duct Elbows 18 Strength Tests 18.5 Grease Duct Joint Load Test 18 Strength Tests 18.6 Grease Duct Joint Torsion Test 19 Fire and Leakage Test of Grease Duct Access Doors and Fittings 20 Pressure Tests for Fittings Exposed to Fire Extinguishing System Pressure 21 Tensile Strength, Elongation and Change in Volume Tests of Gaskets and Seal 21.1 General 21 Tensile Strength, Elongation and Change in Volume Tests of Gaskets and Seal 21.2 Tensile strength and ultimate elongation tests 21 Tensile Strength, Elongation and Change in Volume Tests of Gaskets and Seal 21.3 Volume change test Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass b UL 1978 Section 11.3 c d e f Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass g Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass UL 1978 Section 11.4b requires that the thermal conductivity of the thermal insulation not be increased reducing its effectiveness, UL 1978 does not provide a method for determining the thermal conductivity or when the thermal conductivity tests are to be conducted or where the samples are to be taken. Therefore, an analytical assessment of Unifrax FyreWrap Max 2.0 thermal insulation is being used. According to published information. FireWrap Max 2.0 incorporates Insulfrax Thermal Insulation as its core material. Insulfrax calcium-magnesium-silicate fiber is recommended for continuous use at temperatures up to 1000C (1832F). Sections d and e relate to porcelain-coated ducts only.

Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass

Pass Pass Pass N/A N/A Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass N/A N/A Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass N/A N/A Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass N/A N/A Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass N/A N/A Pass Pass N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A


UL 1978 Section 11.4a requires that the thermal insulation remain in its intended position. The Unifrax FyreWrap Max 2.0 thermal insulation is mechanically attached to the Firespray BW11 Grease Duct Assembly, using standard copper-coated steel insulation pins and standard 2.5 inch square speed-clip washers. The Unifrax FyreWrap Max 2.0 thermal insulation remained in place during all tests. Therefore, the requirements of UL 1978 Section 11.4a are met by the Firespray BW11 Grease Duct Assembly with the applicable layer(s) Unifrax thermal insulation applied.



This Technical Leaflet has been produced by Firespray International Ltd who have a Policy of continuous Product and System improvement and reserve the right to change Methods and Specifications without notice.


Assumption 1
16 gage black steel with welded seams and joints has a UL listing.

Assumption 4
It is assumed that all grease duct testing should be to UL 1978.

Incorrect: UL 1978 can only test for porcelain coated or stainless steel ducts as required by Clause 7.3. Assumption 2
NFPA 96 requires black steel with welded seams and joints.

Incorrect: As of January 2009, Underwriters Laboratories, Intertek

Services and the International Code Council Evaluation Services (ICC-ES) are jointly abandoning all listings or evaluations that are based on SBCC1 and BOCA acceptance criteria, both of which use the internal fire test portion of UL 1978, which addresses reduced clearances for field applied flexible wrap systems. Once these are abandoned, the only listing for flexible wraps applied to grease ducting will be ASTM E-2336-04.

Incorrect: Clause 1.5 equivalency states nothing in this standard is

intended to prevent the use of systems, methods or devices of equivalent or superior, quality, strength, fire resistance, effectiveness, durability and safety over those prescribed by this standard. Technical documentation shall be submitted to the authority having jurisdiction to demonstrate equivalency. The system, method or device shall be approved for the intended purpose for the authority having jurisdiction.

Assumption 5
There are no other grease duct fire tests.

Incorrect: Firespray have installed literally thousands of grease duct

systems around the world including the USA for more than 20 years and have a listing for this under IS0 6944, which in some aspects is a more onerous test than ASTM E-2336. One of the anomalies in E-2336 is that the test for a fire inside the duct is 4 hours at 500F and then 30 minutes at full temperature at approximately 2000F. If the partition through which the duct passes is a 2 hour separating element, why is the duct (fire inside) only tested for 30 minutes. We have carried out the same test under IS0 6944 for 2 hours (fire inside and outside) at temperatures in excess of 2000F

Assumption 3
It is widely considered that NFPA 96 is a test standard.

Incorrect: lt defines compliance with NFPA 96 as Chapter 4


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