LBC Amendment

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To All Legislative Members: This request is pending approval by the Executive Office of the Governor and requires LEGISLATIVE

BUDGET COMMISSION approval. If the Commission chairman elects to agenda this amendment, it will be implemented on 9/13/2013. Budget Amendment Request #: B0147 Department of Environmental Protection Requested by: Problem Statement: The Department of Environmental Protection (Department) requests increased budget authority in the Grants and Aids to Water Management Districts Wetlands protection special category. Funding will be used to help reduce the flow of water to the St. Lucie and Caloosahatchee Rivers. Projects include operational and structural changes to existing system infrastructure that will help mitigate the estuary flows and high stages in the Water Conservation Areas (WCAs) by moving excess water south to Everglades National Park and to tide. This will allow maximization of critical pump stations to move excess water from the WCAs, thereby reducing their stages, so that additional Lake Okeechobee flows can be sent south. Other short term projects include storing water on public lands in the St. Lucie, Okeechobee, and Caloosahatchee basins. The Department is requesting additional budget authority of $2,769,525 in the Water Management Lands Trust Fund. Agency Request: The Department is requesting increased budget authority of $2,769,525 from the Water Management Lands Trust Fund for the Grants and Aids to Water Management Districts wetlands Protection special category. This funding will be used for projects affecting water management in the Indian River Lagoon and Lake Okeechobee Basin.

EOG Recommendation: Recommend approval for additional budget authority of $2,769,525 from the Water Management Lands Trust Fund for projects affecting water management in the Indian River Lagoon and Lake Okeechobee Basin. Agency Contact: Sue Oshesky (850)245-2340 If there are any questions, please contact the following committee staff: House: Caleb Helpling (850) 717-5610 Senate: Jay Howard (850) 487-5140

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