Exodus Glossary 1

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acacia ~ a tree with strong, hard wood. agate ~ a valuable stone.

almighty ~ has the power to beat all his enemies; is better than everyone else; the Lord of everything; all powerful. almond ~ small, hard fruit. altar ~ a table that someone has made out of stone or wood; people offer *sacrifices to God on it. Amalekite ~ a person who came from the family of Amalek (Genesis 36:12, 16). The Amalekites were enemies of the *Jews. amethyst ~ a valuable stone. Amorite ~ one of a group of people who had lived in Canaan before the *Jews lived there. ancestor ~ a person that your parents came from in past years. angel ~ Gods servant. He lives with God and brings messages to us. Ark ~ special box that contained Gods *Law. arrow ~ a thin stick with sharp metal point. badger ~ a wild animal with four legs. banner ~ a piece of cloth fixed to a stick. barley ~ a food plant. People make it into flour. base ~ the lowest part of something. beryl ~ a valuable stone. bless ~ ask God to be good to someone; when God is good to people; say good things about something. boil ~ a red place on the skin that hurts. breast ~ this part of a sheep is under it and behind the front legs. breastpiece~ part of Aarons special clothes as high *priest. brick ~ people make these stones and then they build houses with them. bronze ~ a strong kind of metal. camel ~ an animal to carry people or things. It can walk for a long time without needing a drink. camp ~ a place to stay, in *tents. Canaanites ~ people who lived in Canaan. This was the country that God gave to Israel.

cane ~ a long stick that comes from a plant. cassia ~ a powder with a sweet smell. chain ~ thin rings of metal fixed together to make a line. chariot ~ a large chair with two *wheels that a horse can pull. chrysolite~ a valuable stone. cinnamon ~ a powder with a sweet smell. circumcise, circumcision ~ to cut off the skin from the end of the sex part of a boy or man; for *Israelites it was a mark to show that a man agreed to obey God. clay ~ wet dirt that is hard when it is dry.

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