Iso 9000 14000
Iso 9000 14000
Iso 9000 14000
ISO's origins
In 1946, delegates from 25 countries met in London and decided to create a new
international organization, of which the object would be "to facilitate the
international coordination and unification of industrial standards". The new
organization, ISO, officially began operations on 23 February 1947, in Geneva,
ISO's name
Because "International Organization for Standardization" would have different
acronyms in different languages ("IOS" in English, "OIN" in French for
Organisation internationale de normalisation), its founders decided to give it also
a short, all-purpose name. They chose "ISO", derived from the Greek isos,
meaning "equal". Whatever the country, whatever the language, the short form
of the organization's name is always ISO.
Every full member of ISO has the right to take part in the development of any
standard which it judges to be important to its country's economy. No matter what
the size or strength of that economy, each participating member in ISO has one
vote. Each country is on an equal footing to influence the direction of ISO's work
at the strategic level, as well as the technical content of its individual standards.
ISO only develops standards for which there is a market requirement. The work
is mainly carried out by experts from the industrial, technical and business
sectors which have asked for the standards, and which subsequently put them to
ISO standards are based on international consensus among the experts in the
field. Consensus, like technology, evolves and ISO takes account both of
evolving technology and of evolving interests by requiring a periodic review of
its standards at least every five years to decide whether they should be
maintained, updated or withdrawn. In this way, ISO standards retain their position
as the state of the art.
Globally relevant
ISO standards are technical agreements which provide the framework for
compatible technology worldwide. They are designed to be globally relevant -
useful everywhere in the world.
ISO launches the development of new standards in response to the sectors that
express a clearly established need for them. An industry or business sector
communicates its requirement for a standard to one of ISO's national members.
The latter then proposes the new work item to ISO as a whole. If accepted, the
work item is assigned to an existing technical committee. Proposals may also be
made to set up technical committees to cover new scopes of activity.
At the end of 2006, there were 3 041 technical bodies in the ISO system,
including 193 ISO technical committees.
Many members have public review procedures for making draft standards
known and available to interested parties and to the general public. The ISO
members then take account of any feedback they receive in formulating their
position on the draft standard.
Every working day of the year, an average of eight ISO meetings is taking place
somewhere in the world. In between meetings, the experts continue the
standards' development work by correspondence. Increasingly, their contacts are
made by electronic means, some ISO technical bodies have already gone over
entirely to working electronically, which speeds up the development of standards,
and cuts travel costs.
When products and services meet our expectations, we tend to take this for
granted and be unaware of the role of standards. However, when standards are
absent, we soon notice. We soon care when products turn out to be of poor
quality, do not fit, are incompatible with equipment that we already have, are
unreliable or dangerous.
When products, systems, machinery, and devices work well and safely, it is often
because they meet standards. And the organization responsible for many
thousands of the standards which benefit the world is ISO.
What standards do
ISO standards:
make the development, manufacturing and supply of products and services more
efficient, safer and cleaner
facilitate trade between countries and make it fairer
provide governments with a technical base for health, safety and
environmental legislation, and conformity assessment
share technological advances and good management practice
disseminate innovation
safeguard consumers, and users in general, of products and services
make life simpler by providing solutions to common problems
ISO's national members pay subscriptions that meet the operational cost of
ISO's Central Secretariat. The subscription paid by each member is in proportion
to the country's Gross National Income and trade figures. Another source of
revenue is the sale of standards.
However, the operations of ISO Central Secretariat represent only about one fifth
of the cost of the system's operation. The main costs are borne by the member
bodies that manage the specific standards development projects and the
business organizations that provide experts to participate in the technical work.
These organizations are, in effect, subsidizing the technical work by paying
the travel costs of the experts and allowing them time to work on their ISO
ISO has more than 17500 International Standards and other types of normative
documents in its current portfolio. ISO's work programme ranges from standards
for traditional activities, such as agriculture and construction, through mechanical
engineering, manufacturing and distribution, to transport, medical devices,
information and communication technologies, and to standards for good
management practice and for services.
Who can join ISO
• Full members, known as member bodies, each have one vote, whatever
the size or strength of the economy of the country concerned.
• Correspondent members pay reduced membership fees. They are
entitled to participate in any policy or technical body as observers, with no
voting rights.
• Subscriber members also pay reduced membership fees. They are
institutes from countries with very small economies that nevertheless wish
to maintain contact with international standardization.
• Although individuals or enterprises are not eligible for membership, both
have a range of opportunities for taking part in ISO's work:
For trade officials, International Standards create "a level playing field" for all
competitors on those markets. The existence of divergent national or regional
standards can create technical barriers to trade. International Standards are the
technical means by which political trade agreements can be put into practice.
For the planet we inhabit, International Standards on air, water and soil quality,
on emissions of gases and radiation and environmental aspects of products can
contribute to efforts to preserve the environment.
ISO 9000
In 1987, the international Standard Organization (ISO) published its first standard
on ‘Quality system’ ISO 9001, ISO 9002 and ISO 9002. At the same, time the
European version of quality standard EN 2900i, EN 29002. Moreover, EN 29003
were published and British standard BS 5750(part 1, 2, 3) were updated and
aligned with their equivalent foreign counterpart.
All three standards are identical. They were essentially manufacturing standard
are soon came to be applied to services as well as possible misinterpretations of
products, but the 1994 standard has resolved some of those difficulties by
redefining the products.
The structure of the ISO 9000 standard : The family of ISO 9000 standards has
been developed by ISO and it is made up of four core standards:
The ISO 9000 series of Standard consist of two broad categories of standards
and supplementary guidance standards
Core standard: are standard in meant for internal use by organization and
provides guidance in designing and implementing a quality system so that they
can meet their market needs and achieve overall success.
Supplementary standards:
1. select the appropriate standard from ISO 90001, 9002, 9003 using guidelines in
2. prepare quality manual to cover all element of selected model
3. Develop proper procedure and shop floor instruction which may be necessary for
the implementation of the quality system.
4. conduct self audit to check compliance of selected model
5. select the register and apply for certification and registration
Quality documentation
Each procedure consists of the objective of the objective and description of the
activity. the procedure describes what is to be done and by whom. And how,
when, why and where the activity is to be carried out. At the procedure level step
by step instruction for performing activities are not included.
It consists of step by step instruction that must be followed in order to get the
particular job done. These direct the worker in a single activity and subordinate
document to procedure. Such instruction may be needed for specific tasks
processes, operation, Tests and inspection etc.
1) firms that are ISO 9000 certified but have not implemented JIT (ISO firms );
2) firms that are ISO 9000 certified and have implemented JIT (ISO-JIT firms);
3) firms that have implemented JIT but are not ISO 9000 certified (JIT firms); and
4) firms that have not implemented JIT and are not ISO 9000 certified
( traditional firms).
These groups were compared along 13 plant-level total quality management
(TQM) implementation elements and five TQM outcome measures using
MANCOVA procedure. Analyses resulted in distinct sets of firms reflecting the
impact of the ISO-JIT orientation on its TQM implementation and TQM outcomes.
Results support the contingency view that a firm's ability to implement effective
TQM practices is enhanced: 1) marginally by ISO 9000 efforts; 2) significantly by
JIT implementation; and 3) most by conjoint ISO-JIT efforts (though not much
more significantly than JIT implementation alone). These insights have significant
practical implications for firms investing in JIT implementation, ISO 9000
certification, and TQM implementation. Interestingly, our study conducted in mid-
1990s and its empirical findings lend a strong support for the recent
transformation of the original ISO 9000 requirements into the current ISO
9001:2000 framework.
A common criticism of ISO 9001 is the amount of money, time and paperwork
required for registration. Many claim that it is only for documentation. Proponents
believe that if a company has documented its quality systems, then most of the
paperwork has already been completed.”
Many believe that, ISO 9001 promotes specification, control, and procedures
rather than understanding and improvement. Few argue that ISO 9000 is
effective as a guideline, but that promoting it as a standard "helps to mislead
companies into thinking that certification means better quality, [undermining] the
need for an organization to set its own quality standards." Paraphrased, Wade's
argument is that reliance on the specifications of ISO 9001 does not guarantee a
successful quality system.
History of Development
The ISO 14000 series emerged primarily as a result of the Uruguay round of the
GATT negotiations and the Rio Summit on the Environment held in 1992. While
GATT concentrates on the need to reduce non-tariff barriers to trade, the Rio
Summit generated a commitment to protection of the environment across the
world. The environmental field has seen a steady growth of national and regional
standards. The British Standards Institution has BS 7750, the Canadian
Standards Association has environmental management, auditing, eco-labeling
and other standards, the European Union has all of these plus the eco-
management and audit regulations, and many other countries (e.g. USA,
Germany and Japan) have introduced eco-labeling programs.
After the rapid acceptance of ISO 9000, and the increase of environmental standards
around the world, ISO assessed the need for international environmental management
standards. They formed the Strategic Advisory Group on the Environment (SAGE) in
1991, to consider whether such standards could serve to:
• environmental auditing
• environmental labeling
• life-cycle assessment
The best way to answer this question is to provide a list of the proposed
14050 Glossary
Assessment: after pre assessment, or after it has been determined that the
company’s documentation EMS conforms to the requirements of the ISO 14001
standard, a full assessment is conduct. A typical assessment in values two or
three auditors who spend two to four days at a site.
Certification: there are three possible results of an assessment:
Approval a company will probably be certified if it has implement all the element
of ISO 14001 with only minor non conformity detected during an assessment.
• It has addressed all the element of the standard and has documented but
perhaps not fully implemented systems or
Regulatory concerns some company are implementing iso 14001 because this
might be regulatory requirement in certain product sectors for entering a
particular market such as European Union.
Legal cancers: legal concerns also are likely to encourage certification some
companies may register and EMS. At least in part for the role, certification may
play in environmental liability defense.
The marketplace: one of the greatest drives for ISO 14001 certifications market
pressure. Companies already are implementing iso
Those companies who have witnessed ISO9000 Assessments will know that the
policy is frequently discussed during the assessment, many staff are asked if
they understand or are aware of the policy, and any problems associated with the
policy are seldom serious. The Environmental Policy is different, this provides the
initial foundation and direction for the Management System and will be more
stringently reviewed than a similar ISO9000 policy. The statement must be
publicised in non-technical language so that it can be understood by the majority
of readers. It should relate to the sites within the organisation encompassed by
the Management System, it should provide an overview of the company’s
activities on the site and a description of those activities. A clear picture of the
company’s operations.
The company will declare its primary environmental objectives, those that can
have most environmental impact. In order to gain most benefit these will become
the primary areas of consideration within the improvement process, and the
company’s environmental program. The program will be the plan to achieve
specific goals or targets along the route to a specific goal and describe the
means to reach those objectives such that they are real and achievable. The
Environmental Management System provides further detail on the environmental
program. The EMS establishes procedures, work instructions and controls to
ensure that implementation of the policy and achievement of the targets can
become a reality. Communication is a vital factor, enabling people in the
organisation to be aware of their responsibilities, aware of the objectives of the
scheme, and able to contribute to its success.
The cost of certification varies according to the size of the company and the
environmental system, it has in place. There are many costs with associated with
certification, the first of which is related to actually developing and implementing
the environmental management system. A company may elect to use only use
internal resources to implement the system the, rely completely on services of an
outside consultant, or to combine the two approaches.
Both third party certification and self declaration or acceptable for ISO 14001,
depending on the need of the company
1. Introduction to EMS
The certifiers are evaluated according to standard. Each national unit establishes
criteria for accrediting certification bodies and appoints an accreditation body and
that the named certification bodies and appoints and accreditation body for
ensuring that he accrediting process is followed and that the named certification
bodies meet the criteria adopted. In the United State, for example, and ad hoc
group called the Standards Conformance and Registration Advisory
Group(SCRAG) developed criteria for qualifying a US ISO 14000 accreditor,
company certification bodies auditor certifiers and approvers. However SRAD
has since been disbanded and its work is being taken up by ANSI.
ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 are known as generic management system standards
because they are not specific to a particular product, resource, or process. They
refer to families of standards consisting of management systems and related
supporting tools that can be applied equally to private industry and public sector
organizations of any size, that offer any product, activity, or service. The
standards provide an organization with a model for setting up and operating a
management system
Some of the concept iso 14001 is similar to iso 9001 including requirement for
policy statement, top management commitment, document control, training,
corrective actions management review and continual improvement.
ISO 9000 is concerned with quality management and meeting customer quality
requirements, achieving control of processes, and encouraging continuous
improvement while ISO 14000 is concerned with environmental management.
Both standards outline a solid, traditional management approach. The ISO 14001
standard uses the same fundamental systems as ISO 9000 such as document
control, management system auditing, operational controls, recordkeeping
controls, management policies, audits, training, and corrective and preventive
actions. ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 require senior management support and
commitment for success, and require organizations to have a system for
establishing and reviewing objectives and targets, whether they be quality or
environmentally related. Both require organizations to provide on-going
management review of the management system and its objectives.
Some ISO 9000 quality management processes can be referenced for an ISO
14001 EMS to avoid duplication of efforts. In fact, the ISO technical committee
(TC 207) purposely developed the newer ISO 14000 standards to be in
conformance with the basic philosophy and structure of the previously issued
ISO 9000 standards. For those implementing an ISO 14001 EMS, previous
experience with ISO 9000 will be of great value. The many similarities between
ISO 9000 and ISO 14001 philosophies suggest that one fully integrated
management system for all business and operational activities is most effective.
An ISO 14001 EMS can be developed separately and integrated with ISO 9000
in the future, or can be overlaid within the existing ISO 9001 quality management
system. Integrating ISO 14001 with ISO 9000 will increase the efficiency and
reduce the time and costs necessary for full implementation.
While there are some overlaps and similarities in the requirements for the two
standards, there are also differences. The ISO 9000 standards have been developed
specifically to address customer requirements and expectations regarding product
quality. ISO 9001 sets out the requirements for organizations whose business
processes range from design and development, to production, installation and
servicing. ISO 9002 is applicable for organizations that are not involved with design
and development. ISO 9003 is the appropriate standard for organizations whose
business processes do not include design control, process control, purchasing or
servicing, but rather use inspection and testing to ensure that final products and
services meet specified requirements. With ISO 14000, organizations respond to
much more than just customer requirements. Multiple external stakeholders who
influence the environmental aspects of an organization often must be satisfied.
Examples of external stakeholders under ISO 14000 include: Federal, State and local
regulators; the surrounding community; and special interest groups.
Because of the close relationship between ISO 9000 and ISO 14000, ISO
commissioned a year-long study to investigate the compatibility between the two
standards. Technical advisory group 12 (TAG 12) was established to investigate how
a better interface can be achieved for users who wish to implement both standards
TAG 12 recommended the following actions to enhance standards compatibility:
• Relevant terms and definitions should be identical, and there should be consistent
use of terminology in both families of standards;
• Management system standards in the two families should be compatible and, as far
as possible, aligned; and
A single approach can be implemented for both of them. It can be split into two
parts, the initial steps and implementation program.
Initial steps
• Familiarization with the standards: procure the standards national
standard agencies which are member of ISO and these should be studied
by quality manger and the environment manager.
• Legal requirement
• a review of history
1. The proposal: a propel paper with outline plans of ISO 9000 and ISO 14000
will be needed to be put up to the top management.
• Background
• Explanation
Implementation program
2. detailed plan
3. organization
4. initial review
5. Implementation phase.