The Muslim Child - I4
The Muslim Child - I4
The Muslim Child - I4
The Child
Issue Four | September 2008 | Ramadhan 1429
Eid Mubarak!
Note from the editors
Assalamuallaikum dear Brothers and Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet,
sisters, salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam, said " The
blessed month has come to you. Allah has
The last few blessed days of Ramadhan are made fasting during it obligatory upon you.
here and soon we will see the end of this During it the gates to Paradise are opened
holy month. Have our efforts at fulfilling and the gates of Hellfire are locked, and the
one of the pillars of Islam and attaining devils are chained. There is a night [during
Allah's pleasure been a successful one? this month] which is better than a thousand
May Allah accept our deeds and du'as this months. Whoever is deprived of its good is
past month and grant us peace and guide us really deprived [of something great].
to the path to paradise! [Ahmad, an-Nisa'i and al-Bayhaqi]
As we approach the most beautiful night of One who misses this blessed night then he
the year…. the night when the light, that has missed much good for no one misses it
would illuminate mankind to the end of life, except one from whom it is withheld.
started, the night when every matter of Therefore it is recommended that the
ordainment is decreed, …we Muslims have Muslim who is eager to be obedient to
a wonderful and rewarding opportunity to Allaah should stand in Prayer during this
stand in prayer, praise our Creator for the night out of Eemaan and hoping for the
blessing bestowed upon us, and ask to be great reward, since if he does this, Allaah
forgiven for all our sins, and accept our will forgive his previous sins.
pleas for a life filled with peace, and to be
chosen by HIM for rightful guidance! We make a humble request to our readers to
make Du'a for the development of THE
Allah says in what can be translated as : MUSLIM CHILD and for the development of
our Ummah by way of learning, teaching
"Verily! We have sent it (this Qur'aan) down and educating . Let us make the Quran our
in the Night of Decree (Lailatul-Qadr). And ultimate aim to understand the will of our
what will make you know what the Night of Creator!
Decree is? The Night of Decree is better
than a thousand months. Therein descend Eid Greetings from The Muslim Child !
the angels and the Rooh (ie. Jibreel
[Gabriel]) by Allaah's Permission with all
Decrees, Peace! until the appearance of Azim Abdul Majeed & Rukshana Hassen Azim
dawn." [97:1-5]
whole Quran within the Holy month of
FRUITS OF Ramadan. And approximately another 90
mins or more to read and ponder upon the
PARADISE meanings of the Arabic text.
This article presents the current to spend time with his father, but always
relationship between a father and a child in finds him too busy. When the boy grows up
this fast paced and time constraint society and the father gets older, the father always
and provides many practical advises on wants to spend time with his son, but his
how to improve this relationship to benefit son always has other things to do.
the whole family.
Quality time spent between a father and his
It has been estimated that working fathers children is essential for both the parent and
spend about 3 minutes a day with their the children. The children need to know
children. Fathers who abandon their that their father loves and cares for them,
families, fathers who rarely see their and the father needs to be careful that he
children because of divorce, and fathers does not lose his relationship with his
who are busy and have very little or nothing children by neglect.
to do with the raising of their children are
common. Tips to Improve Father-Child Relationship
Take the family to for a picnic. Spend time Practice talking with your child, not at
with your children playing Frisbee, passing him/her. Since the father often takes the
a ball, or pushing them in the swings. Your main responsibility for disciplining the
children will cherish this special time children, it is very easy for fathers to merely
together as a family. become order-givers rather than parents
and companions of their children. Spend
Help your children with their homework. some time listening, rather than talking.
Show them that you are truly interested in
their education and life by asking them We only have one chance to be with our kids
what they did in school and looking at their before they grow up. If we want them to
books, projects, and assignments with love us and respect us when we are old, we
them. have to build those relationships while they
are young.
Have regular meals as a family. It is very
important that the family get together and Fathers usually don't have the time to
have meals, so they may talk about each devote to their children that mothers do.
others days and issues. But if we make the little time we have with
our children quality time, we still might be
Use driving time with your children. Don't able to build enduring relationships with
just turn on the news and forget your
children when they are in the car with you.
Talk or joke with them, or sing Islamic
songs together.
Anyone who reads the Qur'an is likely to be And: "Indeed those who recite the Book of
struck by the unique nature of its Allaah and offer the Prayer perfectly and
construction, its unusual and constantly spend in charity out of what We have
shifting rhythms and the sudden provided for them - secretly and openly -
transmutations and displacements in its hope for a sure trade-gain that will never
subject matter. At first this ever changing perish. That He may pay the their wages in
literary terrain seems an obstacle to full and give them even more out of His
understanding, but the more time one Grace. Indeed, He is Oft-Forgiving, ready to
spends with this book, the more organic, appreciate good deeds."( 35:29-30)
the more natural the flow of its words feel.
It is almost like flying over an ever- "The month of Ramadan is the one in which
changing landscape - rolling valleys the Quran was sent down, a guidance for
punctuated by jagged rocks, forests and mankind, clear proofs for the guidance, the
plains giving way to up thrust mountains, Criterion; so whoever amongst you
high plateaus broken by deep lakes, deserts witnesses this month, let him fast it."
sprinkled with oasis' and cleft by canyons. (2:185)
Despite the variety of the forms, despite
the startling contrast of adjacent features, a "Fasting and the Quran will intercede for
complex organic beauty underlies and the slave on the Day of Resurrection.
unites all the various elements. Fasting will say: 'O My Lord! I prevented
him from food and desires, so accept my
Let us look at two views by two very Say: "Call upon Allah, or call upon Rahman:
different people and how they look at the by whatever name ye call upon Him (it is
challenges of life: well): for to Him belong the Most Beautiful
Names. Neither speak thy Prayer aloud, nor
Person 1: ?Oh man, that?s a killer. I can?t speak it in a low tone, but seek a middle
do that. This time I just give up. Looks like course between." (17:110)
I?m finally whipped. I?ll never amount to
anything. I?m tired.? Except of course that he
sho uld be able to
Person 2: ?Awesome, that was the kind of hear himself. ?It
challenge I?ve been waiting for. is also without
Yaa Rabb, I am going to harm to raise
make you proud of one's voice
me. I?m going to with the
give it my best. I?m Q u r a n
going to pump 110% sometime
of my energy into s for a
ever y part of this particul
challenge!? a r
Guess which one will s e
succeed in their such as
memorization of the Quran. to perfect
That’s right, the second one. pronunciation, aid in
Why? Because the second one memorization or to fight
has the right attitude. drowsiness. ?Also included in this is
teaching and learning and a condition for
The one who was devoted to the Q u r a n all of this is that it is not disturbing others
will be told on the Day of Resurrection: or interrupting their prayer
`Recite and ascend (in ranks) as you used to
recite when you were in the world. Your Do not Abandon the Quran
rank will be at the last Ayah you recite.? Allaah the Most High says: "And the
[Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi]. Messenger said O My Lord my people have
abandoned - acting or listening - to the
The journey to the sacred house, the place first six circuits I recited the duas in Arabic.
in which you can feel the presence of God Realizing my foolishness of praying without
directly and immediately, is a tradition the knowledge of what I'm praying for, I
established by Prophet Muhammad. For read the English translation of the dua
this purpose I, along with my family during the seventh circuit. The effect it had
prepared and packed all the necessary on me was immense. I was able to mean
goods, clothes and prayer items and flew to and give life to every word I said.
medina. I neglected the spiritual
preparation needed as I only referred to the
recitals needed during the umrah, which I
did at the last moment, during the flight.
With the advent of Ramadan, date sales all pregnant women be given foods containing
over the world increase, as we Muslims fruit sugar on the day they give birth. The
traditionally break the fast with dates and aim behind this is to energise and revitalise
water. This is a tradition that goes back to the mother's weakened body and at the
the Prophet (saw). Many hadiths report that same time to stimulate the milk hormones
the Prophet encouraged us to eat dates for a and increase the levels of mother's milk
variety of reasons. essential to the new-born baby.
In the Qur'an date fruit is honoured as one In addition, loss of blood during birth leads
of the blessings of Paradise, “In them will to a fall in body sugar levels. Dates are
be fruits, and dates and pomegranates” important from the point of view of
(55:68). When this fruit is examined, it can enabling sugar to enter the body and
be seen to have a great many important prevent blood pressure from dropping.
features. One of the oldest known species of Their high calorific value strengthens
plant, the date is today a food of preference people weakened by illness or suffering
not only for its delicious taste but also for its from extreme fatigue.
nutritious properties. New benefits
imparted by the date are being discovered These facts reveal the wisdom in the way
every day and has come to be used as a that Allah recommended Maryam to eat
medicine as well as a food. These features dates, designed to energise and invigorate
of the date are noted in Surah Maryam: the woman and ensure the emergence of
“And the pains of childbirth drove her to the milk, the only food for a baby. Date contains
trunk of a palm-tree: she cried (in her more than 11 minerals and seven vitamins
anguish): "Ah! would that I had died before of vital importance to maintain the body
this! Would that I had been a thing healthy and energetic. Modern-day
forgotten and out of sight!" But (a voice) scientists state that human beings can
cried to her from beneath the (palm-free): actually live for years on nothing more than
"Grieve not! for thy Lord hath provided a dates and water. V. H. W. Dowson, a
rivulet beneath thee; "And shake towards recognised expert in this field, says that one
thyself the trunk of the palm-tree: it will let grain of date and a glass of milk are enough
fall fresh ripe dates upon thee. "So eat and to meet all of a person's daily nutritional
drink and cool (thine) eye. And if thou dost requirements. The desert people who, for
see any man say `I have vowed a fast to thousands of years, ate dates with goat or
(Allah) Most Gracious, and this day will I camel milk as a complete sustenance.
enter into no talk with any human being."
(19:23-26) The substance oxytocin, which is present in
the date, is used in modern medicine to
There is considerable wisdom in the way facilitate birth. In fact, oxytocin means
that Allah recommends Maryam (AS) to eat "rapid birth." It is also known to increase
this fruit. The date is an excellent choice of levels of mother's milk after birth.
food for the pregnant women and for those
who have just given birth. This is a widely Oxytocin is actually a hormone released by
accepted scientific fact. Maryam (AS) was the pituitary gland which stimulates
inspired to understand this point, in order contractions of the womb during childbirth.
to make her own labour easier. The date has All the pre-birth preparations in the body
one of the highest sugar levels, 60-80%, of take place thanks to this hormone. The
all fruits. Doctors recommend that effects of the hormone can be seen in the
In addition, unlike dates, other fruits are Children's Diseases: According to Dr.
generally lacking in protein. Thanks to this Aman, a date tied to the wrist of the baby
feature, dates enable the body to protect and allowed to be sucked by him during
itself against illness and infection, to renew teething time hardens the gums and
cells and ensure fluid balance. Meat is also prevents other complaints like fretfulness
a useful foodstuff but maybe not as much as and diarrhoea. A teaspoonful of paste of the
Looking out of the window,I accidently without realizing ,she had infected herself
glanced at our school janitor leaning on the with the virus.Looking at her in the mirror
lamppost outside our school gate. He was ,she felt ashamed of what she has done and
smoking, puffing out clouds of smoke from for shattering her father's dream.The only
his mouth.I moved myb pen closer to my solution to her problem ,then was
mouth as though i was about to smoke and I suicide...”
I was unaware of what I was doing,when
suddenly a hand touched my shoulder. When my teacher concluded I saw tears
Turning back,frightened I saw my class swelling up his eyes.Putting his arms
teacher looking down at me smiling. I around my shoulder he said, 'Son,these
stood,wondering if he was going to give me worldly materials may seem top be
a good blast but no,he didn't .He asked me fun,exciting,thrilling and even stress
to come to the playgrond with him. relieving,but it only lasts for a few
while,but the result of getting involved in
"Son I would like to tell you a story! a true it,gets embadded in your heart,life
story of a muslim child" he said,"....a long,killing you,ripping your soul
motherless child grew up with her father apart.Dont ever do that mistake .Stay firm
who brought her up according to the have self control,have faith in Allah and he
islamic Aqeedah.The girl started wearing would guide you.”
Abaya from her teens.she recited and
prayed daily at perfect times.She grew up He meant what he said.It wasn't only words
as a well mannered and good natured girl.It but experience. And this girl was my
was time for her to go to college,the time daughter and Im the father who could do
when Allah wanted to test her faith.She nothing but advise”
was fine ,but as time passed she started
delaying her prayers and recited the Quran I looked at him,stunned and rooted to the
once in a bloom,she started bugging her spot.
dad for a phone,then an i-pod to which he
reluctantly disagreed,but he was forced to "But sir ...."I choked out.
get her one. Peer media and financial
pressure started changing her,disguising He walked away with silence.This was an
his daughter coming home late,everyday advise of a teacher to his student,but not
and on weekends,she would just lock just advice words which inspired me.
herself up in her room or wander off with
her friends.He wondered what was Have Fiirm Faith In Allah And He Would
happening to her.when one day, while Guide You.
rummanging through her cupboard
drawers,she he found needles. He didn't
know why she was having them.he sensed
a truth which he wished wasn't true.Days
passed swiftly like a breeze but no change
in their life styles.As a father he could do
nothing but advice her.when one day she
fell ill,terribly ill.Red patches started
appearing all over her face and body.she
knew what those patches meant.She had
misused her needles accidently and
Muslims should eat before going to Eid Children sometimes receive gifts, candy, or
prayer. This is Sunnah and will also help tomoney. But we should also remember that
circumvent the assumption that one must Eid is not about such gifts, it is really a time
to remember Allah and to feel the joy that
continue to fast until the Eid prayer is over.
Anas (radiyallaahu `anhu) narrated comes to us once we meet obligations
toward Him. If you participate in the
"Allah's Messenger would not leave (his fasting, the celebration becomes even more
house) on the day of Fitr until he ate some meaningful!
dates." (Al-Bukhari)
It is Sunnah to take different routes to and
Buraydah Bin al-Haseeb (radiyallaahu from the Eid prayer. It was narrated by
`anhu) narrated: "The Prophet would not Jaber: "On the days of Eid, the Prophet
leave (his house) on the day of Fir until he (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam), would go to
ate. On the day of Nahr (slaughtering) he the prayer area by one route and come back
would not eat until he returned - so that he by another route." (Al-Bukhari) It is Sunnah
would eat from his sacrifice." (At- to pray in the open (known as the
Tirmidhee) musallaa). Abu Sa`eed al-Khudree
(radiyallaahu `anhu) said: "The Prophet
'Eid, which means festivity in Arabic, is used to go on the day of Fitr and the day of
celebrated after the sighting of the new Adha to the musallaa; and the first thing he
crescent on the previous evening. Since Eid did when he reached there was perform the
is celebrated with gift-giving, the highly prayer." (Al-Bukhari). The Eid prayer is
decorated shops and markets are open till waajib for every male Muslim. The Prophet