Case Study of Hypospadia
Case Study of Hypospadia
Case Study of Hypospadia
I. Introduction:
Hypospadias are among the most common birth defects of the male
genitalia (second to cryptorchidism), but widely varying incidences
have been reported from different countries, from as low as 1 in 4000
to as high as 1 in 125 boys.
There has been some evidence that the incidence of hypospadias
around the world has been increasing in recent decades. In the United
States, two surveillance studies reported that the incidence had
increased from about 1 in 500 total births (1 in 250 boys) in the 1970s
to 1 in 250 total births (1 in 125 boys) in the 1990s. Although a slight
worldwide increase in hypospadias was reported in the 1980s, studies
in different countries and regions have yielded conflicting results and
some registries have reported decreases.
A. General Data:
B. Chief Complaint:
Patient’s condition started when her mother notice that when his child
urinates the opening the urethral meatus is located underside of the
penis. The mother discovered that his son is born with congenital
defects of hypospadia, and seek for medical assistance.
D. Developmental task:
1) Learning to physical skills necessary for
Childhood(6-12) ordinary games: To learn the physical skills
that are necessary for the games and
physical activities that are highly valued in
childhood--such skills as throwing and
catching, kicking, tumbling, swimming, and
handling simple tools.
Ego Development Outcome:
-Industry vs. Inferiority
School Age: 6 to 12 Years
Freudian psycho- sexual stages:
Latency Stage - Sexual dormancy or
repression. The focus is on learning, skills,
schoolwork. This is actually not a
psychosexual stage because basically
normally nothing formative happens
sexually. Experiences, fears and
conditioning from the previous stages have
already shaped many of the child's feelings
and attitudes and these will re-surface in
the next stage.
Basic Strengths:
Method and Competence
During this stage, often called the Latency,
we are capable of learning, creating and
accomplishing numerous new skills and
knowledge, thus developing a sense of
industry. This is also a very social stage of
development and if we experience
unresolved feelings of inadequacy and
inferiority among our peers, we can have
serious problems in terms of competence
and self-esteem.
As the world expands a bit, our most
significant relationship is with the school
and neighborhood. Parents are no longer
the complete authorities they once were,
although they are still important.
E. Functional health patterns:
He joined many sports activities and schools. And does watch TV and
plays his PSP all the time. He always reads books and sometimes helps
his mom doing the household chores.
The patient is going grade 3 this coming June. He has many awards. He
can read and write properly. He is aware to different people or
happening around him. He can talk properly. During the interview his
voice is weak. There are no any blockages of communication noted. He
does not have any difficulty when it comes to communication
Whenever he has problem, he asks guidance from our Lord and his
parents He watches television and plays PSP as his stress
management. When he gets mad, he just keep quiet.
F. Physical examination:
G. Cranial nerves:
Cranial nerves:
-No labs found. Only Physical Examination they based the condition.
III. Anatomy:
Penis The penis has a long shaft and
enlarged tip called the glans penis.
The penis is the male copulatory
organ. When the male becomes
sexually aroused, the penis
becomes erect and ready for
sexual intercourse. Erection is
achieved because blood sinuses
within the erectile tissue of the
penis become filled with blood.
The arteries of the penis are
dilated while the veins are
passively compressed so that
blood flows into the erectile
cartilage under pressure. The male
penis is made of two different
tissues, and soft spongy tissue.
Cartilage is not in the penis.
Testicles The testes hang outside the
abdominal cavity of the male
within the scrotum. They begin
their development in the
abdominal cavity but descend into
the scrotal sacs during the last 2
months of fetal development. This
is required for the production of
sperm because internal body
temperatures are too high to
produce viable sperm.
Scrotum This is the loose pouch-like sac of
skin that hangs behind the penis.
It contains the testicles (also
called testes), as well as many
nerves and blood vessels. The
scrotum acts as a "climate control
system" for the testes. For normal
sperm development, the testes
must be at a temperature slightly
cooler than body temperature.
Special muscles in the wall of the
scrotum allow it to contract and
relax, moving the testicles closer
to the body for warmth or farther
away from the body to cool the
IV. Pathophysiology
Urethral opening
Opening of the urethra below the tip on the bottom side of the penis
Abnormal appearance of the glans penis (the tip)
Incomplete foreskin in which the foreskin extends only around the top of the penis
Curvature of the penis during an erection (called chordee)
Buried penis
Abnormal position of scrotum with respect to penis
Surgical management
X. Bibliography
• Brunner and Suddarths (Medical and Surgical Nursing)
• Black Hawks (Medical and Surgical Nursing)
• Elaine Marieb (Essential of Human Anatomy and Physiology)
• Jossie Quiambao Udan (Concept and Clinical Application
• Marilyn Doenges (Nurses Pocket Guide)
• Lippincott Williams and Wilkins (Springhouse Nurse Drug Guide
• Springhouse (Patient Teaching Reference Manual)
• Sue Rodwell Williams (Basic Nutrition and Diet)