English 2014

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New titles for your spring 2014 classes

Engaging Experiences in English Composition

Todays students expect a more enhanced learning experience than a printed textbook can deliver. Thats why Pearson provides a variety of resources in digital format to meet students where they are: online, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you want the printed book, its yours!

Rhetorics and Readers / Rhetorics

Aims / Purposes for Writing
Ballenger The Curious Writer, 4/e
2014, 9780205235773

Brief / Progressive
Bean, Chappell & Gillam Reading Rhetorically, 4/e
2014, 9780321846624

Writing Across the Curriculum / Writing from Sources

Barnet A Short Guide to Writing About Art, 11/e
2014, 9780205886999

Williams & Bizup Style: Lessons in Clarity and Grace, 11/e
2014, 9780321898685

Ballenger The Curious Writer, Brief Edition, 4/e

2014, 9780205876655

Behrens & Rosen Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum, Brief Edition, 5/e
2014, 9780321906366

Ballenger The Curious Writer, Concise Edition, 4/e

2014, 9780205876648

Reid The Prentice Hall Guide for College Writers, 10/e

2014, 9780205875542

To improving improving results results To

Reid The Prentice Hall Guide for College Writers, Brief Edition, 10/e
2014, 9780205883059

Now Available for Composition

MyWritingLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program that provides engaging experiences to todays instructors and students. By incorporating rubrics into the writing assignments, faculty can create meaningful assignments, grade them based on their desired criteria, and analyze class performance through advanced reporting. For students who enter the course under-prepared, MyWritingLab offers a diagnostic test and personalized remediation so that students see improved results and instructors spend less time in class reviewing the basics. Rich multimedia resources are built in to engage students and support faculty throughout the course. Visit www.mywritinglab.com for more information.

Rhetorical Modes / Patterns

Reinking & von der Osten Strategies for Successful Writing: A Rhetoric, Research Guide, Reader, and Handbook, 10/e
2014, 9780205883110

Reinking & von der Osten Strategies for Successful Writing: A Rhetoric and Reader, Concise Edition, 10/e
2014, 9780205883103

Learn more about these products, and about going digital, at:


Alfano & OBrien Envision in Depth: Reading, Writing, and Researching Arguments, 3/e
2014, 9780321923684

ThematicMulti-theme / Contemporary
Hosey & OConnor Wide Awake: Thinking, Reading, and Writing Critically
2014, 9780205724406

Brief Tabbed
Wysocki & Lynch The DK Handbook, 3/e
2014, 9780205863792

Faigley & Selzer Good Reasons with Contemporary Arguments and Handbook
2014, 9780321878915

Aaron LB Brief with Tabs, 5/e
2014, 9780321872562 Also available without tabs (ISBN 9780321896667)
Unless otherwise noted, the ISBN listed is for a package that includes both the textbook and the corresponding MyLab product.

Kirszner & Mandell The Blair Reader: Exploring Issues and Ideas, 8/e
2014, 9780205901845

Rhetorical Patterns / Modes
Flachmann & Flachmann The Prose Reader: Essays for Thinking, Reading, and Writing, 10/e
2014, 9780205891504

Johnson Global Issues, Local Arguments: Readings for Writing, 3/e
2014, 9780205886159

To better improving results To results

Composition Custom Digital Library

The custom option of Pearsons Digital Library allows you to provide students with the eTexts of any three Pearson Composition titles for only $50 (for 6 month access) or $75 (for 12 month access).* Students get a superior learning and study tool for less than the price of a single textbook. Imagine the possibilities. With this custom option, you or your department can put all the materials a student would need for a two-semester composition sequence into one easy-to-access place. www.pearsonhighered.com/digitallibrary/english

Prices subject to change.

Learn more about these products, and about going digital, at:


New titles for your spring 2014 classes

Engaging Experiences in Developmental English

Todays students expect a more enhanced learning experience than a printed textbook can deliver. Thats why Pearson provides a variety of resources in digital format to meet students where they are: online, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you want the printed book, its yours!

Integrated Reading and Writing

Introductory 6th-9th Grade / Sentence to Paragraph
McWhorter In Harmony: Reading and Writing
2014, 9780321921819

[Whole Language] Rothman & Warsi Read to Achieve: Gateway to Academic Reading
2014, 9780321881656

[Whole Language] McWhorter Efficient and Flexible Reading, 10/e

2014, 9780321881465

Intermediate 9th-12th Grade

[Skills-Based] Henry The Effective Reader, Alternate Readings Version, 3/e
2014, 9780321894618

Quick, Hocevar & Zimmer Making Reading Relevant: The Art of Connecting, 3/e
2014, 9780321912992

Intermediate 9th-12th Grade / Paragraph to Essay

McWhorter In Concert: Reading and Writing
2013, 9780321915009

Smith & Morris Bridging the Gap: College Reading, 11/e

2014, 9780321881663

Advanced 10th-12th Grade / Essay

Dusenberry & ODonnell Moore Crossroads: Integrated Reading and Writing
2011, 9780321850348

To To improving improving results results

Developmental Reading
Introductory 6th-9th Grade
[Skills-Based] Henry The Skilled Reader, Alternate Readings Version, 3/e
2014, 9780321905833

MyWritingLab, MyReadingLab, and MySkillsLab are online homework, tutorial, and assessment programs that engage students in a personalized learning experience. They help students better prepare for class, quizzes, and examsresulting in better performance in the courseand provide educators a dynamic set of tools for gauging individual and class performance. And, they come from Pearson, your partner in providing the best digital learning experiences. To learn more, visit www.mywritinglab.com, www.myreadinglab.com or www.myskillslab.com.

Learn more about these products, and about going digital, at:


Advanced 10th-12th Grade

[Skills-Based] Henry The Master Reader, Alternate Readings Version, 3/e
2014, 9780321894625

Vocabulary Development
Pabis & Hamer Basic College Vocabulary Strategies, 3/e
2014, 9780321838933 (book only)

[Rhetoric] Flachmann Mosaics: Reading and Writing Paragraphs, 6/e

2014, 9780321882004

[Whole Language] McWhorter Academic Reading: College Major and Career Applications, 8/e
2014, 9780321881588

Pabis & Hamer Building College Vocabulary Strategies, 3/e

2014, 9780321844255 (book only)

[Rhetoric Modes] Flachmann Mosaics: Reading and Writing Essays, 6/e
2014, 9780321882042
Unless otherwise noted, the ISBN listed is for a package that includes both the textbook and the corresponding MyLab product.

Developmental Writing
Sentence to Paragraph
[Worktext] Henry Writing for Life: Sentences and Paragraphs, 2/e
2014, 9780321881878

Supplemental Readers
[Literature] Sisko A World of Short Stories: 20 Short Stories from Around the World, 3/e
2014, 9780205902309 (book only)

Paragraph to Essay
[Worktext] Henry Writing for Life: Paragraphs and Essays, 3/e
2014, 9780321881908

Sisko Sterling Stories: 12 Great Short Stories, 2/e

2014, 9780205874125 (book only)

Learn more about these products, and about going digital, at:


New titles for your spring 2014 classes

Engaging Experiences in Literature

Todays students expect a more enhanced learning experience than a printed textbook can deliver. Thats why Pearson provides a variety of resources in digital format to meet students where they are: online, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you want the printed book, its yours!

Introduction to Literature Anthologies

Kennedy & Gioia The Literature Collection: An eText with NEW MyLiteratureLab
2013, 9780205900343

Barnet, Burto & Cain Literature for Composition: An Introduction to Literature, 10/e
2014, 9780321878151

Single-Theme Literature Anthologies

Anderson, Slovic & OGrady Literature and the Environment: A Reader on Nature and Culture, 2/e
2013, 9780321878137

James & Merickel Reading Literature and Writing Argument, 5/e

2013, 9780321878236

Kennedy, Gioia & Bauerlein Handbook of Literary Terms: Literature, Language, Theory, 3/e
2013, 9780321845566 (book only)

Kennedy & Gioia Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and Writing, 12/e
2013, 9780321854346

Kennedy, Gioia & Revoyr Literature for Life

2013, 9780321845689

Kennedy & Gioia Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and Writing, Interactive Edition, 12/e
2013, 9780205230396

Pike & Acosta Literature: A World of Writing Stories, Poems, Plays and Essays, 2/e
2013, 9780321842114

What Every Student Should Know About Series (WESSKA)

Bonilla What Every Student Should Know About Reading a Novel
2013, 9780205870523 (book only)

Kennedy & Gioia Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and Writing, Portable Edition, 12/e
2013, 9780321890214

Kennedy & Gioia Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and Writing, Compact Edition, 7/e
2013, 9780321876218

To To improving improving results results

Kennedy & Gioia Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and Writing, Compact Interactive Edition, 7/e
2013, 9780205229840

McMahan, Day, Funk & Coleman Literature and the Writing Process, 10/e
2014, 9780321851000

MyLiteratureLab is an online resource that accompanies our textbooks to provide engaging experiences to todays instructors and students. An eAnthology includes 200 selections organized by genre so that you have plenty of selections from which to choose. Longman Lectures help students interpret and write about key works. Interactive Readings provide students with annotated readings and questions to guide their understanding. With these resources and more, we continue to evolve our content to provide the best digital learning experiences. Visit www.myliteraturelab.com for more information.

Learn more about these products, and about going digital, at:


McNeill What Every Student Should Know About Learning Online

2012, 9780205244843 (book only)

British Literature Survey

Damrosch, Dettmar, et al. The Longman Anthology of British Literature, Volume I: The Middle Ages Through The Eighteenth Century, 4/e
2010, 9780321876973

Bevington The Complete Works of Shakespeare, 7/e
2014, 9780321902597

Munger & Campbell What Every Student Should Know About Researching Online
2012, 9780205856466 (book only)

Electives / Upper Level

Introduction to Poetry
Gwynn Poetry: A Pocket Anthology (Penguin Academics Series), 7/e
2012, 9780321858757

Damrosch, Dettmar, et al. The Longman Anthology of British Literature, Volumes 1A, 1B, and 1C (The Middle Ages, The Early Modern Period, and The Restoration and The Eighteenth Century), 4/e
2010, 9780321916839

Bevington The Necessary Shakespeare, 4/e

2014, 9780321893758

Literary Theory
Harmon A Handbook to Literature, 12/e
2012, 9780321858733

Introduction to Fiction
Gwynn Fiction: A Pocket Anthology (Penguin Academics Series), 7/e
2012, 9780321882349

Damrosch, Dettmar, Baswell & Schotter The Longman Anthology of British Literature, Volume 1A: The Middle Ages, 4/e
2011, 9780205655304 (book only)

World Literature
Damrosch, et al. Gateways to World Literature: The Ancient World to the Early Modern Period, Volume 1 (Penguin Academics Series)
2012, 9780321829429

Pickering Fiction 100: An Anthology of Short Fiction, 13/e

2012, 9780321851574

Damrosch, Dettmar, Carroll & Hadfield The Longman Anthology of British Literature, Volume 1B: The Early Modern Period, 4/e
2010, 9780321916730

Introduction to Drama
Gwynn Drama: A Pocket Anthology (Penguin Academics Series), 5/e
2012, 9780321858740

Damrosch, et al. Gateways to World Literature: The Seventeenth Century to Today, Volume 2 (Penguin Academics Series)
2012, 9780321851635

American Literature Survey

Cain, McDermott, Newman & Wyss American Literature Anthology, Volume 1 (Penguin Academic Series), 2/e m
2014, 9780321916693

Damrosch, Dettmar & Sherman The Longman Anthology of British Literature, Volume 1C: The Restoration and The Eighteenth Century, 4/e
2010, 9780321916723

History of the English Language

Baugh & Cable A History of the English Language, 6/e
2013, 9780321887078

Cain, McDermott, Newman & Wyss American Literature Anthology, Volume 2 (Penguin Academics Series), 2/e m
2014, 9780321924971

Damrosch, Dettmar, et al. The Longman Anthology of British Literature, Volumes 2A, 5/e, 2B, 4/e and 2C, 4/e (The Romantics and Their Contemporaries, The Victorian Age, and The Twentieth Century and Beyond), 5/e
2012, 9780321916709

Introduction to Linguistics
Curzan & Adams How English Works: A Linguistic Introduction, 3/e
2012, 9780205098767

Classical Mythology
Powell Classical Myth, 7/e
2012, 9780205194148

The Literature Collection

The Literature Collection: An eText offers the insight and inspiration for which Kennedy and Gioia are knownin an engaging online format that students will love. You can have a printed copy of Kennedy and Gioias Literature and your students can have the printed book packaged with The Literature Collection.

Damrosch, Dettmar, Wolfson & Manning The Longman Anthology of British Literature, Volume 2A: The Romantics and Their Contemporaries, 5/e
2012, 9780321871527

World Mythology
Powell World Myth
2014, 9780321878229

Damrosch, Dettmar, Henderson & Sharpe The Longman Anthology of British Literature, Volume 2B: The Victorian Age, 4/e
2010, 9780321878267

Indicates new title publishing between 8/1/13 and 12/31/13 Unless otherwise noted, the ISBN listed is for a package that includes both the textbook and the corresponding MyLab product.

Damrosch & Dettmar The Longman Anthology of British Literature, Volume 2C: The Twentieth Century and Beyond, 4/e
2010, 9780321875976

New titles for your spring 2014 classes

Engaging Experiences in Technical Communication

Todays students expect a more enhanced learning experience than a printed textbook can deliver. Thats why Pearson provides a variety of resources in digital format to meet students where they are: online, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you want the printed book, its yours!

Gerson & Gerson Technical Communication: Process and Product, 8/e
2014, 9780321889850

Pfeiffer & Adkins Technical Communication Fundamentals

2012, 9780321832436

Penrose & Katz Writing in the Sciences: Exploring Conventions of Scientific Discourse, 3/e
2010, 9780205616718 (book only)

Reep Technical Writing: Principles, Strategies, and Readings, 8/e

2011, 9780321829795

Rude & Eaton Technical Editing, 5/e

2011, 9780321852816

Gurak & Lannon Strategies for Technical Communication in the Workplace, 2/e
2013, 9780321846280

Searles Workplace Communications: The Basics, 6/e m

2014, 9780321912985

Indicates new title publishing between 8/1/13 and 12/31/13 Unless otherwise noted, the ISBN listed is for a package that includes both the textbook and the corresponding MyLab product.

Harty Strategies for Business and Technical Writing, 7/e

2011, 9780321852809

Kostelnick & Roberts Designing Visual Language: Strategies for Professional Communicators, 2/e
2011, 9780205616404 (book only)

Johnson-Sheehan Technical Communication Strategies for Today

2011, 9780321851765

Johnson-Sheehan Technical Communication Today, 4/e

2012, 9780321846235

To improving improving results results To

Lannon & Gurak Technical Communication, 13/e m

2014, 9780321913005

Pfeiffer Pocket Guide to Technical Communication, 5/e

2011, 9780135063965 (book only)

Pfeiffer & Adkins Technical Communication: A Practical Approach, 8/e

2013, 9780321846228

MyTechCommLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program that truly engages students in learning. It helps students better prepare for class, quizzes, and examsresulting in better performance in the courseand provides educators a dynamic set of tools for gauging individual and class performance. And, MyTechCommLab comes from Pearson, your partner in providing the best digital learning experiences. To learn more, visit www.mytechcommlab.com.

Learn more about these products, and about going digital, at:


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