Phaseolus Vulgaris
Phaseolus Vulgaris
Phaseolus Vulgaris
Snap beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), is one of the most important vegetables in the
Cordillera Region. It is grown for their tender and green pods, or seeds. They are
excellent sources of protein and vitamins. They are easy to grow and do not require
intensive management. It is relatively cheap and available in the region. This is
popularly known as Baguio beans in the Philippines and common beans in other
Legumes in can be used as good substitute on major sources of protein like fish,
meat and dairy products when these become expensive and unavailable. They can
contribute to the energy and body building nutrients in the human diet.
Other varieties of legumes provide valuable green fodder for cattle, or yield the
raw materials for many kinds of manufactured products.
Farmers experience problems on soil fertility and occurrence of plant disease.
Thus, application of inorganic fertilizer and application of pesticides are often carried out
to attain maximum yield. However, the continuous application of such will destroy the
soil structure and pollute the water source and environment. The application of organic
fertilizer may therefore be a good alternative since it will not only reduce inputs of
farmers but also improve soil tilt, soil structure, aeration and water holding capacity.
When the organic residues are in the process of becoming soil/humus, they supply
some essential nutrients to the plants, serve as the principal source of nitrates, organic
phosphates, organic sulfates, borates, molybdates and chloride, increase the cation
exchange capacity; and make phosphorus and most macronutrients more readily available
to plants over a wide range pH range.
Aside from these, organic production increase seed yield, minimize harvest losses
and prolong shelf life of snap beans. Also, lesser expenses in production is assured to the
farmer. Such production may reduce costs to 50% than that of using chemicals.
The study was conducted to determine the performance of beans under organic
Snap beans
Some beans plants are low and bushy, while others are climbing vines. They have
compound leaves, each of which is made up of three leaflets. (World Book
Encyclopedia, 1992)
PCARRD (1989) as cited by Bay-an (2002) stated that snap beans grow best in
areas with temperature between 15ºC to 20ºC. Planting snap beans should be scheduled
during typhoon free months, as these cannot stand adverse weather conditions. In
Benguet, typhoons usually occur between the months of June to November. Hence
planting should be done from December to April to avoid the onslaught of adverse
The plants were irrigated at an average of 2-3 times a week. Weeds removed from
plots were placed on top of the plot for mulching and fertilizer. Insect pests such as pod
borers, caterpillar and cabbage looper were manually removed each time the crop is
irrigated. Leaves affected with rust were removed. African marigolds growing near the
plots were not removed to serve as repellants.
The data to be gathered are as follows:
4. Number of days to last harvest – This was taken by counting the number o
days from emergence to the last harvest of pods.
5. Weight of marketable pods – This is gathered by getting the weight of pods
which are straight, tender, and free from insect damage and diseases.
6. Weight of non-marketable pods – This is gathered by getting the weight of
pods which are abnormal in shape and having 20% or more insect and disease
7. Total yield per plot – The over-all total weight of marketable and non-
marketable pods.
8. Reaction of plant to insect pest and diseases – Rated according to the
following scale:
9. Production cost – All the expenses incurred in this study were recorded.
The total sales from different treatments and return in
investment (ROI) were computed using the formula:
ROI= Gross sales-Total expenses x 100
Total expenses
Table 2 shows the number of days from emergence to first and last harvest. Plot 3
has the least days to first and last harvest. Plot 1 gave the most number of days to first
and last harvest.
Results suggest that fertilizers may affect number of days from emergence to first
and last day of harvest but a minimal degree.
Pods were considered marketable if they are straight, tender and free from insect
pest damage and diseases. Table 3 shows that bean plants fertilized with chicken manure
produced the highest yield in pods.
Non-marketable pods were those pods that are deformed and damaged by pests.
Bean plants fertilized with horse manure gave the lowest weight on non-marketable pods,
which significantly varies from that applied with sunflower leaves.
The total yield of snap beans was computed by getting the sum weight of
marketable and non-marketable pods. This is shown in Table 4. The figure shows a
significant difference in the total yield of snap beans applied with chicken manure against
the yield of the rest of the plots. Beans applied with horse manure and sunflower leaves
shows no significant difference to the total yield.
Fertilizers applied may have affected the total yield per plot of snap beans.
Table 5. Reaction of snap beans to insect pests and diseases per plot
Reaction to insect pests and diseases
Bean rust Cutworm Pod borer Aphids
Plot1-mushroom compost 3 3 3 2
Plot2-sunflower leaves 2 3 3 2
Plot3 -sunflower leaves 2 3 3 2
Plot4-chicken manure 2 3 3 2
Plot5-horse manure 3 3 3 2
Table 5 shows the reaction of snap beans to bean rust, cut worm, pod borer and
aphids per plot based on the scale given. Figures show that all bean plants under the five
treatments are resistant to cutworm and pod borer and are highly resistant to aphids.
Bean plants treated with chicken manure and sunflower leaves are highly resistant to
bean rust while those that were treated with mushroom compost and horse manure are
This suggests that fertilizers applied have the same effect on bean plants regarding
its reaction to pod borers, cutworms and aphids. The difference lies on the reaction of
plants to bean rust.
significantly different to the ROI of other bean plants applied with mushroom compost,
sunflower leaves and horse manure.
Bean plants with chicken manure gave the highest yield on marketable pods, yield
per plot and ROI. Based on results, snap beans perform well when applied with organic
fertilizer. It produces higher yield when applied with chicken manure.
Based on the data, chicken manure is recommended among the other treatments
used in this study. Chicken manure gave the highest marketable pods, total yield and
ROI over the other treatments.
AGAYAO, M.C. 2002. Seed Production of Bush Bean in a Farmer’s Field as Affected by
Different Organic Fertilizers. BS Thesis (Unpublished), Benguet State University,
La Trinidad, Benguet. p.5
AGUSTIN, M.K. 2002. The Effect of Planting Method of Marigold in Controlling Pest of
Snap Beans. BS Thesis (Unpublished), Benguet State University, La Trinidad,
Benguet. p. 4
AYBAN, A. 2002. Effect of Different Organic Fertilizers on the Tuberlet Production of
Potato Derived From Rooted Stem Cutting. BS Thesis (Unpublished), Benguet
State University, La Trinidad, Benguet. p.2
BABKEG, P.D. 1997. Evaluation of Organic Fertilizer for the Control of Bacterial Wilt
(Pseudomonas solanacearum) on Potato. BS Thesis (Unpublished), Benguet State
University, La Trinidad, Benguet. p. 16
BAO-AN, B.M. 200. Seed Production of Promising Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)
Genotypes. BS Thesis (Unpublished), Benguet State University, La Trinidad,
Benguet. pp. 4-5
BAY-AN, M.C. 2002. Nodulation and Seed Production of Pole Snap Beans Grown in a
Farmer’s Field Applied with Organic Fertilizer. BS Thesis (Unpublished),
Benguet State University, La Trinidad, Benguet. pp. 2-3.
MABAZZA Jr., F.B. 1997. Production of Six Promising Garden Pea Lines as Affected
by Organic Fertilizer. BS Thesis (Unpublished), Benguet State University, La
Trinidad, Benguet. pp. 4-5
PANDEY, R.K. 1991. A Primer on Organic Based Rice Farming. International Rice
Research Institute. pp. 31-33
TAWANG, L.D. 2003. Harvest and Shelf Life of Bush Bean Applied with Different
Organic Composts. BS Thesis (Unpublished), Benguet State University, La
Trinidad, Benguet. pp. 14, 21 and 23
Asexual reproduction – Any process of reproduction that does not involve fusion of cells.
Clone – A group of cells or organisms derived from a single ancestral cell or individual
and all genetically alike.
Cross fertilization – Fertilization of an organism by the fusion of a female gamete from
one individual with a male gamete from a different individual.
Roguing – A careful systematic evaluation of a seed production field and the removal of
all undesirable plants.
Genotype – genetic makeup or constitution of an individual with reference to the traits
under consideration.
Heritability – measure of inheritance
• The method of harvesting used for snap beans is hand picking. Snap beans at
harvest time is tender and in acceptable market size. Pods should not be hard
when thumb pressed otherwise these should not be harvested for pods but should
be left alone in the field until drying is just enough for seed production.
• It is important to harvest crops in the right time to minimize susceptibility to
decay. Produce not harvested at the right time may result to poor marketable
quality thus leading to loss in profit.
• Handle harvested crops properly so as to avoid any injuries. While harvesting,
avoid putting too much stress on the plant so that it could still produce yield for
next harvest. Avoid harvesting practices that may puncture the produce.
• Potatoes can be harvest when foliage begins to dry out. Also days from planting
to maturity can be computed. Sweet potato foliage also starts to dry out.
• Harvest crops properly. Avoid too much digging to minimize punctures on tubers
and roots. Let it dry under the sun to preserve good quality. Store in low
humidity places. Put in durable packaging materials. Avoid too much piling
during transportation.
Good quality Poor quality