MEDICAL Terminology

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Medical alc.

alk. phos. alkaline phosphate
A.S.A. American Society of
Abbreviation ALL acute lymphocytic
A.S.A. 1 normal healthy
s Glossary ALS amyotrophic lateral
A.S.A. 2 patient with mild
systemic disease
A________________ ALT alternating with, alanine A.S.A. 3 patient with severe
a artery, before aminotransferase systemic disease
aa equal part of each (formerly SGPT) A.S.A. 4 patient with
AA affected area AMA against medical advice incapacitating systemic
AAA abdominal aortic amb. ambulating, ambulatory disease
aneurysm AMI acute myocardial that is constant threat to life
A2 aortic second sound infarction ASAP as soon as possible
AAL acute lymphoblastic, AML acute myeloid leukemia ASCVD atherosclerotic
leukemia,anterior amnio amniocentesis cardiovascular disease
axillary line amp. amputation, ampule ASD atrial septal defect
ab antibody ANA antinuclear antibody ASHD arteriosclerotic heart
AB abortion anes. anesthesia disease
abd abdomen ann. fib. annulus fibrosis at. Flutter atrial flutter
ABG arterial blood gasses ANS autonomic nervous ATN acute tubular necrosis
ABN abnormal system ATNR asymmetrical tonic
ABP arterial blood pressure ant. anterior neck reflex
abs absent ante before AU both ears
a.c. before meals (ante ANUG acute necrotizing aud. auditory
sebum) ulcerative gingivitis Aur. Fib auricular fibrillation
Ac acute Anxty anxiety A-V arteriovenous
AC anterior chamber A/O alert and oriented AVF arteriovenous fistula
acc accident AOB alcohol on breath AVR aortic valve replacement
accom. accommodation AODM adult onset diabetes A&W alive and well
acid phos. acid phosphate mellitus Ax. axilla, axillary
ACL anterior cruciate AP ante partum A.Z. Ascheim-Zondek test
ligament A&P auscultation and B________________
ACTH adrenocorticotrophic percussion B. bath
hormone A-P anteroposterior BA barium
AD right ear APC atrial premature Bab. Babinski sign
add. abductor or abduction contractions Ba.E barium enema
ADH antidiruetic hormone aph aphasia Bas. basal,basilar
ADL activites of daily living A-P & lat anteroposterior and baso basophile
ad lib as desired lateral BBB bundle branch block
adm. admission AP resection abdominal BBT basal body temperature
AE above elbow perineal resection of the BCA basal cell atypia
AEA above elbow amputation rectum BCD basal cell dysplasia
AF atrial fibrillation, afebrile aq. water BCE basal cell epithelioma
AFB acid fast bacilli AR aortic regurgitation BCG bacillus Calmette-
AFO ankle-foot orthosis ARD acute respiratory Guerin
AFP alpha fetoprotein distress vaccine (tuberculosis
A/G albumin globulin ratio ARDS adult respiratory vaccine)
(blood) distress syndrome BDC burn dressing change
AGA appropriate gestational ARF acute respiratory failure, BE below elbow, barium
age acute rheumatic enema
AI aortic insufficiency fever BEA below elbow amputation
AIDS acquired AROM artificial rupture of BFP biological false positive
immunodeficiency syndrome membranes Bic. biceps
AJ ankle jerk art arterial b.i.d. twice daily
a.k. above knee AS left ear,aortic stenosis BIH bilateral inguinal hernia
aka alcoholic ketoacidosis ASA acetylsalicylic acid, bilat. Bilateral, bilaterally
AKA above knee amputation aspirin bili bilirubin
alb. albumin
b.i.n. twice a night CAHD coronary comm. communicable
BiW twice weekly atherosclerotic heart disease comp. compound, compress
BJ biceps reflex Cal calorie, calories conc. concentrated
bk. back CAPD continuous ambulatory cons. consultation
BK below knee peritoneal dialysis cont. contractions, continued
BKA below knee amputation Caps capsules COPD chronic obstructive
bl cult blood culture car. carotid pulmonary disease
bld. blood card. cardiac Cor heart
Bl.T bleeding time Card Cath cardiac CPAP continuous positive
BM black male, bone marrow, catheterization airway pressure
bowel movement CAT computerized axial CPC clinicopathological
BMR basal metabolic rate tomography conference
body wt. body weight cath catheterization, catheter CPD cephalo-pelvic
BOMA otitis media, both CB Cesarean birth disproportion
ears, CBC complete blood count CPK creatinine
acute CBD common bile duct phosphokinase
BOW bag of water CBF cerebral blood flow CPPB continuous positive
BP blood pressure CBG capillary blood gas pressure breathing
BPD bronchopulmonary CBR complete bed rest CPR cardiopulmonary
dysplasia cc. cubic centimeter resuscitation
BPH benign prostatic CC chief complaint CPT chest physical therapy
hypertrophy CCU coronary care unit CR closed reduction
BPM beats per minute CD cardiac disease, cran. cranial
Br. breech presentation contagious disease CRD chronic respiratory
BR bedrest, bathroom CEA carcinoembryonic disease
brach. brachial antigen creat. creatinine
BrBx. breast biopsy Cerv. cervix, cervical CRF chronic renal failure
broncho bronchoscopy CF cardiac failure, cystic C/S, CS Cesarean section
BRP bathroom privileges fibrosis C&S culture and sensitivity
BS blood sugar, bowel CHD congenital heart CSF cerebrospinal fluid
sounds disease, coronary heart C-spine cervical spine
B.S. breath sounds disease CT computed axial
BSA body surface area Chem. chemotherapy tomography
BSB bedside bag CHF congestive heart failure C-V cardiovascular
BSC bedside commode CHO carbohydrate CVA cerebrovascular
BSD bedside drainage Chol cholesterol accident, costovertebral
BSO bilateral Chr chronic angle
salpingooophorectomy C.I color index CVL central venous line
BST blood serologic test CI cardiac insufficiency, CVP central venous pressure
BT bleeding time cardiac index CVS cardiovascular system
BTL bilateral tubal ligation CIS carcinoma in situ Cx cervix, culture
BUN blood urea nitrogen CK creatinine kinase CxR chest x-ray
BW birth weight Cl chlorine, chloride Cysto cystoscopy
Bx. biopsy Clav. clavicle D________________
C________________ cldy cloudy DAP distal airway pressure
c. with CLL chronic lymphocytic db. decibel
C cervical, Caucasian leukemia DBE deep breathing exercise
C. centigrade, Celsius Cl.T clotting time d/c discontinue
complement cm. centimeter DC discharges, discontinue
CI-XII 1st to 12th cranial CML chronic myeloid D&C dilation and curettage
nerve leukemia DD discharge diagnosis
C-1 to C-7 cervical vertebrae CMV cytomegalovirus D/DW dextrose, distilled
Ca calcium CN cranial nerve water
CA carcinoma, cancer CNS central nervous system DDx differential diagnosis
CABG coronary artery cnst. constipation D&E dilation and evacuation
bypass graft c/o complains of, complaints decr. decreased
CAD coronary artery disease Co2 carbon dioxide dehyd. dehydrated
comb. combine, combination
Derm. Dermatology EBL estimated blood loss F________________
DES Diethylstilbestrol EBV Epstein-Barr virus F finger, female, Fahrenheit
D5RL 5% dextrose and ECF extended care facility, FA fluorescent antibody
lactated ringers extracellular fluid F.A. first aid
D5W 5% dextrose and sterile ECG electrocardiogram F.B. foreign body
water ECHO enterocytopathogenic FBS fasting blood sugar
DI diabetes insipidus, human orphan virus FD fully dilated
diagnostic imaging E.coli Escherichia coli FDA Food and Drug
DIAG. diagnosis ECS endocervical scrape Administration
diam. diameter ECT electroconvulsive FDP flexor digitorum
DIC disseminated ED emergency department profundus
intravascular coagulation, EDC estimated date of Fe def. iron deficiency
disseminated coagulopathy confinement FEF forced expiratory flow
diff. differential EDOD estimated date of FEKG fetal electrocardiogram
dil. dilute delivery fem. femoral
dim. diminished EEG electroencephalogram fem. pop. femoral popliteal
DIP distal interphalangeal EENT eyes, ears, nose, fet. fetal
(joint) throat FEV forced expiratory volume
dis. disease EEX electrodiagnosis f.f. force fluid
disch. discharge EGA estimated gestational FFP fresh frozen plasma
disp. disposition age fh fundal height
dist. distilled, distal EGD esophago- FH family history, fetal heart
DIU death in utero gastroduodenoscopy FHR fetal heart rate
div. divorced EKG electrocardiogram FHR-UC fetal heart rate-
DJD degenerative joint elev. elevated uterine contraction
disease ELF elective low forceps FHT fetal heart tones
DKA diabetic ketoacidosis EmBx endometrial biopsy FiO2 faction of inspired
DLE disseminated lupus EMG electromyogram oxygen concentration
erythematosis EMS endometrial scrape, fl. fluids
D/L DI decilter emergency medical flac. flaccid
DM diabetes mellitus, service flex. flexor, flexion
diastolic murmur En. enema fl. oz. fluid ounce
DNA deoxyribonucleic acid ENT ears, nose, throat FM finger movement
DNKA did not keep Eoc. eosinophiles FPAL full term premature
appointment EOM extraocular movement abortion living
DOA dead on arrival Epis. episiotomy fract. fractional
DOB date of birth Epis.LML left mediolateral FRC functional residual
DOE dyspnea on exertion episiotomy capacity
Dors dorsal Epis. Med. medial episiotomy FS finger stick
D.P. dorsal pedia Epis. RML right mediolateral FSH follicle stimulating
DPT diphtheria, pertussis, episiotomy hormone
tetanus vaccine ERCP endoscopic retrograde FT full term
DR delivery room cholangiopancreatography FTD failure to descend
D&R dilation and radium ESR erythrocyte FTND full term normal
implant sedimentation rate delivery
drsg. dressing EST electroshock therapy FTT failure to thrive
D/S discharge summary ETIOL. etiology FUB functional uterine
DTR deep tendon reflexes ETOH ethanol bleeding
DT’s delirium tremens EUA examine under F/U,F-U,F.U. follow-up
DU duodenal ulcer anesthesia FUO fever of unknown origin
DUB dysfunctional uterine EVAL evaluation FVC forced vital capacity
bleeding ex. exercise, example FW fetal weight
DUI driving under influence expir expiration, expiratory Fx fracture
D/W dextrose in water Exp. Lap exploratory
Dx diagnosis laparotomy G_______________
ext. extremities, external G gravida
E________________ G.A. general anesthesia
e without ext. gen. external genitalia
GB gallbladder
GBS gallbladder series Hem Pro hematology profile ICT insulin coma therapy
G.C. gonococcus Hep. Lock Heparin lock ICU intensive care unit
GCS Glasgow Coma Scale HGO hepatic glucose output i.d. during the day
GE Gastroenterology HH hard of hearing ID intradermal, identification,
G/E gastroenteritis HIDA(scan) hepatobiliary Infectious Disease
gen, genl. general scan I&D incision and drainage
gest. gestation HIE hypoxic ischemic IDDM insulin dependent
GFR glomerulo filtration rate encephalopathy diabetes
G.H. growth hormone hist. history, histology mellitus
G.I. gastrointestinal HIV human immunodificiency I/E inspiratory, expiratory
gluc glucose virus Ig immunoglobulin
gm gram HKAFO hip knee ankle foot IGA immunoglobulin A
Gm+ gram positive orthosis IGE immunoglobulin E
Gm- gram negative HLA human leukocyte group IGG immunoglobulin gamma
gm.% grams per 100 c.c. A, G(Globulin)
GMA grand mal attack histocompatibility leukocyte IGM immunoglobulin M
GNC general nursing care focus IH infectious hepatitis
GP General Practitioner, HM hand movement IHD ischemic heart disease
general paralysis HMD hyaline membrane IM intramuscular,
gr. grain, grains (dosage) disease intramedullary
Grav. pregnancy HMG human menopausal IMCU intermediate medical
gt. drop gonadotropin care gait training HNP herniated nucleus unit
gtts. drops pulposus imp. impression
GSW gunshot wound h/o history of IMP inpatient
GTT glucose tolerance test H.O. house officer multidimensional
GU genitourinary HOB head of bed psych scale
G/W glucose and water horiz. horizontal IMV intermittent mandatory
GYN Gynecology H&P history and physical ventilation
H________________ hpf high power field In. inches
h hour HPI history of present illness Inc. AB incomplete abortion
H hydrogen history, hour, HPL human placental incr. increased (ing)
hypodermic lactogen Inev. AB inevitable abortion
H/A headache HR heart rate inf infusion, inferior
HAF hyperalimentation fluid H.R.S.T. heat, reddening, inj injured, injection
HASCVD hypertensive swelling, INR coagulant response time
arteriosclerotic tenderness inspir inspiration, inspiratory
cardiovascular HS bedtime int. internal
disease HSG hysterosalpingography INTHC intrathecally
Hb., Hgb hemoglobin H2O water IO inferior oblique
HB heart block H2O2 hydrogen peroxide I&O intake and output
HBP high blood pressure Ht height, heart IOP intraocular pressure
HC head circumference HVD hypertensive vascular IP intraperitoneal
H&C hot and cold disease IPJ interphalangeal joint
HCG human chorionic Hx history IPPB intermittent positive
gonadotropin Hyperal. hyperalimenation pressure breathing
HCO3 bicarbonate Hz hertz (cycles/second) IQ intelligence quota
Hct. hematocrit II________________ IRDS idiopathic respiratory
HCVD hypertensive I radioactive iodine distress syndrome
cardiovascular disease IA intra-arterially irreg. Irregular
h.d. at bedtime IABP intra-aortic balloon IS intercostal space
Hd head, Hodgkin’s disease pump IST insulin shock therapy
HDl high density lipids i.c. intracutaneous(ly) ITP idiopathic
HEENT head, eyes, ears, ICCU intensive coronary care thrombocytopenic
nose, throat unit purpura
hern. hernia ICF intracellular fluid I,U., IU International Unit
Hem Hematology ICS intercostal space IUC intrauterine catheter
IUCP intrauterine lb. pound light reflex
contraceptive LB large bowel LRQ lower right quadrant
device LBBB left bundle branch Ls. loose
IUD intrauterine device block L.S. lumbosacral
IUFD intrauterine fetal death LBP lower back pain LSA lateral sacrum anterior
IUGR intrauterine growth LBW low birth weight LSB left sternal border
retardation LCA left coronary artery LSCS lower segment
IUP intrauterine pregnancy L.D. lethal dose Cesarean
IUTP intrauterine term LDH lactic dehydrogenase section
pregnancy LDL low density lipids LSK liver, spleen, kidneys
IV intravenous(ly) LE lupus erythematosus LSO left salpingo-
IVC inferior vena cava, L.E. lower extremities oophorectomy
intravenous cholangiogram leuc. leukocytes LSP left sacrum posterior
IVD intervertebral disc LF low forceps, low flap LST left sacrum transverse
IVP intravenous pyelogram LFA left frontoanterior Lt. left, light
IVPB intravenous piggy back LFD low forceps delivery LTCS low transverse
IVU intravenous urogram LFP left frontoposterior Cesarean section
JJ_______________ LFT left frontotransverse, LUE left upper extremity
J joint liver function test LUL left upper lobe
J-P Jackson Pratt drain lg large, leg LUQ left upper quadrant
JRA juvenile rheumatoid LGA large for gestational age LV left ventricle
arthritis LGV lymphogranuloma LVEDP left ventricular end
jt. joint venereum diastolic pressure
JVP jugular venous pulse LH luteinizing hormone LVF left ventricular failure
LHT left hypertrophia LVH left ventricular
K________________ LICS left intercostal space hypertrophy
K potassium, kidney lig. ligament L & W living and well
KC1 potassium chloride LIH left inguinal hernia LWCT Lee-White Clotting
Kcal. Kilocalorie, calorie liq. liquid Time,
Kg., kg. kilogram LKS liver, kidneys, spleen coagulation time
KJ, K-J knee jerk LL lower lid Lymphs lymphocytes
KK knee kick LLE left lower extremity lytes electrolytes
17 KS 17 keto steroids LLG left lateral gaze
KUB kidney, ureter, bladder
LLL left lower lobe
(x-rays) LLQ left lower quadrant _
KVO keep vein open LMA left mentoanterior m. minim
L________________ LMD family doctor m,M married, male, mother
l/min liter per minute murmur, meter,
L left, liver, liter, lower, light,
LML left mediolateral mass, molar
LMP left mentoposterior, last MA mental age
L2,L3 second, third lumbar
menstrual period macro. macrocytic,
LMT left mentotransverse macroscopic
LA left antrum
L.N. lymph node MAP mean arterial pressure
lab. laboratory
LNMP last normal menstrual max. maximum, maxillary
lac. laceration
period MBC maximum breathing
lacr. lacrimal
LOA left occiput anterior capacity
lact. lactic
L.O.C. loss of consciousness, mcg. microgram
LAD left anterior descending
level of consciousness, MCH mean corpuscular
coronary artery
laxative of choice hemoglobin
L&D labor and delivery
LOM left otitis media MCHC mean corpuscular
LAE left atrial enlargement
LOP left occipital posterior hemoglobin concentration
lam. laminectomy
LOS length of stay MCL midclavicular line
lap. laparotomy
LOT left occiput anterior MCP metacarpophalangeal
lat. lateral
LP lumbar puncture, light joint
LAVH laparoscopic assisted
perception MCV mean corpuscular
lpf low power field volume
LPN licensed practical nurse MD muscular dystrophy
lax laxative
LR labor room, lateral rectus, MDI metered dose inhaler
Mdnt. midnight MVP mitral valve prolapse NSVD normal spontaneous
ME middle ear, medical MVR mitral valve vaginal delivery
examiner replacement NTG nitroglycerine
MEC medical emergency MW maximum voluntary NTP normal temperature and
clinic ventilation pressure
Med. medicine N________________ nullip never gave birth
MEq./L milliequivalents per n. nerve NVD nausea, vomiting,
liter N2 nitrogen diarrhea
Mets. metastasis N2O nitrous oxide N&W normal and well
mg. milligram (anesthetic) NWB non-weight bearing
Mg. magnesium Na sodium NYD not yet diagnosed
MG myasthenia gravis NaCl sodium chloride O________________
mg/dl milligrams per deciliter NAD no apparent distress o none, without
mg.% milligrams per 100 cc nb note well O oral
m.g.r. murmurs, gallops, or NB newborn O2 oxygen
rubs NBM nothing by mouth O2 cap. oxygen capacity
MH marital history NBS normal bowel sounds, O2 sat. oxygen saturation
Ml myocardial infarction, normal breath OA osteoarthritis
mitral insufficiency sounds OB, OBG Obstetrics
micro microcytic, microscopic NED no evidence of disease OB/GYN Obstetrics and
MICU medical intensive care neg. negative Gynecology
unit NER no evidence of Obs observation
min minute recurrence OBS organic brain syndrome
Mitr.I mitral insufficiency NERD no evidence of OCC. occipital, occasional
ml. milliliter recurrent disease OD right eye
MLF medial longitudinal Neur. Neurology O/E on examination
fasciculus NG nasogastric tube OH occupational history
mm millimeter NI no insurance 17 OH 17 hydroxy steroid
mm. muscles NIC neonatal intensive care OHD organic heart disease
MM mucous membrane NICU neonatal intensive care oint. ointment
MMPI Minnesota Multiphasic unit O.M. otitis media
Personality NIDDM noninsulin dependent OMS organic mental
Inventory diabetes mellitus syndrome
Mn. manganese, midnight NKA no known allergies OOB out of bed
mod moderate NM neuromuscular Op. operation
MOM milk of magnesia NMR nuclear magnetic OPC outpatient clinic
mono. monocyte resonance OPD outpatient department
MP metacarpophalangea, noct. nocturnal Ophth. Ophthalmology
metacarpophalangeal NOS not otherwise specified OR operating room, open
MPA malpractice attorney NP neuropsychiatric reduction
MR medial rectus, mental N.P. Neuropsychiatry OR-IF open reduction with
retardation, mitral NPH NPH insulin (Neutral internal fixation
regurgitation Protamine Zinc) ORT operating room
MRI magnetic resonance NPN nonprotein nitrogen technician
imaging NPO nothing by mouth Ortho. Orthopaedic Surgery
MRM modified radical Ns. nerves os opening, mouth, bone
mastectomy N.S. nervous system OS left eye
ms mitral stenosis NSA no significant ot. ear
Ms murmurs abnormality Oto Otolaryngology
MS mitral stenosis, multiple NSAID nonsteriodal anti- OTC over-the-counter
sclerosis, morphine inflammatory drug (pharmaceuticals)
sulfate NSD normal spontaneous O.T. occupational therapy, old
MSL midsternal line delivery tuberculin
mss massage NSR normal sinus rhythm OU both eyes
MT metacarpophalangeal NST non-stress test OV office visit
(joint) N&V nausea and vomiting oz. ounce
M.T. muscles and tendons NS Neurosurgery
MVA motor vehicle accident P________________
P after, phosphorus pulse accommodation (normal) pp post partum, post prandial
P2 pulmonic second heart PET positron emission PPBS post prandial blood
sound tomography sugar
PA physician’s assistant PF push fluids PPD purified protein
P-A posteroanterior PFC persistent fetal derivative
p & a percussion and circulation PPF protein plasma fractional
auscultation PFT pulmonary function test PPH post partum
PAC premature atrial, pH hydrogen ion hemorrhage
auricular contraction concentration ppm parts per million
PaCO2 arterial carbon PH past history PPPG post prandial plasma
dioxide tension pressure pharm pharmacy glucose
PACU post anesthesia care PHYS. physical, physiology p.r. per rectum
unit PI present illness, pulmonary PR Proctology
PAF paroxysmal atrial insufficiency PRBC packed red blood cells
fibrillation PICA posterior inferior PRE progressive resistive
palp. palpate, palpated, coronary artery exercise
palpable PICU pulmonary intensive prem premature
PaO2 alveolar oxygen care unit pre-op preoperative
pressure PID pelvic inflammatory prep. prepare for
Pap Papanicolaou test (pap disease primip. first pregnancy
smear) PIP proximal interphalangeal p.r.m. according to
Para prior births, paraplegic Pit. Pitocin circumstances
PARU post anesthesia PKU phenylkentonuria p.r.n., PRN as often as
recovery unit Plac. placenta necessary
PAS pulmonary artery plts. platelets prod. productive
systolic pressure PM petit mal Prog. prognosis
PAT pregnancy at term, P.M. afternoon, post-mortem PROM passive range of
paroxysm atrial tachycardia PMH past medical history motion, premature rupture
Path. Pathology PMN polymorphonuclear of membranes
PA view posterioranterior (leukocytes) pron. pronator, pronation
view on x-ray PM&R Physical Medicine and pros. prostate, prostatic
Pb lead Rehabilitation prosth. prosthesis
PB peripheral blood PN poorly nourished, prot. protein, Protestant
PBI protein bound iodine practical nurse pro.time prothrombin time
p/c., p.c. after meals P&N Psychiatry and PS pulmonary stenosis,
PCL posterior cruciate Neurology psychotic, Plastic
ligament PNC prenatal clinic, Surgery
PCO2 carbon dioxide premature nodal contraction PSH past surgical history
concentration PND paroxysmal nocturnal psi pounds per square inch
PCV packed cell volume (of dyspnea, post nasal PSMA progressive spinal
blood) drip muscular atrophy
PD pupillary distance, pneu. pneumo, pneumonia Psych. Psychiatry
peritoneal dialysis PNI peripheral nerve injury pt., Pt. patient
PDA patent ductus arteriosus PNX pneumothorax PT physical therapy
pdr. powder p.o. by mouth P.T. physical therapy,
PDR Physician’s Desk PO2 oxygen pressure (or posterior tibial artery
Reference tension) pulse
PDN private duty nurse POC product of conception PTA prior to admission,
PE physical examination, p.o.d. postoperative day percutaneous transluminal
pulmonary polys polymorphonuclear angioplasty
embolism leukocytes PTB patellar tendon bearing
Ped. Pediatrics POMR problem oriented PTCA percutaneous
PEEP positive end expiratory medical record transvenous coronary
pressure poplit. popliteal angioplasty (balloon
PEG pneumoencephalogram pos. positive angioplasty)
PEN Penicillin post. posterior PU pregnancy urine
PERRLA pupils equal, round, POSTOP. postoperative PUD peptic ulcer disease
reactive to light and pot. or potass. potassium
PUPPP pruritic urticarial RCA right coronary artery RSR regular sinus rhythm
papules & plaques of RCS reticulum cell sarcoma RST right sacrum transverse
pregnancy RCU respiratory care unit Rt. right
PV plasma volume, RD respiratory distress, RT radiation therapy,
peripheral vascular reaction to degeneration respiratory therapy
PVC premature ventricular RDS respiratory distress RTC return to clinic
contraction syndrome RUC regular uterine
PVD peripheral vascular RE reconditioning exercise contraction
disease rect. rectum, rectal (ly), RUE right upper extremity
PVR pulmonary vascular rectus muscle RUL right upper lobe
resistance reg. regular RUQ right upper quadrant
PVT previous trouble rehab. rehabilitation RV residual volume
PWB% partial weight bearing resp. respiratory, respirations RVH right ventricular
with RF rheumatic fever hypertrophy
percent RFA right frontoanterior Rx therapy, prescription
Px, PX physical examination RFP right frontoposterior S________________
Q________________ RFT right frontotransverse s without
q every Rh, Rh. rhesus blood factor S sensation, sensitive, serum
q.d. every day RH right hyperphoria Sa. Saline
q.h. every hour RHD rheumatic heart disease S&A sugar and acetone
q2H every two hours RHF right heart failure SAH systemic arterial
q4H every four hours RHT right hypertrophia hypertension
q.i.d. four times a day RIH right inguinal hernia SaO2 arterial oxygen
q.i.w. four times a week RLA Rancho Los Amigo saturation
q.l. as much as desired Scale SB stillborn
qn, q.n. every night R to L&A react to light and SBE subacute bacterial
q.n.s., QNS quantity not accommodation endocarditis
sufficient RLE right lower extremity SBFT small bowel follow
q.o.d. every other day RLF retrolental fibroplasia through (x-ray)
q.o.n. every other night RLL right lower lobe SBO small bowel obstruction
q.p. as much as you please RLQ right lower quadrant s.c. subcutaneous(ly)
q.q., Q.Q. each, every RMA right mentoanterior SC sickle cell
q.q.h. every four hours RML right mediolateral, SCC sickle cell crisis
q.s. quantity, sufficient right middle lobe SCD sudden cardiac death
qt. quart RMP right mentoposterior schiz schizophrenia
qts. drops RMSF Rocky Mountain SCU special care unit
quad. quadriplegic Spotted Fever sec second
quant. quantitative or quantity RMT right mentotransverse sed. rate erythrocyte
q.v. as much as you wish RNA ribonucleic acid sedimentation rate
q.w. every week RO, R/O rule out sem. ves seminal vesicles
ROA right occipital anterior Sens. sensory, sensation
R________________ ROM range of motion,
r., R right, rectal, roentgen, x- sep. separated
rupture of membranes, Sept. AB septic abortion
ray right otitis media
R. rub, rectal temperature Serol. serology, serological
ROP right occipital posterior test
Ra radium ROS review of systems
RA rheumatoid arthritis, right SGA small for gestational age
ROT right occipital transverse without correction
atrium RP retrograde pyelogram
rad. radial (without glasses)
RQ respiratory quotient SGOT,SGO-T serum
RAI radioactive iodine RR recovery room
r.a.m. rapid alternating glutamic oxalacetic
RRE, RR&E round, regular, transaminase
movements and equal
R.A.S. right arm sitting SH social history, serum
RSO right salpingo- hepatitis
RAtx radiation therapy oophorectomy
RBBB right bundle branch SI sacroiliac joint, stroke
RSA right sacrum anterior index
block RSD reflex sympathetic
rbc/RBC red blood cell, red sib. sibling
blood count RSP right sacrum posterior
SICU surgical intensive care supp suppository TKR total knee replacement
unit surg. surgery, surgical TLC tender loving care, total
SIDS sudden infant death SVC superior vena cava lung capacity
syndrome SVD spontaneous T.M. tympanum membrani
skel. skeletal vaginaldelivery (ear drum)
Sl. slightly SVR systemic vascular TMJ temporomandibular joint
SL under the tongue resistance TNI total nodal irradiation
SLE systemic lupus SVT supra ventricular TNM tumor, nodes, and
erythematosus tachycardia metastases
SLR straight leg raising SWD short wave diathermy TO telephone order
sm small Sx symptoms TOA tubo-ovarian abscess
SMA-14 routine admission sys. system to AA to affected areas
chemistry syst. systolic T, OD tension, right eye
SNS sympathetic nervous T________________ TORCH (titer) toxoplamosis
system T3 triodothyronine others (hepatitis, beta strep,
SO superior oblique T4 total serum thyroxine flu, mumps, etc.) rubella,
SO4 sulfate TA tendon Achilles cytomegalovirus
S.O.A.P. subjective, objective T&A tonsils and adenoids, (CMV), herpes virus II
assessment plan tonsillectomy and TP term pregnancy
SOB shortness of breath adenoidectomy TPA thrombo proteolytic
sod. sodium T&C type and crossmatch activity
Sol. solution tab. tablet TPN total parenteral nutrition
sono. sonogram TAB therapeutic abortion TPR temperature, pulse,
S.O.S. repeat once if urgent TAH total abdominal respiration
sp. spine, spinal hysterectomy tr trace
S/P status post (previous T.A.T. tetanus antitoxin trach tracheostomy
condition) TB tuberculosis TS tricuspid stenosis spinal cord TBI total body irradiation TSH thyroid stimulating
spec. specimen TBLC term birth living child hormone
sp.fl. spinal fluid tbsp. tablespoon tsp. teaspoon
spg. sponge TCDB turn, cough, deep TSS toxic shock syndrome specific gravity breathe T,T. temperature, thoracic
sp&H speech and hearing TEE transesophageal TTI total thromboplastin index
spin. spine, spinal echocardiography TTP thrombotic
spont. spontaneous temp temperature thrombocytopenia purpura
SR system review, superior TENS transient electric nerve T-Tube cholangiogram
rectus muscle, stimulation TUR transurethral resection
sedimentation rate, stimulus TESD total end systolic TURB transurethral resection
response diameter of the bladder
SROM spontaneous rupture T.F. tuning fork TURP transurethral resection
of membranes T of F tetralogy of Fallot of the prostate
SS social service TGA transposition great TV tidal volume
SSE soap suds enema vessels TVH total vaginal
st stage (of disease) THERAP. therapy,therapeutic hysterectomy
st. stomach thor. thorax, thoracic TVR tricuspid valve
Staph, Staph. staphylococcus THR total hip replacement replacement
stat.,STAT immediately TI tricuspid insufficiency Tx treatment, traction
STD sexually transmitted TIA transient ischemic shock, U________________
disease transient U. unit
stom, st. stomach ischemic attack U/A urinalysis
strep. streptococcus t.i.d. three times a day UC uterine contractions
S.T.S. serological test for TIP terminal interphalangeal UCD usual childhood
syphilis (joint) diseases
subcut. subcutaneous TIUP term intrauterine UCG urinary chorionic
subling. sublingual pregnancy gonadotropin
sulf. sulfate t.i.w. three times per week UCHD usual childhood
sup. superior TJ triceps reflex diseases
supin. supination
UG upward gaze VOD vision right eye
UGI upper gastrointestinal vol volume
series (x-rays), VOS vision left eye
upper gastrointestinal tract VP venous pressure
UL upper lid VPC ventricular premature
uln ulnar contraction
ULQ upper left quadrant VS, V.S. vital signs
ung. ointment VSA vital signs absent
unilat. unilateral VSD ventricular septal defect
u/o under observation for, VSS vital signs stable
urine output VT, V Tach ventricular
Ur. urine tachycardia
URD upper respiratory V & T volume and tension
disease (pulse)
URI upper respiratory VTX vertex
infection Vx. vertex presentation
Urol. Urology W_______________
URQ upper right quadrant W widowed, white
u/s, US ultrasound W/A while awake
USI urinary stress Wass. Wasserman
incontinence WB whole blood
USN ultrasonic nebulizer wbc, WBC white blood cells,
USP. United States white blood count
Pharmacy W/C, wheelchair
USPHA United States Public WBT weight bearing to
Health tolerance
Administration WDWN well developed, well
ut. uterus, uterine nourished
UTI urinary tract infection WE wide excision
UVL ultraviolet light WF white female
V________________ wk week
V vein WM white male
VA visual acuity w/n within
vag vagina, vaginal WN well nourished
VC, (vit.cap) vital capacity WNL within normal limits
VCS vasoconstrictor WP whirlpool
substance wt. weight
VCU voiding w/u workup
cystourethrogram X________________
Vd void x times
VD venereal disease X exophoria distance
VDRL blood test for syphilis XT exotrophia distance
vent. ventilator
vert. vertical
VF visual fields, ventricular
VG vein graft
VHD valvular heart disease
VI volume index
V.I. vaginal irrigation
Via by way of
vit. vitamin
VLDL very low density
VM vestibular membrane
VN visiting nurse
VO verbal order

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