Lesson 1 - Graph Theory
Lesson 1 - Graph Theory
Lesson 1 - Graph Theory
Players take turns drawing arcs. The winner is the last player able to draw an arc. Some correct and some incorrect moves are illustrated below.
Notice that this game began with two vertices, but ended with 6 vertices, 8 edges, and 4 interior regions.
Play several games of Sprouts. Consider how many different games can be played with 1, 2, or 3 initial vertices. Then begin to play systematically and make conjectures about the structure (number of vertices, edges, and regions) of the final graph at the end of the game.
This experience with Sprouts should mimic in a small way the experience your students will have with their problems. What makes two games different? You have to decide. What kinds of things should you be looking for? You have to decide. By playing the game, and carefully considering the possible paths the game can take, you must decide what there is to be seen. For example, can you start a game with four initial vertices and end with 15 final vertices? Why or why not? If you do end with 15 vertices, in how many different ways can it be done? You will find that some games end in a connected graph (one can visit all vertices by traveling along edges) while other games end in disconnected graphs with several components. How does the connectedness of the final graph affect number of moves one can make in the game? Instead of focusing on strategies for winning the game (although you are encouraged to do that as well), we would like for you to consider the structure of the graph at the end of the game. If you began with n vertices, how many vertices, edges, and bounded regions are there in the final graph? What combinations of vertices, edges, and regions are possible from a game of Sprouts beginning with n initial vertices? In your investigation, make as many conjectures about the terminal graph as possible and prove all that you can.