Leave Transaction Form

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Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited Headquarters, G-8/4, Islamabad.


PART- A (To be filled by applicant)
1. Name. Muhammad Atif Rashid__________________ 2. Job Title Senior Engineer RF Optimization . 3, Employee No. _10052508______________________

4. Grade.

6. Controlling Region NTC

5. Department. WLL Optimization___________________ 7. Status. 8. Type of Leave

Earned/Full pay
Earned/ half pay

GM WLL Optimization








9.Leave Applied; Total Days 10. Reason for Leave

02 days

Commencement date 12-08-2013__ End Date


personal assignment at home

11. Contact during Leave: Telephone 0300-7180422_____ E-mail: atif.rasheed@ptcl.net.pk_____

Applicant Signature

PART- B (To be filled by Supervisor / Controlling Head)

12. Leave Recommended (Pls. Tick) Yes No

13. Reasons for not recommending__________________________________________________

Immediate supervisors Name, Designation, Signature

Super ordinate of supervisors Name, Designation, Signature

PART- C (HR Section)

14. Leave Balance Available up to _______________ Leave Balance after availing leave____________ 15. Leave Fare Admissible Entitled 16. Decision Approved
Not Entitled Due for payment Already availed

Not Approved

17.Reason for not approving ________________________________________________________ HR SIGNATORY (PAY ROLL/ MIS) Leave Notification copies to be sent to pay roll sections, employee and employees concerned department. NOTE:- Despite the approval of leave by the approver, no employee shall proceed on leave until the issuance of leave notification from HR. HR signatory for signatory for region shall be the Sr. Manager at the regional and Sr. Manager Staff in H/Qtrs. HR shall maintain Leave Card for each employee entailing full record of leave transaction. HR shall issue four different color copies of leave notification. Red to pay roll section. Yellow to employee. Blue to Employees concerned department. Green in pers onal file of the official/officer.

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