Milton Keynes Mayor Monthly Meal

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Milton Keynes Mayor's Monthly Meal Monday 14th October 2013 7pm for 7:30pm The Jaipur Restaurant

599 Grafton Gate Milton Keynes MK9 1AT

In association with the Inland Waterways Association (Milton Keynes Branch) and the Canal & River Trust, the Bedford & Milton Keynes Waterway Trust will celebrate the 220th anniversary since the Grand Junction Canal received Royal Assent for the Parliamentary Bill. The evening with be hosted by the Mayor of Milton Keynes, Councillor Brain White.

Welcome to a three course meal with a complimentary drink, at this prestigious restaurant, with profits shared between the B&MK Waterway Trust and the Mayor's Charity, The Firefighters Charity

The menu for the evening is attached and we would appreciate you letting us know your choice of food when confirming you wish to attend. Thank you for supporting this important event for the Trust. Parking is free and plentiful immediately outside the venue, and the restaurant is within a few minutes walk of the main railway station in Milton Keynes and all local and regional bus and coach connections. Tickets are 25 each and your place(s) can be confirmed by sending a cheque payable to the B&MK Waterway Trust to Debra King, Interim Project Officer, c/o Canal & River Trust, First Floor North, Station House, 500 Elder Gate, Milton Keynes MK9 1BB, quoting the booking reference you will receive by email once your booking has been received on the reverse of the cheque. if you have any enquiries about the event, please contact the Project office via email:

Donations for the raffle would also be very welcome.

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