Excel 2007: Functions and Forumlas: Learning Guide

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Excel 2007: Functions and Forumlas

Learning Guide

Functions and Formulas: An Overview
Excel uses functions (mathematical expressions already available in
Excel) and formulas (mathematical expressions that you create) to
dynamically calculate results from data in your worksheets.

Inserting a Function
Each of Excels functions is a predefined formula acting on a range of
cells that you select. (Excel refers to each range of cells in the function as
an argument.) Although a few functions do not use arguments, most have
one or more and some complex functions use as many as 3 or 4
arguments. Excels Insert Function window makes it easy to insert
functions into your worksheets and eliminates the need to remember the
exact syntax of each function. To insert a function:

Select the cell into which you wish to insert your function.
From the Formulas ribbon, go to the Function Library tab and click
on the Insert Function button.

The Insert Function window will appear.
Excel will remember the last ten functions youve used, and will
display them in the box labeled Select a function at the bottom of the
To insert a function whose name appears in this list, click on the
functions name to select it.
Click OK to proceed.


If the function you need doesnt appear in the list at the bottom of the
window, type the name of the function you wish to use into the box
labeled Search for a Function.
Click the button labeled Go.
A list of recommended functions will appear in the Select a function
list at the bottom of the window.
From the list, click on the name of your function you wish to insert.
Click OK to continue.

Next, Excel will display the Function Arguments window.

If necessary, drag the Function Arguments window to one side of
your screen so that you can see the cells containing the data you wish
to use in your calculation.
Drag to select the range of cells that you wish to use as the functions
first argument. While youre selecting these cells, the Function
Arguments window will be temporarily hidden.

When youve finished making your selection, the Function
Arguments window will reappear and the functions first argument
will appear in the box labeled Number 1.
To specify a second arguments for use in your function:
o Click inside the box labeled Number 2.
o Drag to select the cell range for use in your second argument.
Follow this process to specify additional arguments for your function.
Click OK to insert your function into your worksheet.
Revising an Existing Function
Often, you may want to make changes to a function that youve already
inserted. Excel makes it easy to alter the functions arguments without
forcing you to delete and then reconstruct the function. To revise a
Click on the cell containing the function you wish to revise.
In the content bar at the top of your spreadsheet, click on the button
labeled x.

Excel will open the Function Arguments window. Each argument
box will contain the cell range or value you originally specified when
you inserted the function.
Using the Function Arguments window, make any needed revisions
to your function.

When youve finished revising your functions syntax, click OK.

Researching Functions
In some situations, youll simply want to insert a function that youve used
before. In many other situations, however, youll want to learn how to use
a function that youve never used before. You may even want to find and
learn about a function whose name you dont even know. Excels Help
lets you research the functions that will help you analyze your data most

Learning How to Use a Specific Function
If you know the name of a function you wish to learn about:
Select a blank cell and click on the Insert Function button as before.
o If you select a cell with a formula in it, Excel will assume you
want to edit this function and show the Function Arguments
In the box labeled Search for a function, enter the name of the
function you wish to research.
Click Go.
In the box labeled Select a function, Excel will display a list of
functions whose name or description matches the text you entered.
Click on the name of the function you wish to research.
At the bottom left corner of the Insert Function window, click on the
blue underlined text labeled Help on this function.

At the right of your screen, Excel will display its Help topic for the
function you selected. This topic will include information about the
functions purpose, as well as techniques for using the function and

When youre ready to insert the function in your workbook, click OK
at the bottom of the Insert Function window.

Searching for a Function
If you think that a function might help with your calculation, but you dont
know the name of the function you need:
In the Insert Function window, type in a description of the calculation
you wish to perform in the box labeled Search for a function.
Click on Go.

In the box labeled Select a function, Excel will display a list of
recommended functions that fit the description you entered.
Click on the name of each function in the Select a function box, and
read the function description that appears at the bottom of the Insert
Function window.
When you find a function that may be appropriate for your project,
click on the Help on this function link at the bottom of the window to
learn more about the function you chose.

Continue researching the functions that Excel found for you.
Once you find the function that will most effectively perform the
calculation you wish to make, click on its name.
Click OK to begin specifying the arguments to use with the function.

Tip: If you decide that none of the functions are appropriate:
Enter a more exact description of the calculation you wish to perform
in the Search for a function box.
Click Go to search for functions based upon your improved

Still cant find your function? Try the Function Library
The use of ribbons in Excel 2007 is intended to make finding things in
Excel easier. The Function Library does just this. It groups functions
into categories, making it easier to locate your function.

From the Formulas ribbon, go to the Function Library tab.


Click on the category most applying to your needs. A drop-down list
of possible functions will appear.
Place your cursor over a function and Excel will provide a pop-up
window with a brief description of the function.
Once youve found an appropriate function, click on the function name
and the Function Arguments window will open.

Using Functions with External Data
Although most functions use data drawn from cells on the same worksheet
as the function, you can also use data from other worksheets or other
Excel documents. Using this technique, you can consolidate and
summarize data from multiple sources.

Open any workbooks that contain data you wish to use in your
Select the cell into which you want to insert the function.
Open the Insert Function window.
Choose the name of the function you wish to insert.
Click OK.
Navigate so that the worksheet or workbook containing your data is
visible on your screen.
Drag to select the range of cells to be included as the functions first

Press Enter on your keyboard.
Excel will insert the reference to the cells that you selected (including
the name of the external worksheets and workbook) into your function.
Click OK to finish inserting your function.


Tip: Referring to external data ranges
When you select a range of cells on an external worksheet, Excel will add
the name of your external worksheet to the cell range reference that it
creates. In the above example, Excel refers to the selected cells (from the
Expenses worksheet) as Expenses!B2:B13. If those cells were in an
external workbook, the name of the workbook would preface the
worksheet name. In general, a reference to external data will look like

[workbook name.xls]worksheet name!C1:C34

Constructing a Formula
Guidelines for Creating Formulas
All formulas begin with the = symbol.
Excel uses the following symbols as mathematical operators.
o ^ raise to an exponent
o * multiplication
o / division
o + addition
o - subtraction
Excel calculates your formula:
o from left to right.
o starting with any exponentiation, then multiplication and/or
division, followed by addition and/or subtraction.
If you need to perform a calculation that doesnt follow this order, use
parentheses to indicate which part of your formula should be
calculated first.
o For example, in the formula = (8-3)*4, Excel will perform the
subtraction enclosed in parentheses before the multiplication.
You can create formulas using numbers to produce a result that will
not change.
o The formula =3*8 produces the result 24
You can also create formulas using cell references so that the result
that will change if the data in those cells changes.
o The formula =A1+C1+B2 produces a result based upon the
data in cells A1, C1, and B2.


A Function Example
To calculate: 10x(5-2) 18 =
o Click on the cell into which you wish to enter your formula.
o Type =10*(5-2)-18/9.
To verify your understanding of order of operations,
determine what the answer should be.

o Press return or tab on your keyboard to complete the function.
Excel calculates the answer and displays the result in that cell.

Tip: Using external data in formulas
You can insert references to cells from other worksheets or workbooks in
your formulas as well as your functions when you are creating a formula.
Navigate to the external worksheet containing your data
Click on a cell to insert its cell reference for use in your formula.
Excel will automatically insert the correct cell reference (including the
worksheet and workbook names) into your formula.


Function Cheat Sheet

Functions Description Syntax Example

Functions without arguments
Rand Generates a random
real number
between 0 and 1
=Rand() =Rand()*3; (generates a
random number between
0 and 3)
Pi Generates the value
of pi to 14 decminal
=Pi() =Pi()

Functions with 1 argument
Max Produces the
maximum of a range
of numbers
=max(range) =max(C1:C12)
Hour Returns the number
of hours past
midnight for the
specified time
=hour(cell reference)
=hour(1:35 PM)
Counta Counts the number
of non-empty cells in
a given range
=counta(range) =counta(A1:A12)
Sqrt Produces the square
root of its argument
=sqrt(cell reference)

Functions with 2 arguments
Round Rounds a value to a
specified digit to the
left or right of the
decimal point
=round(cell reference,
number of digits to
round to)
number of digits to
round to)
=round(A22, 2);
(rounds to 2
decimal places)
=round (123.45,0);
(rounds to 0
decimal places)
Countif Counts the number
of cells in a range
that meet a specified


Functions Description Syntax Example

Functions with 3 arguments
If Provides the basis for
a decision; if
condition is met, one
answer is returned; if
condition is not met,
another answer is
if the value of A1 is
positive, Excel returns
the answer yes;
otherwise, Excel
returns the answer
Sumif Produces the sum of
the cells in a range if
any cells in a second
range meet a
selection criterion
criteria, range to

C1:C12: the range of
cells to meet the
D1:D12: the range
of cells from which
sum will be calculated

Functions with one or more arguments
And Returns a logical
TRUE response if all
of its arguments are
true; otherwise
returns false
Average Produces the average
of the data in a range
of cells
=average(range) =average(C1:C12)
Or Returns a logical
TRUE response if one
or more arguments
are true; otherwise
returns false
Sum Totals the data in a
column of cells

Referencing a Range of Cells
In other worksheets: worksheet!A1:D4
In other workbooks: c:\my documents\[test.xls]Sheet1!A2:A5
Across several worksheets: sheet1:sheet5!A12


Using Absolute, Relative and Mixed References
One very important tool in using cell references is deciding whether to
make them absolute, relative, or mixed. This issue arises when you copy
your formula and need to decide how your cell references should be
impacted. Their use is indicated by dollar signs placed in specific
locations in your cell reference.

Description Example
Relative Cell reference will change both
by row and column depending on
how you copy your formula
Mixed Parts of cell reference will change
depending on where you place a
dollar sign
$A4 =Reference will change
rows but keep columns

A$4 =Reference will change
columns but keep rows
Absolute Cell reference will not change no
matter where you copy your

To change the type of cell reference:
Select the cell containing the cell reference you wish to change
Highlight the range you wish to alter
Press F4 to change the reference type. The first option will be an
absolute reference. Keep pressing F4 until you find the appropriate
reference type for your cell reference.
Press Enter or Tab to save your changes.

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