Banking System - BRANCH
Banking System - BRANCH
Banking System - BRANCH
of branches throughout the length and breath of the country. The bank will have a head office in one town and branches in different parts of the country. The affairs of the branch are directed by the branch manager in accordance with the regulations of the head office. Each bank is a single entity owned by a group if share holders and controlled by a group of directors. Branch banking is found in Canada, Germany, France, Australia, South Africa and India. Examples are Barclays bank, Lloyds bank and midland bank.
5. Economies of Large Scale Operations: Under the branch banking system, the bank with a number of branches possesses huge financial resources and enjoys the benefits of large-scale operations, (a) Highly trained and experienced staff is appointed which increases the efficiency of management,
(b) The losses incurred by some branches may be offset by the profits earned
by other branches, (c) Large resources of branch banks increase their ability to face any crisis. 7) EFFECTIVE CONTROL: Under the branch banking system, The Central bank than have a more efficient control over the banks because it has to deal only with few big banks and nor with each individual branch. This ensures better implementation of monetary policy. 8) CHEAP REMITTANCE FACILITY: Since bank branches are spread over the whole country, it is easier and cheaper to transfer funds from one place to another. Inter-branch indebtedness is more easily adjusted than inter-bank indebtedness 9) PROPER USE OF CAPITAL: There is proper use of capital under the branch banking system. If a branch has excess reserves, but no opportunities for investment, it can transfer the resources to other branches which can make most profitable use of these resources.
DISADVANTAGES OF BRANCH BANKING: Following are the main disadvantages and limitations of branch banking system: 1. Problem of Management: Under the branch banking system a number of difficulties as regards management, supervision and control arise: (a) Since the management of the bank gets concentrated at the head office, the managers can afford to be lax and indulgent in their duties and are often involved in serious irregularities while using the funds. (b) Since the branch manager has to seek permission from the head office on each and every matter, this results in unnecessary delay and red- tapism in the banking business.
2. Lack of Initiative:
Branch managers generally lack initiative on all-important matters; they cannot take independent decisions and have to wait for. The clearance signal from the head office. 3. Monopolistic Tendencies: Branch banking encourages monopolistic tendencies in the banking system. A few big banks dominate and control the whole banking system of the country through their branches. This can lead to the concentration of resources into a few hands. 4. Regional Imbalances: Under branch banking system, the financial resources collected in the smaller and backward regions are transferred to the bigger industrial centers. This encourages regional imbalances in the country. 5. Adverse Linkage Effect: Under branch banking system, the losses and weaknesses of some branches also have their effect on other branches of the bank.