Epcusa 08 25 2013 Update

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Exodus For Followers Of Jesus

Dr. Bradley D. Smith Pastor Dr. Mark E. Durrett Associate Pastor Rev. Lynn A. Grandsire Associate Pastor Rev. Jeffrey S. Smith Associate Pastor Dr. James I. St. John Parish Associate Rev. Jonathan S. Wagner Associate Pastor Mr. Croskeys Royall Director of Childrens Ministries Mrs. Fredna Lee Director of Music Ministries Mr. William L. Collins, Jr. Business Administrator
Our Missionaries: Rev. & Mrs. Donald Marsden-Virginia/Russia Steven & Natalie Hall - Alaska Sarah Snapp - Bolivia Rev. John McCall - Taiwan Steve & Kathy Amar - Virginia/Muslims in the US George & Anne Harper - Philippines Cindy Correll - Port au Prince, Haiti Dr. John and Gwenda Fletcher - Congo

From Wilderness To Wonder


Eastminster Update
803-256-1654 / www.eastminsterpres.org
Volume 37 Number 25 August 25, 2013

Eastminster Presbyterian Church, Columbia, South Carolina

Dear Eastminster Family, What a good and glorious Rally Day yesterday! It made my heart glad to see so many of you, and even more, to see you stepping in, choosing again to be intentional about growing in Jesus Christ. Even though Eastminster has been around over sixty-five years, the truth is this part of Christs Body is new every year and even every Sunday. Were blessed with a rich tradition, wonderful facilities and a strong staff, but it is each of you and your openness to the living God that are so crucial to Eastminster being the church our Lord is calling us to be. What would our Sunday school classes be without teachers, or what would our music ministry be without singers? What would our youth ministry be without the commitment of parents and advisers, or what would the Bradley Lunch Buddies be without, well, buddies? From the way we welcome one another in the hallways to the vibrancy of our worship, each of you is an essential piece of the composite that makes all this brick and mortar a church home, the Body of Christ. So I write to say thank you to many and we need you to some. You see, part of what made Rally Day glorious for me was seeing the smiles, hearing the conversations, and sensing the warmth, as you greeted and visited with one another throughout the day and over lunch. God has created us in community, and there is something sacred about people who, pulled together by the Spirits nudging, grab hands with one another and together follow Jesus Christ through the chapters, challenges and cherished moments of this gift called life. Thank you for being such people. In joy, Brad P. S. Remember your cookies for first responders.

Have You Signed Up?

Beginning August 25 - 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. Beginning August 28 Dinner begins at 5:15 p.m. (optional) Classes begins at 6:15 p.m.
Childcare provided for both Sign-up www.eastminsterpres.org

Sundays@5 WE@EPC

9:00 & 11:15 a.m. - Sanctuary 11:15 a.m. Jubilee Dr. Bradley D. Smith From Wilderness to Wonder Even Moses Hebrews 11:23-28, 39-40

Sunday, august 25

SUNDAY, august 25
8:00 Celebration Choir Rehearsal 9:00 Worship & Childrens Church 10:00 Jubilee Band Practice Sunday School First Step Class Sermon on Mount S/S class 10:05 Chancel Choir Rehearsal 11:15 Worship & Childrens Church Brawley Baptism Jubilee Worship 5:00 Sundays@5 Elementary Program Jr. Highs Sr. Highs Childcare 6:15 Closing Worship

Beginning August 25 - 5:00 - 6:30 p.m.

On Sunday evenings from August 25 - November 24 youth programs for elementary through senior high are meeting, as well as the adult classes listed below. The classes offered will be different from those offered on Wednesday evenings, and there will be no meals. Childcare will be provided for children 5K and under on these evenings. Choose from one of the following offerings Faith and Film -A fun but informative dialogue to use film as a teaching tool for faith; Thompson Hall; facilitated by Angie Durrett and Raymond Burke. Financial Peace University by Dave Ramsey - CE building room 357; led by Robin Gorman; participant materials are $93 for each couple/individual registering for the class. Checks may be made out to EPC. If the cost is an obstacle to you, please contact Mark Durrett. PRESBYTERIAN Womens Bible Study - A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23, by W. Phillip Keller. There will be a $4.50 fee for the book. CE building room 350; led by Lynn Grandsire Kerygma leader training - for advanced Bible students and those interested in teaching. CE building room 356; led by Mark Durrett Laugh, Learn and Love - Real Marriage for Real Life. Seven classes; CE building room 351; Brad & Nancy Smith.


WE@EPC Begins
WE@EPC is returning on Wednesday, August 28 through November 20 with dinner at 5:15 p.m. and classes at 6:15 p.m. There will be a class break on October 9. Childcare will be provided for children 4K and under on these evenings. Childrens Choir Practice, a Childrens Video Bible Study and activities, and Middle School Small Groups will also meet. Sign up at www.eastminsterpres.org. Adult Classes offered: Alpha is a video based curriculum, facilitated by small group leaders, that exists to help people explore the Christian faith. This twelve-week series covers topics relevant to our faith, such as: What is the purpose of life? What relevance does Jesus have for our lives today? We have dinner together from 5:15 - 6:00 p.m. (if you are able), and from 6:00 - 7:45 p.m. we have a small group discussion on the 3rd floor of the CLC. If you are interested, call Tricia at 256-1654. THE STORY OF EXODUS: Lights! Camera! Action! The drama of the biblical story gets rolling in earnest in the pages of Exodus. This study will go through the stories of Exodus, connecting them especially with the developing life of Israel and with the grounding themes of the New Testament story of the Greater Moses, Jesus Christ and the great work of salvation God wrought through him. This class is taught by Mark Durrett. CLC 271-273 Divorce Care Groups will have small groups for men, and small groups for women. These groups will meet to go through a book together and provide support during the process of divorce. Pierce Butler, Jeff Casto, Lisa Dunbar and Gina Williams are the facilitators If you are interested, you may contact Lynn Grandsire at 256-1654. Women E-250, Men E-352. Crossroads Career Ministry This class is for those who are unemployed or underemployed and are desiring to network and to work on resumes. Jim Hatchell is the lead facilitator of this ministry. C-269 Grief Groups will meet for an eight-week period. There will be two groups, one for those who have lost a spouse, and one for those who have other losses through death, Which will meet at separate times. Please contact Lynn Grandsire at 256-1654 to sign up. Begins September 11 in E-353. Sign up on the web (www.eastminsterpres.org) or in the weekly E-News. Register and Learn More! Our new room location will be in the Education Building, E-253 for Angel Choir, and E-255 for Junior Choir. Feel free to bring your singers a little earlier than 6:15 p.m. so you can be on time for your class. At the conclusion of rehearsal, your singer will be delivered to Croskeys and his helpers in the CLC rooms 261, 263, 265. Please retrieve them from the CLC. Transitions is a downtown Columbia housing facility that focuses on preparing, training and encouraging the homeless to become working, home owning/renting and contributing citizens of Columbia. Please join EPC members in feeding, encouraging and loving the residents of Transitions. The following is a quote from one of the residents of Transitions: I take the third Thursday afternoon off of work each month so that I can enjoy the meal that Eastminster church serves at Transitions. Next Transitions Thursday Night Meal---September 19th. Volunteers will help prepare fruit, pasta salad and bake homemade pound cakes. Volunteers will also serve and encourage the residents from 5:00 6:30 p.m. Please pray for the residents at Transitions and jump in on the fun! Contact Laura Long at laurapricelong@att.net or 530-6731.

Wednesday, August 28


EPC Prayer List Part of what it means to be a Family of Faith is to be in prayer for one another. Contact the church office at 256-1654 to be included on this Prayer List. EPC Special Concerns Boots Fuller, Remer Waguespack, Dr. Mary Tobin, those serving in our military, Stephen Ministers & their care receivers and all those in need of Gods special care.

Monday, august 26

7:00 Mens Prayer Breakfast 9:00 Count Team Fifty Plus Exercise Class 10:00 Senior Fitness 2:00 Pastors Mtg. 2:30 Program Staff Mtg. 5:30 Yoga

TUESDAY, august 27

9:00 Drop-In Nursery 9:30 Staff Meeting 10:00 Senior Fitness 11:45 Tuesday Lunch 3:00 Exercising for Arthritis 5:00 Tai Chi 5:30 Zumba Diaconate Mtg. 6:00 Handbell Rehearsal Joint Meeting 6:45 Session Meeting 7:00 Zumba Fitness Scottish Country Dance

Supper Six! Round Two!

WEDNESDAY, august 28

9:00 Fifty Plus Exercise Class Drop In Nursery 9:30 Prayer Shawl Ministry EDS Chapel 4:30 All Choir Rehearsals Love Bearers 5:15 WE@EPC Dinner 5:30 Confirmation Content Session 1 5:45 Childcare 6:15 Officer Training Crossroads Career Ministry WE@EPC Classes Angel/Junior Choir Rehearsal 7:15 Chancel Choir Rehearsal

Many Eastminsterites participated in Supper Six last spring. The reports from the groups were overwhelmingly positive! This fall another opportunity awaits all of us: a chance to sign up for Supper Six. The groups will be randomly formed as before, and each group will then decide whether to meet each month at a members home and share in preparing the meal, or to enjoy a dutch-treat evening at a restaurant. Deadline to register is September 1, 2013. Two ways to sign up for Supper Six this September through November: 1. Registration forms can be found in the Narthex on Sunday mornings, and in the Church Receptionists area each day. Fill out a form and leave it in the Supper Six box. Sign up on the web (www.eastminsterpres.org) or in the weekly E-News. All EPC women are invited to the Presbyterian Womens Fall Gathering on Tuesday, September 10, at 11:30 a.m. in Thompson Hall. Our new officers will be installed, and Lynn Grandsire will introduction the material for the circles and the Bible Study for this year. Lunch is $6.00, and you can sign up for lunch by emailing mbaldauf@eastminsterpres.org or calling Mary 256-1654. Join Mark Durrett for his Exodus morning class beginning on August 28 in the CLC, 271-273 at 11:00 a.m. This is the same class that will be meeting in the evening, giving everyone more opportunities to participate. Sign up on the web on the WE@EPC sign up, or e-mail jmcdaniel@ eastminsterpres.org.
Would you like to become part of a lively group that provides a huge service for Eastminster? If your answer is YES, please consider joining the EPC Kitchen Committee! We help by setting up, serving, and cleaning up for church meals. WE@EPC on Wednesday evenings is our largest responsibility, but we help with other meals as well. We are organized into four teams that rotate during eight months of the yearSeptember, October, November and January and repeat in February, March, April and May. Each team serves for one month during the fall and one month during the spring. On the job training is provided and team members receive a discount on their meal cost when working. Call Agnes Asman at 787-6325 or e-mail at agnesA1@sc.rr.com to join one of the Kitchen Committee Teams.

Presbyterian Womens Fall Gathering

New Time for Childrens Choirs - 6:15 - 7:00 p.m.

Our first group of Bradley Lunch Buddies have graduated from Elementary School! Thank you to those of you who have walked with your students since they were in third grade. This has been such a positive ministry of presence, that we are recruiting a new crop of Eastminster members to be Buddies. If you would be open to sharing a lunch hour once every two weeks during the school year, please contact Eastminster member John McArthur (jmcarthur@hsblawfirm.com) or staff person, Doretha Evans (devans@eastminsterpres.org). With the new Sunday School year getting underway, we need all the resources we can find. Do you have commentaries, DVDs, reference works, or other materials from the Lynn Temple Jones Library? Check your shelves (and your childrens shelves) and return any items you will not be using to the library. We do not charge overdue fines! Dont miss out! Send your information to share with the congregation to tcarter@eastminsterpres.org. Please have your information in by Wednesday, August 28, to be shared in our next newsletter on September 8, 2013.

Bradley Lunch Buddies

A Plea for Library Items . . .

Exodus in the Morning

Be a Transitions Volunteer!

THURSDAY, august 29

9:00 Drop-In Nursery 10:00 Senior Fitness 3:00 Exercising for Arthritis 5:00 Yoga 5:30 Zumba Fitness 7:00 Zumba Fitness 7:30 Jubilee Band Practice

You Are Invited to Join Our Team!

Deadline for UPDATE

FRIDAY, august 30

9:00 Fifty Plus Exercise Class 11:00 Support Staff Mfg. 2:00 Flora Football Team Meal

SATURDAY, august 31

CLC Closed for Labor Day Holiday

Eastminster Presbyterian Church 3200 Trenholm Road Columbia, South Carolina 29204

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Update for August 25, 2013

A New First Step Class will begin on August 25 and end November 17, when the class will join the church. The class meets in the Christian Education Building, room E-250. We are leaving for Asheville, NC, after school on Friday and returning to the church by noon on Sunday the 22th. The Asheville Youth Mission staff will arrange will for age-appropriate service projects in the Asheville area for Tweens and their parents. EPC 4th and 5th graders are eligible to go, but an adult (i.e. parent, uncle, aunt or grandparent) must accompany them! We have room for a total of 20 people. The kids are $25.00 each for the weekend and all adults are free. (If a tween sibling duo comes with us, its $40 total for the pair.) To register e-mail Croskeys croyall@ eastminsterpres.org) by Saturday, August 31. As we have done in years past, we will be honoring the first responders with cookies from Eastminster. However, this year we will be taking cookies a couple of weeks early for the purpose of using these cookies as an invitation to a free meal with us on Wednesday, September 11. We felt it was appropriate to invite our first responders and their families to break bread with us on the anniversary of September 11, 2001. Please help us by bringing cookies with you to worship on Sunday, August 25; help us deliver cookies to first responders later that day; and welcome them into our church home on Wednesday, September 11. You can sign up on at www.eastminsterpres.org or by calling Julie (256-1654). Bring a dozen or two cookies (preferably homemade) with you to church on August 25th, placing them at the designated location in the parlor. The church offices and CLC will be closed from Saturday, August 31 thru Monday, September 2 in observance of the Labor Day holiday. Worship services on September 1 will be at their normal times (9:00 and 11:15 a.m.).

First Step Class?

Serving on Sunday August 25

OFFICERS PRAYER: Elder Jimmy Long DEACONS: Abbott Carnes & Alec Chaplin Elder Michael Schraibman (Jubilee) Deacon Liz Agee (Jubilee) ushers: Eddie Laney & Joey Copley GREETERS: (9:00) Jeff & Kami Thordhal, Mitzi Trotter, Charlie Weston Craig & Judy Stoneburner (11:15) Kathy Winterhalter, Kay Lydon, Marilyn Hupp, Suzie Wattenbarger Stephen & Holly Van Horn INFANT ROOM - CLC 115 (9:00) Emily & Spencer Lindsay (11:15) Matt & Amy Hill TODDLER ROOM - CLC 117 (9:00) Nathan & Kennedy Natvig (11:15) Doug & Tracy Stursberg 2-K ROOM - CLC 119 (9:00) David & Susanne Hicklin (11:15) Eliza & Tyler Hudson CHILDRENS CHURCH 101 - 3K (9:00) Elisa Lumpkin (11:15) Marshall & Mary Kirk Morton CHILDRENS CHURCH 103 - 4K (9:00) Niles & Elizabeth Helmboltd (11:15) Craig & Tricia Howard CHILDRENS CHURCH 106 - 5K (9:00) Rodney & Marcy Swan (11:15) David & Mary Wells

4th & 5th grade Tween / Parent Mission trip, Sept. 20-22

Honoring First Responders on 9/11

Labor Day Holiday

Peanut Butter Sunday - August 25

It is again time to share your bounty with those less fortunate. Bring your peanut butter with you to church!

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