Application Form

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Scandinavian Ship Services SIA

Reg. No 52103025341. Fr.Brivzemnieka str. 52, Liepaja, LV-3401, Latvia. Tel.+371 63426052, fax +371 63480784, Web-page:; Email: APPLICATION FOR SEA STAFF EMPLOYMENT 1. Personal Data

Forma SSS1/02.2012

Position applied for: for Surname: Surname Date of Birth: Birth Citizenship: Citizenship Address (ZIP incl.): Residence / mobile tel.: tel Marital status: status Next of Kin / Relationship / Address, tel.: tel Maritime or other education (From - To):
No Certificate Name Rank

Date: Date First Name: Place of birth: birth Departure airport: airport

ID number:

Email or fax number: number Number of children under the age of 18: 18

2.The Summary of Personal Certification and Training Courses attended

Validity Number Grade Issue Place Issue Date Exp.Date

1.1. 1.2. 2. 3.

Travel passport Seamans Discharging Book Certificate of Competency Certificate of Competency National Endorsement of Certificate Norway/Bahamas Endorsement of Certificate of Competency

All Crew All Crew

Unlim. Unlim. M,Off,Eng 5 years M,Off,Eng 2 years

4. Basic Safety Training (Basic SOLAS) All Crew 5 years All Crew 2 years 5. Medical Fitness All Crew 5 years 6. Proficiency in Survival Craft. M,Off,Eng 5 years 7. Advanced Fire Fighting 5 years 8. Onboard Medical Care (First Aid) M,Off Deck Off 5 years 9. ARPA Deck Off 5 years 10. Radar observation Deck Off 5 years 11. GMDSS 12. GMDSS National Endorsement 13. Norway/Bahamas GMDSS Endors. 14. Yellow fever Deck Off 15. Ship Security Course (A-VI/5) 16. Visa for travel 17. English Language Skills Spoken: fluent / good / average / poor Written: fluent / good / average / poor 18. Other Foreign Languages Boiler suit / Shoes size: 3. Sea Service (Please use the European date format DD.MM.YY.)
From (S/On Date) To (S/Off Date) Onboard M./ Days Rank Vessels Name / Flag Ship Type GRT Main Eng. Type / kW Employer (company to contact for reference)


I hereby affirm that all the information provided by me in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Note: This form can be returned per email without signature- please ensure however to send a signed printout for our records per ordinary mail (e.g. with passport photo and photo copies of Certificates listed above are required)

4.Company notes: References: YES Have been checked in NMA: YES


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