Application Form
Application Form
Application Form
Reg. No 52103025341. Fr.Brivzemnieka str. 52, Liepaja, LV-3401, Latvia. Tel.+371 63426052, fax +371 63480784, Web-page:; Email: APPLICATION FOR SEA STAFF EMPLOYMENT 1. Personal Data
Forma SSS1/02.2012
Position applied for: for Surname: Surname Date of Birth: Birth Citizenship: Citizenship Address (ZIP incl.): Residence / mobile tel.: tel Marital status: status Next of Kin / Relationship / Address, tel.: tel Maritime or other education (From - To):
No Certificate Name Rank
Date: Date First Name: Place of birth: birth Departure airport: airport
ID number:
Email or fax number: number Number of children under the age of 18: 18
1.1. 1.2. 2. 3.
Travel passport Seamans Discharging Book Certificate of Competency Certificate of Competency National Endorsement of Certificate Norway/Bahamas Endorsement of Certificate of Competency
4. Basic Safety Training (Basic SOLAS) All Crew 5 years All Crew 2 years 5. Medical Fitness All Crew 5 years 6. Proficiency in Survival Craft. M,Off,Eng 5 years 7. Advanced Fire Fighting 5 years 8. Onboard Medical Care (First Aid) M,Off Deck Off 5 years 9. ARPA Deck Off 5 years 10. Radar observation Deck Off 5 years 11. GMDSS 12. GMDSS National Endorsement 13. Norway/Bahamas GMDSS Endors. 14. Yellow fever Deck Off 15. Ship Security Course (A-VI/5) 16. Visa for travel 17. English Language Skills Spoken: fluent / good / average / poor Written: fluent / good / average / poor 18. Other Foreign Languages Boiler suit / Shoes size: 3. Sea Service (Please use the European date format DD.MM.YY.)
From (S/On Date) To (S/Off Date) Onboard M./ Days Rank Vessels Name / Flag Ship Type GRT Main Eng. Type / kW Employer (company to contact for reference)
I hereby affirm that all the information provided by me in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Note: This form can be returned per email without signature- please ensure however to send a signed printout for our records per ordinary mail (e.g. with passport photo and photo copies of Certificates listed above are required)