Level 3-Area Perimeter Lesson Plan
Level 3-Area Perimeter Lesson Plan
Level 3-Area Perimeter Lesson Plan
Duration of lesson Topic and Focus 45 minutes Math (Perimeter & Area) Tuesday 5 May 2009
students 3/4
Student Teacher Focus and Rationale: The primary focus of this lesson is to create awareness of the difference between area and perimeter. My rationale is that children can often be confused about perimeter and area and this confusion may be the result of a lack of understanding of area and premature introduction of the formulas. My teacher focus in this lesson is to ensure information is taught in line with the unit On The Road Again and is interesting and informative. That is to ensure the information effectively reaches the students ensuring they learn from the lesson. This shall be achieved demonstrating the lesson to the children and then having them work individually or as a group. My focus is also to observe the students behaviour within the classroom, ensuring they remain focused to the lesson on hand, behave appropriately and are under my full guidance and control. Resources and Materials: The students shall be responsible for cutting out the states of Australia and using the centimetre grid paper to calculate the area and perimeter. o Centimetre Grid Paper o o o Map of the States of Australia and scissors Recording sheet Ruler
Student Learning Focus: To teach the students methods to calculate area and perimeter within the On The Road Again unit. This shall be obtained using the states of Australia on grid paper and comparing the different areas of each state. It is my focus that the students learn how to feel confident with calculating area and perimeter and that they are aware of the difference between the each measurement.
Key elements of standards to which lesson is focussed representation of multiplication as a rectangular array and as the area of a rectangle. classification of foods into food selection models. application of estimations using personal unitsand comparison with measures using formal units, such as metres and centimetres. use of ruler and tape measureto validate estimates of length. calculation of area through multiplication of the length of a rectangle by its width. displays of data as a column or bar graph.
VELS Strands
Level: 3
Discipline-Based Learning
Discipline-Based Learning
Stage of lesson
Stage 1: Introduction
Student action
Teacher action
Have each of the students sit on the floor. Introduce the map of Australia on the IWB. Have the students suggest what details they notice about the map. Commence discussing the states, ask which they think is the largest; followed by the next largest and so on, until all states have been ordered by the students. (Record on the board). Introduce the worksheet that is the copy of the map of Australia on the board. Explain they are to cut out all the states (not forgetting the ACT). Explain that the students must pull out their math books and use the centimetre grid paper to lay the states onto individually. They must count the squares that the state covers and record it into a graph (column graph). Demonstrate the column graph (or use IWB to show one). Demonstrate how to calculate the states perimeter. Respond to questions throughout the explanation process. Students are sent back to their desks and their math books are taken out. They work individually to cut out the states and commence laying them out onto the grid paper. Have the students return to the carpet bringing their math books. Ask a student to read out their data for one state and ask the rest of the group to raise their hands if they got the same answer, or ask for a different response should they have something different. Continue for each state. Compare then the states areas with the original order the students stated would be the largest state to the smallest.
10 min
Once instructed to do so, the students will individually share with the group their interpretations of the details they see in the map of Australia. The students shall give full attention throughout the explanation of the lesson. Questions shall be asked.
Ensure that each student is quiet while individual students are talking and sharing their ideas and learnings with the group. Monitor the students responses. Speak clearly and slowly to ensure all students hear and have opportunity to understand the instructions. Use verbal instruction and written demonstration for the explanation. Show the working sheet and the column graph. Have the students speak loudly enough to address the whole group with any questions.
25 min
Ensure that each student has started the lesson activity to know they understand. Look for students that are distracted or unstarted, they may not have understood the instructions. Give assistance to those that need it. Assessing the students abilities to verbalise to the group their responses. Observing their skills at comparison and reflection of their work. Observing and monitoring the students enthusiasm to the lesson. Observing the students willingness to participate in reflection of the lesson and discuss their likelihood of undertaking the tasks within their own time.
Stage 3: Conclusion
10 min
Using interdisciplinary skills to communicate their findings of the area and perimeter of the states of Australia.
Stage 4: Closure
All students were willing to contribute to the lesson. Prepare them for moving to the next lesson.