Bitcoin: The Money Revolution
Bitcoin: The Money Revolution
Bitcoin: The Money Revolution
By David MacGregor
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The rst thing to understand about Bitcoin is that it comes into existence without debt. It is in fact a debt-free currency. So how is it created and how does it come into circulation? This is done through a process called mining, where individuals all over the world can participate by hooking up their computers to the network which enables the Bitcoin system to process and verify all the transactions. By contributing this processing power, miners are rewarded with Bitcoins. The second thing to understand is that there is a strictly limited supply, with no more than 21 million Bitcoins (or BTC) in existence. And in case youre wondering how this works, they are divisible to 8 decimal places, meaning you can have 1 BTC or 0.1, or 0.001, or 0.0001 BTC, and so on. As the Bitcoin economy grows, and because the supply is limited, the effective unit of account simply gets smaller to accommodate the increased economic activity. Bitcoin, contrary to the inationary at paper money we are used to, is by comparison deationary. What does that mean? Think of it this way: as economic activity and wealth increases the actual price of stuff when quoted in BTC will decline. This is not something to worry about, but rather to celebrate. For just as we are used to high-tech items getting cheaper each year (just think how much computers used to cost!), it is entirely realistic to expect prices to drop across the board, provided economic progress continues. The Bitcoins in your wallet will actually rise in value, and buy more stuff in the future. This has the effect of encouraging people to save (without the need for interest payments) because a year from now, Bitcoins will likely buy more than today. In other words, it encourages capital formation. And thats a thought well return to later in this report. The third thing to understand is that Bitcoin runs on a peer-to-peer network of computers, which collaborate with each other to process and verify all transactions being conducted by the system. Unlike traditional banking, there are no clearing houses, no banks, no central authority - nothing in fact. The whole system is decentralised and distributed. Opening an account does not require you to prove who you are, provide ID or a Social Security number, supply references, or disclose your nancial information. You can immediately become part of the Bitcoin economy simply by making a decision to do so. There are many different ways to get started, and these will be discussed in greater detail in the next part of this report. Sufce to say, its as simple as downloading the Bitcoin wallet which resides on your computer or smartphone - purchasing some BTC and joining in the fun and freedom. There is a wealth of information on Bitcoin out there, so I have no intention of repeating it verbatim here. Rather, I will use the rest of this report to point you in the right direction by providing links that will answer every possible question, and hopefully get you motivated.
Bitcoin: The Money Revolution - Page 4