Cisi Fig 1

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ADBI Working Paper 311

Das, Banga, and Kumar

Figure 1: Change in Sectoral Composition of Indias GDP (%)

Change in Sectoral Shares in GDP: 199091 to 200809




and Allied



2008- 09RE

2007- 08QE

2006- 07

2005- 06 P

2004- 05

2003- 04

2002- 03

2001- 02

2000- 01

1999- 00

1998- 99

1997- 98

1996- 97

1995- 96

1994- 95

1993- 94

1992- 93

1991- 92


1990- 91


Notes: GDP = gross domestic product, P = Provisional, QE = Quaterly Estimates, RE = Revised Estimates.
Source: Central Statistical Organisation.

A closer look at the composition of the Indian services sector reveals some very interesting facts
(Figure 2). Within the services sector, the highest share in services GDP has been domestic trade
(retail and wholesale trade). It averaged around 23.2% of the total services GDP in FY1990-91
FY1999-2000, and then further increased to 23.4% in FY2000FY2007, thereby remaining the
most significant sector in terms of its share of the total services output. This is followed by real
estate with an average share of 13.7% in FY1990-01FY1999-2000, which fell by 1.0 percentage
point to 12.7% in FY2000-01 to FY2007-08. Next in importance in terms of share of services
output are the public administration and defense and construction services with respective
average shares of 12% and 11.2% in FY1990FY1999, which then fell marginally to 10.8% and
10.2% in FY2000-01FY2007-08. What is interesting is that the top five services categories
remained the same over time in terms of their share of the total services sector output. These
services are also those that have low tradability within the Indian context. The fifth and sixth
ranking are banking and insurance and transport services, which averaged 10% and 8.5%,
respectively, across the whole analysis period.
What is most striking is the rise in the average share of the GDP contributed by communication
services, which rose from 2.4% to 7.0%. There has been a consistent rise in the share of
communication services in the total services output; however, it must be noted that the share has
remained less than 10% of the total output of services at all times.

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