The International Monetary System
The International Monetary System
The International Monetary System
Gold Standard (1876-1913) o Each country set a rate of which its currency could be converted to a weight of gold. o Conclusions of Gold Standard: Value of each currency in terms of gold, and therefore exchange rates between countries was fixed. Maintaining adequate reserves of gold was important!!! This led to an increase in international trade and limits on money supply and inflation happened.
Interwar Years (1914-1944) o War stopped the movement of gold. o Currencies fluctuated into wide ranges, in terms of gold and each other. Demand and Supply forces determined the exchange rate.
Bretton Woods Agreement (1945), two major changes o US dollar based international monetary system. o Creation of the World Bank and IMF.
Gold Exchange Standard: o Under the BW agreement all countries fixed the value of their currencies in terms of gold, they were not required to exchange currency for gold. Only the dollar remained convertible into gold.
The IMF o Provides conditional short-term loans, to correct monetary imbalances and assistance. o Its financing facility aims to reduce the impact of export instability on county economies. o IMF uses a quota system, and financing is measured in special drawing rights.
World Bank o Long term loans to help countries enhance their economic development. o Structural Adjustment Loans are intended to enhance a countrys long-term economic growth. o Funds are provided spread through co-financing agreements with official aid agencies, export credit agencies, and commercial banks.
The End of the Gold exchange standard: o Ended in August 1971. o Exchange Rates of most trading countries were allowed to float in relation to the dollar.
Exchange rate regime classification: o Floating exchange regime: The exchange rate is market determined. o Managed floating with no preannounced path: The monetary authority intervenes with no recommitment to a preannounced path. o Exchange rate within crawling pegs o Crawling pegs o Currency board o Fixed exchange rate o Currency Union