MDYR Letter Regarding District 36
MDYR Letter Regarding District 36
MDYR Letter Regarding District 36
Brian Griffiths
September 24, 2013 The Honorable Chris Zekauskas Chairman Cecil County Central Committee The Honorable Andi Morony Chairman Queen Annes County Central Committee Dear Chairmen, As you begin the process of selecting a replacement to fill the seat in the House of Delegates by the Appointment of Steve Hershey to the State Senate, I urge you on behalf of the Maryland Young Republicans to conduct a selection process that is fair, transparent, and orderly. During the process to replace the Senate seat vacated by the resignation of E.J. Pipkin, we saw a selection process that was disjointed, overly politicized, and did not allow for public participation by active Republicans in all of the counties of the 36th District. We, as Republicans, pride ourselves on our commitment to fair standards, fair processes, and full transparency, and we encourage you to make a commitment to these same standards in the upcoming process. To that end, we encourage you to take the following actions: 1. Public interviews for all applicants who are seeking the appointment; 2. Full open meetings, allowing for public participation throughout the process; 3. A commitment to simultaneous voting so that all Central Committees are making a selection at the same time. Young Republicans across the state are looking to you for leadership in selecting a suitable replacement to serve in the House of Delegates. We urge you to do our party proud. The Honorable Sandra Terpulak Chairman Kent County Central Committee The Honorable Rob Willoughby Chairman Caroline County Central Committee
Mike Catoe
Executive Vice-President
National Committeewoman
Kyle Buckles