Earmark Request
Earmark Request
Earmark Request
The ent ity to recei ve fundi ng for thi s project is the Illinois Meth Project, 937 S. 2'1l! St.. Springfield IL,
62704 .
The funding would be used to prevent teen methamphetamine use in Illino is through community
outreach. and strategic advertising cam paign.
I certify that neither I nor my spouse has any fi nancial interest in thi s project.
I certi fy that this request wi ll be made publicly available on my Official Website as required by Chainnan
Obey's new Committee policy that only posted requests wi ll be considered .
Additionally, I hereby certify that to the best of my know ledge this request ( I) is not directed to an entity
or program that will be named after a sitt ing Member of Congress (2) is not intended to be used by an
entity to secure fu nds for other enti ties un less the use of funding is consistent with the spec ified purpose
of the eannark; and (3) meets or exceeds all statuto ry requirements for matching fund s where applicable.
I further certify that should this request be included in the bill , I wil l place a statement in the
Congressio"al Record describing how the fund s will be spent and justifying the use of fede ral taxpayer
fund s.
Si ncerely,
1;-- ~L-
Aaron Schock
Member of Congress