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Prince2 - Practitioner Papers

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The Practitioner Examination
Scenario Booklet
This is a 2.5-hour objective test examination. This booklet contains the Project
......... Scenario upon which this exam paper is based. All questions are contained within
the Question Booklet.
Additional information is provided within this Scenario Booklet for a number of
questions. Where reference should be made to additional information, this is
clearly stated within the question to which it is relevant. All information provided
within a question must only be applied to that question.
Each of the nine questions is worth 12 marks, giving a maximum of 108 marks in
the paper. The pass mark is 55% (59 marks). Within each question the syllabus
area to which the question refers is clearly stated. The exam is to be taken with the
support of the PRINCE2 Manual only, i.e. no material other than the Question
Booklet, the Scenario Booklet, the Answer Booklet and the PRINCE2 Manual is
to be used.
Candidate Number: .
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Project Scenario
Calendar Project
There has been a reduction in order numbers at the MNO Manufacturing Company due in part to the
increased marketing activities of its competitors. To help counter this, it has been decided to create a
promotional calendar for next year for all its current and prospective customers.
The end product of this project will be a prepared calendar pack, ready for printing. The design of the
calendar will be similar to one sent out previously, and must reflect the company image
as described in the existing corporate branding standards. Another project is currently producing a
new company logo which is to be printed on each page of the promotional calendar. The prepared
calendar pack will consist of:
Monthly calendar displays - correctly showing all public holidays and new company logo
Selected photos - 12 professionally-produced photos, showing different members of staff
Selected paper and selected envelope - for printing and mailing the calendar
Chosen label design integrating new company logo - competition to be held as part of this
List of customers names and addresses of customers to whom the calendar will be sent
The project is currently in initiation and will have two further stages:
Stage 2 will include the activities to:
create the customer list using information from the Accounts and Marketing departments
confirm compliance with the Data Protection Act
design the monthly calendar displays - this will be done by the internal creative team
select and appoint a professional photographer
gather photo design ideas from previous project and agree photo session schedule
prepare a production cost forecast
select paper and envelope
Stage 3 will include the activities to:
take and select the professional photos
hold the label design competition and choose the label design
assemble the prepared calendar pack.
A production cost forecast, based on the options and costs for the paper, envelope, printing and
mailing of the calendar is to be produced in stage 2. However, the actual production and distribution
of the calendars is not within the scope of this project. The production cost forecast will be reviewed
by the Project Board to determine whether the project should continue.
It is now 05 October and the prepared calendar pack must be delivered to the print company by 30
November, to enable printing and distribution of the calendar in time for Christmas. The cost of the
activities to develop the specialist products and the cost of the project management activities are
estimated to be 20k. There is a project time tolerance of +1 week 1-2 weeks and a project cost
tolerance of +6k 1-6k. A change budget of 500 has been allocated but there is no risk budget.
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Question 1: Business Case Theme - Additional Information
During the initiation stage the Project Manager met with the Marketing Director to find out more about
the requirements of the promotional calendar and recorded the following notes:
There has been a reduction in the order numbers at the MNO Manufacturing due in part to the
increased marketing activities of its competitors. 10% of customers have not re-ordered in this
financial year and staff morale is poor. A number of skilled staff have left as a result and replacement
staff have not been recruited due to the reduced operation. If the project is successful, a recruitment
campaign will be required to fill the existing staff vacancies and there may be a requirement for
additional staff. Operational costs are likely to increase because skilled staff are expensive and
difficult to find.
In financial terms, there were a total of 1,500 orders in the last financial year, each with an average
profit of 2k. The Marketing department believes that sending a promotional calendar to our current
and prospective customers would increase orders by at least 10% with a minimum of 10 further
orders from the list of prospective customers within 12 months from the date of distribution.
The Marketing Director will be funding the project from the business marketing budget. She believes
that the effect of a good company image portrayed by a successful calendar would last into a second
year. She has forecast the same increase in orders for a second year and predicts that the annual
employee satisfaction survey will show a measurable improvement in staff morale.
A number of alternatives were explored, including:
20% discount for all repeat customers - not cost-effective and very short term
A promotional calendar as a free Christmas gift - would target current and prospective
customers and the benefits would last into a second year
A series of television and press advertisements was too expensive
A direct mail shot to all customers - benefit would be short term
Creation of an internet website - would not suit all customers
The calendar is seen as the favoured option, as long as the company's competitors do not increase
their marketing activity. VVhilst the Marketing department wants a very high quality, glossy product, the
project management team must be aware of the cost this wilt incur.
The APM Gr(lUp Lld 2009 ThlS docurr r I
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--'estion 2: Organization Theme - Additional Information
Chief Executive Officer (CEO): He started the company 25 years ago and knows his job very well.
He injured his leg two years ago which has restricted his visits to the engineering area. As CEO he
has an overall perspective of the business strategic requirements and the authority to commit
resources as required.
Marketing Director: She has been with the company for three years, following a successful career
with a publicity company. She has the ability to represent the needs of the business, particularly as
this is a marketing project. She has the authority to commit the annual business marketing budget,
from which the project will be funded, as she sees appropriate. She will be responsible for monitoring
the expected benefits of the calendar, in particular the improvement of the company's image.
Engineering Manager: He has been responsible for many engineering innovations in the company
and is still as keen and energetic as the day he started. VVhilst he will not be part of the project team,
his staff will feature in the photos for the promotional calendar.
Central Records: This group of five staff looks after all company records and document control. They
now maintain all project files.
Bright Lights: This is the local office supplies company. It supplies all the stationery and office
equipment needs of the company and will supply the stationery for this project.
Portraits ltd: This is a professional photographic company with a number of excellent photographers
and a history of successful work. This company has been selected to take the photos for the company
calendar. It has yet be decided which of the photographers to use.
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Question 3: Quality Theme - Additional Information
Extract from the Project Product Description (with errors)
Composition 1. Monthly calendar displays
2. 100gsm glossy paper
3. Full colour
4. Selected envelope
5. Chosen label design
6. List of customers
7. Selected photos
8. Photo session schedule
Derivation 9. New company logo design
10. Previous calendar designs
11. Internal creative team
12. Production cost forecast
13. Photographer
skills required
14. Internal creative team
15. Printer
16. Professional photos
17. 10% more calendars should be printed than
required to allow for any late additions to the list
of customers
18. Compliance with applicable corporate standards
19. The calendar should reflect the company image
as described in the corporate branding standards
20. The calendar will increase orders by at least 10%
with a minimum of 10 further orders from the list of
prospective customers within 12 months
21. Appearance - each photo should be sufficiently
attractive and humorous that the customer wants
to display it
22. Appearance - new company logo promotes
strong image
23. Security - complies with Data Protection Act
Accuracy - public holidays match the list
supplied by Marketing on 01 November
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estion 4: Starting Up a Project + Initiating a Project Processes - Additional Information
Extract from the Communication Management Strategy.
The project information in the table below is true, but it may not be recorded under the correct
heading or be in the correct document
Introduction 1. This document contains details of how the project management
team will send information to individuals working on the
Calendar project, and receive information from them.
Communication 2. See MNO Manufacturing Company standards for all internal
procedure company communications.
Tools and techniques 3. Use the staff newsletter to launch the label design competition
and to promote the chosen label design.
4. Using the number of responses to the label design competition
as a measure, report fortnightly to the Project Board on the
effectiveness of the staff newsletter as a vehicle for
s. Use the company website to advertise the promotional calendar
to customers.
Records 6. A record should be maintained for each product of the
project. As a minimum this should show the project name,
product name, product title, and version number.
7. External email and correspondence relating to the Calendar
project should be recorded electronically in the project folder.
8. Information received in hard copy should, where possible,
should be scanned and filed as above.
Timing of 9. At the end of each stage, audit and report on the performance
communication of the communication methods being used.
10. Highlight Reports to be provided to appropriate
stakeholders, at the frequency defined in each Stage Plan.
Stakeholder analysis: 11. Photographer.
Interested parties 12. Print company.
Information needs for
13. Weekly updates will be provided by email to the individual
each interested party
producing the staff newsletter.
14. Engineering Manager is to be consulted when preparing the
photo session schedule.
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Question 5: Risk Theme - Additional Information
A photographer from Portraits Ltd, a professional photographic company, has taken on the role of
Team Manager after taking some time to understand the requirements of the project. A contract for
their services has been set up and is being monitored by the Purchasing Manager and a Work
Package has been agreed. This contract specifies that the photographer must arrange a meeting with
the Engineering Manager to establish a schedule for the photo sessions to minimize the impact on the
Engineering staff. This meeting should have occurred by now.
The Engineering Manager was made aware of this requirement but when asked he reported that he
has received no communication from the photographer. The Project Manager has tried to call the
photographer and has had no response. The Project Manager believes there is a risk that Portraits
Ltd are overbooking work and prioritizing other clients' work. If Portraits ltd do not deliver on schedule
the project will be delayed and the expected benefits will be reduced.
The contract is to be reviewed and Portraits Ltd reminded of their agreement.
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I...cuestion 6: Plans Theme - Additional Information
Product Summary
A list of customers will be collated. This will use existing information from the Accounts
department about current customers, and existing information from the Marketing
department about prospective customers.
Using the tariff of mailing costs available from the Post Office, a production cost forecast
will be produced to allow the CEO and the Marketing Director to decide whether to
continue with the project. If they decide to continue, they will give the approval to launch
the internal label design competition. Competition rules will be required to communicate
details of the competition to the staff. The chosen label design will then be selected
from the competition entries.
The photos for the calendar must be based on existing photo design ideas available
from the Marketing department. The selected photos will be chosen from these. Monthly
calendar displays will be created to show the required layout of each page.
Product Breakdown Structure (contains errors)
calendar pack
Calendar Production Label
Tariff of
List of
cost forecast
Comoetition mailing
Label design
Rules Marketing
Photo design
Select photos
Continued on the next page
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Additional Information continued.
Extract from Stage Plan for stage 3.
(All entries are true statements but may not be shown under the correct heading or in
the correct document).
Plan description 1. Stage 3 is the final stage of the project and will deliver the
photos, the label design competition entries, the winning
label design and the prepared calendar pack.
Plan 2. Increase in orders and improved company image.
3. The production cost forecast must be acceptable to the
Project Board if the photography and label design
competition are to go ahead.
4. The customer list is accurate and complete.
External 5. A separate project has been reviewing the company's
dependencies branding. The company logo, required for the label design
competition, is being updated. The new company logo is to
be supplied by the other project in two weeks time.
6. Customer details will be supplied from the Accounts
department and the Marketing department customer
databases for the customer list.
7. The label design must contain the new company logo.
Planning 8. A suitable entry will be received from the label design
assumptions competition.
9. The photo session schedule created two weeks ago
correctly reflects the availability of the engineering staff.
10. Each photo must feature different members of the
Engineering team.
Monitoring and 11. The Project Plan is to be updated with actuals throughout
control the stage.
12. A Highlight Report will be created for the Project Board
every two weeks.
13. The Stage Plan will be reviewed at the end of each day, to
assess forecast against actuals.
14. Product Status Accounts will be produced by Project
Support, at the request of the Project Manager, to
summarize current and historical data concerning each of
the project's products.
Budgets 15. Cost 5k for specialist products
16. Time 4 weeks
17. Risk 0
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Candidate Number
1. You should attempt to answer all Questions.
3. Do NOT use coloured pens or highlighters
4. Do NOT use correction fluid.
5. If you wish to change an answer, comDletelv erase your original mark and place
a mark in your preferred answer.
6. All questions have one answer unless specifically stated in the question. If more
than the required number of answers is given, the question will score zero.
2. Answers should be indicated by marking the corresponding oval in PENCIL.
The Practitioner Examination
Answer Booklet
Print your candidate number in the box provided and fill in the appropriate ovals underneath
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BookIeIID: 3
Candidate Number:
- -
Exam Title: The Practitioner Objective Test
Exam Date: 03/07/2009
Exam Ref: GB-03/07/2009-EX02- V1.6
- Question 1 - Business Case Theme
- Part A
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Part B
Question 2 - Organization Theme
- Part A
2.00000 -"
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Page: 2 BooklellD: 3
Candidate Number:
- -
Exam Title: The Practitioner Objective Test
- -
- Exam Date: 03/07/2009
Exam Ref: GB-03/07/2009-EX02- V1.6
- Question 2 - Organization Theme
- Part B
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- - Question 3 - Quality Theme
- - Part A
- Part B
- Part C
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Page. 4
Part B
Part A
Question 5 - Risk Theme
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Booklet ID: 3
The Practitioner Objective Test
Exam Title:
Exam Date: 03/07/2009
Exam Ref: GB-03/07/2009-EX02- V1.6
Question 4 - Starting Up a Project + Initiating a Project Processes
Part A
Candidate Number:
Candidate Number:
- -
Exam Title: The Practitioner Objective Test
- -
- Exam Date: 03/07/2009
Exam Ref: GB-03/07l2009-EX02- V1.6
Question 5 - Risk Theme
- Part B
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- - Question 6 - Plans Theme
- Part A
- Part B
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- - Page. 5 8ookletlD. 3
Candidate Number:
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Exam Title: The Practitioner Objective Test
Exam Date: 03/07/2009
Exam ReI: GB-03107/2009-EX02- V1.6
- Question 7 - Progress Theme
- Part A
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Part B
- Question 8 - Change Theme
- Part A
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- - Page. 6 Booklet 10. 3
Question 9 - Directing a Project + Managing a Stage Boundary + Closing a Project
Part B
Part A
Exam Title: The Practitioner Objective Test
Exam Date: 03/07/2009
Exam ReI: GB-03/07/2009-EX02- V1.6
Question 8 - Change Theme
Part B
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Page. 7 BookJet ID: 3
Candidate Number:
The Practitioner examination
Question Booklet
Candidate Number: .
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Syllabus areas covered:
Question 1 Business Case Theme
Question 2 - Organization Theme
Question 3 Quality Theme
Question 4 - Starting Up a Project + Initiating a Project Processes
Question 5 . Risk Theme
Question 6 . Plans Theme
Question 7 - Progress Theme
Question 8 Change Theme
Question 9 Directing a Project + Managing a Stage Boundary + Closing a Project Processes
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Question Number 1
Syllabus Area Business Case Theme
Syllabus Area --,Q...u",estion Number Part Marks l
Business Cas,"e,-T,-h",e",m=e ,____ 1 __'-7__J
Using the Project Scenario and the additional information provided for this question in the Scenario
Booklet, answer the following 7 questions.
Each question provides a list of true statements about the Calendar project, but only 2 statements are
appropriate entries for that heading of the Business Case.
Remember to limit your answers to the number of selections requested in each question.
Which 2 statements should be recorded under the Reasons heading?

The Marketing department believes that sending a promotional calendar to current and prospective
customers will increase orders by at least 10%.
10% of customers have not reordered in this financial year.
1,500 orders are expected, each with an average profit of 2k.
The Marketing department believes that the effect of a good company image, portrayed by a successful
calendar, will last into a second year.
MNO Manufacturing is experiencing a fall in orders due in part to the increased marketing activities of its
2 Which 2 statements should be recorded under the Business options heading?
Produce a promotional calendar as a free Christmas gift to current and prospective customers.
B Use a professional photographer to create the photographs for the calendar.
C Create the photographs for the calendar internally.
D Outsource the creation of the calendar to a professional marketing company.
,EO Do nothing.
3 Which 2 statements should be recorded under the Expected benefits heading?
Increase orders by at least 10% with a minimum of 10 further orders from the list of prospective customers
within 12 months.
B It will be similar to calendars sent out in previous years
C The Marketing department believes that the benefits of a good company image, as portrayed by a
successful calendar. will last into a second year and bring the same increase in orders.
D The calendar will contain photos of both staff and company products.
E The Marketing department want a very high quality, glossy product as they believe this will be more
appealing to customers.
Question continues on next page
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VVhich 2 statements should be recorded under the Expected dis-benefits heading?
A A high quality, glossy product will involve additional costs.
t8 Individuals in the engineering team who are not selected to appear in the calendar photographs will become
The calendar may not result in the expected 10% increase in orders.
pt Because the Calendar project is a priority for the MNO Manufacturing Company, the delivery of other
projects within the Marketing department will be delayed.
The calendar may not result in the 10 further orders from the list of prospective customers in 12 months.
VVhich 2 statements should be recorded under the Timescale heading?
A Benefits will be lost if the project is not completed on time.
B A recruitment campaign to fill the existing staff vacancies will need to take place in the next 12 months.
~ Additional 10% increase in orders in year two.

The prepared calendar pack must be delivered by the first week in December.
/! The print company requires a 2 week notification period of the calendar pack delivery.
VVhich 2 statements should be recorded under the Costs heading?
A The MNO marketing budget this year is 120k.
B The project will be funded from the business marketing budget
e 10 further orders with an average profit of 2k will deliver a benefit of 20k in the first year.
D The new company logo is estimated to cost 4k. ;...
,E Project costs are estimated to be a total of 26.5k.
VVhich 2 statements correctly define a Business Case risk which should be recorded under the Major risks
A Operational costs will increase as a result of the recruitment campaign.
The prepared calendar pack is to be delivered to the printers by the first week in December.
If the calendar quality is poor customers will not use it, creating the reverse effect and reducing orders further.
If any competitors launch a calendar at the same time this will reduce the impact of the MNO calendar and
benefits will be reduced.
E Staff morale will improve as a result of the promotional calendar.
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Syllabus Area Question Number Part Marks ___
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Using the Project Scenario and the additional Information provided for this question In the Scenario
Booklet, answer the following question.
Lines 1 to 5 in the table below consist of an assertion statement and a reason statement. For each line identify
the appropriate option, from options A to E, that applies. Each option can be used once, more than once or not
at all.
Option Assertion Reason
A True True AND the reason explains the assertion
B True True BUT the reason does not explain the assertion
C True False
0 False True
E False False
Assertion Reason
1 If the calendar solution is changed there should be a BECAUSE The Business Case includes options for
review of, and possible changes to, the Business '\ the delivery of the chosen solution.
The Business Case will no longer be viable if the The Business Case is no longer viable if
prepared calendar pack is only available for printing stage tolerances are exceeded during t ~
in the first week of December. f project.
The fact that the project's aim is to try to counter the BECAUSE The outline Business Case contains the
fall in orders should be documented in the project" reasons why the project is needed and 1:
Brief. forms part of the Project Brief.
The Benefits Review Plan should include an BECAUSE The Benefits Review Plan contains details
assessment in 12 months time of the increase in " of benefits reviews to be conducted during
orders. the project 'I
The expected improvement in staff morale should BECAUSE Only those benefits that can be measured
NOT be recorded as a benefit in the Business Case. in financial terms should be de'Wed in t ~
f- Business Case.
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r tion Number 2
Syllabus Area Organization Theme
S llabus Area
Organization Theme
Question Number
The following 7 questions include a number of true statements about an individual from the project organization.
Only 2 statements explain why, in the context of roles and responsibilities within a PRINCE2 organization structure,
the individual is a suitable candidate for that role.
Remember to limit your answers to the number of selections requested in each question.
1 V'vhich 2 statements explain why the Marketing Director should be appointed as the Executive for this project?
A She has been with the company for three years.
S She previously had a successful career in publicity.
She is able to represent the business needs of MNO Manufacturing.
d She has authority to commit the marketing budget, from which the project will be funded.
E She requires more experience working with the engineering industry.
VVhich 2 statemen\s explain why the CEO should be appointed as the Executive for this project?
A He started the company 25 years ago.
S He knows his job very well.
C He restricts his visits to the engineering area.
0 He has the authority to commit resources as required.
E He has an overall perspective of the business's strategic requirements.
VVhich 2 statements explain why the Marketing Director should be appointed as a Senior User for this project?
She can represent the Marketing department.
She previously had a successful career in publicity.
C The Marketing department will help to deliver the benefits of this project. '
0 The project will be funded from the business marketing budget.
E A number of the products will be produced by the Sales department and the Marketing department.
Question continues on next page
PRINCE2-GB-EX02-vl a Pa. 7
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Question continued
4 VVhich 2 statements explain why the Sales Manager should be appointed as a Senior User for this project?
A He joined the company last year with huge enthusiasm.
B He would like to move into the Marketing department in the future and sees this as an opportunity to work
closely with the Marketing Director.
C The launch of a company calendar will impact the Sales department.
0 He reports directly to the Marketing Director.
E He is able to represent current and prospective customer interests.
VVhich 2 statements explain why the Purchasing Manager should be appointed as a Senior Supplier for this
j( He is responsible for the organization's procurement activites.
He is responsible for the performance of supplier contracts.
C He was an engineer and worked in that area before taking up his current position. ,
0 He can influence the external supplier's Business Case.
E He is not appropriate for the role of Executive or Senior User.
VVhich 2 statements explain why the Sales Manager should be appointed as User Assurance for this project?
A He joined the company last year with huge enthusiasm and is keen to increase sales.
B He can provide an evaluation of the potential impact the calendar will have on sales.
C He is able to advise on suitable stakeholder engagement of current and prospective customers.
D He would like to move into the Marketing department in the future and sees this as an opportunity to work
closely with the Marketing Director.
He can resolve any conflict in requirements between the Sales department and the Marketing department.
VVhich 2 statements explain why Central Records should be appointed as Project Support for this project?
A They control the receipt, identification, versions, storage and issue of all project products within the
company's projects.
B They already exist within the organization and have been with the company for many years.
C They will ensure compliance with all company policies and procedures.
D They perform a quality assurance function across all projects.
EO They have knowledge of the organizational standards that will be applicable to the project.
I.CE... Gt XO<e- 1 8 :3
lh" APM Group Ltl1 ~ O O [ l ThiS dOCUme<'ll nol!O tlI! prod, All1 or '(1-s0111 Wllh T P ~ l
Tr.ld!" Milrlo ollhe Office of Governm.!"1 Comme ce The Sw"j logo'" IS a Tr
Docl,menl Owner - Chief Examiner
If'r I Id PRINCEI!lI$ a Reglslered
eM"'ollhe ,m
r --coc--'S'1y"'lI"a"bu"socA'-=.re"a'---_____ Question Number Part
, -'O"r"9..,a"'n"iz"'a"tio"n"--'T"h,,em=e'--- '--- -'2'--- --,---,B
Using the additional Information provided for this question In the Scenario Booklet, answer the
following question.
Lines 1 to 5 in the table below consist of an assertion statement and a reason statement. For each line identify
the appropriate option, from options A to E, that applies. Each option can be used once, more than once or not
at all.
Option Assertion Reason
A True True AND the reason explains the assertion
B True True BUT the reason does not explain the assertion
C True False
D False True

E False False
Assertion Reason
1 The Executive role should be shared by the CEO BECAUSE The Executive is responsible for securing the
and the Marketing Director. f funding for the project. \"
2 The Senior User role should be shared by the BECAUSE Those who provide specialist resources to the
Marketing Director and the Engineering Manager. project development teams should perform a
Senior User role.
3 Although Bright Lights and Portraits ltd are BECAUSE When the Senior Supplier role is shared
suppliers, they CANNOT both perform a Senior between two suppliers, one of the suppliers
Supplier role on this project. must be internal to the business.
4 A single member of Central Records should NOT BECAUSE It is necessary to keep Project Support and
perform both a Project Support and a Project Project Assurance responsibilities separate.
Assurance role on this project.
5 The Engineering Manager should be included in BECAUSE The Communication Management Strategy
the Communication Management Strategy. describes the communication tools to be used.
lh AP
flll'"..e )f GOVCnl

w I 11 e>xp.ess
IOw - Ch f Examtn
fr eo
t lte IIf
Question Number 3
Syllabus Area Quality Theme
S lIabus Area
Quality Theme
Question Number
Column 1 is a list of objectives. For each objective in Column 1, select from Column 2 the quality activity that
addresses it. Each selection from Column 2 can be used once, more than once or not at all.
Column 1 Column 2
1 Understanding the customer's quality expectations.
A Quality assurance
2 Approval of the project's products.
8 Quality control
3 Confirmation that corporate management standards and policies are being
C Quality planning
adhered to. A
Ci The APM Group Llll 2009 This rlOo:".l,mETlI
Trade M a r ~ ollh - I
P'lge 10 of
11 e p I Old ".IH"lOU -r ~ e, In AnTt,c Gr ./p_
,e,e TIle SWI>1logo 'f' a "1111" Mil' A Ihe Off'ce 01 GOllernmell1 Comme
I Svllabus Area Question Number I Part Marks
Quality Theme 3 B 4
An address label Is required for the envelope. The design of the label will be selected from entries to an
internal label design competition. The winning label design will be Included in the prepared calendar
pack given to the printing company. The label should be half the size of the selected envelope (+5% 1-
5%), and use an attractive, large font for the customer's name and address. The new company logo
must be integrated into the label design. The Project Board will be asked to review all entries and select
the winning label design.
The information in Column 1 may be entered in the Product Description for the chosen label design. Column 2 is a
list of the quality headings (excluding Quality Method) in a Product Description. For each entry in Column 1 decide
if it should be included in the Product Description headings shown and select the heading from Column 2 under
which it should be recorded.
Each selection from Column 2 can be used once, more than once or not at all.
Column 1 Column 2
1 Half the size of the selected envelope.
A Not included
2 Attractive large font.
B Quality criteria
C Quality tolerance
3 Project Board.
D Quality skills required
4 +5% 1-5% of the required label size. Cl
E Quality responsibilities
wnE:r - Chief E'Glmrner - Page 11 01
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INeE ,s a Regl$lerer;l
____ --j-_'-P""a::-rt'----l-_ ___'M""a"rk"'-s
Quality Theme 3 C 5
Using the Project Scenario and the additional information provided for this question in the Scenario
Booklet, answer the following 5 questions about the Project Product Description.
Remember to limit your answers to the number of selections requested in each question.
\Nhich 2 statements apply to the Composition section?
A Amend entry 2 to 'Selected paper'. W
S Delete entry 3 because this is NOT a major product to be delivered by this project
Move entry 6 to Derivation because this product already exists.
D Delete entry 7 because these will be produced by the photographer.
E Add 'Calendars distributed to customers'.
2 Vv'hich 2 statements apply to the Derivation section?
,( Move entry 9 to Composition because this is within the scope of the project.
Delete entry 10 because this is NOT a source product for this project.
Delete entry 11 as this is already correctly shown under Development Skills required.
Move entry 12 to Composition, because this is within the scope of this project.

E Add 'Professional photographer'.

W1ich 2 statements apply to the Development skills required section?
Move entry 13 to Composition because the appointment of the photographer is within the scope of this
Move entry 13 to Derivation because this is a source of information for this project.
C Delete entry 14 because this skill is NOT required within this project.
Delete entry 15 because this skill is NOT required within this project.
Add 'Knowledge of Data Protection Act',
4 'M1ich 2 statements apply to the Customer's quality expectations section?
A Delete entry 16 because this should be shown on the Product Description for the photos.
Delete entry 17 because this is beyond the scope of this project.
C Delete entry 18 because standards should NOT be shown here.
D Delete entry 19 because this should appear in the Product Description for the calendar and not the Project
Product Description.
Delete entry 20 because this is an expected benefit and should be recorded in the Business Case.
Question continues on next page
PRINCEZGB-FXf) Vl B Page 12 of 10 Oar.lImenlOwn - Cll I (,: ..
T -r, Jp LI 100 ta I).. ,epWl'lIlc:ell or elll W Jtrt ....prp.ss from The APM Group Uti IS iI l-Ieg,slelclJ
1- tn It If Of'ClYE!lrPf'lt>l1C()I'f1rnerce.
Question continued
5 VVhich 2 statements apply to the Acceptance criteria section?
A Amend entry 21 to 'Appearance - 12 photos each showing different members of staff. ~ V
..a/Move entry 21 to Composition because the photos are part of the final product. /"
C Delete entry 22 because the development of the new company logo is not within the scope of the Calendar
project. f
D Move entry 23 to Derivation because the Data Protection Act already exists.
E Delete entry 24 because this is NOT a suitable acceptance criteria for this project.
rh APt"
PR ; ~ E ..:- -EX ..
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Page 13 cl:;O III Owner _ CtNlf x
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w!\&T.Met.arllf(h flee
Question Number 4
Syllabus Area Starting Up a Project + Initiating a Project Processes
Syllabus Area
Starting Up a Project + Initiating a Project Processes
Question Number
Using the Project Scenario, select the appropriate response to each of the following 5 questions which
have been raised by the Project Board.
The project is now at the end of the initiation stage. Having decided that the Calendar project is a
relatively simple project, the Project Manager combined the Starting Up a Project process and the
Initiating a Project process. No Project Brief has been produced. Instead the Project Manager used the
project mandate to produce a simple Project Initiation Documentation (PlO). The PlO includes the
Business Case, a product checklist and several Product Descriptions, Including the Project Product
Description. Short sections are also Included for each of the strategies and the controls to be applied.
The Project Manager has elected to use the Daily Log to record all risks, issues. lessons and quality
After the initiation stage there will be two further stages during which a small number of Work Packages
will be authorized. While these are being managed, the Project Manager will hold regular checkpoints,
which will support the production of weekly Highlight Reports to the Project Board.
1 There is no project schedule in the Project Initiation Documentation. How can project progress be tracked
without a schedule to track against?
A This is an error as a Gantt chart or some form of time line, where actuals will be recorded and tracked
against the planned schedule of delivery, is mandatory.
S Progress can be recorded and tracked using the product checklist, with the planned and actual quality
management activities captured in the Daily Log.
e With a clear end date of 30 November, and a small number of Work Packages, the Project Board should
track project progress using individual Team Plans.
There is no Project Brief. How can there be a common understanding of the desired outcomes for the
prepared calendar pack?
A The simple Project Initiation Documentation contains the Quality Management Strategy. This contains
details of the acceptance criteria for this project.
S The Project Brief should have been produced and approved before the project progressed into the
initiation stage.
e The simple Project Initiation Documentation contains the project definition.
Question continues on next page
I RINCE2-GB-EX02-V! 8 Pa'le 14 of 30
Tl'le APM Group Lld 2009 Tlus doe!.".,., "1 '01 t" b.. re-prMIlCE'd ~
T'<'ld" Ma" of - 0 I ~ w 9 IIde 11
O>Je,.stion continued
There is no mention of any Stage Plans, yet there are two further stages proposed. How will this be resolved?
A It is appropriate for the Calendar project to be run as two further stages as there is a key decision to be
made at the end of stage 2. Stage Plans will be produced.
B VVhilst the activities are divided into two further stages, there is no reason why the Calendar project should
use stages. The project will therefore be run as a single stage project and the activities will be added to the
Initiation Stage Plan.
e There will be three Stage Plans. the two management stages plus an additional stage to plan and complete
the activities of the Closing a Project process.
No Benefits Review Plan has been developed. VVhere should the schedule of benefit reviews be recorded?
A As deliverables of the project, all benefit reviews should be scheduled and documented in the Project Plan
during initiation.
B Small projects do not require a schedule of benefit reviews as only one review is required towards the end of
the project and this should be documented within the Business Case.
Benefit reviews should be planned and recorded in the simple PlO.
Without a Risk Register how can project risks, the progress of risk actions taken to date and the current status of
residual risks be measured?
The Daily Log was correctly used to monitor risks during the Starting up a Project process. It will be used to
capture all risks, actions, decisions, assumptions
B It was not appropriate to use the Daily Log to capture all risks and issues during the Starting up a Project
process. Separate registers should have been set up for risks, issues and lessons learned. This will now be
e In a simple project, the Project Initiation Documentation (PlO) should contain a register for recording risk
information and monitoring project risks throughout the delivery stages. The register will now be added to the
RINCE2GB ,X02_V1 8
! ~ Group Ll112009 ThiS QOCUITlE'nJ is floll0 \)l" repr ced r W +0'
TradE' Mar" cl lh, C'ff f G. vernmenl ComlTl!"te Thp Sw j logl is ad
Dor. ImeOl OwnE'f - Chref x
m lJe ,." (;roJ!.' _Id PRINCE a f 9 1
" mmerr.
S lIabus Area Question Number ' Part I Mark...

Using the Project Scenario and additional information provided for this question In the Scenario
Booklet, answer the following 7 questions.
Each of the following questions provide a number of changes which mayor may not be required to the Extract from
the Communication Management Strategy provided in the additional information.
Which statement applies to the Introduction section?
A No change to entry 1 because this shows the purpose and content of this document.
B Amend entry 1 to read 'This document contains the controls and reporting to be established for the project
management team'.
C Amend entry 1 to read 'This document contains the means and frequency of communication between the
project management team, the print company and other external parties.
VVhich statement applies to the Communication procedure section?

No change to entry 2 because this is a sufficient description of the process required.
B Amend entry 2 to include MNO Manufacturing Company standards for both internal and external company
C Delete entry 2 because only variations from the MNO Manufacturing Company standards should be
recorded here.
3 Which statement applies to the Tools and techniques section?
A Delete entry 3 because the activities required to create the products should be documented in the relevant
Move entry 4 to Reporting because this describes a report on the pertormance of the Communication
procedures used.
C Delete entry 5 because the customers are not within the scope of this project.
What statement applies to the Records section?
A Move entry 6 to the Configuration Management Strategy because it defines the identification scheme for the
project's products.
Move entry 7 to Communication procedure because it refers to the method to be used for communica. ,
to external parties.
Move entry 8 to Tools and techniques because it refers to a filing technique.
Which statement applies to the Timing of communication activities section?
Delete entry 9 because activities for controlling the project should be planned as part of Project controls in
the Project Initiation Documentation.
B No change to entry 9 because it describes the timing of pertormance reports.
C Delete entry 10 because Highlight Reports are a Project Board control, the frequency of which should be
recorded in the Project controls section of the Project Initiation Documentation.
Question continues on next page
lp ) Id "{}flQ n
Page 16 Qf 30 Oc J",e. <:lwner - Ch
be ,el'!rodllced rf' d w,ln I Xf'rPSS r'cm The APM Group Lld PRINGEe a Regislered
:T1 1< I IT f" rN'r 11 CommE're.t'
Ouestion continued
Which statement applies to the Stakeholder analysis: Interested parties section?
A Add 'Internal Creative Team'.
B Delete entry 11 because the photographer is internal to the project management team.
C Delete entry 12 because the printing of the calendars is outside of the scope of this project.
Which statement applies to the Information needs for each interested party section?
A Delete entry 13 because the activity to provide the weekly updates should be scheduled in the relevant
Stage Plan.
Move entry 13 to Tools and techniques because it describes the method to be used to communicate to
the individual producing the staff newsletter.
C Delete entry 14 because this relates to the development of a particular product and should be recorded
under Development interfaces within the relevant Work Package.
PRINCEZ-GB-EX02-V18 I il.1'
,he '>'PM Group Lld 2009 This dOl;Umenl 5 nOI 10 De e-p,oduced or re-sold With 5
TfadeMillk ,fine fr t1 mmenlComml"ce Thl' Swirl logo STill t
,m, I WIll!:_
j ~ GrOllp Lld PR " E
mn" .,1 ':omml'fo.
Question Number 5
Syllabus Area Risk Theme
Syllabus Area Question Number Part Marks
Risk The"'m'"e"- -'.__ _'5"_ '__'A"__'__ _'6'___
The project is now in stage 2. The Project Manager has heard about the possibility of a competitor also
producing a calendar to be delivered earlier than the target date for this project There is a threat that the
early release of a competitor's calendar may weaken the impact of the MNO Manufacturing Company
calendar, thereby reducing the anticipated benefits of the Calendar project
Column 1 contains a number of risk responses identified by the Project Manager following an assessment of this
risk. Column 2 contains a list of threat response types. For each risk response in Column 1, select from Column 2
the type of response it represents. Each option from Column 2 can be used once, more than once or not at all.
Column 1 Column 2
1 Record the risk in the Risk Register and monitor the situation.
A Avoid
2 Decide not to compete and cancel the project.
S Reduce
3 Bring the target date of this project forward.
C Fallback
4 Wait for confirmation of the rival's calendar and, if required, include additional gifts with
D Transfer
the calendar as an extra incentive.
5 Carry on with the project as planned on the basis that the MNO Manufacturing Company
E Accept
calendar is believed to be of better quality.
F Share
6 Add a unique reference number to every calendar and hold a prize draw each month.
PRINCE2GB-EXn2-V18 Pal'lf! 18 of 30
pI' Lld 200 Th ;, 'Tmnl I
n If fl!:eolGu h
" .
Document Owner - Chief Exam r r
Th .co.P'" Gro 'd a Reg '01
f - n 1
___ -,-
Risk Theme 5 B 6
Using the additional Information provided for this question In the Scenario Booklet, answer the
following question.
Lines 1 to 6 in the table below consist of an assertion statement and a reason statement. For each line identify
the appropriate option, from options A to E, that applies. Each option can be used once, more than once or not
at all.
Option Assertion Reason
A True True AND the reason explains the assertion
B True True BUT the reason does not explain the assertion
C True False
0 False True
E False False
Assertion Reason
1 The Engineering Manager should have raised BECAUSE Any forecast to exceed the agreed stage
the fact that there has been no contact with the
tolerances should be escalated to the Project
photographer as an issue.
2 As the person monitoring the contract, the BECAUSE A risk owner should be the person most capable
Purchasing Manager would be an appropriate of managing the risk.
owner for the risk.
3 The photographer should have raised any
BECAUSE A separate Risk Register should be created for
concerns about their availability for the work as each Work Package to monitor specialist risks
a risk before accepting the Work Package. associated with the creation of specialist
4 If estimation of the risk shows that it is likely to BECAUSE When the impact of a risk has been identified,
impact upon time, the Project Manager will need an Issue Report will be required to implement
to raise an Issue Report. any agreed risk actions.
C Regular Checkpoint Reports from the BECAUSE Checkpoint Reports should provide early
Jhotographer will help the Project Manager warning of any delay in the photographer's work.
manage the risk.
6 As a Work Package has been agreed with the BECAUSE When selecting the most appropriate risk
photographer, responsibility for the risk will response to take, the best option is usually the
automatically have been transferred to this third least expensive.
up Id 2 Q9 Ih'S I1 r,lm
,. .

tle repro I ced 0' esold w,lh ul e I
,+ mm"',e Tt! SW logo'"
Docr.+menl Owner - Chief E.:<"m
r' 10"1" lItI PRlt'CE
-'mm" ee
Question Number 6
Syllabus Area Plans Theme
Syllabus Area
Plans Theme
Question Number
Using the Product Summary and Product Breakdown Structure provided as additional Information for
this question In the Scenario Booklet, answer the following question.
Column 1 is a list of some of the entries in the product breakdown structure. Determine whether each entry in
Column 1 has been correctly shown in the product breakdown structure. Select from Column 2 the appropriate
statement that correctly describes that entry. Each selection from Column 2 can be used once, more than once or
not at all.
Column 1 Column 2
Production cost forecast l>
A External product incorrectly shown
2 Tariff of mailing costs J!,
B Internal product incorrectly shown as an external product
3 Photo design ideas
C NOT a product
4 Accounts information
D Correctly shown entry
5 Monthly calendar displays
6 Label design
7 Select photos
\t'm ,tl!>
,. I. Ih<o Office of Gt.>verf1
P.. 20 of 30
Dor.lImenl Owne' - Chlt'f E , , ~ m l r . e
f,. ..., Th<> APM GIOUp Lld PRINCE". Is il Registered
" . ~
S lIabus Area Question Number Part Marks

Using the Project Scenario and the Extract from Stage Plan for stage 3 provided as additional
infonnatlon for this question in the Scenario Booklet, answer the following 5 questions.
The Stage Plan for stage 3 has been produced.
The Engineering Manager insists that there are to be no interruptions to operations whilst photographs
are being taken of the engineering staff performing their everyday duties and operating machinery. Two
weeks ago the professional photographer produced the photo session schedule based on the
operational staff schedule. The operational staff schedule is produced weekly and maintained by the
Engineering Manager.
None of the 500 change bUdget has been used to date and this is available for the stage.
Remember to limit your answers to the number of selections requested in each question.

\JVnich 2 statements apply to the Plan prerequisites section?

A Delete entry 2 because these are project benefits not prerequisites of the stage.
B Delete entry 3 because the production cost forecast is a deliverable of stage 2, not a prerequisite for
stage 3.
C Delete entry 4 because the customer list is a deliverable of stage 2, not a prerequisite for stage 3.
D Add 'Engineering team must be made available for photos'.
E Add 'Compliance with the Data Protection Act'.
2 Vv'hich 2 statements apply to the External dependencies section?
A Delete entry 5 because the new company logo is being delivered by a separate project and will be
detailed in the plans for that project.
Move entry 5 to Plan prerequisites because the new company logo will influence the label designs.
Move entry 5 to Plan description because the new company logo will be delivered during stage 3.

D Delete entry 6 because the customer details were used in stage 2 to create the customer list.
E Delete entry 7 because it should be shown in the Product Description for the label design.
Question continues on next page
C1he APM G ldL. III oleom nl 1
d ,'\a,. lIt ONtre f
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fwmTe P cn.p j t
vC 'r1me,11 Com el
Question continued
3 lMlich 2 statements apply to the Planning assumptions section?
A No change to entry 8 because this cannot be confirmed until all of the label designs entries have been
received and an assessment made.
Move entry 8 to External dependencies because the label designs are created outside of the scope of the
C Delete entry 9 because the photo session schedule should have been approved as part of stage 2.
Move entry 9 to External dependencies because the photo session schedule is created by the
professional photographer.
E Delete entry 10 because the inclusion of different members from the Engineering team in each photo should
be shown in the Product Description for the photos.
4 VVhich 2 statements apply to the Monitoring and control section?
A Delete entry 11 because this relates to the monitoring and controlling of the Project Plan, not the Stage Plan.
B No change to entry 12 because this describes how the Project Board will control the stage.

C Move ent
12 because the Highlight Reports are deliverables of this stage and should be shown under
Product escrlptions.
D Delete entry 13 because this is part of the Controlling a Stage process.
E Delete entry 14 because the Product Status Account is NOT an ad-hoc report. It is produced at the end of
each stage to identify any variations between planned status, reported status and actual status of the stage's
5 lMlich 2 statements apply to the Budgets section?
A Amend entry 15 because it should also include the cost of management activities.
B Delete entry 16 because timescales should NOT be shown under the heading of budgets.
C Delete entry 17 because the risk bUdget should be shown in the Risk Management Strategy.
D Add 'Change budget - 500'.
E Add 'Cost tolerance - +6k 1-6k

I'J ilge22cfr L: lFli1m

oh AI M Grcu 10200 Th,S o:loeumenll!', noll0 b If>:-produl:ed or resold w'lt!oul express from The Al'f,\ G pIu. r
T'<ld", Malk Of Ihe Offtre of Governmenl Commerce Ttle Swirllcgo"" a TraDe Mali< ollhe OffiCE of GoYernmenl Commerl"R

( itian Number 7
Syllabus Area Progress Theme
f--- IIPartA.rt c--"M""",,,,ks'-.
Progress Theme 6
Using the Project Scenario, answer the following 6 questions about the use of PRINCE2 controls In this
At the end of initiation there is +1 week 1-2 weeks time tolerance for this project. Vv'hich statement is true?
A There can be no time tolerances for any of the stages.
B All of the project level time tolerance can be allocated to stage 2.
C The Stage Plan for stage 2 could create some additional project time tolerance by allowing no time
tolerance in Tearn Plans.
Additional time tolerance for the project could be found by adding extra resources without affecting other
During stage 2, if the Project Manager decides to recommend that the Project Plan is revised to finish three
weeks later, which statement is correct?
A The tolerances stated in the Project Plan CANNOT be changed.
B The Executive needs to seek formal approval from corporate management to implement this change.
C The current project must close prematurely and be restarted with a new Project Plan, a new Business Case
and new Risk Register.
D The revision of the Project Plan would have to wait until the end stage assessment of stage 2.
During stage 2, an early review of the photo design ideas from the Marketing department has highlighted the
need for engineering machinery to be operating in the background during the photo sessions. This requires a
change to the baselined Product Description for the photos. VVhat action should the Project Manager take?
A Log the change in the Issue Register as a request for change.
B Raise an Exception Report to the Project Board.
Revised the Product Description for the photos and issue it to the Engineering Manager to ensure that the
machinery will be operating during the photo sessions.
D Include this requirement on the next Checkpoint Report to the photographer.
Question continues on next page
x: 2-V1 B
" G' Jp _Id 2009 Th,s dor..umenllS no' od
Offce"fGovemme m ec.e h So
Documenl ,#,
s from The APM Group _Id PRn, ....E
I Govemm n' Comml.'ra-
Question continued
As the project approaches the end of stage 2, the Project Manager has requested a Product Status Account to
ensure that all products are at their expected point of development. Although the list of customers has been
quality reviewed, it has not been baselined because the Marketing department have not provided all of the
prospective customers' details. What initial action should the Project Manager take?
A Delay producing the End Stage Report until the list of customers has been baseJined.
B Raise an Exception Report to the Project Board to highlight the issue.
C Check the target sign-off date for the list of customers.
D Update the product status to baselined and obtain a commitment from the Marketing department to finish
this work within the next few days.
\/Vhilst identifying the mailing costs for the calendars the Project Manager was surprised to find the costs could
vary considerably depending on the size of the package and the delivery service used. For the purpose of this
project, the Project Manager has selected an appropriate service but feels that a corporate standard for
postage would have reduced the time and effort invested. It could reduce the company's overheads by up to
20k per year. How should the Project Manager record this observation within the project?
A Produce a project mandate, outlining the potential savings to be achieved by the introduction of a corporate
B Make a note of the observation in the Daily Log to be transferred to a Benefits Review Plan at the end of
the project.
C Record the observation in an Exception Report to the Project Board.
D Make an entry in the Lessons Log for future consideration by corporate management.
The team member collating the list of customers has now forecast that it will NOT be complete by the end of this
stage as originally planned, due to a number of new prospective customers' details not yet being available. What
action should the team member take?
A Report the forecast delay in the next Checkpoint Report to the Executive.
B Add the product to the next Stage Plan in order to allocate additional resources and complete the work.
C Make an entry in the Risk Register so the Project Manager can decide on appropriate action.
D Raise an issue to inform the Project Manager.

'he APM Grout> Irlll} 1t dOL me
T'ilde Mark ollhfl 011 ce ,-,I Govc m
Pg '4crf1(l
:l Il1 tI
rc.e The Sw,rllogo ,
Owne, - Ch,ef
AP',1 (";, D Lld is a Reg stered
S llabus Area
Progress Theme
Question Number
Using the Project Scenario, answer the following question.
Lines 1 to 6 in the table below consist of an assertion statement and a reason statement For each line identify
the appropriate option, from options A to E, that applies. Each option can be used once, more than once or not
at all.
Option Assertion Reason
A True True AND the reason explains the assertion
B True True BUT the reason does not explain the assertion
C True False
0 False True
E False False
Assertion Reason
1 The label design competition should be planned and BECAUSE A decision can only be made by the Project
managed as two management stages. Board at the end of a management stage.
2 Quality tolerances allocated to the photos can be BECAUSE Any forecast threat to time tolerance should
used to remedy a forecast threat to time tolerance. first be resolved by use of any available
quality tolerance.
3 A suitable point for a stage boundary would be after BECAUSE A stage boundary represents a golno
the production cost forecast has been produced. go decision point.
4 With +1 week 1-2 weeks time tolerance, the project BECAUSE A negative project time tolerance indicates
is permitted to finish two weeks later than 30
the total permissible delay to a project
schedule before an exception situation
5 If the project is forecast to exceed the cost tolerance BECAUSE If the forecast is for project tolerances to be
of +6k, the Project Manager should send an
exceeded, the Project Board no longer has
Exception Report straight to corporate
the authority to continue with the project.
c rhe production cost forecast should be reviewed by BECAUSE The Project Board reviews all products at
the Project Board during the Directing a Project
the end of each stage.
process to determine whether the project should
Page 25 JlJ
be le-prGdlJCed Qlle':!old without expless pe, I. ,on
(' m if
- Clve! E1l3mlne
C1INCE IS .. Reg,Stered
Question Number B
Syllabus Area Change Theme
S lIabus Area
Change Theme
Using the Project Scenario answer the following question. The Plan for stage 3 has been approved and
work has commenced.
Column 1 contains a number of issues for this project. Select from Column 2 the appropriate category for each
issue. Each selection from Column 2 can be used once, more than once or not at all.
Column 1 Column 2
1 Although NOT previously considered, the Engineering Manager now wants to amend the
A Problem or
Product Description for the photos to include images of his latest production machinery.
2 The Marketing Director feels that the calendar may NOT be of sufficient quality to achieve
B Request for
the projected benefits.
3 The Marketing department have identified some new customers and want to include
C Off-
them in the approved list of customers.
4 The photographer has ignored the agreed photo session schedule. He has interrupted
the work of the engineering staff to take the photos for the calendar.
5 The chosen label design has been signed-off in error as the old company logo has been
used. Inclusion of the new company logo was specified.
6 The Project Manager has received notification of a postal strike occurring in December.
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Page 26 of 30
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DocurTIen\ Owner - Chief El<
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f '1 CtJmrnerce
Syllabus Area Question Number Part Marks

Change Theme 8 S 6
There is a major concern over an apparent lack of control of project documentation.
For each concern listed in Column 1, select from Column 2 the configuration management task that could help
address the problem. Each selection from Column 2 can be used once, more than once or not at all.
Column 1 Column 2
1 As a number of people are involved in the project it is becoming
A Produce a Product Status
increasingly difficult to keep track of what documentation each person
S Maintain a record of all copies
2 Both current and previous versions of the photo session schedule are in
C Record the link between version
3 A revised list of customers has been issued but it is not clear what was
and the Issue Report that
wrong with the previous one.
caused its change
::rhe Marketing department has lost the chosen label design and no copy
D Notify copy holders of any
Jas made.
E Recall and archive superseded
5 The Marketing department staff can not say with any certainty which product copies
photos were approved and which still require work.
F Retain master products, issuing
6 The Engineering Manager has complained that the photo session
copies only
schedule has been changed and that no consideration has been given
G Maintain a record of
to the impact this will have on the engineering staff shift pattern.
relationships between products
. EX02-V1 8
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Marl< oflhe Offi::.e t'l Gr...emmeI11 Commerce 1nl" SWIrl 190 saT ad!' M
OoQ.Jmenl Owner - ChIef E>carm
A Gr Lld PRINCEl') l$ a I ego red
- mmNce
Question Number 9
Syllabus Area Directing a Project + Managing a Stage Boundary + Closing a Project Processes
1 S lIabus Area 'Question Number partjMarks!
Directing a Project + Managing a Stage Boundary + Closing a Project Processes 9 I A 6
Using the Project Scenario, answer the following 6 questions.
It is now late October and the project is in stage 3. The label design competition has been held and the
photos of the staff have been taken. The CEO and Marketing Director still need to choose the winning
label design and the 12 photos for the calendar. However, the Executive has learned that two
competitors are issuing calendars to MNO's customers by the middle of November. After analysing the
impact of this Issue. one of the options the Project Manager has presented to the Project Board is to
close the project prematurely.
There are a number of key facts relating to this project that would need to be recorded if the project Y-e
to be closed now.
Which product should show that the photos could be used for other promotional material for the company?
A Benefits Review Plan
B Lessons Log
C Exception Report
D End Project Report
Which product should show that the staff photo sessions were disruptive to the Engineering Department
as they had been scheduled during peak work times without consultation with the Engineering Manager?
Follow-on action recommendations
B Lessons Report
C Project closure notification
D Risk Register
~ -
Which product should show that if anybody has any remaining resource costs to be charged to the proJt:"..:t,
they should ensure this is done by 10 November?
A Benefits Review Plan
B End Project Report
C Follow-on action recommendations
D Project closure notification
Question continues on next page
PRINCE2-GB--EX02- 1 ~
It The APM G,aup Ud 2001.l Th
TrfldE 1,' r
W)O xr res!'; p e f l l l l ~ n f' um Ttll:: APM Gr up _la PRINCE 'J Registered
The Sw,'! logo "a Tl<lde Ma'l\ of Ihe Ofnce of Govetflfllenl CcmmetGe
Qllestion continued
Which product should show that the project has been closed prematurely and has not achieved the objectives
defined in the Project Initiation Documentation (PlO)?
A Benefits Review Plan
B End Project Report
C Exception Report
D Project closure notification
Which product should show that without the calendar the company is going to experience difficulties recovering
its decline in orders, and alternative solutions are required if the company is going to recover its position?
A Benefits Review Plan
B Exception Report
C End Project Report
Risk Register
Which product should register that the risk of a competitor producing a calendar at the same time was identified
at the beginning of the project but the assessment of this risk appears to have been poor?
A Issue Register
B Follow-on action recommendations
C Lessons Report
D Risk Register
PRINCE2-GB-EX02-V1.8 P.. q{, <t-.
:'P!Jl GIOUp Ud 2009. This dOCllm "1 I' 110t In be re-p odul:ed or re-so!d W "10
1rildt' M i I ' ~ of the 01 G 'J1menl rpmmerce Tht' S W ~ ! logtl u
)ou men! ,.'me
ur Il1 RN:E "
Question Number Part
9 B
S Ilabus Area
Oirectin a Pro'ect + Managing a Stage Boundary + Closing a Project Proces..s.. e.. s'--J'---__
Using the Project Scenario, answer the following question.
The Calendar project was delivered as originally planned, and Is now preparing for planned closure.
Lines 1 to 6 in the table below consist of an assertion statement and a reason statement. For each line identify
the appropriate option, from options A to E, that applies. Each option can be used once, more than once or not
at all.
Option Assertion Reason
A True True AND the reason explains the assertion
B True True BUT the reason does not explain the assertion
C True False
D False True

E False False
Assertion Reason
1 V\lhether the calendar achieves its objective of BECAUSE The Benefits Review Plan is created in the
countering the decline in orders will be confirmed in Closing a Project process.
the Closing a Project process.
2 A formal quality review meeting, chaired by the BECAUSE The Project Product Description is used by
Project Manager, should be held for the Project the Closing a Project process to verify that
Board to compare the final deliverable against the the project has delivered what was
Project Product Description. expected of it.
3 The End Project Report must be completed before BECAUSE An End Project Report should be produced
30 November. before a project closes.
4 The Stage Plan for stage 3 should contain details of BECAUSE Closure activities should be planned as part
the products to be created or updated during the of the Stage Plan for the final management
Closing a Project process. stage.
S As part of the handover of the final product a contract BECAUSE A service agreement or maintenance

should be agreed with Marketing for ongoing contract should always be included as z
support of this product. product of the final stage.
6 At the end of stage 3, the Managing a Stage BECAUSE An objective of the Managing a Stage
Boundary process should be used to update the Boundary process is to review, and if
Project Plan with actuals from the final stage. necessary, update the Project Initiation
PR1NCE7GB-FX02 I ag lITlE' '1 Owo _
:l ,menl 110 l' pad ,Oorrl!-soJOwllnOUlI!.prelil'.permIS!Cln om eA I. _10
I n,CI! of Govemme" C m'lle'ce The SWirl logo'" ,s a Tradl! Mark ollhe Off,,::e 01 Goverrm I'll CClmme
The Practitioner Examination
Marking Scheme
Exam Paper: GB-EXQ2-1.8
Note: For Multiple Response (MR) questions, 1 point is
scored if and only if all correct options are selected.
Otherwise 0 points are scored.
QueSlion Pari Type R e s p o n ~ A B C D E r G H
I (IJC) A MR I a I a a I
2 I a a a I
J I 0 I a a
4 a I a I a
s a a I I a
6 a I a a I
0 a I I a
B AB a a I a a
2 a a a a I
J I a a a a
4 a I a a a
s a 0 0 a I
Question Pan Type RUlxmse A B C D E F G H
2 (OR) A MR I a a I I 0
2 0 a a I I
J I a I a a
4 a a I a I
S I I 0 a 0
6 0 I I a a
I 0 0 0 I
B AB I 0 0 0 I a
2 a a a a I
J a 0 a a I
4 I 0 a a a
a I a a a
Question Pan Type Response A B C D E F G 11
J (QV) A MG a 0 I
2 0 I a
J I a a
B MG I a I 0 a a
2 I a 0 a a
J a a a a I
4 0 0 I 0 a
c MB I I a a a
2 a a I I a
J a 0 0 I I
4 a I a 0 I
I a I a a
Q u e ~ t i o n Part Type Response A B C D E F 0 H
4 (SI) A CL I 0 I 0
2 0 0 I
) I 0 0
4 0 0 I
) I 0 0
B CL 0 0 I
2 0 I 0
) 0 I 0
4 I 0 0
) 0 I 0
6 I 0 0
7 0 0 I
Question Parl Type Response A B C D E F 0 11
5 (RK) A MO 0 0 0 0 I 0
2 I 0 0 0 0 0 ~
) 0 I 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 I 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 I 0
6 0 I 0 0 0 0
B AA I 0 I 0 U U
1 I 0 0 0 0
) 0 0 I 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 I
5 I 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 I
Question Part Type Response A B C D E f 0 11
6 (PL) A MO I 0 I 0 0
1 I 0 0 0
) I 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 I
5 0 0 0 I
6 0 0 0 I
7 0 0 I 0
B MR I I 0 I 0 0
2 0 0 0 I I
I 0 0 0 I
4 I I 0 0 0
I 0 0 I 0
Question Pari Typc Rcsponsc A B C 0 E F G H
7 (PG) A CL I B I 0 0
B I 0 0
J I 0 0 0

0 0 I 0
5 B 0 B I
6 B 0 B I
I B 0 0 0 I
0 0 I 0 0
J I 0 0 B 0

0 0 0 0 I
0 0 0 I 0
6 0 0 I 0 0
Qucstion Pari Typc Responsc A B C 0 E F G 11

(Cln A MG I 0 I 0
I 0 0
) 0 I 0

I 0 0
0 0 I
6 I 0 0
B MG I 0 I 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 I 0 0
J 0 0 I 0 0 0 B
0 0 0 0 0 I 0
I 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 I
Qucstion Pan Typc Rcsponsc A B C 0 E F G H
9 (DC) A CL I 0 0 0 I
0 I 0 0
) 0 0 0 I
0 I 0 0
0 0 I 0
6 0 0 I 0
B A' I 0 0 0 0 I
0 0 0 I 0
) 0 0 0 I 0
I 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 I
6 0 0 0 I 0
& ; . ~ PRINCE2'
Examination The Practitioner
. GB-EXQ2-1.8 Exam Paper.
'Question: 1, Syllabus: BC, Part: A, Type: MR
1 A Incorrect: This is an Expected Benefit of this project. The Reasons should show why the
project outcome is needed, the background.
B rThis is an explanation of why the project is required.
C Ilncorrect: This is the total number of orders last year, the position to measure against. It is
not the expected benefit for this project.
D Incorrect: IThis is an Expected Benefit of this project. The Reasons should show why the
!project outcome is needed, the background.
rE[Correct: IThis is an explanation of why the project is required.
l2lAlcorrect: This is one of the options considered to achieve the project outcome.
I IBllncorrect: IThiS is an approach to deliver the required products and should therefore be
e [Incorrect: IThis is an approach to deliver the required products and should therefore be
documented in the Project Brief.
'D"II-nc-o-r-re-c-t-CT'-h'-iS:"'iS an approach to deliver the required products and should thereforecb-e--
documented in the
rECorrect: This option is always considered in the Business Case as a starting point to act
1 as a comparison for other options.
3 IAICorrect: 'Thls is a stated measurable benefit anticipated from this project.
ISIncorrect: Using a similar format to previous years may have contributed to the selection of
the business option but it is a not project benefit.
IThis is a stated measurable benefit anticipated from this project.
ro- Incorrect: [The Business Case does not contain a breakdown of the products to be
I Idelivered within the project::.. __ I
Incorrect: This is a requirement of the project product which should be stated in the Project
I Product Description.
Incorrect: This is a threat to the expected benefits, NOT a negative consequence of the
Incorrect: This is a risk. It has not happened yet, but the impact should be considered and
recorded under 'Major Risks'.
The recruitment campaign is likely to be a follow-on action that is not within the
scope of this project.
Icorrect: IWhen benefits are expected to be achieved should be stated under the
.Timescale heading in the Business Case,
This is the timescale for project delivery and should be stated here under the
heading of Timescale.
Ilncorrect: IThis is not a timescale for project delivery.
Incorrect: The fact that MNO have allocated 120k to the marketing bUdget for this year is
not a cost of the project.
ICorrect: The Business Case should show the funding arrangements under the heading of
Costs within the Business Case.
. . .
IS an Expected Benefit, It IS not a cost of the proJect, I.e. expected Income
4 rAIncorrect: This relates to the cost of quality within the deliverables. It is NOT a negative
I . consequence of the project.
B lCorrect: !Thls IS a negative consequence of the calendar project.
rcllncorrect: is a threat to the expected benefits, NOT a negative consequence of the
I proJect.
is a negative consequence of the calendar project
Jrather than outgoings.
IThe new company logo is not within the scope of this project.
lE!correct: The costs section of the Business Case should include the total of forecast
I costs, including allocated tolerances, risk and change bUdgets.
7 A f1n-co-,-re-ct:-: IThis is a dis-benefit of the project outcome, not a risk to the project.
S Incorrect:IThis is not a risk, this is stated as fact in the Project Scenario.
C ICorrect: This is a risk to the project. Risks facing the project can"'e"ic;th"e:'r'--r-e-;d-uc-e"",/'--e-n:-ha-n-c-e-
the benefits or reduce/increase the cost.
E :"'In-c-o-,,-e-c-t: /ThiS is stated as a fact and not an uncertainty/potential threat.
0jcorrect: IThlS IS a risk to the project. Risks facing the project can either reduce/enhance
the benefits or reduce/increase the cost.
IBuslness Case. Ref A.2.2.
and should therefore be recorded In the
Business Case.
!December remains within the project's the stage in which case the Business
time tolerance of +1 week. Case may still be viable.
True: !The outline Business Case contains the 'True: The Project Brief includes high-level
reasons why the project is needed and information on what needs to be done,
forms part of the Project Brief. why, who will need to be involved, and
how and when it will be done. Ref
A.19.2. This reason explains the
assertion, therefore the answer is A.
True: The Benefits Review Plan is used to ITrue: At the end of each stage the Benefits
define for the Executive how and when Review Plan will be examined and
a measurement of the achievements of reviewed for the results of any benefits
the project's benefits can be made. reviews undertaken during the stage.
Ref. 17.4.3. The assertion refers to
some time after the project has closed.
Therefore the answer is B.
IFalse: This is a positive consequence of the False: lAII benefits, both financial and non-
Calendar project which is measureable financial, should be recorded in the
'2"'F'--a-:-Is-e-' "'P-:-r:-in-::\j-n-g-w-'it::-h
in--;;-th-e""'fi;-r-st:-w-ee-k'---0"-f---'IFalseIFurther tolerance may be available for
,Question: 1, Syllabus: BC, Part: B, Type: AR I
IThe costs of the project may impact the False: eptions considered for the delivery of
project viability and the Business Case the chosen solution should be covered in
must refiect this. the project approach (Project BrieD. Ref.
A.19.2. The business options in the
Business Case refer to the various
solutions considered. Ref A2.2
I 5
IQuesllon: 2, Syllabus: OR, Part: A, Type: MR
1 IAI,ncorrect: IThe length of service of an individual is not a PRINCE2 reason for the
I appointment of an Executive. Ref
rB!lncorrect: lAlthough this may be useful from a specialist knowledge point of view, this is not
I a PRlNCE2 reason for the appointment of an Executive. Ref
rc--jcorrect: IAn Executive should be able to represent the business interests on a project.
I Ref
The Executive should be able to commit resources to the project and make
\ Idecisions on behalf of the business. Ref

E jlnCOrrect: The development needs of an individual is not a PRINCE2 reason far the
.. appointment of an Executive. Re'
!"2"lAllncorrect: I'The length of service of an individual is not a PRINCE2 reason for the
I Il--__appointment of an Executive. Ref _---,----,----,-
ISIncorrect: IKnowledge of a functional position is not a PRINCE2 reason for the appointment I
I lof an Executive. Ref
reIlncorrect: IPhysical involvement=Ci:'::s'"n::o"t'--a-Op"R:::I:CNCOc"E:::2::-re-a-s-o-n-=fo-r-t:Ch-e-a-p-p-ointment of an
I Executive. Ref
rolcorrect: [The Executive should be able to commit resources and make decisions on
Ibehalf of the business. Ref
orrect: iThe Executive has knowledge of the business strategic requirements and a
responsibility to ensure that the project is aligned to these strategies. Ref
The Senior User should represent those who are affected by the project. Ref
Incorrect: IpRINCE2 does not recognise reporting structures within the business or
hierarchies. The reporting structure within the project will be agreed within the
project Ref
The Senior User should represent the interests of those who will use the final
product(s) of the project Ref
The project may need a temporary appointment for the Senior Supplier role -
perhaps from the customer's procurement department. The Senior Supplier
represents the interests of those procuring the project's products. Ref
Marketing Director would be suitable for this role. Ref
Incorrect: This would be useful for the role responsible for supplying the specialist
knowledge for this project. The Senior User role does not require specialist
knowledge. Ref
The Senior User should represent those for whom the product will achieve an
objective or those who will use the products to deliver benefits. Ref
Incorrect: IThe Executive role represents the funding of the project, not the Senior User. Ref
Those producing the products within the project are suppliers and should be
represented by the Senior Supplier. Ref
ncorrect: The len th of service and motivation of an individual is not a PRINCE2 reason
3 rlrorrect: The Senior User should be able to make decisions on behalf of the users and as
I a representative of the main users of the deliverable from the project the
4 Ifor the ';PPointment of a Senior User. Ref
IBllncorrect-IThe development needs of an individual are not a PRlNCE2 reason for the
I appointment of a Senior User Ref 5 3 2 2
IBlcorrect: !PRINCE2 suggests that one option for the Senior Suppher role IS to appomt the
person who is responsible for the performance of the supplier contract. Ref
Incorrect: ~ h e Purchasing Managers experience of Engineering has no bearing on the
project or the role of Senior Supplier within the project. Ref
Incorrect: It is highly unlikely that an external supplier would let a customer organization
influence their Business Case. Ref
Incorrect: Just because an individual is not appropriate for the role of Executive or Senior
User. does not make them appropriate as a Senior Supplier Ref
!The length of service and motivation of an individual is not a PRINCE2 reason
lor the appointment 01 a Project Assurance role. Ref
Icorrect: As a user of the projects product(s), the Sales Manager would be well placed to
evaluate the impact of potential changes from the user point of view on behalf of
the Senior User which is a Project Assurance responsibility. Ref
Correct: icurrent and prospective customers are stakeholders within the project and the
Sales Manager is well placed to advice on how best to communicate with them,
a role olthe User Assurance. ReI
ro!lncorrect: The development needs of an individual are not a PRINCE2 reason for the
I lappointment of a Project Assurance role. Ref - c - c - - ~
~ Incorrect: IThe resolution of conflicts between users is a responsibility of the Senior User,
I not Project Assurance. Ref
I th t PRINCE2 ncorrec : I e eng 0 service an genera eXls ence IS no a reason or e
appointment 01 a Project Support role. ReI5.3.2.8.
C Incorrect: IThiS is a quality assurance responsibility which may be delegated to Project
. Assurance, but NOT Project Support. ReI6.2.6.
Incorrect: The quality assurance function may be delegated to Project Assurance, but NOT
Project Support. ReI6.2.6.
lEICorrect: IThis is a competency required of Project Support. Ref C.9.2.
17lAllcorrect: Unless appointed to another person, Project Support perform the configuration
I management procedure. Ref
rsl;-II--;-t Th I th f d I I
Project Support and Project Assurance True: Project Assurance must be kept
roles should be kept separate in order separate to Project Support in order to
to maintain the independence of maintain their independece. Ref
Project Assurance. ReI This is an explanation of the assertion,
therefore the answer is A
5 True: The Engineering Manager is a True: The Communication Management
stakeholder from within the Strategy describes the tools to be used
organization, but external to the project for each step in the communication
management team. He is not a supplier process. Ref. A.4.2. This is not why the
or a user, but he does have an interest Engineering Manager should be
and some influence. Ref included, therefore the answer is 8.
IQuestlon: 2, Syllabus: OR, Part: B, Type: AR ~
lFalse: The Executive role is vested in one ITrue: The Executive is ultimately responsible
individual so that there is a single point for the project and would seek approval
of accountability for the project. Ref for the investment from corporate or programme management. Ref C2.1.
2lFalse: The Senior User role can be shared by raise: The Senior User commits user
more than one individual (Ref resources for the purpose of quality
but the Engineering Manager does not checking. It is the Senior Supplier role
represent a user on this project. that provides specialist resources for the
design and development 01 the project's I
. . products. ReI
False: More than one supplier may perform a IFalse: IThe Senior Supplier role could be
Senior Supplier role on a project, performed by internal and/or external
making decisions and committing resources, depending on what is being
resources on behall 01 their Isupplied during the project. ReI
lorganizations Rel5 3 2 2
IQuestlon: 3, Syllabus: QU, Part: A, Type: MG
Correct [C): Quality Planning - This covers agreement on overall quality expectations, the
products required with their associated quality criteria, the means by which quality
will be achieved and assessed. Ref 6.3.1.
~ i c o r r e c t [81:
IQuality Control- This covers the activities undertaken by the project team to
ensure that the products meet their respective quality criteria. Ref 6.3.2.
Correct[AI: Quality Assurance - This activity manages the organizations Quality Management
System, not part 01 the project. ReI6.2.6.
!Questlon: 3, Syllabus: QU, Part: B, Type: MG
Correct [8J: IThiS states a measurable requirement of the product and should be noted under
Quality Criteria. ReI A17.2.
r Correct [AI: l;hiS is not measurable as a quality criteria, it provides no details 01 what would be
an acceptable deviation from this (tolerance) and does not refer to any skills of
people required. It is therefore Not included. Ref A17.2.
Correct [E): !The Project Board will be asked to review the label entries and will therefore
appear as reviewer under quality responsiblities. Ref A17.2.
j4Correct [C]: Given the quality criteria, this is a measure of what would be acceptable as a
quality tolerance. ReI A17.2.
It is therefore a derivation and should not be moved. Ref A.21.2.
[The Internal Creative team will be required to create products and are therefore
already correctly shown under Development skills required. Ref A.21.2
ICorrect: [This is a product to be delivered by this project. Ref A.21.2.
Ilncorrect: IThis is not a source product from which the project is derived. Ref A.21.2.
Incorrect: iThiS is a supplier to this project, it is not a major product to be delivered by this
project. ReI A.21.2.
Incorrect: This is a supplier to this project, it is not a derivation or source of information for
this project. ReI A.21.2.
Ilncorrect: IThis skill is required in the project. ReI A.21.2.
ICorrect: IThe printing of the calendar is outside of the scope of this project. Ref A.21.2.
ICorrect: IThis skill/person/group is required to help create the customer list. Ref A.21.2.
Incorrect: This is one of the quality expectations stated, the photos are to be professional.
Ret A.21.2.
rsr.ln-c-o-r-re-c"'-t: This already exists and it provides the basis upon which this calendar will be
I designed The design of the calendar will incorporate the design of the new logo
QU. Part: C. Type: MR .1
1 I A ICorrect: jThe product is selected paper, and not the paper itself. Ref A.21.2.
IBrcorrect: -IThis is not a major product to be delivered by this project. Ref A.21T
rc---Ilncorrect: This is a major product to be delivered by this project, derived from Marketing
and Accounts information. Ref A.21.2.
D Incorrect: Regardless of the source, this is a major product to be delivered by the project.
ReI A.21.2.
E Ilncorrect: I'ThiS is beyond the scope of this project. The final product will be the prepared
I calendar pack. ReI A.21.2.
j2iAIncorrect: IThe new logo design is being created by another project and therefore is not
within scope. Ref A.21.2.

IBlcorrect" IPrinting is beyond the scope of this project. Ref A.21.2.
Incorrect: Customer's quality expectations is a description of the quality expected of the
Project Product and the standards and processes that will need to be applied to
achieve that quality. Ref A.21.2.
Incorrect: This is stated as a customer quality expectation, a description of the quality
expected of the Project Product and the standards and processes that will need
Ita be applied to ach,eve that quality. Ref A.21.2.
E Icorrect: IThiS is an expected benefit (positive consequence) of this project and should not
I be recorded under customer's quality expectations. Ref A 21 2 I
Correct: 'The existing entry is not measurable, attractive and humorous are not defined.
This amendment is a measurable definition of the attributes that must apply to
the set 01 products to be acceptable to key stakeholders. ReI A.21.2.
r Incorrect:

C Correct:
Acceptance criteria can be expressed as many things, including appearance.
This is not composition item. Ref A.21.2.
The new company logo is being produced by another project. It is required for
inclusion within the Calendar project but the quality of it will not be assessed
,during this project. Ref A.21.2.
D Incorrect: This is a measurable definitions of the criteria that the Project Product must
meet before the customer will accept. Derivation provides the source from which
the product will be created. ReI A21.2.
ITll:-n-co-r-re-ct:-: [Acceptance criteria can be expressed as many things including accuracy so
long as it is measurable. Dates are to be shown correctly as stated in the
Scenario Ref A.21.2.
IQuestlon: 4, Syllabus: SI, Part: A, Type: CL
1 -I A [Incorrect Plans can be pres-.ce-nt-e""'d"i-n-m-a-n-y-w-ay-s-.coT"h-e-u-s-e of a graphical time line or
schedule is not mandatory. Ref
iBtorrect: A product checklist can be used as a simple plan to schedule who is involved in
I producing, reviewing and approving products together with key milestones. Ref The Daily Log can be used to document quality decisions. Ref
C Incorrect: Team Plans are detailed and of different durations. These will not provide the
Project Board with an overall baseline for tracking the projects progress. Ref
7.2.4 and
C Correct: If no Project Brief exists, the project definition (usually extracted from the Project
Brief) will be documented in the simple PlO explaining the project objectives and
desired outcomes. Ref. A20
lEach stage should have a Stage Plan and the use of two further stages provides A Correct
Ithe appropriate controlled break for the Project Board to decide whether to
continue or not. Ref. 10.3.2
B Incorrect: Whilst the number of stages in a project is flexible, the use of PRINCE2 stages
is mandated. There must be at least the Initiation Stage and a delivery stage.
The activities would be in the Project Plan not the Initiation Stage Plan. Ref
C Incorrect: ~ h e activities of the Closing a Project process should be scheduled as part of
the final stage, not a stage in its own right. Ref. 18.3
A Incorrect: Benefit reviews are management activities, not deliverables/products of the
project. ReI. 4.3.3.
B Incorrect: Regardless of the size of the project, benefits can occur during the project and
after project closure. Ref. 4.3.3.
In combining the management documentation for a simple project, the Benefits
Review Plan can form part of the PlO. ReI.
The Daily Log can be used to record this information during SU before the Issue
and Risk Registers are created during initiation. In a simple project, the Daily
Log could continue to be used throughout the project for this purpose. Ref.
B Incorrect: Separate registers are not mandated. The Daily Log can be used to record this
information during (SU) before the Issue and Risk Register are created in
initiation, or the Daily Log could continue to be used for this purpose. Ref.
I' ncorrect:
Separate registers are not mandated. In a simple project, the Daily Log can be
lused to record issues, risks and lessons throughout the project. Ref.
But this is a spearate document not held within the PlO.
~ ! A Ilncorrect: 'The Quality Management Strategy does not contain this information. Ref A22
B [InCOrrect: 110 simple projects it is acceptable for the PID to be created directly from the
project mandate. Refc.-'1-=9-'.5" ..c1.=2 _
I C F ~
4 ~
~ ~
Question: 4, Syllabus: SI, Part: B, Type: CL
i1 A jlncorrect: The focus should be on communication to/from those internal and external to the
project, not only the project management team. These may be external to the
company nol jusl within MNO. Ref M.
B Ilncorrect: IThe focus should not be on control and reporting. The focus should be on
communication to/from parties both internal and external to the project. Re! A4.
C Correct: Facilitates the engagement with stakeholders through the establishemnt of a
controlled flow of information. Ref A4.
r2f"Allncorrect: IThiS only provides for internal communications. Processes need 10 also include
I for external communications. Ref A4.
B Correct: External interested parties (to the project) may be internal and/or external to the
organization. Process section needs to provide for communications both internal
land external to the project. Ref A4.
rc-hncorrect: Reference to standard communication methods rather than reciting the standard
is acceptable. Any variance from corporate or programme management
standards should be highlighted, together with the justification for the variance.
Ref A4.
mcludmg performance audits of the communication methods Ref A4
Ilncorrect: IHi9hli9ht Reports are also a method of communicating to external stakehoJders.
This should not be removed. Ref A4.
The Internal Creative Team are stakeholders within this project. Their information
needs will need to be considered and planned for. Ref A4.
Ilncorrect: IThe information needs contains a description of the means and frequency of
communication to parties both internal and external to the project. Ref A4.
Incorrect: 'VVhilst the printing of the calendars is not within the scope of the project, the print
company are an interested party and will need to be kept informed of the
Idesigns and progress, etc. Ref A4.
Incorrect: jThiS shows the method and frequency the project will provide information to the
stakeholder producing the staff newsletter. Ref A4.
Ilncorrect: !The Information Needs section should show the method and frequency the
Correct: The reporting section describes any reports that are to be produced on the
communication process, their purpose, timing and recipients (for example,
performance indicators). Ref A4.
Incorrect: The company website is a tool for communicating to the customers, a project
stakeholder group. Ret A4.
Details about the information held for each of the projects products is
documented in the Configuration Management Strategy, not the Communication
Management Strategy. ReI AB.
Incorrect: The records section of the Communication Management strategy should show
what communication records will be required and where they will be stored. Ref
Ilncorrect: The records seclion ot the Communication Management strategy should show
what communication records will be required and where they will be stored. Ref
Ilncorrect: Performance audits of the communication procedure are recommended as part
of the communication activities. This is a valid entry for this heading. Ref A4.
Correct: The Timing of communication activities section states when formal
communication activities are to be undertaken (Le, at the end of a stage)
~ r A Incorrect: The staff newletter is a tool for communicating to a stakeholder group within this
I I project Ref M
1 Correct (E):
i"'J!correct [B):
l4!correct (C]:
project will provide information to the stakeholder producing the staff newsletter.
Ref M.
This relates to the development of a product and those people who are required
to provide information or those who need to receive information in order to
complete an acceptable product. ReI M.
Question: 5, Syllabus: RK, Part: A, Type: MG
'Accept' - A conscious decision to do nothing but monitor and ensure that the
threat remains tolerable. RefTable 8.2.
2 By not completing the pro='je='c=t'-o-rc-Ch-a-ng-Cj-ng-some aspect 01 the project so
that the threat can no longer have an impact or can no longer happen. Ref Table
'Reduce' - Bringing the delivery date forward is a form of proactive action taken to
reduce the probability and/or the impact of the event should it occur. Ref Table 8.2.
j'Fallback' - Waiting to see if a rival calendar is produced and developing a plan for
extra incentives to be implemented after the risk occurs will reduce the impact, but
-::-_--,=_,not the probability. ReI Table 8.2.
5 Correct [E): l'Accept' - A conscious decision to do nothing but monitor and ensure that the
threat remains tolerable. Ref Table 8.2.
fG'correct (B]: !'Reduce' - This does not stop the risk from occurring but is a form of proactive
action taken to reduce the probability and/or the impact of the event should it
occur. RefTable 8.2.
The Purchasing Manager should be
monitoring the contract situation and is
therefore the person best situated to
keep an eye on this risk. Ref
True: When accepting a Work Package a
Team Manager should perform a risk
analysis identifying any risks, and the
r=-c- means 01 managing them. Ref 16.4.1.
False: II a risk is likely to impact upon time, thelFalse: IRisk action may be implemented within
proposed risk response should Itolerance or risk bUdget if there is one.
mitigate this. Only when the risk occurs, IAn Issue Report would be required if the I
Idoes it become an Issue Report. Ref cost of the risk action were to exceed
8.3.5. tolerance. Ref 8.3.5.
True: IThe Checkpoint Report is a major data True: The Checkpoint Report will provide a
Igathering tool for the Project Manager summary of actual and forecast
and should contain a summary of the progress, highlighting any potential
risk status. Ref areas for concern. This explains the
assertion, the answer is therefore A. Ref
!Question: 5, Syllabus: RK, Part: B, Type: AR
1 'True: This could have an effect on the project 'True: IAt stage level, exception situations
and should therefore be brought to the should be escalated to the Project
attention of the Project Manager as an Board in an Exception Report. This does
issue (problem). Ref 9.2.4. not explain the assertion, the answer is
jtherelore B. ReI 10.3.4.
ITrue: A risk owner is an individual who is
responsible for the management,
monitoring and control of all aspects of a I
risk, including the implementation of the
selected response(s). This is the reason
for the assertion, therefore the answer is
IFalse: There is only one Risk Register for the
prOject, created during Initiating a
Project. ReI 14.4.1.
6 False: Transfer is a risk response where a
third party takes on the responsibility
for some of the financial impact of a
threat. Agreeing a Work Package does
not automatically transfer the
Iresponsibility for a risk. ReI. Table 8.2.
False: iWhen selecting the risk response, it is a
question of balancing the cost of taking
that response against the likelihood and
impact of allowing the risk to occur. Ref
Question: 6, Syllabus: PL, Part: A, Type: MG
rCorrect [B]:
I Correct [A]:
13 Correct [A]:
14 ICorrect [D]:
r5 Feet [D]:
I6ICorrect [D]:
7 Correct [C]:
The production cost forecast is a product being produced within the scope of this
project. It should therefore appear in a rectangle. This is an internal product
incorrectly shown as an external product. Ref
The tariff of mailing costs is being supplied by the Post Office and already exists.
This is therefore an external product not shown correctly (should be shown in an
eliipse in this instance). ReI7.3.3.2.
The photo design ideas are being supplied by Marketing and already exist. They
are therefore an external product not shown correctly. Ref
IThe accounts information already exists and will form part of the list of customers.
This is therefore correctly shown as an external product. Ref
'The monthly calendar displays are within the scope of this pr-o-cje-c-'t-c.T"'h:-e-y-ar-e-p-a-rt-'---o-'--f
the calendar group and are not broken down further. They are therefore correctly
shown as a product. ReI
'The label design is within
Select photos is an activity and is therefore not a product. The product would be
the selected photos. Ref 7.3.3.
Within the scope of this project Ref 7 3 3 2
p P J
influence the plan it is therefore am external dependency Ref A16 2
ICorrect: Whilst the Project Board would, in Directing a Project, assess whether the
planned benefits could still be achieved, the actual benefits themselves are
clearly not a prerequisite for the stage. Ref A16.2.
Incorrect: Whilst this is a deliverable of stage 2, the Project Board must agree to this in
their decision to progress to stage 3. It is a major product of this project and the
reason for the stage boundary. It is a prerequisite of stage 3. Ref A16.2.
Correct: This is not a plan prerequisite for stage 3. As a product of stage 2 this should
have been quality checked and signed-off, but work can commence on stage 3
even if this product is incomplete. Ref A16.2.
Incorrect: This is not a prerequisite of the stage. The stage can commence without the
engineering staff, but may be delayed if they are not available when required.
This may be identified as a risk. ReI A16.2.
hncorrect !ThiS is confirmed during stage 2. The results of this check are not a prerequisite
I for stage 3. Work can commence without this. Ref A16.2.
Incorrect This is a deliverable that is not created within the sea e of this ro'ect but ma
Incorrect: his is not required for the stage 3 to start. This is a deliverable that is not
created within the scope of this project, but may influence the plan. Ref A16.2.
Incorrect: The logo is required during stage 3, but is not created within the scope of this
project. Ret A16.2.
ICorrect: This is within the scope of this project and as a product of stage 2 this should
have been quality checked and signed-off. Ref 16.4.2/ A16.2.
V\lhilst the company logo is an external dependency, the composition of the label
design should be shown in the relevant Product Description. Ref A17.2.
leorrect: The label designs are to be delivered during this stage, however, the resulls of
the competition are unknown and cannot be qualified. This is therefore an
assumption. Ref A16.2.
Incorrect: The label designs are within the scope of this project. If external resources are
required to create a product, the product does not then become external, it is still
Incorrect: iThe operational staff schedule on which the photo session is based is updated
I IWeeklY. The availability of staff shown in the photo session schedule may now be
incorrect. Ref A16.2.
Jncorrect: (ThiS product is produced by an external resource, within the scope of this
project. 11 is not an external dependency. Ref
Icorrect: jWhilst this is a requirement, the composition of the photos should be shown in
the relevant Product Description. Ref A16.2.
11 is the Stage Plan that is updated with actuals throughout the stage. Ref 15.4.4.
The Project Plan is updated at the end of each stage. Ref 17.4.2.
The Stage Plan covers the products, resources, activities and controls specific
to the stage and are used as a baseline against which to monitor stage
progress. The Highlight Report is a control for the Project Board. Ret A.16.2
Incorrect: The Highlight Report is a management product. The Product Descriptions
section shows the specialist products of the plan. A16.2.
Incorrect: The frequency at which the stage will be reviewed should be recorded here. Ref
Incorrect: Product Status Account can be requested by the Project Manager at any time.
This is likely to be required to support the Highlight Report. Ret 15.4.5.
------::-=--::---=-----=---=----:---=--::;---;-:::-----------1 r-
Question: 6, Syllabus: PL, Part: B, Type: MR
1 T
fAlcorrect: IThe stage bUdget should cover both the costs of products and the resources and
management required to deliver them. A16,1.
B Incorrect: 'The budgets section of the Stage Plan covers time and cost, including
I Iprovisions for risks and changes. Re! 16.2.
reIncorrect: 'The bUdgets section of the Stage Plan covers time and cost, including
I provisions for risks and changes. Ref A16.2.
r=-I 0 Icorrect: The bUdgets section of the Stage Plan covers time and cost, including
!provisions for risks and changes. Ref A16.2.
rEllncorrect: Time, cost and scope tolerances for the level of plan should be shown under a
I - separate heading of 'Tolerances'. Rei _
IQuestion: 7, Syllabus: PG, Part: A, Type: CL
There is a positive tolerance of 1 week which can be allocated to any of the
I I stages, as appropriate. Rei
rogramme management. Ref 10.3.4.
xceeded the exception procedure is followed
eplace the Project Plan. Ret 10.3.4.
s they occur and not left until the end of the
ould be scheduled. ReI. 10.3.4.
selined when the plan containing the
. If the product is later changed, the Product
change control. Rei
d tolerance. Rei 10.3.4.
should first pass through change control. Ref
the Team Manager, not the Project
to agreed timescales as a result of rework,
e rework should be planned into the next
e is forecast to exceed tolerance. Ref 10.3.4.
the Project Manager will know if there is an
ing department has exceeded the time
ntil they are signed-oft. Ret 9.3.2.
project has been agreed and the production
e scope of the Calendar project.
is ro"ect and would not therefore a ear in
ro---Incorrecl: ICheckpoint Reports are created by
Manager. Rei
4 ,Incorrect: If a product has not been delivered
the stage should not be delayed, th
stage. Rei 17.4.4.
Dllncorrect: INo products should be baselined u
5 I A Incorrect: -!There is no indication that a further
1-- IOf a project mandate is not within th
1B1lncorrect: IThis is not an expected benefit of th p J pp
rsllncorrect: :There is no indication that the stag
lcorrecl: By checking the target sign-oft date
actual delay or whether the Market
allocated for follow-up actions. Ref
correct: . Tolerance is allocated based on the level of risk and confidence of estimates for
any given stage. All project tolerance can be allocated to a single stage, but the
___.risk 01 doing so must be assessed. Ret 10.3_.1".::.2.'--- -,-,:::-:_,
ICIncorrect: IThe project tolerance 15 approved by corporate/programme management. This
cannot be affected by early completion of stages or Work Packages. Ref
IDIncorrect: Additional unplanned resources may reduce timescales but this will require use
I of other tolerances, e.g. cost tolerances. Ref 15.4.8

2 lAIncorrect: Tolerances stated in the Project Plan can be changed through formal change
I control and approval of corporate/programme management. ReI 10.3.4.
IBjcorrect: ITOlerances stated in the Project Plan can be changed through formal change
I control and approval of corporate/p
rc-Ilncorrect: Where tolerance is forecast to be e
and an Exception Plan created to r
D 'Exception situations are dealt with a
stage. An exception assessment w
3 A Correct: A Product Description should be ba
..-.J creation of that product is baselined
Description must also pass through
B Incorrect: 'The project is not forecast to excee
C Ilncorrect: Any change to a baselined product
the Benefits Review Plan. Also, the Benefits Review Plan is updated at the end
of each stage, not just the end of the project. Re! A1.
rcllncorrect: [Exception Reports provide information 10 the Project Board when tolerance is
I forecast to be/or has been exceeded. Re! 10.3.4.
lcorreCl: IThe Lessons Log captures lessons learned during the project that can uselully
be applied to other projects. Notes should be made of any good and bad
experiences in the use of the management and specialist products and tools as
they occur. ReI
l6ilncorrect: ICheckpoint Reports are provided to the Project Manager, not the Executive.
! - ' ~ I s o , an issue should be raised to the Project Manager if tolerance is forecast to
r==be exceeded. Ret /10.3.4.
Incorrect: Team members do not have the authority to change a Stage Plan. If a product is
late, the Project Manager may plan the remaining work into the next stage and
arnend the Work Package accordingly. Ret
+I-nc-o-r-re-c-t: IThe Team Manager should raise this as an issue. If the Project Manager
determines it is a project risk, the Project Manager should record it in the Risk
__.,--- :..:R;;.e
::;c "0 ~
1D1correct: JAil problems, questions and queries should be raised as an issue. Ref 10.3.4.
AR PGPrlBT 7 S 11 b tI ues on: y a us: a


1 False: Management stages are determined False: The Project Board can make a decision
primarily by the level of risk, major whenever it needs to do so. Ref 13.4.4.
decision points and commitment of
resources. The label design
competition does not justify this level of
control. ReI
2 True: It may be quicker to produce black and False: The use of one tolerance to resolve the
white photos, rather than full colour, thus issues with another tolerance will
reducing quality but saving time. Ref depend on the objectives of the project.
15.4.8. If quality is the focus then this will not be
the first to go.
3 True: IStage boundaries should be scheduled True: The production cost forecast provides a
around key decision points for the key decision point for the Project Board
Project Board. ReI whether to continue with the project. This
reason explains the assertion, therefore
the answer is A. Ref 10.3.2.
4 False: IThere is +1 week project tolerance, False: Negative project time tolerance does
indicating the project can complete one NOT indicate the latest permissible
week later than planned, NOT two, and date, it indicates the earliest acceptable
still remain within tolerance. completion date, before exceeding
tolerance. ReI 10.3.4.
False: IThe Project Manager should first True: Project tolerance is set by corporate or
escalate exception situations to the programme management. Any forecast
Project Board. They rnay then need to to exceed this must be escalated
escalate to corporate management. accordingly. ReI10.3.1.1.
6 True: The projected costs will influence the False: Products are reviewed and approved by
Project Board decision to proceed with nominated parties as and when they are
stage 3. All Project Board decisions completed. Not at the end of each stage.
are made during the Directing a Project Ret 16.4.2.
process. REI
1 Correct [BI:
!issue with the performance of a team This is a problem needs to be
addressed by the Project Manager. Ref Table 9.1.
Correct [C]: The chosen label design is Off-specification because the product does not contain
the correct data, as specified. Ref Table 9.1.
Correct [A]: The probability of this risk is 100%. This is neither a request for change nor an off-
specification. It is therefore a problem. A problem or concern that the Project
Manager needs to resolve or esalate. Ref Table 9.1.
jThe Plan is approved, this includes the PO for the photos. This requirement was
not included within the original composition of the photos, it is therefore a request
r::-_--,-;=_for change. Ref. Tab 9_._1:-:-__--,-;_
-2-lcorrect [Al 'May' tells us this has not yet happened, and is therefore a concern at this time. A
problem or concern is any other issue (not an Off-specification or a RFC) that the
-r:::--c:::::- Project Manager needs to resolve or escalate. Ref Table 9.1.
3 'jcorrect [8]: IThe list of customers has been approved. Once approved a product should not be
Ichanged without an authorized request for change. Ref Table 9.1.
[A]' 'There is not a problem with the schedule this is not off specification There is an
8, Syllabus: CH, Part: A, Type: MG

4 Correct IFI:
5 Correcl(AJ:
11 Correct [B):
j2Correct [E):
j3Correct IC]:
Maintaining a record of all copies issued will provide a list of who has been issued
products and which versions they have. Ref 9.3.2.
The recall of superseded versions from all copyholders would ensure that only the
correct products are in circulation. Ref 9.3.2.
The Record of links between version and the Issue Report that caused its change
will provide an audit between each version of a product and a reference to further
,information regarding the change. Ref A5.2
'The Retention of all mast:-e-r-c-o-'p'-je-s-e-n-s-u-re-s-t"h-a:-t-::th-e-o-r7j9:-j-na:-l:-j-s-p-ro:-t-e-ct:-e-d:-,:-tr-a-ce-a:-b:-I-e-
and always avail.:.a.:.bc:1e:-._Rc:e_f.:.9c:.
The Product Status Account tracks products through their design, development,
7-_:-=_ review and approval, providing a summary of product status Ref 9.3 1 3
6 Correct [G]: Maintaining a record of the relationships between products ensures that no
product is changed without being able to check for possible impacts on related
products. Ref
Question: 8, Syllabus: CH, Part: B, Type: MG

Question: 9, Syllabus: DC, Part: A, Type: CL
1 A IlnCOrrect: This is a pre-defined plan (updated S8) stating when and how the expected
benefits of a project should be measured. It would not identify alternative ways in
which products might be used. R..,e:-I_A-,-'_.-::---:c-,---
B Incorrect: This records events that went well or badly. It would not record alternative ways
to benefit from the deliverable of a project. Ref A14.
rc-tlncorrect: The project is not forecast to exceed tolerance in terms of cost and time, we are
--i::;,,-----..,-_ not therelore in exception. ReI Al0. __:-_--..,-_
o Correct: IVVhen closing a project prematurely any value created to date and any gaps left
by the cancellation of the project are raised to corporate/programme
management in the End Project Report as part of the followon actions
recommendations. Ref AB.
2 rA""ln-c-o-rr-e-c""t: lA number of actions specific to the project's products may be required after the
project has closed. This is past tense, the event has happened. There is no
action recommended. Ref AB.
r--s-1Correct Nothing can be done to resolve this now, but future projects may learn from this
experience. A review of what went well, what went badly and any
recommendations for corporate/programme management consideration are
recorded in the Lessons Report. Ref A15.
rc-jlncorrect: 'Closure notification is simply a communication to all interested parties that the
project is coming to a close. It would not communicate anything about the
disruption caused. Ref 1B.4.5.
o c-'In-c-o-rr-e-c""'t: This is not a risk, this is past tense and the event has happened.
3 This is a plan of how and when benefits should be measured. It does not
communicate the closure of the project to interested parties. Ref A1.
report compares the objectives with the outcomes, the plan 'v' actual of the
project. It does not communicate the closure of the project to interested parties.
C Incorrect: A number of actions specific to the project's products may be required after the
project has closed. Any outstanding invoices, etc, need to be received prior to
project closure. This is not an activity post project closure. Ref AB.
IThe Project closure notification advises those who have provided the support
infrastructure and resources for the project that these can now be withdrawn.
This should indicate a closing date for costs being charged to the project. Ref
A Incorrect: This is a plan of how and when benefits should be measured. The objecUves or
outcomes are stated in the PlO and their achievement documented in the End
Project Report. ReI A1.
B Correct: IAn End Project Report is used during project closure to review how the project
performed against the version of the PlO used to authorize the project. A review
of the project objectives are recorded in the End Project Report. Ref AB.
rcllncorrect: 'The project is not forecast to exceed tolerance in terms of cost and time, we are
1 - not therefore in exception. Ref A10.
o Incorrect: The Project closure notification advises those who have provided the support
infrastructure and resources for the project that these can now be withdrawn.
This is simply a communication and does not assess what has been delivered.
ReI Glossary.
5 rA!lncorrect: This is a plan o""I"'-how and when benefits should be measured. The objectives or
outcomes are stated in the PlO and their achievement documented in the End
____'-P"ro"-je:..:ct Report together with any proposed actions. ReI A"1,,, _
~ ,
B IlnCOrrect: IThe project is not forecast to exceed tolerance in terms of cost and time, we are
not therefore in exception. Ref 10.
crorrect: -wnen closing a project prematurely any value created to date and any gaps left
by the cancellation of the project are raised to corporate/programme
management in the End Project Report as part of the follow-on action
lrecommendations. ReI AB.
iDl"-ln-c-o-rr-e-ctc-: This is not a risk, it is stated as fact with 100% probability.
6 ,rncorreCl: 'The Issue Register will be archived with the project files, any outstanding issues
being transferred to the follow on action recommendations in the End Project
Report. An assessment of what went well and what went badly is the Lessons
Report. Ret A15.
"ln'Cc'Co'Cr'CreC:c'Cl:-:rA number of actions specific to the project's products may be required after the
project has closed. This is stated as a learning opportunity, there are no actions
lcorrect: IIFuture projects may learn from this experience. A review of what went well, what
went badly and any recommendations for corporate/programme management
consideration are recorded in the Lessons Report. Ref A15.
O'"'tn-c-o-rr-e-ct:-: IThis is past tense. It has happened, it is therefore not a r
Question: 9, syllabUS: DC, Part: B, Type: AI'(
1 False:1Countering the decline in orders is a
positive consequence (benefit) of this
project that cannot be measured until
12 months after the project has closed.
False: 'The Benefits Review Plan is created in
the Initiating A Project process. Ref is reviewed and may be
updated at the end of each stage and
during the Closing a Project process.
Ret 18.4.3.
True: 'The PPD contains the Acceptance
Criteria of the Project Product and the
standards and processes that will need
to be applied to achieve this. Ret A21.1 I
This report is produced by the Project
Manager toward the end of the project,
dUring the Closing a Project process,
and is used by the Project Board to
evaluate the project and authorize
closure.Ref A8.1.
False: The Acceptance Method in the PPD
will state the means by which the
acceptance will be confirmed. This
could simply be done by confirming all
the products have been approved.
False: The Project Scenario explains that the ITrue:
prepared calendar pack must be ready
by 30 November, but there is also a
time tolerance of +1 week.
4 'True: ~ h e final management stage of a
PRINCE2 project should include the
products of project closure. The
Closing a Project process takes place
within the final management stage. Ref
True: The Closing a Project process takes
place towards the end of the final
management stage. Closure is not a
stage, it is a process. This is the reason
for the assertion. the answer is A. Ref
5 False: 'Whilst handover of responsibility for the False: \lVhere a product requires a lot of
products is necessary during the potentially expensive support and
Closing a Project process, this contract maintenance, the Project Manager
is not in the scope of this project. The should ensure that a suitable service
product should be handed over to the agreement or contract is in place. Ref
Marketing department. 18.4.3.
False: The Closing a Project p-,-0-c-es-s-s"'hc-
i:'T=-ru-e-:-r.1C-tOCthC-e-en-d of each stage the Project
be followed at the end of stage 3, rather Manager should update the Project
than the Managing a Stage Boundary Initiation Documentation (e.g. the
process, as this is the final stage. Ref Business Case, Project Plan, project
17.2. approach, strategies, project
management team structure and role
__. : . . . . . _ ~ -'__.cd:.:e..:sc=n,,p:.:ti..:o:.:ns:.<:). Retc.1:..:7.::.2::. -'
The Practitioner Examination
Scenario Booklet
This is a objective test examination. This booklet contains the Project
Scenario upon which this exam paper is based. All questions are contained within
the Question Book/et.
Additional information is provided within this Scenario Book/et for a number of
questions. Where reference should be made to additional information, this is
clearly stated within the question to which it is relevant. All information provided
within a question must only be applied to that question.
Each of the nine questions is worth 12 marks, giving a maximum of 108 marks in
the paper. The pass mark is 55% (59 marks). Within each question the syllabus
area to which the question refers is clearly stated. The exam is to be taken with the
support of the PRINCE2 Manual only, Le. no material other than the Question
Book/et, the Scenario Booklet, the Answer Booklet and the PRINCE2 Manual is
to be used.
Candidate Number: .
E .8-EXOJ..V2 :3 m;1Jment Owner - Ch'ef
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Project Scenario
The Oulsourclng Project
Note: Outsourcing is the contracting-out of business functions to a third party (the service
provider). A business may contract out to one service provider or several service providers. The
service provider takes control of the business functions and is responsible for their success. It is
common for staff in the business functions being outsourced to be transferred to and employed by
the service provider. Simple examples of outsourcing are office cleaning services and gardening
services. Know/edge of outsourcing is not required for this examination paper.
A central government department, the Ministry of Food Hygiene (MFH), faces increasing pressure to
cut costs, better manage suppliers' performance and reduce the confusion caused by inadequate
internal controls, outdated standards and outdated technology. External consultants were employed to
conduct a feasibility study to identify options to address the problems, and the likely costs and
benefits. The following 2 P t i o ~ were considered:
Do nothing.
Re-engineer selected business functions.
Outsource selected business functions.
The feasibility stUdy concluded that there was a case for outsourcing the MFH Information Technology
Division and the Facilities Division (maintenance of buildings and grounds). The recommendations
One service provider should be contracted to provide the services currently provided by the
Information Technology Division and the Facilities Division.
A 1O-year service contract should be agreed with the selected service provider.
The feasibility study developed highlevel designs of the current organization, processes, systems and
operating models, plus an outline Business Case for the required project. The external consultants
also made the following recommendations for the management of the project:
Set up the project with 4 management stages:
Stage 1. Standard PRINCE2 initiation activities.
Stage 2. Create detailed qesigns (future organization, processes, systems and operating
models) and the service level agreement between MFH and the future service
Stage 3. Request and evaluate proposals, select service provider and agree contract.
Stage 4. Transfer eqUipment and staff, transfer responsibility for service provision and run
trial period.
Project Scenario continues on next page.
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Initial estimates indicated that the project would 2.5m and take two years to complete:..
MFH senior management agreed that there was a case for outsourcing, and accepted the
recommendations as a basis for the project. There is !.n expected saving of 20m over 10
The Outsourcing project has completed the Starting up a Project process and is now in the initiatio.D
Because of the strategic importance oflhe proj'eCf,1Fie Executive Officer has taken
the role of Executive. A PRINCE2-experienced Project Manager has been appointed from
wit In H. Sta within the business functions being outsourced will work with the external consultants
who conducted he feasibility study to define the detailed designs.
PRIN .,;-GS--EX03-V2 agt-. 0'9 c:
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of the Office of G"vemm"nt Commerr!' T' S logo'" T'fl1e of\he nf' r" I "'1lm ce
\.oo!uestion 2: Organization Theme - Additional Information
Proposed Project Organization (with errors)
Project Board
Senior User Executive Senior Supplier
Outran Account Manager Chief Executive Officer
Director of
Information Technology
User Project Business Supplier
Project Project
Director of
Assurance Assurance
Payroll Director of
Director of
Manager Facilities
Research &
Within the project management team - - - Project Assurance responsibility
From the customer
From the supplier
Further information on some resources who could be involved in the project:
Outcon Account Manager: He represents Dutcon which is a recruitment agency that
provides specialist outsourcing resources. Dutcon provided the consultants who carried out
the feasibility study and the same consultants will be providing support and guidance to the
Information Technology and Facilities teams during the project.
Director of Finance Division: She was transferred from the Information Technology
Division 12 months ago. She is responsible for ensuring a cost-conscious approach is
adopted in all operational and project activities across the Ministry of Food Hygiene.
Hardware Manager: Reports to the Director of Information Technology. He provides
computer hardware to all business functions but has little awareness of the needs of his
colleagues working in software.
Payroll Manager: Reports to the Director of Finance. He is a very experienced and efficient
qualified accountant who has much of the responsibility of running the Finance Division on
behalf of the Director of Finance. He has been involved in drafting the Ministry's business
strategy and assisting in a full business risk assessment. He also drafted the corporate
Business Case standards.
-GB-EX03-Y2" Page 5 01
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- Ch'ef Exam 'l.'T
'lNC'" i& 1> RegIstered
Question 3: Quality Theme - Additional Information
Product Description (no errors)
Title Service Level Agreement.
Purpose This agreement specifies the level of service MFH requires
from the selected service provider and provides measurable
criteria against which the selected service provider's
performance will be assessed.
Composition Responsibilities of MFH and selected service provider.
Mechanisms for monitoring and reporting performance
Dispute resolution process.
Confidentiality provisions.
Conditions for termination of contract.
Glossary of technical terms contained in SLA.
Format and A4, Word document, printed both sides in black and white.
Font: Arial, 12pts.
Quality criteria Contains all composition items listed above.
Not more than 60 pages.
Complies with MFH corporate branding standards.
No typographical errors.
Quality skills required Proof-reading skills.
Director of Compliance Division - Reviewer.
Director of Information Technology Division - Reviewer.
Quality responsibilities Producer/Presenter: Director of Facilities Division.
Chair: Project Manager.
Reviewers: Directors of other divisions.
Approver: Chief Executive Officer.
Additional Information continues on next page.
PR1NCE'2G8 _r-l( h PilllC al9 Document Owner - ChIef ElIl<lmme
I' rumenl ,s nll 10 be t'!-prl)(luced or le-sold w'lhout express pelTnI$.!Ilon from Ttte APM Group Lld PRINCE IS a RegJstered
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Quality notes from the Daily Log
The Director of Information Technology Division (DIT) has been asked to ensure that any changes to
the outsourced staff employment contracts adhere to employment law. The DIT will review future job
descriptions of the transferred staff before the final contract is signed with the selected service
The service level agreement between MFH and the selected service provider will specify the type and
quality of service required. The selected service provider must follow the industry standards for
providing outsourced services.
MFH has a quality management system which contains a document control procedure for all its
documentation, however this does not include change management.
All project documents will be subject to a quality review. Nominated products will require a formal
approval record by the quality review chair.
Extract from the draft Quality Management Strategy (may contain errors)
1. This document defines the approach to be taken to achieve the required quality
levels during the project.
2. The Project Board will have overall responsibility for the Quality Management
3. Project Assurance will provide assurance on the implementation of the Quality
Management Strategy.
Quality management procedure - Quality standards
4. The selected service provider will operate to industry standards for providing
outsourced services.
5. MFH document standards will be used.
6. A Quality Register will be maintained to record the planned quality events and the
actual results from the quality activities.
7. Configuration Item Records will be maintained for each product to describe its
status, version and variant.
8. Approval records for products that require them will be stored in the quality
Roles and responsibilities
9. The DIT will check that the employment contracts for outsourced staff adhere to
employment law.
10. Team Managers will provide details of quality checks that have been carried out.
11. Team Managers will ensure that the Quality Register is updated with the names of
team members who are involved in the review process.
12. The Senior User will review the Product Descriptions of the products to be produced
by the selected service provider to ensure that they can be achieved.
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Question 7: Change Theme - Additional Information
The project is three weeks into stage 3 and there are 41 weeks remaining in this stage. The request
for proposal has been approved but has not yet been distributed to the list of service providers,
The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Ministry of Food Hygiene (MFH) has called an emergency
meeting because a new Government initiative to centralize and rationalize all Facilities Divisions has
been announced. All existing projects seeking to rationalize or outsource their Facilities Division
should stop immediately.
The Project Manager has created an Issue Report as the Outsourcing project may need to be de-
scoped to remove the Facilities Division. This may result in higher costs for the supply of the
remaining services. There is 70k in the project's change budget, +6 weeks J-6 weeks project time
tolerance and +350k 1-500k project cost tolerance remaining.
De.-scoplng Facilities Division
Outsourcing the services provided by both the Information Technology Division and the Facilities
Division was planned to cost 2.5m and deliver a saving in operating costs of 2m per annum, or
20m over the 10year contract.
Outsourcing just the Information Technology Division would cost 1.25m and deliver a saving in
operating costs of 1m per annum, or 10m over the 10-year contract. The timescale of two years will
remain unchanged. The Project Manager is concerned that the reduced value of the services to be
outsourced may make it less attractive to service providers.
To remove the Facilities Division from the Outsourcing project, all those products which relate to or
include services provided by the Facilities Division will need to be revised. A full analysis has been
done and initial estimates suggest that these changes will delay stage 3 by three weeks and will cost
an additional 1 OOk to complete. There is 54k of stage 3 cost tolerance remaining.
The Government initiative to centralize and rationalize the Facilities Division should deliver a saving in
operating costs of 15m over 10 years. The centralize and rationalize project is estimated to cost
C'LG6-EX03-V23 Page 8 of 9
1 he APM Group Ud ",,009 This dowment,s not to be re-produced or re 5 111 "" 'h .It PYI
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Documenl Ov,ne, 1 1 I l ~ f Exam,ner
A I' d PR'NCE!) is a Registered
lestion 8: Progress Theme - Additional Information
Draft Work Package (contains errors)
The following extract is from the Work Package provided to the IT Team Manager for the transfer of
services and equipment provided by the Information Technology Division to the selected service
provider. It was prepared by the Project Manager. The transfer of the services must occur with
minimum disruption to current services. At the same time, the services provided by the Facilities
Division will be transferred. During the transfer, the IT Team Manager will need to work with the
Facilities Team Manager to ensure that the work and products are in line and operate with each other.
The project information contained in the extract is true, but it may NOT be recorded under the right
heading or in the correct document.
Techniques, processes and procedures
1. PRINCE2 method for all project management processes.
Development Interfaces
2. Manager of Office Moves Limited, with responsibility for moving IT equipment.
3. Service provider's Team Manager. with responsibility for receiving the transferred equipment
and furniture.
Operations and maintenance interfaces
4. None.
5. MFH staff must not be involved in any heavy lifting during the transfer.
6. Equipment removal must be within Office Moves Limited's normal working hours.
7. Only staff who are transferring are allowed to test the transferred equipment.
Reporting arrangements
8. Highlight Report every Monday by 10.00 am.
9. The report should contain a summary of all products worked on during the previous week.
10. Project Manager should be notified of any issues immediately by telephone.
Problem handling and escalation
11. Impact analysis of all issues should be completed within 24 hours.
Extracts or references
12. The Stage Plan for stage 4 is available from Project Support.
Approval method
13. Project Assurance will review the completed Work Package and confirm completion.
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The Practitioner Examination
Question Booklet
Candidate Number: ..
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Syllabus areas covered:
Question 1 - Starting Up a Project + Initiating a Project Processes
Question 2 - Organization Theme
Question 3 - Quality Theme
Question 4 - Plans Theme
Question 5 - Business Case Theme
Question 6 - Risk Theme
~ Question 7 - Change Theme
Question 8 - Progress Theme
Question 9 - Controlling a Stage + Managing Product Delivery Processes
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Pag!' J of 31
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Question Number 1
Syllabus Area Starting Up a Project + Initiating a Project Processes
Syllabus _
Starting Up a Project + Initiating a Pro'ect Processes
Question Number
IPart Marks

Each of the following 4 questions includes a list of true statements made during the Starting up a Project process.
'M1ich statement is an appropriate entry for the Lessons Log?
A This is the first time that the Ministry of Food Hygiene (MFH) has been involved in outsourcing.
B Based on feedback from other government departments, the Ministry of Trade and Industry has provided the
names of two outsourcing companies that are unreliable and should not be included as potential service
C The feasibility study estimated that the outsourcing project would take two years to complete.

D Only the Information Technology Division and Facilities Division will be outsourced.
'M1ich statement is an appropriate entry for the outline Business Case heading within the Project Brief?
A A 1a-year service contract should be agreed with the selected service provider.
B External consultants were employed to conduct a feasibility study to identify the options, their likely costs and
C The project will run for two years and the benefits will be realized over 1a years.
D The project should be split into four management stages.
'M1ich statement is an appropriate entry for the project approach heading within the Project Brief?
A The initial estimates from the feasibility study will be verified during the initiation stage.
B MFH must better manage suppliers' performance.
C The Information Technology Division and the Facilities Division will be outsourced to a single service
D The Project Manager will be responsible for ensuring that the agreed project approach remains an

appropriate choice.
'M1ich statement is an appropriate entry for the Initiation Stage Plan?
A The Daily Log has been updated with the new risks which were identified while preparing the Initiation Stage
B The plan is based on the external outsourcing consultants being available at the start of the initiation stage.
C The initial project cost estimate of 2.5m, will have a tolerance of +125k J75k.
D The project management team will consist of representatives from the IT and Facilities Divisions.
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Pagt><l0131 Document Owner. Choef Examiner
A r' LId PRINCE'" If, 3 Reglsleled
Syllabus Area
Starting Up a Project + Initiating a Project Processes
Question Number
Part Marks
B 4
Using the Project Scenario, answer the following 4 questions.
During stage 1 the level of performance expected from the service provider was changed.
After this change was agreed which of these products will require updating?
A Project Brief because this is maintained throughout the project to reflect the customer's quality expectations.
B Project Product Description because this contains details of the expected performance of the project's
C Quality Management Strategy because this is where all of the customer's quality expectations of the project's
products should be documented.
VVhile capturing previous lessons, the Project Manager discovered several interesting facts about outsourcing.
VVhich fact is an appropriate lesson for the Outsourcing project?

Outsourcing is a growth industry and is being implemented by many private sector organizations.
Four other government departments are also considering outsourcing some of their business functions next
C Contracts with service providers should include the timescale within which readiness for service is expected
following the transfer of equipment and staff.
VVhile deciding on how the work of the project should be approached the following were considered.
VVhich statement is appropriate for inclusion in the project approach heading in the Project Brief?
A The Project Manager will involve the selected service provider in the creation of the Stage Plan for stage 4.
B New up-to-date software will be obtained to produce the graphical sections of the Project and Stage Plans.
C The detailed designs (future process, systems, operating and organization models) will be based on the
existing high-level designs.
VVhile planning the initiation stage, the Project Manager reviewed some threats that had been recorded in the
Daily Log.
VVhich threat should have been assessed for possible risk responses to be included in the Initiation Stage Plan?

MFH has no experience in outsourcing and this may affect understanding of what is required, resulting in
inadequate plans and strategies.
B The Project Brief is a complex document and may not be approved by the Executive.
C There is a shortage of service providers so there is a possibility that no suitable service providers respond
to the request for proposals. This would prevent the Outsourcing project from proceeding.
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Syllabus Area
Starting Up a Pro'ect + Initiating a Project Processes
Question Number
Part Mark&,.
Using the Project Scenario. answer the following 4 questions about the Initiating a Project process.
1 While preparing the Risk Management Strategy, the Project Manager considered the commercial
customer/supplier environment and how this may affect the management of risk.
Which approach should the Outsourcing project adopt?
A Plan to use the selected service provider's risk management procedures.
B All project risks associated with the specialist deliverables should be owned by the selected service
C Due to the sensitive nature of this project, consideration should be given to creating a separate Risk
Register to be held by MFH and the selected supplier.
2 VVhile preparing the Configuration Management Strategy, the Project Manager considered the options for
change control. He decided to recommend a change budget of 250k, but was undecided on the Change
Authority to recommend.
VVhich option is an appropriate Change Authority for the Outsourcing project?
A The selected service provider to approve and implement all changes.
B Senior User(s) and Project Assurance representatives, within the limits of the recommended change
C The Director of Facilities and the Director of Information Technology to approve all changes.
3 While preparing the Quality Management Strategy, the Project Manager noticed that the corporate quality
management system does not specifically cover project management.
Which option provides an appropriate way for the Project Manager proceed?
A Record the development of a corporate quality management system for project management as a
prerequisite of the Project Plan.
B Proceed with the project without a Quality Management Strategy and adopt the selected service provider's
standards in stage 4.
C Seek relevant organizational standards, then facilitate a workshop to discuss the Quality Management
Strategy with Project Assurance.
4 Which project controls should be established for the Outsourcing project?
A Highlight Reports to the Project Manager; Exception Reports to the Project Board when project tolerances
are forecast to be exceeded.
B Highlight Reports to the Project Board; Exception Reports to corporate management when stage tolerances
are forecast to be exceeded.
C Highlight Reports to the Project Board; Exception Reports to the Project Board when stage or project
tolerances are forecast to be exceeded.
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r ,tion Number 2
Syllabus Area Organization Theme
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Organization Theme 2 A 6
Using the additional Information provided for this question In the Scenario Booklet, answer the following
6 questions,
Each question includes a number of alternative actions supported by true statements about the proposed
candidate for that role. Select the 2 alternative actions which, in the context of a PRINCE2 organization structure,
roles and responsibilities, provide an appropriate evaluation of, or alternative to, the proposed candidate for that
Remember to limit your answers to the number of selections requested in each question.
'\Ihich 2 alternative actions apply to the proposed Executive for this project?
A Retain because he accepts that outsourcing is the best solution.
B Replace with 'Director of Finance Division' because she can ensure a cost-conscious approach to the
project that gives value for money.
C Retain because he has the right level of authority to be able to control the strategic nature of the Outsourcing
D Add 'Director of Finance' because she understands the operation of the Information Technology Division
and the Facilities Division.
E Replace with 'Payroll Manager' because he is a very experienced and efficient qualified accountant.
V\lhich 2 alternative actions apply to the proposed Senior User for this project?
A Retain because he provides the outsourcing resources required to support the project.
B Replace with 'Director of Research and Development' because she deals with both the Information
Technology and the Facilities Divisions and can make sure her division's needs are specified.
Remove because he has no authority to commit user resources.
D Add 'Hardware_Manager' because he provides computer hardware to all business functions and will be
impacted by the outcome.
E Retain because he will be providing support to the Information Technology and Facilities teams during the
Question continues on next page
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Question continued
VVhich 2 alternative actions apply to the proposed Senior Supplier for this project?
A Retain because she is responsible for the design of the future Information Technology organization and
working practices.
8 Add 'Director of Facilities' because he is responsible for the design of the future organization, processes,
systems and operation models for Facilities.
C Add 'Hardware Manager' because he provides computer hardware to all business functions and will be
impacted by the outcome.
0 Remove because she only represents the Information Technology Division.
E Replace with 'Director of Facilities' because he supports the initiative and has many ideas about how to
improve the service.
VVhich 2 alternative actions apply to the proposed business assurance for this project?
A Remove because he will be impacted by the project and therefore represents a user.
8 Replace with 'Project Manager' because this is a simple project that does not require additional business
C Add 'Outcon Consultants' because they carried out the feasibility study.
0 Add 'Director of Finance Division' because she is responsible for checking that any supplier and contractor
payments are authorized.
E Retain because he is familiar with the Ministry of Food Hygiene business strategy, the business level risk
assessment and the Business Case standards.
Vv'hich 2 alternative actions apply to the proposed supplier assurance for this project?
A Retain because he has a professional facilities qualification and so is in a position to specify the needs of
his division.
8 Retain because he will be able to advise on many of the products that will enable outsourcing to happen,
such as the 1O-year outsourcing service contract.
C Retain because he is well-regarded within the Ministry because of the efficiencies, superb service and
savings he has achieved in the Facilities Division.
0 Add 'Outcon Account Manager' because he will advise on potential changes and their impact on the integnty
of the project's products.
E Remove because he is involved with the project and is therefore NOT independent.
VVhich 2 alternative actions apply to the proposed user assurance for this project?
A Retain because they are both very positive about outsourcing the selected business functions.
8 Retain because their divisions will be the major users of the outsourced services and they can provide the
user perspective on the impact of any proposed changes.
C Remove because neither of these individuals are from the business functions to be outsourced.
0 Retain because selecting only one of them may cause unnecessary conflict.
E Retain because they are able to help identify stakeholders and their communication requirements.
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Organization Theme
Using the Project Scenario and the additional information provided for this question in the Scenario
Booklet, answer the following question about roles on the Outsourcing project.
Lines 1 to 6 in the table below consist of an assertion statement and a reason statement. For each line identify
the appropriate option, from options A to E, that applies. Each option can be used once, more than once or not
at all.
Option Assertion Reason
A True True AND the reason explains the assertion
B True True BUT the reason does not explain the assertion
C True False
D False True
E False False
Assertion Reason
1 The Outcon Account Manager should be appointed as a BECAUSE Senior Suppliers are responsible for
Senior Supplier for the project.
the provision of supplier resources. T
2 The Director of Finance would be an appropriate choice BECAUSE The Senior Supplier must demonstrate
for the role of a Senior Supplier. f= that the forecast benefits are realized.{=--
3 After being selected in stage 3, a representative from the BECAUSE The Senior Supplier is responsible for
selected service provider should join the Project Board assessing the viability of the project
as a Senior Supplier in stage 4.
A specialist outsourcing consultant from Outcon would be BECAUSE Supplier assurance ensures that
an appropriate choice to provide supplier assurance supplier staf1dards are met and used
during stage 2. F effectively.
5 The Hardware Manager would be an appropriate choice BECAUSE The Senior Supplier is accountable for
for the role of Senior Supplier. the quality of the products delivered by
the supplier(s). F
6 The Payroll Manager is an appropriate choice to provide BECAUSE Business assurance should be
business assurance. undertaken by someone with an
accountancy qualification. F
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Page >I If 31
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Question Number 3
Syllabus Area Quality Theme
S lIabus Area
Quality Theme
Question Number
Each of the following 4 questions includes a list of statements about the acceptance criteria that should have been
recorded in the Project Product Description.
\/IIhich is a correctly defined acceptance criterion for the service level agreement (SLA) with the selected
service provider?
A The SLA must extend for the full duration of the service contract.
B Any changes to the SLA must be managed through formal change control.
C External consultants are to assist in the creation of the SLA.
D The selected service provider should be located locally.
Which is a correctly defined acceptance criterion for the transferred facilities computer system?
A Must be subject to regular back-ups.
B Planned periods of shutdowns of the computer system must be kept to a minimum.
C No (zero) loss of system functionality.
D Back-up of data must be kept until the data is no longer needed.
Which is a correctly defined acceptance criterion for the transferred staff?
A No staff are to be left behind.
B Staff should be transferred as soon as possible.
C All legal requirements are adhered to for the transfer of staff.
D Retained staff should be of reasonable competence to maintain the SLA.
Which is a correctly defined acceptance criterion for the running cost of the outsourced service?
A Must be kept to a minimum.
B Must be kept to a level acceptable to the Ministry of Food Hygiene.
C Subject to market conditions.
D The annual increase to be less than half the rate of inflation.
I Ni;E2-GB-EXQ3-V2 J Page' 0 3 C f E':r"'m fler
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T'ildl" Mark ollhe Orftre "I Govemmenl CA:Jmmerce Thf'Sw;, Juga'" I!'. Trade Mart olthe Ollia' ('If Government Comm Cl."
Syllabus Area I Question Number
Quality Th"'e"'m"e'--- -'--- 1 ---'3"--- _
Using the Project Scenario and the Product Description provided as additional Information for this
question in the Scenario Booklet, answer the following question.
The Work Package to produce the service level agreement has a tolerance of +2 days I -2 davs. The
product has been delivered on targ'!!. and the Duality review meeting is takina pl!..ce.
The following 4 entries have been included in the consolidated question list or raised at the meeting.
Select the appropriate action which should now be agreed by the review team to deal with each entry.
Although it is not specified in the current corporate branding standards, the MFH corporate logo should be
shown on the front page of the service level agreement.
A Obtain agreement from the Director of Facilities Division to amend this within the remaining +2 days
d Raise an issue (off-specification).
C Raise an issue (request for change).
D Accept this error as a concession.
The service level agreement looks like any other MFH document.
A Obtain agreement from the Director of Facilities Division to redesign the service level agreement within the
remaining +2 days tolerance.
S Raise an issue (off-specification).
C Accept this error as a concession.
D No action required.
None of the reviewers have proof-reading skills.
A Record an action to request that Project Assurance identify a proof-reader who can, within the next 2 days,
complete the check for typographical errors.
J Ask the reviewers present at the meeting to conduct a proof-reading exercise and pass any comments to
the author within 2 days.
C Contact Project Assurance to find appropriate resources to come into the review.
D No action required.
The service level agreement contains a number of technical terms that are missing from its glossary of terms.
A Obtain agreement from the Director of Facilities Division to add these into the glossary of terms within the
remaining +2 days tolerance.
S Raise an issue (off-specification).
C Raise an issue (request for change).
D No action required.
"'R1NCE2-GB-EXQ3Vl J aq ]131
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___Quail Theme 3 C
Using the Quality notes from the Daily Log and the Extract from the draft Quality Management Strategy
provided as additional Information for this question in the Scenario Booklet, answer the following 4
questions about the Quality Management Strategy.
Which statement applies to the Introduction section?
A Delete entry 1 because the project approach is defined in the Project Brief.
B Delete entry 2 because this is the Project Manager's responsibility.
C Delete entry 3 because it is the Project Manager's responsibility to implement the Quality Management
D Move entry 3 to the Roles and responsibilities section because this is a quality responsibility.
V\lhich statement applies to the Quality standards section?
A Delete entry 4 because external suppliers are responsible for applying any relevant standards to their
B Delete entry 5 because the lack of a change management procedure makes the MFH document
standards unsuitable.
C Add 'All contracts must conform to current employment laws".
D Add 'PRINCE2 change control procedures will be used to manage any changes to baselined products'.
Which statement applies to the Records section?
A Delete entry 6 because this information should be included in Stage or Team Plans.
B Move entry 6 to the Reporting section because the information should be used to report on quality
C Delete entry 7 because this should be included in the Configuration Management Strategy.
D Delete entry 8 because the results of quality reviews are recorded in the Quality Register.
Which statement applies to the Roles and responsiblllties section?
A Delete entry 9 because this should only be recorded in the Product Description.
B Delete entry 10 because this is the responsibility of the quality review chair.
C Delete entry 11 because only the Project Manager can update the Quality Register.
D Amend entry 12 because this is the responsibility of supplier assurance.
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( ;tion Number 4
Syllabus Area Plans Theme
Syllabus Area
Plans Theme
Question Number
Column 1 is a list of true statements to be included in the Stage Plan for stage 2. Column 2 is a selection of
Stage Plan headings. For each statement in Column 1, select from Column 2 the 8tage Plan heading under which
it should be recorded. Each selection from Column 2 can be used once, more than once or not at all.
Column 1 Column 2
1 This plan includes the detailed design of the process model, systems model,
A Plan description
operating model and organization model.
S Plan prerequisites
2 A monthly stage status report will be provided to the Project Board.
C External
high-level models, produced in the feasibility study by the management
will be used by the project. D Planning
4 The Project Board has approved the recommendation to outsource both the
E Lessons
Information Technology Division and the Facilities Division to one service provider
and this decision must remain in place.
F Monitoring and
5 Based on advice from the Ministry of Trade and Industry that, in their experience,
drafting a service level agreement is a lengthy process, allowances have been made
G Budgets
for this in the Stage Plan for stage 2.
H Tolerances
6 Time: +2 weeks 1-2 weeks. I Schedule
'/3 p!>,
r, p hill I:loumem 1!Io nol to be p ced III re-sold w,lh,
" Ilhe Office cri Governmenl :lmml'rce ,!'re SW1111{fQo 's Tlade III I e G
tile! Ernm,ner
IS a
S lIabus Area
Plans Theme
Question Number
Marks ,,-.
Using the Project Scenario, answer the following question.
The project has a cost tolerance of +5% I 5%, of which stage 2 has a tolerance of +45k 1-45k.
Lines 1 to 6 in the table below consist of an assertion statement and a reason statement. For each line identify
the appropriate option, from options A to E, that applies. Each option can be used once, more than once or not
at all.
Option Assertion Reason
A True True AND the the assertion
B True True BUT the reason does not explain the assertion
C True False
'"' D False True
E False False
Assertion Reason
1 If stage 2 exceeds its target by 20k the Stage BECAUSE VVhen the Stage Plan is updated with activities
Plan should be replaced by an Exception Plan. to deal with any deviations from planned cost
and time, this is called an Exception Ptan.
The Team Plan required for the development of BECAUSE Supplier assurance should confirm that Team
the service level agreement should be produced Plans are in accordance with relevant supplier
in consultation with supplier assurance. -r standards.
3 The Stage Plan for stage 2 should be prepared BECAUSE All Stage Plans are produced near the end of
during the initiation stage.
the initiation stage.
A final stage (stage 5), covering project closure, BECAUSE The Project Plan covers all management
should be added to the Project Plan. T stages.
5 The cost tolerance planned for each stage BECAUSE Project tolerances for cost and time should ,.........
should be +5% '5%. always be allocated equally between all of tI
6 The key deliverables and estimates from the BECAUSE The feasibility study should confirm all project
feasibility study should provide a major input to costs.
f the Project Brief.
-" --EX01-VLJ PaQI' 14 0131 Daa.nn nlOw - C lEx. n
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<HtI' Mark ollhe Olflce of Governmenl Commerce The Swirl lot' ' T'i't1r IA;lrk af lh ("lfl;te (>f Go 1Mrf>" 1 {.,.,mpl'f".e
The Practitioner Examlnatipn
Marking Scheme
Exam Paper: GB-EXQ3-2.3
Note: For Multiple Response (MR) questions, 1 point is
scored if and only if all correct options are selected.
Otherwise 0 points are scored.
QueSllon Part Type Respans.. A B C 0 E F G 11
I (SI) A CL I 0 0 0
2 0 0 I 0
J 0 0 I 0
4 0 I 0 0
B CL I 0 I 0
1 0 0 I
J 0 0 I
4 I 0 0
C CL I 0 0 I
1 0 I 0
J 0 0

0 0
Quc5!ion PlIrt Typr Response A B C 0 E F G H
2 (OR) A MR I 0 I I 0 0
2 0 I I 0 0
J I I 0 0 0

0 0 0 I I
0 I 0 I 0
0 I 0 0 I
B AA I 0 0 0 I 0
2 0 0 U U I
J 0 I 0 0 0

0 I 0 0 0
0 0 0 I 0
0 0 I 0 0
Question Part Type Response A
C 0 E F G 11
J (QU) A CL I I 0 0 0
2 0 0 I 0
J 0 0 I 0

0 0 0 I
B CL I 0 0 I 0
2 0 0 0 I
J I 0 0 0

I 0 0 0
C CL I 0 0 0 I
2 0 0 I 0
J 0 0 I 0

0 0 0 I
Q u c ~ t i o n Part Type Response A B C D E F G H I
(PL) A MG I I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0
J 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0
0 AR I 0 0 0 0 I
2 I 0 0 0 0
J 0 0 I 0 0
0 0 0 I 0
5 0 0 0 0 I
6 0 0 I 0 0
Question Palt Type Response A B C D E F G H
5 (BC) A MR I 0 0 I 0 I
2 I I 0 0 0
3 0 0 I I 0
0 I 0 0 I
5 0 I 0 I 0
6 I 0 0 0
B AR I 0 I 0 0 0
2 I 0 0 0 0
J 0 0 0 I 0
0 I 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 I
6 0 I 0 0 0
Question Pllrt Type Response A B C D E F G H
6 (RK) A MR I 0 I 0 I 0
2 0 I 0 0 I
3 0 0 I 0 I
4 0 0 0 I I
I 0 I 0 0
6 0 I I 0 0
n MG I 0 I 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 I 0 0
3 0 I 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 I 0
0 0 I 0 0 0
6 0 I 0 0 0 0
ParI A B C D E F G H
7 (CH) A Cl. I I 0 0
0 0 I
B CL I I 0 0 0
0 0 I 0
) 0 0 0 I
4 I 0 0 0
C AR I I 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 I 0
) 0 I 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 I 0
5 0 0 0 0 I
6 0 0 0 0
ParI A B C D E F G H
(PG) A MG 0 0 0 0 I 0
2 0 0 0 0 0 I
0 MR I 0 0 I 0 I
2 I I 0 0 0
) I 0 I 0 0
4 0 I 0 0 I
C AR I 0 0 0 I 0
2 I 0 0 0 0
) 0 0 0 0 I
4 0 0 I 0 0
5 0 0 0 I 0
6 0 0 0 I 0
Parr A B C D E F G 11
9 {CD) A MG I 0 0 I 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 I 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 I
B MG I 0 0 0 I 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 I 0
0 I 0 0 0 0 0
4 I 0 0 0 0 0 0
C MR I 0 I 0 I 0
0 0 I 0 I
) 0 0 0 I
4 0 I 0 I 0
5 0 0 0 I I
P R I N C E 2 ~
The Practitioner Examination
Exam Paper: GB-EXQ3-2.3
,Question: 1, Syllabus: SI, Part: A, Type: CL
Incorrect: The lack of experience in outsourcing is a possible risk for MFH and therefore
I I should be recorded in the Risk Register, not the Lessons Log. Ref.
IBlcorrect: fThiS information from the Ministry of Trade and Industry is valuable and should
I be used by MFH when the potential service provider list is prepared. Ref
r-c- Incorrect: I'ThiS is simply an initial estimate that may assist the Project Manager when the
I plans are prepared.
D :l':-'n-c-o-rr-e-ct:-: FiliTSiSthe a'
=d:-:-bu-s"'i-n-es-s-o-pt:-io-n-an-d-'--w"'il:-1b:-e-'-in-c"-Iu-d:-ed in the Business Case.
j2p-lncorrect: jThiS is part of the project approach, which will be reflected in the Project Brief.
Ref. 12.4.5/A.19.2.

This is how the project came about and has nothing to do with the justification for I
1 8 Incorrect:
he project, its timescale, costs or risks. Ref. 12.4.5.
reICorrect: The timescale for the project and when benefits will be realized is an important
part of the Business Case. Ref A.2.2
This is how the project could be managed, and this will be decided when the
Project Plan is produced in the Initiating a Project process. Ref. 14.4.6.
rP-InCOrrect: (The confirmed estimates will be included in the Costs section olthe Business
Case. This has nothing to do with the project approach. Ref. A.2.2.
r---s- Incorrect This is one of the business problems facing MFH and one of the reasons for
I undertaking the project. This would be recorded in the project definition as part
of the Project Brief. Ref A.19.2

This outlines the approach to be taken by the project, i.e., two nominated
divisions will be outsourced to one service provider. Ref 12.4.5. / A.19.2
r Incorrect:
This is part of the monitoring and control of the project and does not affect the
actual approach to be taken. Ref 15.4.4.
fTl A Jncorrect:
This describes an action taken to identify risks during the Starting Up a Project
process, it is not recommended content for a Stage Plan. Ref 12.4.6/ A.16.2.
This is a planning assumption that will be included in the Initiation Stage Plan.
Ref, A,16.2,
Incorrect: These figures are for the project. The Initiation Stage Plan will have its own
figures for the initiation stage, ReI A 16,2, 112.4,6.
Incorrect: Details of the project management team are contained in the Project Initiation
Documentation. Ref.A.20.2.
IQuestion: 1, Syllabus: SI, Part: B, Type: CL
Incorrect: IThe Project Brief is not maintained throughout the project. Ref.12.4.4.
IS Correct The Project Product Description contains the customers quality
I - expectations/acceptance criteria. Re! 12.4.4/ A.21.2.
C Incorrect: 'The customer's quality expecations are recorded in the Project Prod-u-ct----
Description, not the Quality Management Strategy. Ref 12.4.4.
2 A Incorrect: 'This may be reassuring for MFH. but there is no lesson to be learned from the
fact that outsourcing is popular. Ref.2.2/12.4.2.
rs n"-c"o"-rrcceCCctC": IAlthDU9h interesting and perhaps reassuCri"n"-g",t"h"eCCre"-"-i s-n"-o"-"-Ieccs"-s-o"-n"'to"-"-be learned
from other government departments' intentions. Ref.2.2 J12.4.2.
C jcorrect: IThis will be useful when planning for stage 4 and in negotiations with the
selected service provider. Ref.2.2/12.4.2.
3 rArncorrect: !This is a project management task and has nothing to do with how the work of
I Ithe project is going to be approached. Ref. 17.4,-.l--cI_1"2,,-.4,,, .
B [Incorrect: IHOW plans will be produced has nothing to do with how the work of the project is
going to be approached. Ref. 7.3.2.
rc-jcorrect: The project approach should include how the solution will be developed. Ref
I 12.4.5.
IThe various strategies and plans that will be produced during the initiation stage
IWill require some outsourcing knowledge. Without any experience there is a real
risk that these documents may be inadequate. Ref. 12.4.6.
Incorrect: The Stage Plan for initiation will set its dates on the assumption that the Project
Brief will be approved by the Project Board during the authorize initiation activity.
This risk would be recorded in the Daily Log. Ref. 12.4.6.
I r
Incorrect: This is a project risk, which would not materialize until stage 3. This has no
impact on the initiation stage. Ref. 12.4.6.
IQuesllon: 1, Syllabus: SI, Part: C, Type: CL
1 A Incorrect: The Risk Management Strategy should be derived from the corporate risk
management policy and/or a risk management process guide (or similar
documents) (8.3.2)
B Incorrect: The service provider is not selected until stage 3. A risk owner should be the
,person most capable of managing the risk. (,) _
C Correct: In a commercial context there may be a need for mOTe than one Risk Register as
some project risks could be unique to one party, with good reason for them not
to be visible to the other party. (
It would not be advisable to allow an external supplier to approve all changes. A
Change Authority should be capable of adequately representing the business,
user and supplier stakeholder interests. (C.8.2)
~ ~ Incorrect
fEllcorrecl: Changes should involve the Project Board or a delegated Change Authority. The
I Senior User(s) represent the user community and Project Assurance will ensure
that the impact of proposed change is well understood. (
ncorrect: lit would not be advisable to allow suppliers to approve all changes. A Change
Authority should be capable of adequately representing the business, user and
supplier stakeholder interests. (C.8.2)
~ I A Incorrect: Understanding the quality requirements and the Quality Management Strategy is
I I a prerequisite, not the existence of a corporate quality management system.
ISIncorrect: llcustomer's quality expectations and acceptance criteria, and how these will be
I delivered throughout the project, need to be understood. (
Correct The Quality Management Strategy is derived from organizational standards and
procedures, and is checked by Project Assurance to ensure it meets the needs
of the Project Board and/or corporate or programme management. (14.4.3/
4 f/\"II-nc-o-rr-e-'ct-: [Hi9hlight Reports should be sentto the Project Board. (
IS Incorrect: IAII Exception Reports should be sent to the Project Board, who will then decide
I whether or not to escalate to corporate management. ( -,-----,,--__
rc;lcorrecl: All Exception Reports (stage and project level) should be sent to the Project J
I - Board. If the Project Board cannot deal with project tolerance issues they will
escalate them to corporate management ( /
IQuestlon: 2, Syllabus: OR, Part: A, Type: MR
111 A Incorrect: Acceptance of a solution is not a reason for appointing someone to the role of
I Executive. Ref
B Co-r-re-cc-t:-IThe Executive has to ensure that the project gives value for money, ensuring a
cost-conscious approach to the project, balancing the demands of the business,
user and supplier.(
The IT Division is a supplier and she will be supplying supplier resources and
products to the project. She can contribute supplier opinions to the Project
Board - this is a responsibility of the Senior Supplier. Ref
The Senior Supplier represents the interests of those designing, developing,
facilitating, procuring and implementing the project's products. Ref
jlncorrect Those impacted upon by the outcome represent users or stakeholders. This
does not qualify the Hardware Manager for the role of Senior Supplier. (5.2.5/
Ilncorrect: llf necessary more than one person may be required to represent the suppliers.
r (5...:.3_2'-c2-cl..:.5.=-2.",,5)"---,-,-,----,-__---,----,-__---,--_----,-,-
E Ilncorrect: ISupporting t ~ e initiative is not a suitable reason for appointing someone as
Senior Supplier. Ref
c - - ~ -
4 A Incorrect: A user of a project can represent business assurance. Both business and user
Icome from the customer organization. (5.2.5)
113!f:-ln-c-or-re-c'--t:IProject Assurance should be independent of the Project Manager. (
1C1,ncorrect: jOutcon Consultants are an external supplier and therefore unlikely to be able to
,represent the business interests objectively. (5.2.51 C.7.1)
rDlcorrect: IBusiness Assurance is responsible' for reviewin-g-p-ro-Cj-ecC-t"ft",n-a-n-c-e-s-a-n"dc-c-ch-e-cking
that any supplier or contractor payments are authorized. (Cc-' 7c-'_')'-0-_--,- 1
E Correct: Business Assurance is responsible for reviewing the Business Case for
compliance with corporate or programme standards. (C.7.1)
5 1A1C"ln-co-r-re-c'--t:ISpecifying needs is not a Project Assurance responsibility. (C:
113ICorrect: ISupplier assurance is responsible for advising on the selection of the
C Correct: 'As Chief Executive Officer of the Ministry he has ultimate authority for the
organization and can provide a single point of accountability for the project. This
is a PRINCE2 reason. Ref
-: "T=-h':'e-r-'o-'le-'-'of"t"'h"'e-oE"x"e-'c':'u':'tiv-e=is':'v"e"-s"'te:::d=in"-o"'n"e-'-'in-dc-ivc-idc-u-a-cI,-s-o-tC-h-aC-t-Cth-e-r-ec-is-a-s'-in-gc-
point of accountability for the project: Ref
E Incorrect: The Executive has to ensure that the project gives value for money, ensuring a
cost-conscious approach to the project, balancing the demands of the business,
user and supplier. Being a qualified accountant does not fulfil this requirement.
2 lA!lncorrect: IThe Senior User specifies the requirements and commits user resources. The
I Outcon AGGount Manager represents a supplier. Ref
rBlcorrect: The Senior User is responsible for specifying the needs of those who will use the
I project's products. Ref
retcorrect: The Senior User is responsible for committing user resources and monitoring
I products against requirements. (
~ Incorrect: hose impacted upon by the outcome represent users or stakeholders. This I
I does not qualify them for the role of Senior User. (5.2.5/
rEr.l-nc-o-r-re-cC"t-:IThose providing specialist resources to the project represent a supplier interest.
I (5 2 5)
IBIC=-o-r-re-c"-t-'This is a responsibility of user assurance. ( C.7.1.)
fC:llncorrect These individuals can ensure that the solution will meet the needs of their own
I divisions. Assurance roles should be objective and should remain independent
of the Project Manager. Ref.C.7.1
I I Idevelopment strategy, design and methods. ( JC.7.1).
Incorrect: IBeing wellregarded is not a suitable reason for appointing someone as supplier
project assurance. ( JC.7.1).
D Icorrect [SUPPlier assurance advises on potential changes and their impact on the
correctness, completeness and integrity of products against their Product
Description from a supplier perspective. (C. 7.1)
Project Assurance must be independent of the Project Manager and Project
I Support, but is a responsibility of the Project Board.( JC. 7.1)
rsfAIncorrect: Being supportive of the change does not qualify these individuals for the role of
user assurance. ( C.7.1)
D -Incorrect: I'conflict can be managed. This is not a suitable reason for selecting two people
rather than one. Ref.
E!correct: User assurance is responsible for advising on stakeholder-e-n-g-a-g-e-m-e-n-;t-a-n-d"t'Ch-e-1
Communication Management Strategy for the project. (C.?l)
~ 'Question: 2, Syllabus: OR, Part: B, Type: AR
1 IFalse: I'outcon are simply providing specialist
outsourcing resources. As an
organization they are not responsible
for delivering the project's products.
2 False: The Director of Finance has no
authority for those designing and
developing the project's products,
which is a requirement of the Senior
Supplier. (5. 3.2.2)
True: Senior Suppliers provide supplier
resources to the project. (
IFalse: It is the Senior User not the Senior
Supplier who must demonstrate that the
forecast benefits are realized.(
t is a
er is
'True: !Assessing the viability of the project
approach is a responsibility of the
Senior Supplier.(CA.1) However, as the
project approach has already been
confirmed by the selection of a supplier, I
3 True: Project Board appointments should be
amended at each stage boundary to
reflect major changes needed for the
next stage.(
lit is not the reason for the Assertion.
answer is B.
r-ITrue: MFH has no experience in outsourcing 'True: Ensuring supplier standards are me
and Outcon can supply the specialist generic PRINCE2 supplier assuran
outsourcing knowledge and experience responsibility.(C.7.1) It is not the rea
needed.( why MFH would use Qutcon to provi
the resources to carry out assuranc
(see assertion rationale). The answ
5 False: The Senior Supplier role would need ITrue: The Senior Supplier is ultimately
representatives from the Facilities and accountable for supplier products.
Information Technology Departments. (
The Hardware Manager does not have
the necessary authority to represent the
delivery of all of the Information
Technology products.(CA)
The Payroll Manager has the qualities 'False: IPRINCE2 does not specify necessa
to monitor the project finances and he qualifications for a business assura
has experience in business level role.(C.7.1)
strategic and risk management.(C.7.1)
measureable on completion of the project. (
Incorrect: 'until the data is no longer needed' needs to be defined and would probably form
part of the SLA. (
rncorrect: INot all staff are to be transferred. This would be more appropriate as e.g. 'All
planned staff transfers are undertaken within the 2 year project. (
Ilncorrect: I'AS soon as possible' is not measurable. (
Correct: IThis is measurable reqUirement of a project prodUCt. (
Ilncorrect: 'reasonable competence' is subjective and this is a criteria for the retained staff
rather than the transferred staff.(
!Incorrect: I'Minimum' needs to be defined.(
Ilncorrect: l'Acceptable ievei' needs to be defined.(
[Incorrect: This is not measurable.(
rs Incorrect: 'Kept to a minimum' is not measurable and would need to be defined, probably
I as part of the '..:(6cc 3"cc
I rc-rorrect. jThis 's a measurable definition of what 's required of the project products,
3 lA
rorCorrect: This IS an example of a measurable running cost. (
'Question: 3, Syllabus: QU, Part: A, Type: CL
Correct: The service contract is for 10 years. This is a measurable definition of an
I I attribute required from the SLA(
8 Incorrect: This is stating how the product will be managed rather than an acceptance
criteria that it must achieve to be acceptable to the stakeholders. (
C Incorrect The skills and resources required to create a product do not form part of the
products acceptance criteria.(
o l'lncorrect: !The location of the service provider may form part of the acceptance criteria for
I their selection. This is not an attribute of the SlA( I
rAIncorrect: 'Regular backups' needs to be defined and would probably form part of the SLA.
I (
[Question: 3, Syllabus: QU, Part: B, Type: CL
1 A Incorrect: This was not specified on the Product Description, nor was it stated in the
corporate branding standards, therefore the producer should not agree to this
further work without the necessary clarification on requirements. Ref Table.9.1.
ISIncorrect: The producer has met the requirements stated in the Product Description,
1 therefore this is not an off-specification. Ref Table.9.1.
Incorrect: IThe quality review chair does not have the authority to accept concessions. This
would need to be approved by the Project Board, or its delegated Change
Authority. Ret Table 9,2.
Incorrect: IThe Product Description stated that the product should follow MFH standards.
The producer has delivered as requested. Ref
Incorrect: There is no error in the product delivered as this was stated as a requirement.
The product meets the specification. Ref.
Incorrect: Even if it was an error the quality review chair does not have the authority to
accept an error as a concession. This would need to be approved by the Project
Board or its delegated Change Authority. Ref. Table 9.2.
This was stated as a requirement in the Product Description. The comment is
simply an observation about what the product looks like.Ret.
Irhe Product Description clearly states that proof-reading skills are required to
review the document. Project Assurance are responsible for ensuring that the
right people are involved in quality inspections. Ref. C.7.1.
Incorrect: IThe reviewers present at the meeting do not have the necessary proof.reading
skills. Project Assurance are responsible for ensuring that the right people are
involved in quality inspections. Ref. C.7.1.
Incorrect: Project Assurance may recommend reviewers but, even if resources are found,
Ithey cannot simply walk into a review meeting without preparation. This should
be recorded as a follow-on action. Ref
jlncorrect: I ~ o m e action must be taken because the product must be reviewed by those
with Ihe necessary skiils. Ret
The producer has not met the specification given in the Product Description but
there is +2 days tolerance within which this can be corrected before this would
need 10 be escalated to Ihe Project Manager. Ret. Table 9.2.
r--r--, C Icorrect: IThe issue is a request for change as it is a change to the baselined Product
Description and needs to be managed formally Ref Table 9 1
tolerance provided for this Work Package. It will not need to be escalated unless
it cannot be completed within the agreed Work Package tolerances. RefTable
Incorrect: No request for change is necessary because this was specified in the Product
Description. The producer has not delivered the original specification and
should agree to complete the necessary actions to correct this. Ref. Table 9.2.
This was specified in the Product Description. The product does not meet the
original specification and must be corrected before it can be signed-off. Ref Table 9,2,
IQuestion: 3, Syllabus: QU, Part: C, Type: CL
1 r A Ilncorrect: !This is the purpose of the Quality Management Strategy document and this
"- Ishould be stated in the Introduction section.(A.22.2)
B Incorrect: ~ h e Quality Management Strategy is approved by the Project Board. The Project
Manager will maintain it.(17.4.1) Any changes will be approved by the Project
C Incorrect: The Project Manager is responsible for implementing the Quality Management
Strategy. Project Assurance will provide assurance to the Project Board that it is
I being implemented correctly.(C.7) -",.c---c--c---c----c-c----c----
iDlcorrect: Entry 3 refers to roles and responsibilities for quality and should therefore
I appear in this section.(A22.2/ Table 6.3)
2A\lncorrect: Any known quality control standards that external suppliers are expected to
B Incorrect: The document control procedure should be followed.(A22.2) The Configuration
Management Strategy will contain the change control procedures to be followed
by the project.(A.6)
Legal requirements are quality standards which must be met by relevant project
products. This requirement was provided in the additional information for the
question.( )
I 0 Ilncorrect ~ h e change control procedures to be used will be contained in the Configuration
Management Strategy.(A6)
j3 A Incorrect The Quality Management Strategy should state what quality records will be
required (A.22.2) and the Quality Register is a vital requirement.
B Incorrect: The Quality Register is NOT a report, it will be the source of information to be
included in quality management reports.(A22.2)
The Records section of the Configuration Management Strategy will contain this
information. (A6.2)
The project should be able to demonstrate that each product has gained the
necessary approvals as specified in its Product Description, so this information
is needed. (
f41 A Ilncorrect
This is a specific responsibility for the Director of IT and should be included. The
Quality Management Strategy is used to assist in planning and it will be used
when creating the Product Description for the employment contracts.(17.4.1)
B Incorrect: Team Managers are responsible for reporting quality activities in Checkpoint
Incorrect: jThe Project Manager creates the Quality Register. The Quality Management
Strategy defines the procedure for updating it. (16.4.2/ A.22.2)
IDICorrect ISupplier assurance is responsible for reviewing Product Descriptions.(C.7.1)
Question: 4, Syllabus: PL, Part: A, Type: MG
1 ICorrect [A]:
2 Correct [F]:
3 Correct [C]:
IQuestion: 4, Syllabus: PL, Part: B, Type: AR
tline of
r the
s the
False: ]20k is within the stage 2 tolerance of IFalse: If the deviation is within tolerance t
,45k so no escalation is needed. Only corrective action can be taken to
Iwhen the tolerance is forecast to be with it by revising the Stage Plan f
exceeded does an exception situation current stage.(15.4.8)
exist - managed through production of
an Issue Report, followed by an
Exception Report. (10.3.4)
2 True: When producing a Team Plan, supplier True: Supplier assurance will check that
assurance is consulted to ensure that Team Plan is in accordance with
the Team Plan is viable and in supplier standards. (16.4.1) This i
accordance with relevant supplier reason that supplier assurance is
standards. (16.4.1) consulted so the answer is A.
Stage 2 is the next stage after initiation False: Each Stage Plan is produced nea
and the plan for this should be end of the previous stage.(7.2.5)
prepared near the end of the initiation
Closing a Project is a process and is ITrue: 'The Project Plan will contain an ou
not planned as a stage. (18.3) all the management stages.(7.2.4)
tolerances may vary from stage
I - to stage. The Project Board will
allocate tolerances for each
management stage to the Project
Manager. (
The feasibility stUdy (project mandate)
I provides the terms of reference for the
project and refined to develop the
Project BrieI.(12.3)
False: Stage tolerances will vary according to
the circumstances of the stage. When
authorizing a Stage Plan the Project
Board will set the tolerances for the plan
being approved, taking into account
residual tolerances from the previous
False: IThe feasibility study will provide input to
the Project Brief, but will not contain all
cost information. This will not be known
until the Project Plan is complete.
Incorrect: This is the method 10 be used for managing the project. It has nothing 10 do with
options to solve the business problem. (A.20.2)
Ilncorrect: This kind of information will either be in the project approach (A.19) or in the
plans (A.16).
Incorrect: This is part of the business cost for operating the services. It is not an expected
benefit for the prajecl.(A.2.2)
Incorrect: jThis is describing a reason for choosing an option rather than the project
[correct: IThis is a benefit as it is part of the totality of change caused by the project.
ICarrect. IStabilizing operating costs is a benefit of the project.(
]Incorrect: IThe cost of the project and unspecified savings are not benefits. (
llncorrect: IThis information will be in the Costs section of the Business Case.(A.2.2)
The loss of morale is a dis-benefit as it will affect the efficiency and retention of
Incorrect: This is the period over which the project will run and will be contained in the
Timescale section of the Business Case.(A.2.2)
Incorrect: A dis-benefit is a known negative effect or outcome. Dis-benefits are
consequences of an activity, whereas, by definition, a risk has some uncertainty
aa to whether it will materialize. This is a risk. (A.2.2)
Icorrect: lAny loss of control must be viewed as a dis-benefit which has been accepted
because it is outweighed by the benefits.(4.3AA)
Ilncorrect: !This is simply a detail from the Project Plan concerning one product. (
Icorrect: Corporate/programme managemenl will wish to know over what period the
cost/benefit analysis will be based.(4.3A.5)
Incorrect: his may be a risk, but there is no indication that the scope may be changed. I1
has no bearing on the current situation. (
This is when benefits should start to be realized and is very important 10 the
Business Case.(4.3A.3)
IQueslion: 5, Syllabus: BC, Pari: A, Type: MR
Tllncorrect: iThiS is describing an option considered to address the business problem.
rllncorrect: This is a reason for the internal re-engineering option, one of the business
options. It would appear under the Business options heading.(A.2.2)
!Glcarrec!: This is a reason for undertaking the project.(
Relocating staff is a consequence of the project, not a reason for undertaking the
~ I
4 E Correct. !Thls IS a problem and a reason for undertaking the project.( .3.4.1)
2 fAlcorrect: IThis is describing an option considered to address the business problem.
rBjcorrect: I'ThiS is describing an option considered to address the business problem.
CI'lncorrect: !This is how the project would be resourced and the products developed. This
jwauld be in the project approach within the Project Brief.(A.19)
5 iA
IEllncorrect: !Thls IS simply a detail from the Project Plan concerning one product. (
lAlcorrect: This is a risk that will affect the project outcome. It is phrased correctly as a risk,
I stating cause, event and effect.(4.3A.8) I
[Blcorrect: !The co-operation of staff is important to the nature of this project. Any resistance
I I Ion their part will cause serious problems.(4.304.8)
rc-Ilncorrect: IThis is a risk to the selected service provider, not MFH. (
I'D" Incorrect: This is simply a statement of fact about the initial estimate for the-d-'u-r-a"Cli-o-n of the
I ,project. There is no indication that this is a problem. (
lEIncorrect: This is how the project will be controlled and is not a risk to the project, because
'---_'-I_--'-- "t"h:.e..:s.::ta"9"e,,s"-can be easily restructured. (14.4.5)
IQuestion: 5, Syllabus: BC, Part: B, Type: AR
1 rrue: 'In a commercial context. there are at 'True: All costs incurred in the delivery of the
least two Business Cases the Iproject, should be included in the
customer's and the supplier's. For a customer's Business Case. A supplier
successful project, both must will have their own set of costs and
demonstrate continued business benefits, and therefore their own
uustification.( Business Case. Answer B. (
I2ITrue: IT=-he---'-in"Cf-o-rm-a--'t"-io-n---'-in"Ct"Ch"-e-=B=-u-s"Cin-e-s-s-c=-a-s-e-'clT=-r-ue-:-IThiS supports the investment appraisal
I is used to compare the development, for a project and drives the justification
False: Some benefits may be achieved before
the project ends but most will be
achieved post-project. (
maintenance and operational costs for the project. This is the reason for the
with the value of the benefits over a assertion.(4.304.7)
period of time. (
IFalse: IThe standards used are irrelevant to ITrue: IAll options considered to deliver the
the options considered in the Business required outcome and the reasons why
I the option is selected should be
, outllned.(4.304.2)
True: IAll benefits should be identified in order True: It is important to define each benefit in
to provide a justification for undertaking quantifiable terms so that measurable
the project.(4.304.3) improvements can be assessed.
( This is not the reason for
including all benefits, so the answer is B.
I5[False: The End Project Report will report on
I benefits achieved to date, but the total
savings will not be measurable at this
. time. (A.8.2)
16True: The Project Board approves the True: The Benefits Review Plan is created
Benefits Review Plan and should when refining the Business Case.
ensure that the mechanisms for (14.4.7). This is not why the Project
measuring/reviewing the projected Board should ensure that the
benefits are established and planned. ImeChanisms for measuring the benefits
'---_-'--_-'-(1_3_04_.2/ A.1._1,--) ---'--_---'''-a''-re''-i_n''-cl''-u''-de'-d''-.''--The answer is B.
'Question: 6, Syllabus: RK, Part: A, Type: MR
1 A [Incorrect: Dealing with problems is part of the issue and change control procedure and is
nol appropriate for risk management. It would be given in the Configuration
Management Strategy. (A.6)

glCorrect: iThiS statement is identifying what the procedure will be in relation to scales for
estirnating probability. It would be added under the risk managment procedure
heading. The scales are defined in another section of the Risk Management
Strategy. (A.24.2)
reincorrect: iAIl identified threats and opportunities should be captured, particularly those -
I !WhiCh are estimated to have a greater impact on the project, and information on
them maintained in the Risk Register.(8.3.4)
Correct: This is the standard method of defining risks once they have been identified as
,either a threat or an opportunity. (B.3.5.1)
flncorrect: IThiS is the definition of a risk response category and does not belong under this
heading. (A.24.2/ Table B.2)
Ilncorrect: This is a risk management responsibility and should be recorded under the
section for roles and responsiblities. (A.24.2)
IVVhen reporting on the stage end, a summary of the current aggregated risk
exposure is produced for the End Stage Report. (17AA/A.9.2)
Ilncorrect: I:f this is true, this is a reporting requirement that should appear in the
Configuration Management Strategy, not the Risk Management Strategy.
Incorrect: This is guidance on how proximity for risk events is to be assessed and should
be recorded under the Proximity heading in the Risk Management Strategy.
The Highlight Report contains a summary of the risks and a summary risk profile
is an ideal means of providing this information. (
Incorrect: The risks to the service provider's Business Case is not a concern of the project.
It may also be commercially sensitive to the service provider, so they may not be
jwilling to provide this information, even if it were to be requested.(8.1)
Incorrect: lrhis is not a risk management activity. The Project Board manage by exception,
meeting at the end of each stage or in exception situations. (
Correct: The End Project Report contains a summary of follow-on action
recommendations related to ongoing risks (amongst other things). This would
include any risks that affect the realization of benefits. (A.B.2/ B.3.5.5)
Risks identified whilst developing products during the Executing a Work
Package actiVity should be notified to the Project Manager so that the
appropriate course of action can be decided. (16.4.2)
It is a stated responsibility of the Project Board that it ensures the exposure to
risk is still acceptable and being controlled. (13.4.3)
Incorrect: This describes the assignment of risk owners, part of the risk management
procedure and should be recorded under the 'Implement' step. (B.3.5A)
IThis should be recorded under the Reporting heading in the Risk Management
Strategy. (A.24A)
Incorrect: All stage tolerances are allocated by the Project Board, not the Project Manager.
(Figure 10.1)
Correct: Project Assurance are responsible for ensuring that all aspects of risk
management in the project are in line with the Risk Management Strategy.
(BA/C.7.1 )
IThls shows the responslbllty for a risk management actIVIty. ( I A.24.2)
torrect: This provides guidance on how proximity for risk events is to be assessed.
Typical proximity categories will be imminent, within the stage, within the project,
beyond the project: (A.24.2)
Ilncorrect: !This is a specific risk which would be recorded in the Risk Register. (A.25)
This is an acceptable definition for what is meant by an imminent proximity risk.
Incorrect: The proximity of a risk is irrelevant to its impact and does not offer guidance on
how proximity will be assessed. (A.24.2)
rEhncorrect. !ThlS IS a specific risk which would be recorded In the Risk Register. (A.25)
6 Ilncorrect: 'Project tolerance' means the amount of risk the project can take befo'-re--'----
escalation. As such, "Corporate management's threshold level of risk exposure
is meaningless as they have no where to escalate to. (A.24.2)
7 ICorrect: IThis will enable the Project Manager to assess risks before they reach cth-e---
threshold level of risk exposure that will not be tolerated by the Project Board.
iB'lcorrect: This will enable the Project Board to assess risks before they reach the
threshold level of risk exposure that will not be tolerated by corporate
management. (A.24.2)
iEr.1n-c-o-r-re-c"-t: IThe risk bUdget and how it will be used is contained in the Risk budget section.
I (A.24.2). No tolerance is assigned to the risk budg,_e_t. -'
iD!lncorrect: lit is not the purpose of tolerance to pay for risk fallback plans. In addition there
I ,should be a risk budget to fund responses to risk. (A.24.2)
no e enoug o 0 a y preven e flS ram appemng. . ..
Correct [D]: [This response is transferring some of the financial impact of the threat to the third
party supplier. (
Correct [SJ: rrhis response will help to reduce the probability of the event occurring but it will not
be enough to totally prevent the risk from happening. (
ICorrect [E]: jThis is based on trust and no action is taken. The threat is accepted. (
IQuestion: 6, Syllabus: RK, Part: B, Type: MG
1 jcorrect [BJ: IThiS response will help to reduce the probability of the event occurring, but it will
, t b h t t tiltth . k f h . (8 3 5 3)
This response will only be actloned when MFH are In difficulty, Le. when the fisk
has become an issue. This wllJ not change the likelihood of the risk occurring.
6 may help the situation and reduce the probability of the risk occuring but it is
'------''- --'--u_nl_ik_e__ ly_t_ot_a_lly __ to prevent the risk from happening. (
r 4
---- 5 ICorrect [C].

A fCorrect: Every project requires a Configuration Management Strategy. Products and
responsibilities are always unique, so a simple reference to standards is not
The project's Configuration Management Strategy will define how suppliers will
manage and store products, even if they use their own systems. (
C Incorrect: A simple reference to existing standards does not meet all the requirements of a
Configuration Management Strategy. (
This task should be assigned to project or programme support where available.
(C.9.1 )
This can be a central role, with responsibility for more than one project at any B Incorrect:
one time. (C.g).
Having created the corporate document control process, the MFH Quality
Manager is a suitable person to take on this role. (C.g)
IQuestlon: 7, Syllabus: CH, Part: A, Type: CL
Incorrect: The change has not yet been approved. Configuration Item Records affected by
the change should be updated when implementing the change, or when taking
corrective action. (15.4.8)
IQuestlon: 7, Syllabus: CH, Part: B, Type: CL
lcorrect: If any proposed options would take the stage or project beyond agreed
tolerances, an Exception Report should be prepared for that option, to
accompany the Issue Report. (
reIncorrect: Plans are not amended. An Exception Plan would be created to replace the
I Stage Plan for stage 3. This will not take place until an Exception Report has
been approved. (
ro- Incorrect: Everything within the project that refers to the Facilities Division needs to be
I revised. (
f3ilncorrect: There are several risks that will impact upon the Outsourcing project as a result
I of the de-scoping of Facilities, e.g. higher costs for the supply of the remaining
I services. (
ISIncorrect: This is a fact and will be taken into account when responses to the issue are
I considered. (
Incorrect: his is a fact and will be taken into account when responses to the issue are
I considered. (
I rolCorrect: IThis is a risk, because there is uncertainty about whether it will happen. (

4 IAlcorrect: IThe saving was estimated to be 20m but with the de-scoping of Facilities
I Division this reduces to 10m. (
ISIncorrect: IThese are the expected savings allowing for the new Government initiative but
I this is a separate project and not part of this project's savings. (
rellncorrect: IThis relates to costs and not benefits. (
roJlncorrect: !This relates to costs and not benefits. (
IQuestion: 7, Syllabus: CH, Part: C, Type: AR
1 True: All changes to the original requirements True:
should be treated as requests for
change. (9.2.4)
'2IFalse: The Facilities Division is no longer
within the scope of the Outsourcing
project. Options should be considered
for responding to the change and
proposing a course of action to take.
lA request for change is any additional
requirement or change to that which the
project is set to deliver, which is what is
given in the assertion. (9.2.4) The
answer is therefore A
ITrue: The Project Manager may be able to
resolve issues without the need to
escalate them to the Project Board. A
minor change to an approved product
could be handled by the Project
Manager as long as it is formally
f;;-__f;;;-,--;-:-,-:-c,;-_--;-;;--c- (
IT'True: IThis change wi1l exceed the change True. This is a change and cannot be paid for
bUdget and therefore the authority of Iby tolerances, so although the statement
the Project Board and should be ;s true it is nol the reason for the
escalated to corporate management. lassertion. The answer is 'B'. (Table 9.2)
4 False: If an Exception Plan is created to 'True: All superseded baselined master copies
replace the Stage Plan for stage 3, this should be retained and archived.(g.3.2)
may require the revision of the products
rather than their removal.('J .
-5-"'F-al'-se-: ;An Exception Report is used to present )False: IThe Project Board must escalate project
the options for dealing with issues NOT tolerance deviations to corporate
. .an Exception Plan. ( ,management. (
1'5' False: 'Tolerance should not be used to fund ITrue: IThe change bUdget is "the sum of money
changes. (Table 9.2) jthat will be used to fund the cost of
requests for change." (
Question: 8, Syllabus: PG, Part: A, Type: MG

I 1
Correct [E]: This is a quality tolerance. There must be at least four tenders in order to find a
suitable service provider. (Table 10.1)
I'2ICorrect IF]:
IThe return on investment is a measureable benefit whose quantification can be
proven. This is a Benefits tolerance. (Table 10.1)
IQuesllon: 8, Syllabus: PG, Part: B, Type: MR
1 1A\lncorrect: IAn interface, in terms of providing and receiving information, will need to be
I !maintained with the Manager of Office Moves Limited. (A.26.2)
llncorrec!: IAn interface, in terms of providing and receiving information, will need to be
maintained with the Team Manager from the supplier that will be receiving the
equipment and furniture. (A.26.2)
Incorrect: This section should identify any specialist products with which the product(s) in
the Work Package will have to interface during their operational life. The Project
Board is not a specialist product.
The Facilities Team Manager is doing similar work in parallel with the IT Team
Manager, so it is essential that they liaise during the work. (A.26.2)
jcorrect: Using PRI NCE2 is how the project will be managed and is not appropriate for
specialist product development. (A.26.2)
Minimum disruption to services is stated as a requirement in the additional
information and may constrain the way in which work can be done. (A.26.2)
Incorrect: This may require an interface with staff but the statement itself is under the
correct heading as it describes a restriction on the transfer of services. (A.26.2)
Incorrect 'This is correctly describing a constraint which will affect when the Information
ITechnology equipment is transferred. (A26.2)
Incorrect: This is a constraint because it is forbidding the use of certain resources, not
identifying resources to be used for testing. (A.26.2)
Icorrect: lThe PRINCE2 progress report from the Team Manager to the Project Manager
is the Checkpoint Report and not the Highlight Report. (
Incorrect: Reporting arrangements should contain details of the contents required,
including products worked on. (A.26.2)
Anything to do with issues should come under the Problem handling and
escalation section. (A.26.2)
The recording of risks should be added to the Problem handling and escalation
section, not the Reporting arrangements section. (A.26.2)
IClcorrect: IThe additional information states that the IT Team Manager needs to work with
I the Facilities Manager (Scenario/A 26 2)
I'E"llncorrect:-llssues should be notified immediately. The impact analysis will take place
I afterwards. (
provided in the Work Package. (A.26.2)
C Incorrect: The person, role or group who will approve the completed products within the
Work Package should be shown under the Approval method section. (A.26.2)
rorlncorrect: ]Project Assurance review Work Packages and confirm completion. (Table 16.3)
The Project Manager has to be advised on when Work Packages have been
completed and advice by the Team Manager by email is an acceptable method.
f41AIncorrect: Stage Plan is correct. It is reasonable to point to where the Stage Plan can be
I I _ obtained and this may assist the Team Manager to produce the Team Plan.
. (A.26.2)
rlcorrect. lit is important to point to where Product Description can be obtained if it is not
True: Project controls consist of stage
boundaries and tolerances, as well as
the monitoring and reports at project
level. (A.20.2)
IQuestlon: 8, Syllabus: PG, Part: C, Type: AR
IThe Project Initiation Documentation
contains project controls. These will be
updated in the Managing a Stage
Boundary process when planning the
next stage. (17.4.1)
2 True: The Project Manager will require True: The frequency of Checkpoint Reports
regular progress reports from the will be agreed with the Team Manager
supplier in order to monitor the and defined in the relevant Work
progress of the Wor!< Packages. Package. (10.3.3). This is the reason for
(10.3.3/ the assertion.
False: 'A Product Description explains the False: The compositio-n-fi::ec-ld-:-:-is-a-l:CisC-t-o"-ft:C
function and purpose of a product. parts of the product. A Product
There is no field for updating the name Description does not record the status of
c-_oflhe selected supplier. (A.17.2) a product. (A.17.2)
4 'True: A Checkpoint Report is used to report, False: Reporting and approval method is
at a frequency defined in the Work between the Team Manager and the
Package, the status of the Work Project Manager, not the Project Board.
;::.3"'.2:!.)_-,-----,-;----, ,;:-_(A.26.2)
'The Team Manager should raise an 'True: The Team Manager reports any
issue. The Project Manager produces deviations by raising an issue. (10.3.4)
the Exception Report. (10.3.4) I
6 r.'F::ac- ls- e-: tolerances are set at project ITrue: Business project assurance is
level in the Business Case. (Table responsible for monitoring the Business
10.1) Case against project progress. Ref
______-'---_ C.7.1.
IQuestlon: 9, Syllabus: CO, Part: A, Type: MG
f1 Correct [C]: Quality: The Product Description specifies who the approvers for a product are.
1 Before receiving a completed Work Package it is important to check that the
quality requirements have been met. This is the application of the Quality theme.
121Correct [E]: Risk: Uncertain events that could have a favourable impact on the project's
objectives are treated as risks. This is applying the Risk theme. (8.2.1/15.4.6)
3 Correct (G]:l'Progress: The main progress controls available to the Project Manager include the
-.. of Work Packages and Work Package tolerance. This is applying the
_-' c:.P.:..ro::;g":.r.::es::s:..:t:.:::heme. (15.4. 1 /
,Question: 9, Syllabus: CD, Part: B, Type: MG
fT'Correct [DJ: 'Any request for change should be formally recorded in the Issue Register. (
I2'Correct [F]: 'This would be recorded on the Lessons Log for use by future projects. (15.4.4)
'3Correct [B): A Wor!< Package provides the formal instructions to start work.(15.4.1)
, --'--'----:'-c-::--:-;:-
4 Correct [A): The Risk Register is updated with any potential problems when negotiafing with
the Team Manager. (15.4.112/4)
Question: 9, Syllabus: CD, Part: C, Type: MR
r-'A'lncorrect: [This is not a Senior Supplierresponsibility. (16.4.1 I C.3.1)
B Correct: Project Assurance has a responsibility to provide advice on appropriate
reviewers. (16.4.1 IC.7.1)

C Incorrect: This is stated as a fact, 'The user representatives are unsuitable'. It is not
therefore a risk. (16.4.1)
The Team Manager is responsible for capturing and recording the effort
expended. In addition the status of each product should be determined and the
viability of the Team Plan assessed. (16.4.2)
Incorrect: This is inappropriate because there is no evidence to suggest that all product
development will increase by 10%. 16.4.2)
Incorrect: The Team Manager has agreed the Work Package with the Project Manager
and cannot change it without approval. (
Incorrect This is a progress report and will not deal with the situation. It should be
confirmed first and then raised as an issue so that it can be included in future
Checkpoint Reports. (16.4.2)
ICorrect: Ilf any tolerances are forecast to be exceeded an issue must be raised. (16.4.2)
Incorrect: This is for the delivery of a completed Work Package and not for individual
products. (A.26.2). The approver of products is defined in the relevant Product
Description (A.17.2)
ICorrect: The responsibilities in the Product Description will detail who is responsible for
approving the product. This can then be checked against the Quality Register.
rc-Ilncorrect: IThe handover of completed products is not the same as the approval of
I _---,-_"Pc-ro_d'C".,-cts. (17.4.4) --:---:--.,--.,----,-_
I Dlcorrect: To obtain approval for completed products, the Work Package is checked and
I the method of obtaining and issuing approval records is followed.(16.4.2)
D Correct: lAny changes to the reviewers must be reflected in the Quality Register under
Roles and Responsibilities. (16.4.1)
rEFncorrect: IThe Team Manager may raise an issue if the situatioin is not resolved, they do
I not raise Exception Reports. (16.4.2)
2 fAIncorrect: The delay will be caused by the corrections, not the reviewing of the completed
product. Asking the reviewers to work overtime should help with this situation.
B Ilncorrect: IThe Team Manager produces Checkpoint Reports, not Highlight Reports.
C Correct: Ilf any tolerances are forecast to be exceeded an issue must be raised.-;('C16O.-;4"C. 2,,)-1
D !lncorrect: The situation exists now, so it is an issue, not a risk. (Table 9.1)
IEICorrect: The result of the quality review must be recorded in the Quality Register. (16.4.2)
re Incorrect: The Team Manager would check the Work Package for the interfaces to be
I - maintained. The Team Manager is not required to look at the Communication
Management Strategy. (A.26.2)
lcorrect: .-.....
developing products. This includes people providing and receiving information.
E Correct: IThe term 'issue' covers any relevant event that has happened, was not planned,
and requires management action. It can be a concern or query. (16.4.2/9.2.3)
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
CandIdate Number

1. You should attempt to answer all Questions.
3. Do NOT use coloured pens or highlighters
4. 00 NOT use correction fluid.
5. If you wish to change an answer, completely erase your original mark and place
a mark in your preferred answer.
6. All questions have one answer unless specifically stated in the question. If more
than the required number of answers is given, the question will score zero.
2. Answers should be indicated by marking the corresponding oval in PENCIL,
The Practitioner Examination
Answer Booklet
Print your candidate number in the box provided and fill in the appropriate ovals underneath
it. On the top of each page enter your candidate number in the space provided.
Marking Instructions:
Page: 1
__<Il ... _
l'-s-ollogo.. II.T_ ....... <Il ...
BookJet 10: 2
Candidate Number:
- -
Exam Title: The Practitioner Objective Test
Exam Date: 0310712009
Exam Ref: GB-03107/2009-EX03- V1.1
- Question 1 - Starting Up a Project + Initiating a Project Processes
Part A
- -
- -
- -
- - Part B
- -
Part C


- Question 2 - Organization Theme
- Part A


- ,t.
- -....
Page. 2 BooklellD. 2
Candidate Number:
- -
Exam Title: The Practitioner Objective Test
- -
- Exam Date: 03/07/2009
Exam Ref: GB-03/07/2009-EX03- V1.1
- Question 2 - Organization Theme
- Part B
- -
- -
3.8@000 l\
- -
- - 5.00SCDO X
- -
- Question 3 - Quality Theme
- Part A
- Part B
- Part C
- -
- Page: 3 Booklet ID. 2
Candidate Number:
- -
Exam Title: The Practitioner Objective Test
Exam Date: 03/07/2009
Exam Ref: GB-03/07/2009-EX03- V1.1
- Question 4 - Plans Theme
- Part A

2.00000S 0 0 0
- -
- -
- -
4.0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
- -
- -
Part B

4.00SCj;:J0 'f-
- Question 5 - Business Case Theme
Part A


50CVe-e0 l(
- -
Page. 4 Booklet ID: 2
Candidate Number:
- -
Exam Title: The Practitioner Objective Test
- -
- Exam Date: 03/07/2009
Exam Ref: GB-03/07/2009-EX03- V1.1
- Question 5 - Business Case Theme
- Part B
- -
- -
- -
- - 5.00S0G) ~
- - 6.0 Cl:) 0 8> 0 '(
@ - Question 6 . Risk Theme
- Part A
- . ~ 8 0 0 0 }
- 2.0-9008
- 4.00088
- Part B
- 3.0@0008'1--
- 5.00eOOo
- 60CDOO08i-
- Question 7 - Change Theme
- Part A
- 2.00e
- -
- Page. 5 Booklet ID: 2
Candidate Number:
- -
- -
Exam Title: The Practitioner Objective Test ~
Exam Date: 03/07/2009
Exam ReI: GB-03/07/2009-EX03- V1.1
Question 7 - Change Theme
Part B
- -
- -
- -
- -
Part C
- -
- ....--.
3.00 0E';l 0 'f.
. 0eOOO1-
Question 8 - Progress Theme
Part A
Part B
~ e O O C V 1 -
- -
Page. 6 Booklet ID. 2
Part C
Part B
Question 8 - Progress Theme
'Candldate Number: -
Exam Title: The Practitioner Objective Test
Exam Date: 03/07/2009
Exam ReI: GB-03/07/2009-EX03 V1.1
Part C
3.Q<SOSG> ...
40Q08@ "
5.0 8..6'J G) CV "

1.8"00Cb) 0 ,.
2.()8000 {

Question 9 - Controlling a Stage + Managing Product Delivery Processes -
Part A
- -
,.--------------------------------, - -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- Page. 7 BooIdet ID. 2
c'--" ltion Number 5
Syllabus Area Business Case Theme
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L- -'S"usiness Case Theme 5 A 6
Each of the following 6 questions includes a number of true statements about the Outsourcing project but only 2
statements are appropriate entries for that heading in the project's Business Case.
Remember to limit your answers to the number of selections requested in each question.
IMlich 2 statements should be recorded under the Reasons heading?
A The lack of technology in MFH means a re-engineering of existing services will not necessarily
deliver the performance improvements required.
Providing re-engineered services in-house will remove the need to transfer staff to a service provider.
C The Ministry of Food Hygiene (MFH) needs to deal with the increasing pressure to cut costs and better
manage supplier's performance.
D Relocating staff to the selected service provider's premises will mean that no property transfer is required.
E The inadequate controls, outdated standards and outdated technology must be addressed.
Ifvhich 2 statements should be recorded under the Business options heading?
A The re-engineering of selected business functions would not provide the required outcome.
S The lack of up-ta-date technology in MFH means a re-engineering of existing services will not necessarily
deliver the performance improvements required.
C Use external consultants to provide guidance on the detailed design of the outsourced services.
D Set up a PRINCE2 project to deliver the outsourced services.
E Review a list of service providers to determine a short-list of possible service providers.
V\lhich 2 statements should be recorded under the Expected benefits heading?
A The 10-year outsourcing contract, at current prices, will be worth 80m.
S Outsourcing would allow MFH to take advantage of the best services the outsourcing industry has to offer.
C The total expected savings over 10 years, at current prices, is 20m.
D The 10-year outsourcing contract will enable MFH to stabilize costs at agreed levels.
E The confirmed cost of the Outsourcing project is 2.5m, but with considerable savings over 10 years.
Question continues on next page
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DOClHl1f'nt DY/nel - Chief EXilmlner
m ("f:ll1 S.'l Reg 1""1'l'l
d I,: k I tI C
Question continued
Which 2 statements should be recorded under the Expected dls-benefits heading?
A An investment of 2.5m is required.
B Staff morale will be negatively affected.
C The project will take two years to deliver.
D Staff may lose the opportunity to work in Information Technology.
E MFH will lose direct control over the outsourced business functions.
Which 2 statements should be recorded under the Timescale heading?
A The contract with the selected service provider will be agreed during stage 3.
B The expected benefits will be calculated over 10 years from completion of the project.
C If more MFH divisions are added to the scope of the services to be outsourced, the project timescale will be
extended and the realization of benefits will be delayed.
D The expected benefits should start to be realized as soon as the outsourced services become operational at
the end of stage 4.
E The transfer of equipment and staff is estimated to take six weeks.
Which 2 statements should be recorded under the Major risks heading?
A Due to market conditions a suitable service provider may not be found, possibly leading to premature
closure of the project.
B Owing to employment contract changes staff may resist outsourcing, which would make it difficult to transfer
staff to the selected service provider.
C MFH's operations may be reduced and the 1a-year contract may not achieve its estimated value of BOm,
which would reduce the service provider's profit.
D The initial estimates, taken from the feasibility study report, indicate that the project will take two years to
complete, which means that the business problems would remain for this period.
E The management stages recommended by the consultants may not be appropriate, resulting in confusion in
The I>PM Group Ud 2009 T ~
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Syllabus Area
Business Case Theme
Question Number
Using the Project Scenario, answer the following question.
Lines 1 to 6 in the table below consist of an assertion statement and a reason statement. For each line identify
the appropriate option, from options A to E, that applies. Each option can be used once, more than once or not
at all.
Option Assertion Reason
A True True AND the reason explains the assertion
B True True BUT the reason does not explain the assertion
C True False
D False True
E False False
Assertion Reason
1 The selected service provider should have BECAUSE All project costs, including the cost of work carried
their own Business Case for the work they out by external suppliers on the project should be
are doing on the Outsourcing project.
included in the customer's Business Case.
2 The cost of managing the outsourcing BECAUSE The information in the Business Case is used to
contract should be included in the Business compare the development, maintenance and
Case. operational costs with the value of the benefits over a
'1 period of time.
3 The Business options section of the BECAUSE The Business options section of the Business
Business Case will need to be updated if Case describes options that have been considered
the industry standards for outsOU{r, are to address the business problem.
changed. ( -r
4 Any expected benefit from increasing staff BECAUSE The Business Case should list each benefit that it is
flexibility should be included in the Business claimed would be achieved by the project's
he End Project Report should identify BECAUSE All benefits in the Business Case should be
whether the expected savings of achieved before a project is closed.
10 years have been achieved. (" T
6 The Project Board should ensure thatthe BECAUSE The Benefits Review Plan is created in the initiation
Benefits Review Plan includes the stage.
mechanisms for measuring all the cf{)ed
benefits of outsourcing. f
PRINCEl-G8-EX03-V2.3 Pag!' of:51
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Question Number 6
Syllabus Area Risk Theme
S lIabus Area
Risk Theme
Question Number -I Part Marks
----'---_-_--' _""
Answer the following 6 questions about the project's Risk Management Strategy.
Each question includes a list of statements but, according to PRINCE2, only 2 statements are appropriate entries
for that heading in the project's Risk Management Strategy.
Remember to limit your answers to the number of selections requested in each question.
Which 2 statements should be recorded under the Risk management procedure heading?
A When a new problem arises, a full impact analysis will be undertaken to assess the impact on the project'
objectives and Business Case.
S Probability will be assessed against the scales defined in this Risk Management Strategy.
C Any risk which has an expected value of more than 1 k will NOT be registered.
D Every threat and opportunity identified must be clearly defined in terms of cause, event and effect.
E 'Reduce' - Response actions which result in a lower impact and/or probability rating.
Which 2 statements should be recorded under either the Records or Reporting headings?
A Project Support will maintain the Risk Register.
S The evaluated net effect of all risks will be updated at the end of each stage and included in the End Stage
C The Change Authority will report monthly to the Project Manager on the status of the change budget.
D Risks that are likely to occur within the next two weeks should be recorded as imminent.
E A summary of risks will be maintained and included with the monthly Highlight Reports to the Project Board.
Which 2 statements should be recorded under the Timing of risk management activities heading?
A During stage 4, the selected service provider will manage any risks to their Business Case and report these
to the Project Manager on a weekly basis.
S The Project Board should hold monthly meetings to review project progress.
When closing a project, the follow-on action recommendations should be updated with any risks relating to
the realization of benefits after the outsourced services go live.
D Any new risks identified during product development should be reported to the Project Manager by the Team
Manager when delivering the completed Work Package.
\Nhen authorizing a stage, the Project Board will check that the exposure to risk is still acceptable.
Question continues on next page
PRINCE2-GB--El({ Pdge 16 of31
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DOO-Hnen1 Ownr-, Ch (E""mmer
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Question continued
\Nhich 2 statements should be recorded under the Roles and responsibilities heading?
A Each risk will be assigned a risk owner.
B Risks exceeding the agreed project risk tolerance will be reported to the Project Board.
C Risk tolerances are allocated to each stage by the Project Manager.
D Project Assurance will ensure that project risks are identified, assessed and controlled according to the
agreed risk management procedure.
E An external consultant is to facilitate a risk identification workshop.
\Nhich 2 statements should be recorded under the Proximity heading?
A Proximity categories for this project are: Imminent; Within the stage; Within the project; Beyond the project.
B The risk of MFH having no outsourcing experience will be categorized as Stage 4 proximity.
-c Imminent risks are those which may occur within two weeks.
J Any risk with a proximity category of imminent will be estimated as having a very high impact.
E The risk of staff leaving the organization will be categorized as beyond the project proximity.
VVhich 2 statements should be recorded under the Risk tolerance heading?
A Corporate management's threshold level of risk exposure is any combination of high and very high impact
and probability.
B The Project Board's threshold level of risk exposure is any combination of medium, high and very high
impact, with high and very high probability.
C The Project Manager's threshold level of risk exposure is low impact and probability.
D The cost of all fall back plans must be contained within the project's tolerance.
E The risk budget will have a tolerance of 10%.
-S-EXQ3-V2 3 DowmenlOwner Ch,ef Ell<lmlfler
e TtL APM GrD Id ThIS dOCl,lmenl1'$ nOllo be or lE-SO W !I re. I' ;r p 'PRINCEi!' IS a Reg,slered
ad 1,1ari-,oflheOffieenfG(lllemmenlCOmmerce -heSWI1 logo" fIll fl,c m
Syllabus Area
Risk Theme
Question Number
Marks ....--...
None of the Ministry of Food Hygiene's (MFH) employees on the project management team has any
experience in outsourclng, which could lead to difficulties In understanding what is required from an
outsourclng project and in dealing competently with the potential service providers. The result could be
a contract which does not solve the business problems, or deliver any of the expected savings of 2m
per annum.
Column 1 contains a number of possible risk responses to the above risk. For each risk response, select from
Column 2 the appropriate risk threat response type that it represents. Each selection from Column 2 can be used
once, more than once or not at all.
Column 1 Column 2
1 Contract an outsourcing specialist to take an assurance role in the project, and provide
A Avoid
advice to the Project Board and Project Manager.
S Reduce
2 Include a clause in the contract with the selected service provider stating that, if the expected

savings are not achieved, the selected service provider will reduce their fees accordingly.
C Fallbac
3 Hire experienced outsourcing contractors to assist in-house staff throughout the project.
D Transfer
4 Rely on the selected service provider to act in a reliable and conscientious manner to
E Accept
provide the support and advice that will protect MFH's interests.
F Share
5 Request assistance from central government if difficulties arise in understanding what is
6 Identify MFH employees with knowledge or experience in outsourcing and include them in
the project team.
1;1 HIE." APM Group Lld 200\1 Th tl, b
T 'a c.e I Gove
j e Idw thOUl Dl!fTl'HSSIOn om The APM Group LW PRINC a r'eg'Slered
mme-'ce ,I Sw"llogO"" IS a T,aoE Mark of the O'lH::.e 01 GovernmE."lTt Commerce.
( 'itian Number 7
Syllabus Area Change Theme
S lIabus Area
Change Themc.e'-- _
Question Number
The Ministry of Food Hygiene (MFH) has a quality management system which contains a document
control process to manage all documentation requirements. The document control process was created
by the MFH Quality Manager, who now maintains all of MFH's documents and performs an organization
wide configuration management role. The MFH Quality Manager will administer the configuration
management procedure for the Outsourcing project since this must comply with the MFH document
control process.
Using the information above, answer the following 2 questions.
......I \ccording to PRINCE2, which statement about the Configuration Management Strategy for the Outsourcing
project is correct?
A Every project needs a Configuration Management Strategy, even if the organization has existing
configuration management standards, because every project has different circumstances.
B A separate Configuration Management Strategy will be required for each of the suppliers within this project
because each will have a different way of managing and storing products.
C A Configuration Management Strategy is unnecessary for this project because the MFH document control
process is documented. It is acceptable simply to reference this in the Quality Management Strategy.
According to PRINCE2, which statement about appointing the MFH Quality Manager to administer
the configuration management procedure is correct?
A The MFH Quality Manager should administer the configuration management procedure on this project
because this task should always be assigned to corporate or programme management.
B The MFH Quality Manager should only administer the configuration management procedure on one project
at a time. If the MFH Quality Manager already performs this task on another project, another individual
should be appointed.
The MFH Quality Manager would be suitable to perform this task because he is the author of the document
control process and is likely to have the knowledge required for this role.
PRINCE2-GB-...-EXf'l 2
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Syllabus Area
Change Theme
Question Number Part Marks

Using the additional information provided for this question in the Scenario Booklet. answer the following
4 questions about the Project Manager's response to the potential removal of the services provided by
the Facilities Division from the scope of the Outsourclng projecL
Having created the Issue Report and analyzed the impact of removing the Facilities Division from the scope of
the Outsourcing project, the proposed option exceeds tolerance. \Nhat is the next action the Project Manager
should consider?
A Create an Exception Report to inform the Project Board of the situation and the available options.
B Update the associated Configuration Item Records with details of the Issue Report that caused the change.
C Amend the Stage Plan for stage 3: remove all products related to the Facilities Division and add the
activities required to deliver the new Government initiative.
D Create an Exception Plan to change all of the project's products to reflect the exclusion of services
provided by the Facilities Division.
Vv'hat products will be impacted by this change?
A All of the project's products created so far.
B Only those products created in the first three weeks of stage 3.
C All of the project's products which relate to or include services provided by the Facilities Division.
D No products would need to be changed but some will need to be removed from the project.
Vv'hat additional risk will this place on the project?
A None because risks associated with the centralization and rationalization of the Facilities Division will be
managed by another project.
B These changes will delay stage 3 by three weeks.
C There is only 70k left in the project change budget.
D The reduced value of the contracted services required by the Outsourcing project may result in an
insufficient number of proposals being received.
VVhat will be the impact on the benefits?
A Reduced savings, now 10m over 10 years.
B Increased savings of 5m over 10 years from the new initiative to centralize the services provided by the
Facilities Division.
C An additional cost of 1.5m to deliver the services provided by the Facilities Division.
D Outsourcing project cost reduced by 50%.
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Syllabus Area
Change Theme
Question Number
Using the addttlonallnformation provided for this question In the Scenario Booklet. answer the
following question.
The Project Manager has now completed the Issue Report and the situation must now be managed
under formal change control.
Lines 1 to 6 in the table below consist of an assertion statement and a reason statement. For each line identify
the appropriate option, from options A to E, that applies. Each option can be used once, more than once or not
at all.
Option Assertion Reason
A True True AND the reason explains the assertion
B True True BUT the reason does not explain the assertion
C True False
0 False True
E False False
Assertion Reason
1 The de-seoping of the services provided by the BECAUSE Any proposal for change to a
Facilities Division from the Outsourcing project project's baseline should be treated as a _
should be treated as a request for change. T request for change.
2 The Project Manager should now consider BECAUSE Once formally recorded, a minor change could
alternative options for centralizing and rationalizing be handled by the Project Manager.
the Facilities Division. 1 1
3 This situation should be referred to or BECAUSE Any forecast deviation beyond agreed
programme management.
tolerance levels should be escalated to the
next higher authority.
4 The Stage Plan for stage 3 should be re-issued to BECAUSE The original version of the Stage Plan for
le Project Board with all of the products stage 3 should be retained for audit purposes.
associated with the outsourcing of the
Division removed. .,.-
5 An Exception Plan should be presented to the BECAUSE Only the Project Board can approve
Project Board for them to consider the deviations beyond project tolerance levels.
consequences of the issue and the options
f available to deal with it.
6 This change should be funded from the remaining BECAUSE A change bUdget can be used to implement a
70k change budget and the balance of 30k f request for change, provided its use is within
taken from the stage cost tolerance. the constraints set by the Project Board.
Page 23

Question Number 8
Syllabus Area Progress Theme
S lIabus Area Question Number Part Marks
Progress Them"e'- ----' --"S ----'_--'-'A'-------'__---"2 _
Column 1 is a list of true statements about the Outsourcing project. For each statement in Column 1, select from
Column 2 the tolerance area it represents. Each selection from Column 2 can be used once, more than once or not
at all.
Column 1 Column 2
1 Six prospective service providers are to be invited to tender for the contracted services
A Time
and a minimum of four tenders are required.
B Cost
C Scope
D Risk
2 The sale of equipment is expected to provide a profit of 200k +1- 10%.
E Quality
F Benefits
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m ree ace al1< fll Offl t
Syllabus Area
Progress Theme
Question Number
Part I
1 B (
Using the Draft Work Package provided as additional Information for this question In the Scenario
Booklet, answer the following 4 questions.
Remember to limit your answers to the number of selections requested in each question.
1 Vv'hich 2 statements apply to either the Development Interfaces or Operations and maintenance interfaces
A Delete entry 2 because this interface will be contained in the Communication Management Strategy.
B Delete entry 3 because this interface will be contained in the project control section of the Project Initiation
C Amend entry 4 to 'The transferred products relating to the services provided by the Facilities Division'.
D Add 'Project Board, with responsibility for communicating progress to corporate management' to
Operations and maintenance Interfaces.
Add 'Facilities Team Manager, with responsibility for the transfer of selVices provided by the Facilities
Division'to Development Interfaces.
2 Vv'hich 2 statements apply to either the Techniques, processes and procedures or Constraints sections?
A Delete entry 1 because this section should contain the techniques, processes and procedures required for
specialist product development.
B Add 'There must be minimum disruption to current selVices' to Constraints.
C Move entry 5 to Techniques, processes and procedures because this is a technique which staff should
be aware of.
D Delete entry 6 because this applies to Office Moves Limited and is therefore outside the Work Package.
E Delete entry 7 because this should be contained in the Quality skills required section of the Product
3 Vv'hich 2 statements apply to either the Reporting arrangements or Problem handling and escalation
\ Replace entry 8 with 'Checkpoint Report every Monday by 10.00 am' because Highlight Reports are
intended for the Project Board.
B Delete entry 9 because this level of detail is unnecessary.
C Move entry 10 to Problem handling and escalation because that section describes how issues are
D Add 'Any risks identified to be added to the Risk Register' to Reporting arrangements.
E Delete entry 11 because the impact analysis should be provided when the issue is notified.
Question continues on next page
PPIN\ ,El-GB-EX().3V2.3 Pagf' 15 01 3 )w - "'h EX>lmone
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Question continued
4 lMlich 2 statements apply to either the Extracts or references or Approval method sections?
A Delete entry 12 because this should be the Team Plan not the Stage Plan.
S A suitable entry for Extracts or references would be 'Product Descriptions are available from Project
C Move entry 13 to Reporting arrangements because this describes how completion will be advised to the
Project Manager.
D Delete entry 13 because this is NOT a Project Assurance responsibility.
E Add 'The Project Manager is to be advised of completion of the Work Package by email'.
EX! 2 r ~ e ~ I Dl'll':umF.fll Owner- Ch'e'r Ex<lmlner
Q Tll!' APM G'Ollp 11::1 ",009 This llotumenll8 nollo be 'e-prOllllced or 'e-sold w'l.tuut ell:press per ~ ' o .. om It I,' a LIt,] CF:l'1 is a Reglllletel1
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" IS Cl T'arle Mar!< ollhe Oflll;;e 01 GOllermn!',lt 'T
Syllabus Area
Progress Theme
Question Number
At the end of stage 3, the service provider will be selected and the contract awarded. During stage 4,
the Account Manager for the selected service provider will work with the Project Manager to complete
the transition of the services to the selected service provider.
Lines 1 to 6 in the table below consist of an assertion statement and a reason statement. For each line identify
the appropriate option, from options A to Et that applies. Each option can be used once, more than once or not
at all.
Option Assertion Reason
A True True AND the reason explains the assertion
B True True BUT the reason does not explain the assertion
C True False
D False True
E False False
Assertion Reason
1 The Project controls section of the Project BECAUSE The Project Initiation Documentation
Initiation Documentation should be updated as soon contains a summary of the project level
as the service provider has been selected controls for monitoring and reporting.
stage 3. y 1"
2 Time-driven controls should be used to monitor the BECAUSE The Project Manager requires regular
service provider's progress during stage 4. progress reports from a Team Manager in
order to monitor the progress of a Work
'\ Package.
3 Once the service provider is selected, the Product BECAUSE The composition field of a Product
Description for the selected service provider'OUld Description should be used to record
be updated. change in the status of a product.
4 Checkpoint Reports should provide updates on the BECAUSE A Work Package defines the reporting
rogress of the transfer of equipment and arrangements and approval method
between a supplier and the Project Board.,
5 The selected service provider, acting as a Team BECAUSE The Team Manager is responsible for
Manager in stage 4, should provide an Exception informing the Project Manager if any of the
Report for the Project Manager if their Work agreed tolerances for a Work Package are
Package is forecast to exceed its tolerance.
'( forecast to be exceeded.
6 Benefit tolerance should be set in the next Stage BECAUSE Project Assurance is responsible for
Plan for Project Assurance to monitor.
monitoring the Business Case against
project progress.
_xc 3
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Question Number 9
Syllabus Area Controlling a Stage + Managing Product Delivery Processes
f-__---"=======-.-;S""II"ab"'uc:S"A;2re"a"'-='""""==""""====- r-"Q"u"'e"s,,tio",ni:!-'N"u:.:m.,b",e,-r_ Part
Controlling a Stage + Managing Product Delivery Processes 9, A
Column 1 is a list of actions that occur during the Controlling a Stage process. For each action in Column 1, select
from Column 2 the PRINCE2 theme that is being applied. Each selection from Column 2 can be used once, more
than once or not at all.
Column 1 Column 2
1 Ensure that each product in a completed Work Package has gained its required
A Business Case
approval, as defined in its Product Description.
S Organization
C Quality
2 Carry out an analysis of a potential event that may have a favourable impact on the
D Plans
project's objectives.
E Risk
F Change
3 Define the tolerance within a Work Package to be agreed with a Team Manager.
G Progress
PR1NCE2-G8-FXC ' 9 28 Datumen! Owner Cllle' EJilrT
Th AP/' Group lid 200n [I "cumnllS nCllla Ill! re-produced 01 rEsold w'lhOlll ".presl!> permiSSIOn from The APM Group Lld, PRINCE ,s a Reglslered
T ~ lit the Office 01 Governmeol CommerCE Thl' Swirjlogt>" a Tr;:tde M < l ~ of lhr Of!i.-;e (.:; Vf: ,,.,me Commprr.e
S lIabusArea
Controlling a Stage + Managing Product Delivery Processes
Question Number
Part Marks
B 4
Column 1 is a list of entries from the Daily Log that occurred during stage 4 in the Controlling a Stage process. For
each entry in Column 1, select the first management product from Column 2 that should have been updated, or
created, as a result of the entry. Each selection from Column 2 can be used once, more than once or not at all.
Column 1 Column 2
1 The Executive has asked for a minor change to the baselined detailed design
A Risk Register
document. This change will not affect any other products.
B Work Package
2 Staff communication was very useful in getting support from MFH staff who will be
C Team Plan
using the outsourced services.

0 Issue Register
3 The Facilities Team Manager requires formal instructions to begin the planned work to
E Stage Plan for
transfer the Facilities equipment and staff to the selected service provider.
stage 4
4 The selected service provider highlighted that there are likely to be delays with
F Lessons Log
-- Government departments getting work signed-off after completion.
G Project Plan
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from The APM GfCup _Id R li '-
I G<',PfTlmenl Cam'l'1er
I Svllabus Area I Question Number
Controlling a Stage + Managing Product Delivery Processes'--__-'---I_ 9
Part Ma''''-
C I \ _
Stage 4 has started and the Information Technology Team Manager Is responsible for the Work Package
to deliver the transfer of Information Technology equipment and staff to the service provider.
Answer the following 5 questions about the actions the Information Technology Team Manager should take during
the Managing Product Delivery process to deal with the events and situations described.
Remember to limit your answers to the number of selections requested in each question.
VVhile producing the Team Plan to deliver the agreed Work Package, it became apparent that the user
representatives assigned 10 check some of the products were unsuitable.
VVhich 2 actions should the Team Manager take in response to this situation?
A Consult the Senior Supplier to assign suitable reviewers.
B Discuss the situation with Project Assurance and agree the changes or additions to the reviewers.
C Advise the Project Manager of this risk.
D Ensure the Quality Register is updated with details of the agreed amendments to the reviewers.
E Notify the Project Manager by raising an Exception Report explaining that the original reviewers are
The chair of a quality review meeting advised the Team Manager that, because there were so many major
issues, the product had been rejected. The presenter estimated that the corrections would take about two
..weeks. The re-assessment of the product will take a further week.,fesulting in a three-week delay. The Work
Package only has one week tolerance_
VVhich 2 actions should the Team Manager take in response to this situation?
A Ask the reviewers to work overtime to prevent the delay.
B Ensure that the situation is included in the next Highlight Report.
C Raise an issue explaining that tolerances are forecast to be exceeded.
D Advise the Manager of the risk that there may be a two-week delay in the delivery of one of the ___
E Ensure that the Quality Register is updated with the quality review result.
Question continues on next page
t.'-olll ",thoul, per! ""on frllm The APM GB P
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Question continued
3 Two weeks after starting work the Team Manager noticed that each completed product had exceeded its
estimated effort by around 10%. If this trend continues the Work Package will exceed its agreed cost tolerance
of 5%.
\l\lhich 2 actions should the Team Manager take in response to this situation?
f. Check the status of the products currently being worked on and analyze the effort expended, to determine if
the trend is continuing.
B Update the Team Plan by increasing all future work estimates by 10%.
C Amend the Work Package and ensure that the revised targets are met.
D Escalate the situation in the next Checkpoint Report.
it' Raise an issue that costs will exceed tolerance if the current trend continues.
4 \l\lhich 2 actions should the Team Manager take to check that the completed products have been approved as
.... Check the Work Package to ascertain who should approve the completed Work Package.
Check the Product Descriptions to ascertain who should have approved the products.
C Check the Configuration Management Strategy for product handover procedures.
I Check the approval records as required in the Work Package.
E Check the Product Descriptions for the quality method required.
5 The Work Package has been in progress for four weeks and has four weeks remaining. The Information
Technology Team Manager is concerned that he has no idea what the service provider is doing about preparing
to accept the transfer of Information Technology equipment and staff. He is uncertain about what should be
VVhich 2 initial actions should the Team Manager take in response to this concern?
A Notify the Project Manager by raising an Exception Report.
S Raise this concern in the next fortnightly Checkpoint Report.
C Check the Communication Management Strategy to ascertain what records of communications with the
service provider are required.
y( Check the Information Technology Work Package for development interfaces to see whether the service
provider Team Manager should have been liaising with the Information Technology team during
t Raise an issue to notify the Project Manager of this concern.

Page 31 l! 31
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