Im Chapter 01
Im Chapter 01
Im Chapter 01
Learning Objectives
To see how trade and investment policies have historically been a subset of domestic policies. To examine how traditional attitudes toward trade and investment policies are changing. To see the effects of global links in trade and investment on policymakers.
To understand that nations must cooperate closely in the future to maintain a viable global trade and
investment environment.
International Organizations
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
The International Monetary Fund does not have the funds available to satisfy the needs of all struggling nations. The World Bank has been unsuccessful in furthering the economic goals of the developing world and newly emerging market economies. Some claim that its bank policies have created more poverty.
Restrictions of Imports
Many countries including the United States have passed antidumping laws which help domestic industries by restricting foreign products being sold below the cost of production, or at prices lower than those in the home market. Imports are also restricted by nontariff barriers, such as buy-domestic campaigns. It is difficult to remove these barriers. Imports can also be reduced by tightening market access and entry of foreign products through involved procedures and inspections.
Restrictions of Exports
Nations control their exports for reasons of short supply, national security and foreign policy purposes, or the desire to retain capital. National security controls are placed on weapons and high-technology exports. Although restriction of exports is a valuable international relations tool, it may give a countrys firms the reputation of being unreliable suppliers and may divert orders to firms of other nations.
Export Promotion
Export promotion is designed to help firms enter and maintain their position in international markets and to match or counteract similar efforts by other nations. Various approaches toward export promotion include:
knowledge transfer direct or indirect subsidization of export activities reducing governmental red tape for exporters export financing and mixed aid credits to exporters altered tax legislation for nationals living abroad
Import Promotion
Countries that maintain large balance-of-trade surpluses use import promotion measures.
The Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) has begun to focus on the promotion of imports to Japan.
Negative Impact
industrial dominance technological dependence disturbance of economic plans cultural change interference by home government of multinational corporation
Restrictions on Investment
Many nations that lack necessary foreign exchange reserves restrict exports of capital, because capital flight can be a major problem. Once governments impose restrictions on the export of funds, the desire to transfer capital abroad increases. This creates problems for gaining new outside investors.
Investment Promotion
Financial Incentives
Fiscal Incentives
Nonfinancial Incentives