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Seismic Analysis of A Reinforced Concrete Building by Response Spectrum Method

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IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN)

e-ISSN: 2250-3021, p-ISSN: 2278-8719 Vol. 3, Issue 9 (September. 2013), ||V3|| PP 01-09

Seismic Analysis of a Reinforced Concrete Building by Response Spectrum Method

A. E. Hassaballa1, Fathelrahman M. Adam.2, M. A. Ismaeil3

Department of Civil Engineering, Jazan University, Jazan, KSA Department of Civil Engineering, Jazan University, Jazan, KSA King Khalid University, KSA. On Leave from Sudan University of Science and Technology, Khartoum, Sudan


Abstract: - Seismic analysis of a multi-story RC frame in Khartoum city was analyzed under moderate earthquake loads as an application of seismic hazard,and in accordance with the seismic provisions proposed for Sudan[1]to investigate the performance of existing buildings if exposed to seismic loads. The frame was analyzed using the response spectrum method to calculate the seismic displacements and stresses.The results obtained, clearly, showthat the nodal displacements caused drifts in excess of approximately 2 to 3 times the allowable drifts. The horizontal motion has a greater effect on the axial compression loads of the exterior columns compared to the interior columns andthe compressive stresses in ground floor columns were about 1.2 to 2 times the tensile stresses. The values of shear forces due to L/C3 in beams B805, B806 and B807 were found to be about four times the values due to L/C1.The maximum values of compressive and tensile stresses in beams are approximately equal. Bending moments in beams and columns due to seismic excitation showed much larger values compared to that due to static loads. Keywords: - Displacements, Drifts, Seismic Analysis, Seismic Hazard,Stresses, Sudan



Earthquakes, caused by movements on the earth surface, result in different levels of ground shaking leading to damage and collapse of buildings and civil infra-structures, landslides in the case of loose slopes, and liquefaction of sandy soil [2]. Thebehavior of reinforced concrete moment resisting frame structures in recent earthquakes all over the world has highlighted the consequences of poor performance of beam column joints [3]. Beam column joints in a reinforced concrete moment resisting frame are crucial zones for transfer of loads effectively between the connecting elements (i.e., beams and columns) in the structures [3]. Traditionally, seismic design approaches are stated, as the structure should be able to ensure the minor and frequent shaking intensity without sustaining any damage, thus leaving the structure serviceable after the event [4].The structure should withstand moderate level of earthquake ground motion without structural damage, but possibly with some structural as well as non-structural damage. This limit state may correspond to earthquakeintensity equal to the strongest either experienced or forecast at the site. The results are studied for responsespectrum method. The main aim of this paper is to investigate the seismic performance of a reinforced concrete moment resisting frame building under a moderate earthquake ground motion. The building, which is located in Khartoum City (zone 2), was analyzed in accordance with the suggested seismic provisions proposed for Sudan [1].



The response spectrum represents an envelope of upper bound responses, based on several different ground motion records. This methodis an elastic dynamic analysis approach that relies on the assumption that dynamic response of the structure maybe found by considering the independent response of each natural mode of vibration and then combining theresponse of each in same way. This is advantageous in the fact that generally only few of the lowest modes ofvibration have significance while calculating moments, shear and deflections at different levels of the building. Following procedure is generally used for the spectrum analysis [2]: [1] Select the design spectrum. [2] Determine the mode shapes and periods of vibration to be included in the analysis. [3] Read the level of response from the spectrum for the period of each of the modes considered [4] Calculate participation of each mode corresponding to the single-degree-of-freedom response read from the curve. [5] Add the effect of modes to obtain combined maximum response. [6] Convert the combined maximum response into shears and moments for use in design of the structure.



Seismic Analysis of a Reinforced Concrete Building by Response Spectrum Method III. RESPONSE SPECTRUM METHMOD BY USING STAADPRO

This is accurate method of analysis. The design lateral force at each floor in each mode is computed by STAADPro [5]. The software provides results for design values, modal masses and storey base shear. STAAD utilizes the following procedure to generate the lateral seismic loads. [1] Program calculates time periods for first six modes or as specified by the user. [2] Program calculates Sa/g for each mode utilizing time period and damping for each mode. [3] The program calculates design horizontal acceleration spectrum Ak for different modes. [4] The program then calculates mode participation factor for different modes. [5] The peak lateral seismic force at each floor in each mode is calculated. [6] All response quantities for each mode are calculated. [7] The peak response quantities are then combined as per method (CQC or SRSS or ABS or TEN or CSM) as defined by the user to get the final results.

A = D + L.p + E A = 0.85D + E Where D = dead load; L = live load; P = incidence factor for live load; and E = earthquake load.

(1) (2)

In designing for seismic forces, the following two combinations can be considered [1]:



A traditional residential ten-storey regular reinforced concrete frame building located in Khartoum City, with 12 m 20 m plan as shown in Fig. 1, was analyzed to investigate its seismic performance. The most important parameters governing the analysis of this frame were dead load, live load and seismic loads. Seismic loads were computed based on the Response Spectrum Approach (RSA). Three combinations of load cases were applied as follows: Load Case 1 (L/C1) is static load (dead and live) are follow the rules given in the (BS 8110, 1997) [6]. Load Case 2 (L/C2) is seismic loads. Load Case 3 (L/C3) is (static + seismic) loads. A uniformly distributed gravity load of 20 kN/ m was applied including the own weights of members. The sections of columns and beams of the frame are shown in Table 1. Table 1: Sections of Columns and Beams of the frame Building Floor Level G - 5th 6th to 7th 8th to Roof Columns (mm) 500X300 400X300 300X300 Typical Beams (mm) 400X300

One selected frame (the critical one) was analyzed using STAAD PRO (2006) program. The same ground accelerations versus time periods used in seismic hazard analysis of Sudan [1] were adopted in this paper as input data to calculate the seismic response spectrum parameters, i.e., displacements and stresses. The damping ratio was taken as 0.05 (5% of the critical damping) and typical slab thickness was 130 mm. Some members of the frame building were selected for the purposes of the analysis. The selected members, which are shown in Fig. (2) were: Columns: C801, C802, C856, C857, C889 and C890. Beams: B805, B806 and B807.



Seismic Analysis of a Reinforced Concrete Building by Response Spectrum Method

25 3 22 5 19 7 16 9 141
C856 C857 C889 C890

113 85 57 29
B805 B806 B807

C801 C802

Fig. 2: Selected Nodes and Members of the Studied Frame



The analysis was performed for static and seismic loads. The Seismic analysis used horizontal input motion of earthquake with moderate horizontal peak ground acceleration (PGAH). A total time of vibration of 8 seconds was considered. The results of the analysis are shown in Tables 2 to 7 and Figures 3 to 7 as follows:



Seismic Analysis of a Reinforced Concrete Building by Response Spectrum Method

Table 2: Nodal Displacements of the Studied Frame Node L/C 1. Dead+Live 2.SeismicLoads 3.Static+seismic 1. Dead+Live 2.SeismicLoads 3.Static+seismic 1. Dead+Live 2.SeismicLoads 3.Static+seismic 1. Dead+Live 2.SeismicLoads 3.Static+seismic 1. Dead+Live 2.SeismicLoads 3.Static+seismic 1. Dead+Live 2.SeismicLoads 3.Static+seismic 1. Dead+Live 2.SeismicLoads 3.Static+seismic 1. Dead+Live 2.SeismicLoads 3.Static+seismic 1. Dead+Live 2.SeismicLoads 3.Static+seismic 1. Dead+Live 2.SeismicLoads 3.Static+seismic Horizontal X (mm) -0.001 20.451 20.450 -0.000 54.201 54.201 -0.000 89.491 89.490 -0.000 123.527 123.526 0.001 155.362 155.363 -0.001 189.988 189.987 -0.000 219.763 219.762 0.002 243.991 243.994 -0.001 269.211 269.210 0.004 283.889 283.893 Vertical Y (mm) -0..270 1.381 1.111 -0.513 2.579 2.066 -0.728 3.568 2.840 -0.915 4.355 3.440 -1.073 4.955 3.882 -1.235 5.490 4.255 -1.362 5.839 4.477 -1.454 6.040 4.586 -1.532 6.157 4.625 -1.567 6.185 4.618 Horizontal Z (mm) 0.029 0.023 0.052 0.118 0.012 0.130 0.257 0.014 0.271 0.441 0.020 0.461 0.664 0.013 0.677 0.926 0.027 0.953 1.222 0.029 1.251 1.546 0.024 1.570 1.893 0.038 1.932 0.037 2.270 2.307 Resultant (mm) 0.271 20.498 20.480 0.526 54.263 54.241 0.772 89.562 89.536 1.016 123.604 123.575 1.262 155.441 155.413 1.544 190.067 190.037 1.830 219.841 219.811 2.122 244.066 244.042 2.436 269.282 269.256 2.759 283.956 283.940










Table 3: Storey Drifts in the Studied Frame Displacement Resultants Node L/C (mm) 1 Static+seismic 20.48 29 Static+seismic 54.241 57 Static+seismic 89.536 85 Static+seismic 123.575 113 Static+seismic 155.413 141 Static+seismic 190.037 169 Static+seismic 219.811 197 Static+seismic 244.042 225 Static+seismic 269.256 253 Static+seismic 283.94

Drift (mm) 33.761 35.295 34.039 31.838 34.624 29.774 24.231 25.214 14.684



Seismic Analysis of a Reinforced Concrete Building by Response Spectrum Method

Table 4: Column End Forces of the Studied Frame Column L/C 1. Dead+Live C801 2.Seismic Loads 3.Static+seismic 1. Dead+Live C802 2.SeismicLoads 3.Static+seismic 1. Dead+Live C856 2.Seismic Loads 3.Static+seismic 1. Dead+Live C857 2.Seismic Loads 3.Static+seismic 1. Dead+Live C889 2.Seismic Loads 3.Static+seismic 1. Dead+Live C890 2.Seismic Loads 3.Static+seismic Node 281 1 281 1 281 1 282 2 282 2 282 2 113 141 113 141 113 141 114 142 114 142 114 142 197 225 197 225 197 225 198 226 198 226 198 226 Fx (kN) 748.451 -737.651 1726.257 -1726.26 2474.708 988.607 1202.8 -1192 61.74 -61.74 1264.539 -1130.26 367.718 -359.078 539.066 -539.066 906.784 179.987 585.068 -576.428 59.112 -59.112 644.179 -517.316 138.964 -132.484 90.577 -90.577 229.542 -41.907 236.329 -229.849 31.443 -31.443 267.772 -198.406 Fy (kN) -7.11 7.11 246.283 -246.283 239.172 253.394 -0.29 0.29 327.257 -327.257 326.967 327.548 -13.475 13.475 150.743 -150.743 137.268 164.218 -3.833 3.833 256.859 -256.859 253.025 260.692 -10.916 10.916 74.298 -74.298 63.381 85.214 -3.157 3.157 115.558 -115.558 112.401 118.714 Mz (kN.m) -6.94 -14.394 591.915 -146.98 584.976 132.586 -0.31 -0.561 670.396 -311.389 670.086 310.828 -18.875 -21.55 218.587 -233.884 199.712 212.334 -5.408 -6.092 371.82 -398.976 366.274 392.884 -15.557 -17.192 103.16 -119.756 87.602 102.564 -4.533 -4.936 165.507 -181.171 160.974 176.234

Table 5: Beam End Forces of the Studied Frame Beam L/C 1. Dead+Live B805 2.SeismicLoads 3.Static+seismic B806 1. Dead+Live 2.SeismicLoads Node 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 Fx (kN) -3.018 3.018 25.915 -25.915 22.897 28.933 -2.641 2.641 0 Fy (kN) 46.253 45.267 215.724 -215.724 261.977 260.99 45.76 45.76 200.568 Mz (kN.m) 30.11 -28.137 447.954 -414.941 478.064 386.804 30.41 -30.41 401.136



Seismic Analysis of a Reinforced Concrete Building by Response Spectrum Method

3 2 3 3 4 3 4 3 4 0 -2.641 2.641 -3.018 3.018 25.915 -25.915 22.897 28.933 -200.568 246.328 246.328 45.267 46.253 215.724 -215.724 260.99 261.977 -401.136 431.546 370.726 28.137 -30.11 414.941 -447.954 443.078 417.843

3.Static+seismic 1. Dead+Live B807 2.SeismicLoads 3.Static+seismic

Table 6: Column Stresses of the Studied Frame Max. Compressive Column L/C 1. Dead+Live 2.SeismicLoads 3.Static+seismic 1. Dead+Live 2.SeismicLoads 3.Static+seismic 1. Dead+Live 2.SeismicLoads 3.Static+seismic 1. Dead+Live 2.SeismicLoads 3.Static+seismic 1. Dead+Live 2.SeismicLoads 3.Static+seismic 1. Dead+Live 2.SeismicLoads 3.Static+seismic Length 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Stress (N/mm2) 6.355 59.056 63.668 8.42 54.063 62.306 5.977 34.229 33.347 5.768 50.521 54.651 5.572 27.97 30.281 3.694 40.805 43.34 Dist. (m) 3 0 0 3 0 0 3 3 0 0 3 2.75 3 3 2.75 0 3 2.75

Max. Tensile Dist. (m) 0 0 0 0 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 3 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75

Stress (N/mm2) -36.039 -30.671 -53.24 -45.445 -33.321 -32.355 -50.115 -45.852 -2.628 -27.497 -29.002 -40.456 -38.802







Table 7: Beam Stresses of the Studied Frame Max. Compressive Column L/C 1. Dead+Live 2.SeismicLoads 3.Static+seismic 1. Dead+Live 2.SeismicLoads 3.Static+seismic 1. Dead+Live 2.SeismicLoads 3.Static+seismic Length 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Stress (N/mm2) 3.747 56.265 59.995 3.78 50.176 53.955 3.747 56.265 57.484 Dist. (m) 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 3.667

Max. Tensile Stress (N/mm2) -3.798 -55.833 -59.614 -3.824 -50.176 -53.999 -3.798 -55.881 -57.894 Dist. (m) 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 3.667 3.667






Seismic Analysis of a Reinforced Concrete Building by Response Spectrum Method

Fig. 3: Nodal Displacements of the Studied frame

Fig. 4: Comparison between Allowable Drift and Calculated Drift of the Studied Frame

Fig. 5: Column Axial Forces of the Studied Frame



Seismic Analysis of a Reinforced Concrete Building by Response Spectrum Method

300 250
Shear Force (kN)

shear forces due to static loads only shear forces due to seismic loads only shear forces due to (seismic+static) loads

200 150 100 50 0 B805 B806 Beam No B807

Fig. 6: Beam Shear Forces of the Studied Frame

Fig. 7: Column stresses of the Studied Frame



The results of the analysis indicated that the frame suffered a maximum horizontal displacement of 28.39 cm at its top level as shown in Table 2 and graphically in Fig. 3. This represents about 0.94% of the frame total height. These nodal displacements caused drifts in excess of the allowable drifts. Table 3 shows that the drift reached up to 35 mm in some levels while the allowable drift in this frame should not be greater than 0.004 times the story height (12 mm) [ ]. In other words, the calculated drifts of the frame were about 2 to 3 times the allowable drifts as shown graphically in Fig. 4. Axial forces, shear forces and bending moments increased in columns and beams due to seismic excitation. It can be observed that the axial force due to L/C3 increased in the exterior column C801 while the interior column C802 had an opposite variation trend, its axial forces due to L/C1 is greater than that of C801, whereas its axial force due to L/C3 is lesser than that of C801. However, the forces in upper floor columns showed lesser values as shown in Table 4 and Fig. 5. These values indicated that horizontal motion has a greater



Seismic Analysis of a Reinforced Concrete Building by Response Spectrum Method

effect on the axial compression loads of the exterior columns compared to the interior columns because of the overturning moment effect. Shear forces due to the combined effect of static and seismic loads in interior columns are greater than those in exterior columns and decreased in the upper levels as in Table 4. The values of shear forces due to L/C3 in beams B805, B806 and B807 were found to be about four times the values due to L/C1 as in Table 5 and Fig. 6. These large increases of compression and shear forces can lead to compression shear failure especially if accompanied with poor detailing [7]. Table 6 and Fig.7 show that seismic excitations caused maximum compressive stresses at the bottom of C801 and C802. In other columns, these stresses occurred at different distances along the columns. It is also observed that there were no tensile stresses displayed due to L/C1. Tensile stresses in C801 and C802, generated by seismic excitation, occurred at their bottom levels. In general, compressive stresses in columns showed greater values than tensile stresses. Table 7 shows that the maximum values of compressive and tensile stresses in beams are approximately equal. These stresses mainly occurred at the end of the beams.



Based on the obtained results from the analysis of the reinforced concrete frame building in Khartoum city, it can be concluded that: 1. The interior columns in all floor levels were the most affected by the compression forces resulting from all cases of load combinations. 2. Bending moments in beams and columns due to seismic excitation showed much larger values compared to that due to static loads. 3. The compressive stresses generated from all cases of loads in ground floor columns were greater than tensile stresses in these columns whereas in other levels the difference was slight. The compressive stresses in ground floor columns were about 1.2 to 2 times the tensile stresses. 4. Compressive and tensile stresses in the studied beams were approximately equal. 5. The calculated drifts resulting from the nodal displacements due to the combination of static and seismic loads were about 2 to 3 times the allowable drifts. 6. The frame was inadequate to resist the applied seismic load.

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[5] [6] [7]



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