Commander X William Cooper Death of A Conspiracy Salesman 2001
Commander X William Cooper Death of A Conspiracy Salesman 2001
Commander X William Cooper Death of A Conspiracy Salesman 2001
Global Communications
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ISBN-10: 1892062305 ISBN-13: 978-1892062307 Author: Commander X Nonfiction - Current Events No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, without express permission of the publisher. Staff Members Timothy Green Beckley: Publisher/Editorial Director Carol Rodriguez: Assistant to the Publisher Sean Casteel: Associate Editor William Kern: Editorial Assistant Tim R. Swartz: Book Editor/Cover Art Printed in the United States of America For free catalog write: Global Communications P.O. Box 753 New Brunswick, NJ 08903 Free Subscription to Conspiracy Journal E-Mail Newsletter
Wild Bill By Timothy Green Beckley________________6 William Cooper: Target For The NWO?_______________9 Cooper According To Cooper_______________________ 12 On MJ12 - MAJESTYTWELVE_____________________17 UFOs - MJ12 - Area 51_____________________________21 Bill Cooper: Trouble With The Feds__________________27 Cooper Family Targeted By The Feds_________________30 Sheriff Report On Cooper Shooting___________________52
William Cooper: Death Of A Conspiracy Salesman William Cooper: Target For The New World Order?
Bill Cooper had always known that they would come for him someday. They would come for him because he knew too much, and would not, could not, keep to himself the terrifying truth that he had uncovered. He had known that he was a wanted man by the secret government and those who were involved with the ultimate conspiracy. He knew the frightening truth, and through his shortwave radio broadcasts and Internet website, he tried to warn the rest of the country about the evil men who sought total, absolute control of mankind. They had tried to come for him before. Representatives of the puppet government too stupid to realize that their entire lives were a sham. But Cooper was always ready for them. He never left home without his pistol; he never knew when he would have to use it for that final time. He knew it was inevitable. William Cooper was no stranger to controversy. He was one of the first to publically announce that there was a government cover-up concerning UFOs. At first, Cooper, along with John Lear and others, was convinced that the United States government had fallen into an unholy alliance with extraterrestrial creatures, with the innocent citizens of planet Earth as their unwitting pawns. He would later change his mind and declare that the whole extraterrestrials in league with the U.S. government was a massive disinformation campaign by the New World Order. The aliens did not exist. Instead, the entire UFO phenomenon was masterminded by secret societies in control of the worlds governments. High-technology, but strictly man made, secret aircraft were deliberately used to fool the public that UFOs were alien spacecraft. Many were convinced that it was this revelation that made Bill Cooper a wanted man. On November 5, 2001, the silent night around the Cooper house was suddenly shattered by the sound of loud music, laughter, and the grinding cacophony of pickup truck engines. It wasn't the first time that teenagers, looking for a secluded place to party had parked on the road leading to the house. And like before, Bill grabbed his gun and got into his car, heading down the lane to chase the intruders away. However, these intruders were not who they seemed, and they were waiting for Cooper. They knew what he was ready to do. What he had always said he would do. And they knew what they had to do. All they needed was for Cooper to make the first move.
If we are found dead it will NEVER be because we committed suicide. It will be cold blooded murder, just as they did at Ruby Ridge, The World Trade Center, Waco, and Oklahoma City.
William Cooper Isaiah Chapter 8, Verse 12: Do not call conspiracy all that this people call conspiracy, and do not fear what they fear, nor be in dread.
ABOVE: Cooper patrolling the Da Nang Harbor BELOW: Cooper is presented with Naval Commendation
Medal with Combat V
I am fully aware of how obnoxious Bill Cooper was, and was particularly disgusted by his attacks on Don and Vicki Ecker. Cooper did die for what he believed in, however. He just happened to believe in some pretty weird stuff. I really think his ugliness was a reflection of the ugliness he saw around him and he was struggling toward a higher plateau. And like any other police shooting, a call for brains-before-bullets needs to be made, and also a nod toward the interconnectedness of local police and the larger police intelligence world. Kenn Thomas Back when I first met Cooper in 1988 he was telling me he might be killed by the Secret Government because of his UFO/alien disclosures. Well had that been the case, it took them long enough. Well here in the USA, when you resist arrest using a firearm...the chances are YOU WILL BE KILLED. Don Ecker Bill Cooper was a kick, he lived in interesting times, and if you have ever read the ancient Chinese curse May you live in interesting times, you will understand this. I have no sympathy for any involved in his demise, you pick your sides and make your choices, just as Bill did, and just as each and every one of us will have to do. JAK
I witnessed the Top Secret/Majic documents from which this information is excerpted while a member of the United States Navy attached to the Intelligence Briefing Team of Admiral Bernard Clarey, Commander in Chief of the United States Pacific Fleet. I certify that the following information is true and correct to the best of my memory and the research that I have accomplished. I will swear to it in any court of Law. I can produce the names of approximately 38 U.S. Navy officers and enlisted men who witnessed these documents while in the service of their country. I can produce the names of approximately 8 people involved in the UFO deception who have witnessed these documents. I can produce the names of approximately 80 others whom I suspect have witnessed these same documents. I will not reveal the names except in a court of Law that is willing to prosecute the People and organizations involved in the conspiracy to overthrow the government of the United States of America to bring about a socialist totalitarian world government. For many years I sincerely believed that an extraterrestrial threat existed and that it was the most important driving force behind world events. I was wrong and for that I most deeply and humbly apologize. Many years ago I had access to a set of documents that I eventually realized was the plan for the destruction of the united States of America and the formation of a socialist totalitarian world government. The plan was contained within a set of Top Secret documents with the title MAJESTYTWELVE. There was no space between majesty and twelve. The
Behold A Pale Horse, By Milton William Cooper 1991, Light Technology Publishing, Sedona, Arizona
~ PRESS RELEASE ~ Area-51 Still Active... Popular Mechanics Article Was Government Propaganda. Dateline VERITAS News Service - by William Cooper For Immediate Release September 1, 1997 The Harvest Trust expedition to the Tickaboo Valley over the Labor Day weekend witnessed the testing of super-secret technology over Area-51 . The base has not moved nor has testing been shifted to any other site. The Popular Mechanics article written by Jim Wilson, Science/Technology Editor, seems to have been an intentional act of propaganda designed to stem the flow of the curious adventure seekers who hope to get a glimpse of the advanced aviation technology being tested at this top-secret remote desert site.
William Cooper: Death Of A Conspiracy Salesman Bill Cooper: Trouble With The Feds - By Commander X (Originally Published in Covert Action, Issue 3, 1998)
This could almost be expected to happen. Bill Cooper was among the first to blow the whistle on the Secret Government. Almost a decade ago, he released information that while he was in Naval Intelligence, he had seen certain papers and documents purporting to establish the fact that not only did the U.S. have proof that ETs existed, but that someone in the early 1950s, had established a treaty with those little buggers known as the grays to swap alien technology for the abduction of humans for cloning and other forms of experimentation. Cooper spoke widely at seminars and conferences fora a time before he was silenced (perhaps by his own doing). Among his assertions: that the Secret Service agent who had been driving the Kennedy limo in Dallas was responsible for the presidents assassination. Hard pressed to prove such allegations (and changing his mind several times), Cooper made his other findings a little more difficult for followers to believe, and now, it turns out that Cooper is in trouble with the Feds. Middle-of-the-road UFOlogist Jim Moseley tells the story best in a recent issue of Saucer Sm ear, a neo-radical flying saucer newsletter, from which we quote: A front page story in the July 3, 1998 issue of the Arizona Republic newspaper informs us that former UFOlogist Bill Cooper is in a showdown with federal authorities in regards to tax evasion. The headline reads Militiaman Refuses to Recognize Warrant. It seems that Cooper failed to appear in federal court on charges that he evaded income taxes from 1992 to 1994 and defrauded a bank. We met Cooper several times at Tim Beckleys western conventions in the early 90s, and we spent some enjoyable interludes drinking with him at hotel bars. On one occasion, Bill was with his oriental wife, Annie Mordhorst, and their young daughter. Cooper made no secret about his disdain for the income tax laws. In fact, he and Beckley eventually had a falling out over the mere fact that Beckley mailed him a form regarding the tax liability on the money he (Cooper) earned from his lectures at those conventions all of which were very well attended, because Cooper is an excellent speaker, whether one agrees with him or not.
(Posted on WARNING!! Any attempt by the federal government or anyone else to execute the unconstitutional and unlawful arrest warrants issued by Judge Irwin on William and Annie Cooper will be met with armed resistance. Any person who attempts to kidnap our children will be shot upon discovery. Judicial notice is hereby served by affiants upon the United States any other interested party named within. This public notice will be construed to comply with provisions necessary to establish presumed fact under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and attending State rules should interested parties fail to rebut any given allegation or matter of law addressed herein. The position will be construed as adequate to meet requirements of judicial notice, thus preserving fundamental law. Matters addressed herein, if not rebutted, will be construed to have general application. This public notice includes all information which will be found by following the links on this page and by following the links found on any page that is linked from this page. A true and correct copy of this Public Notice is on file with and available for inspection at the office of VERITAS national newspaper and at the office of Harvest Trust. This public notice addresses federal jurisdiction, federal authority, jurisdiction and authority of federal agents, the constitutionality and lawful character of the income tax and the Internal Revenue Service, and other agencies of the United States government including but not limited to the Department of the Treasury, and legal application of the Internal Revenue Code.
Samuel Adams, of Massachusetts: The said Constitution [shall] be never construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the press, or the rights of conscience; or to prevent the people of the United States, who are peaceable citizens, from keeping their own arms. Massachusetts' U.S. Constitution ratification convention, 1788
William Grayson, of Virginia: [A] string of amendments were presented to the lower House; these altogether respected personal liberty. Letter to Patrick Henry, June 12, 1789, referring to the introduction of what became the Bill of Rights
Richard Henry Lee, of Virginia: A militia when properly formed are in fact the people themselves . . . and include all men capable of bearing arms. To preserve liberty it is essential that the whole body of people always possess arms. The mind that aims at a select militia, must be influenced by a truly anti-republican principle. Additional Letters From The Federal Farmer, 1788
James Madison, of Virginia: The Constitution preserves the advantage of being armed which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation. . . (where) the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms. The Federalist, No. 46
Noah Webster, of Pennsylvania: Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom in Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretense, raised in the United States. A military force, at the command of Congress, can execute no laws, but such as the people perceive to be just and constitutional; for they will possess the power. An Examination of The Leading Principles of the Federal Constitution, Philadelphia, 1787
Alexander Hamilton, of New York: [I]f circumstances should at any time oblige the government to form an army of any magnitude, that army can never be formidable to the liberties of the people while there is a large body of citizens, little if at all inferior to them in discipline and the use of arms, who stand ready to defend their rights and those of their fellow citizens. The Federalist, No. 29
Thomas Paine, of Pennsylvania: [A]rms discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the
Fisher Ames, of Massachusetts: The rights of conscience, of bearing arms, of changing the government, are declared to be inherent in the people. Letter to F.R. Minoe, June 12, 1789
Elbridge Gerry, of Massachusetts: What, sir, is the use of militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty. . . Whenever Government means to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia, in order to raise a standing army upon its ruins. Debate, U.S. House of Representatives, August 17, 1789
Patrick Henry, of Virginia: Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Virginia's U.S. Constitution ratification convention We are intelligent law abiding reasonable People who have drawn our line in the sand. Our enemy will attempt to demonize us in order to obtain the public's permission to murder our whole family just as they did the Weaver family and the Branch Davidians at Waco, Texas. I never thought I would hear so-called Christians whose ancestors fled the old world to escape religious persecution say, "The Branch Davidians deserved what they got... they were just a bunch of religious fanatics," but I heard so-called Christians say it over and over and over again. No People should ever be forced to live in the aura of FEAR that permeates this nation today. If we are found dead it will NEVER be because we committed suicide. It will be cold blooded murder, just as they did at Ruby Ridge, The World Trade Center, Waco, and Oklahoma City. We are pro-government, lawful government, lawful Constitutional Republican government as guaranteed to us in the Constitution for the United States of America. We know what the government is and what it is not. We know that the Constitution for the united States of America constitutes the lawful government and anything or anyone outside its strictures, limits, and powers is operating unlawfully and are in fact outlaws.
Apparently, Cooper had gone into town and was waving his gun around. He'd gone off the handle for some reason or something and the local police figured they had to do something before he ended up hurting someone. This I find completely believable. I knew Cooper extremely well. We worked together VERY closely for several years. I saw him at his best, and I saw him at his worst. And I saw his volatility, the times when he was drunk and disorderly, the times when he behaved irresponsibly, all of those ugly things that make up real life. I also saw him noble and selfless and giving. But Bill did have a dark and uncontrollable side. No question about it. This does not mean that he was not a good patriot, or that he did not teach and help a lot of people. I'm sure he did. But to turn this death which was so needless and for nothing into a martyrdom, or to say that the feds did it, is unrealistic and irresponsible. From all that can be known locally at the scene at this time, the situation was nothing more than Bill out of control in a public place while armed. And if you've ever been around Bill when he is out of control, you'd call the cops, too. Believe me! You would! Bill out of control is dangerous. Bill out of control with his handgun is deadly. That's the truth. Any one who ever knew him closely will absolutely confirm this. In this situation, we'll find that the police acted responsibly, and Bill, for all his good points and bad, died for nothing.
William Cooper: Death Of A Conspiracy Salesman Sheriff Report On The Shooting Of William Cooper
OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF Brian R. Hounshell, Sheriff - Apache County, Arizona November 6, 2001 On Nov 5, 2001 at 11:40 pm, Apache County Sheriff's deputies attempted to serve an arrest warrant on a known felon, William Milton Cooper, (58 years of age) at his residence located at 96 North Clearview Circle in Eagar AZ. Cooper was considered armed and dangerous. During the execution of this warrant, Cooper was fatally shot by deputies after he shot and struck a sheriff's deputy. Members of the Apache County Sheriff's Office deployed several deputies in the area adjacent to Cooper's home in an attempt to draw him from his residence to serve an arrest warrant. After leaving his residence in his vehicle, Cooper confronted plainclothes deputies a short distance away. As Cooper drove back to his residence, Sheriff's deputies attempted to stop him using a fully marked patrol vehicle to block the roadway. Cooper refused to stop or comply with verbal orders issued by deputies. Cooper drove around the patrol vehicle off the roadway and attempted to run over a sergeant before heading back to his residence. Cooper was followed a short distance to the front of his residence where he was again confronted by uniformed deputies. After refusing once again to comply with orders from deputies, Cooper exited his vehicle and ran toward his house, firing shots from a handgun towards deputies. Deputy Robert Marinez of the Apache County Sheriff's Office was struck in the head by at least one round. Deputies returned fire striking and fatally wounding Cooper. Deputy Marinez was transported by ground ambulance to the White Mountain Regional Medical Center and then flown to a Trauma Unit in Phoenix. Deputy Marinez was last reported to be in critical condition. Deputy Marinez has served as a law enforcement officer for 4 years and was serving as a tactical officer at the time of the shooting. His experience also includes patrol and criminal
William Cooper at a lecture in Hawaii: I saw a project that was to fly recovered alien craft that had been recovered intact and undamaged. These UFOs were tested at Area 51 in Nevada.
Photos Courtesy Sherry Hansen Steiger
William Cooper: Death Of A Conspiracy Salesman Secret Societies/New World Order by Milton William Cooper
History is replete with whispers of secret societies. Accounts of elders or priests who guarded the forbidden knowledge of ancient peoples. Prominent men, meeting in secret, who directed the course of civilization are recorded in the writings of all people. The oldest is the Brotherhood of the Snake, also called the Brotherhood of the Dragon, and it still exists under many different names. It is clear that religion has always played a significant role in the course of these organizations. Communication with a higher source, often divine, is a familiar claim in all but a few. The secrets of these groups are thought to be so profound that only a chosen, well-educated few are able to understand and use them. These men use their special knowledge for the benefit of all mankind. At least that is what they claim. How are we to know, since their knowledge and actions have been secret? Fortunately, some of it has become public knowledge. I found it intriguing that in most, if not all, primitive tribal societies all of the adults are members. They are usually, but not always, separated into male and female groups. The male usually dominates the culture. Surprisingly, this exactly resembles many civilized secret societies. This can only mean that the society is working not against established authority, but for it. In fact, could be said to actually be the established authority. This would tend to remove the validity of any argument that all secret associations are dedicated to the "destruction of properly constituted authority." This can only apply, of course, where the secret society makes up the majority or entirety of any people which it affects. Only a very few fall into this category. Secret societies in fact mirror many facets of ordinary life. There is always an exclusivity of membership, with the resultant importance attached to being or becoming a member. This is found in all human endeavors, even those which are not secret, such as football teams or country clubs. This exclusivity of membership is actually one of the secret societies' most powerful weapons. There is the use of signs, passwords and other tools. These have always performed valuable functions in man's organizations everywhere. The stated reason, almost always different from the real reason, for the societies' existence is important.
One of Bill Coopers more controversial theories was that JFK was murdered by a cabal of secret societies tied to the New World Order. Cooper alleged that Limo driver William Greer was the real killer.
Alleged USAF document dated December 19, 1990, indicating that William Cooper may have been part of the very government disinformation campaigns that he preached against.
William Cooper: Death Of A Conspiracy Salesman On The Life And Death of Bill Cooper By Kenn Thomas
Jim Keith always wanted to be a hip Bill Cooper, he said to me on several occasions. My own experience told me that there would never be more than one Bill Cooper. My attention was first drawn to him by the title of his book, Behold A Pale Horse, which was also the title of the first draft of Danny Casolaro's Octopus manuscript. Although I didn't share Jim's ambition, I did become fascinated by his unusual outlook and I mourn his passing. I met Cooper on a couple of occasions at UFO conferences. He was anything but hip. In fact, he seemed to take great delight in publicly insulting the conferees that had come to hear him speak. They, in turn, could not get enough of the insults. They lined up to attend the workshop following his lecture, which had a separate attendance fee. It contrasted sharply with the half-dozen people who signed up for my modest effort to lecture on the UFO involvements of Wilhelm Reich. That happened before Cooper changed his mind about the extraterrestrial presence. He was calling people sheeple then, not yet labeling them ufoologists. At the conference I encountered him next, he was urging his fans to buy into billboard advertising and give him their proxy vote in decisions over what gets put on the billboards. His messages would be more anti-NWO than pro-UFO. About UFOs, he later would write, For many years I sincerely believed that an extraterrestrial threat existed and that it was the most important driving force behind world events. I was wrong and for that I most deeply and humbly apologize. He never abandoned his basic rant, however. Many years ago I had access to a set of documents, wrote Cooper, that I eventually realized was the plan for the destruction of the United States of America and the formation of a socialist totalitarian world government. The plan was contained within a set of Top Secret documents with the title MAJESTYTWELVE. His memories of this were chillingly detailed: There was no space between majesty and twelve. As I have pointed out elsewhere, credible documentary evidence, involving nobody's misremembered experience, exists that such a group, MJ12, does or did indeed exist. I clashed with Cooper once in Rob Sterling's Konformist newsletter. He made some disparaging remarks about John Lennon, calling the singer some kind of spokesman for
William Cooper: Death Of A Conspiracy Salesman My Thoughts On The Late Bill Cooper From Norio Hayakawa
The world will always remember Bill Cooper as an egotistic paranoia monger. Indeed, to many he was an arrogant, obnoxious, choleric, self-aggrandizing, rude, vitriolic and vengeful person. Perhaps he was all of this and much more. But no matter how negative his personality is described to be, we must admit the fact that he did indeed make a tremendous impact among hundreds, if not, thousands of his listeners, whether in front of his astounded lecture audiences or through his "shocking" radio programs. I first met Bill back in 1989 in West L.A. when he was just an unknown speaker and where he spoke for the first time at a gathering called UFORUM. I was quite stunned then with his hypothesis on the Secret Government. It really sounded so fresh at that time because unlike most UFO speakers of that time he convincingly injected UFOs to a one-world government right-wing flavored conspiracy theory. I was so impacted by his hypothesis that I became a volunteer and helped him organize his first successful major public appearance that same year, which was held at Hollywood High School. That became the historic launching pad for his national lecture circuit. And the rest is history. Later, in December of that year, I even attended the controversial National MUFON Conference held in Las Vegas in which Bill Cooper was perhaps the most controversial speaker aside from John Lear and Bill Moore and others. The Bill Cooper of then was very much into ufology, it seemed. Even in 1991 when Gary Schultz and I organized the first Ultimate Seminar in Rachel, Nevada (25 miles north of Area 51), we were surprised to see Bill Cooper as an attendee. I remember quite well when we lead the people to the White Sides hill for a climb to see the base, Bill Cooper could not make the climb due to his leg and he was even cracking up jokes about it. In 1993 Bill Cooper, Eustace Mullins, Jordan Maxwell, Vladmir Terziski, Dr. Robert Strecker, Anthony Hilder, a couple of other conspiracy speakers and myself were all invited to speak at the First International Conference on Global Deception to be held in the famous Wembley Arena in London. Because of concerns for security due to the highly controversial nature of the conference and its speakers, the bulk of us decided not to travel to England. Nevertheless, Bill Cooper had the guts to go ahead and speak at the conference. I admired him for that.
The reason I go about it the way I do is that this is the only way to shock people awake. Were at the point now where the only thing that will work is a slap upside the head and at times I wish I could do it physically. If I did, I would go to jail; so I slap people mentally and say WAKE UP...this is what is happening! If I stood up there and was real nice, nobody would listen. William Cooper
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