Oct Devotion - Bible Daily Meditation For Kids and Adults
Oct Devotion - Bible Daily Meditation For Kids and Adults
Oct Devotion - Bible Daily Meditation For Kids and Adults
I COR 12:1-13
Without Holy Spirit it is not possible to confess that Jesus is Lord. After we confess our faith according to the measure of faith and the will of the god Father God teaches and reveals us many godly things. 12:3 b and no one can say Jesus is Lord, except by the Holy Spirit. THE CHURCH AND THE BODY OF CHRIST 12:14-31 0CT2 WEDNESDAY
The church is formed by believers (i.e. those who believe Jesus is Lord). In this passage the Church and the body of Christ is compared. We have to work in unison to glorify our Father God as the members of our body work together. So it is the duty of every believer to be united with others to glorify Him. Let us pray for this oneness in spirit in our churches. 12:27 You are the body of church and each one of you is part of it. THE EVERLOSTING LOVE 13:1-13 OCT 3 THURSDAY
The whole spiritual life revolves around this chapter of Love written by Apostle Paul. When the love of god fills our heart all our small mistakes, misdeeds and weaknesses were removed. Pray to God to fulfill you with the heavenly Love. 13:2b If I have no love I am nothing. THE INDIVIDUALS LOVE AND EDIFICATION OF CHURCH 14:1-20 OCT 4 FRIDAY
Whenever god fills us with His gift we have to use it for the glory of Lord and for the edification of the church only. God gives us gifts for this purpose only not to glorify ourselves. If we start to glorify us and boast about ourselves then owe to us. Let us pray to god to fill us with the gifts for His glory. 14:1 Follow the way of love and desire the spiritual gifts. ORDERLY WAY OF CHURCH 14:21-40 OCT 5 SATURDAY
Our God is God of order. So our church also should be in an orderly way. If there is no interpreter we should not talk in tongues. If there are more than one prophet they should prophesy in order that also not more than three. Not only in the church God likes order in our life also. 14:40 Everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way. FRUITS OF ETERNITY 15:1-20 OCT 6 SUNDAY
Each and every Christian ought to believe that Jesus was crucified and resurrected after three days. And also we should believe that each and every one of us also will resurrect one day and live with Him eternally. This should be our joy and pride. But if we have faith in God for this world only we are to be pitied more than all men. Be careful of your motives. 15:19 if only for this world we have hope in Christ Jesus we are to be pitied more than all men. FAITH IN RESURRECTION 15:21-34 OCT 7 MONDAY
The resurrection or the life after our death makes us conscious not to do sin in this life. Adam brought disobedience along with sin to this life but Jesus Christ brought eternal life through cross. Please ask our Heavenly Father to teach you more about this with the help of Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ. 33 b bad company corrupts good character COUNSELLING FOR THE CHRISTIAN LIFE 16:1-24 OCT 8 TUESDAY
This is the end of the first epistle. In this Apostle Paul gives us some counseling for our benefit. (1) Dont think ill of your fellow brothers. (2) Be in guard. (3) Stand firm in faith (4) be men of courage. (5) Be strong. (6) Do everything in love (vs11-14). Pray to god so that he may fill you with these characters. 16:14 do everything in love THE FIRST EPISTLE OF CORINTH WAS WRITTEN BY APOSTLE PAUL AND SOSTHENAE. THE II EPISTLE WAS WRITTEN BY PAUL AND TIMOTHY. TROUBLES IN CHRISTIAN LIFE II CORIN 1:1-24 OCT 9 WEDNESDAY
When we face troubles and tribulations we should not be discouraged because troubles (1) makes us feel the presence of the Lord (2) we will become more pure (proverb20:30) (3) our inner man will be strengthened (4) we will be able to understand the feelings of other peoples who are suffering. So please praise god for all your problems. 1:9 b we might not rely on ourselves but on God who raises the dead. FORGIVENESS II CORIN 2:1-17 OCT 10 THURSDAY
Forgiveness is the centre of the Christianity. Are you ready to forgive your brothers, sisters, your relatives and your friends? Next, is your spiritual life spreading the aroma of Christ among your people? Think over this. Pray for this. 2:15a we are to god the aroma of Christ. THE LIVE EPISTLES II CORIN 3:1-18 OCT 11 FRIDAY
We are the live epistles. Not written by materials like pen or pencil but by Holy Spirit. As the epistles are useful to our spiritual life , we also should be useful to others lives. There may be many written laws but we can be written and mended by the Spirit only. Pray to Father for this privilege. 3:17 b where the spirit of Lord is , there the freedom. THE LIGHT OF GOSPEL II CORIN 4:1-18 OCT 12 SATURDAY
As satan blinded the spiritual eyes of many people even Christians cannot understand the meaning of salvation and resurrection . Because of this the light of gospel is darkened in this world. Pray to God to enlighten your vision. 4:6 a God who said light shine out of darkness NEW BEING II CORIN 5:1-21 OCT 13 SUNDAY
When we got saved and know our Lord we become a new creature. All this worldly things will go away from and we become spiritual and we crucify flesh on the cross. Even our relatives were no more related to us in the flesh. We will see them as our spiritual brother and sister only. 5:17 the old has gone the new has come NOT A STUMBLING BLOCK II CORIN 6: 1-18 OCT 14 MONDAY
Now you are studying with both Christians and Non-Christians. Now what you have to do is (1) a witness for Jesus Christ in front of them (2) never your life should be a stumbling block for others (i.e. you have to lead a spiritual life) (3) you should love them and pray for them but never should have a fellowship with them. Then only God will be your father you will be His children. 6:16 b I will live with them and walk among them and I will be their god. GODLY SORROW II CORIN 7:1-16 OCT 15 TUESDAY
The worldly worries like what shall we drink or eat? Where shall we live? will lead us into discouragement and sometimes that will make us to lean on our own strength and knowledge to solve the problems. But the godly sorrow leads us into repentence. Then makes us realize what a wretched sinners we are and by this lead us into God. 7:6a God who comforts the downcast. MERCY FOR THE POOR II CORIN 8:1-24 OCT 16 WEDNESDAY
We should have mercy and kindness in our heart to help the poor. Because god loves this character and also Bible says he who is kind to the poor lends to the poor. (pro19:17). But this should not glorify our selves. Whatever we are doing that should be done for the glory of god only. Just do things from your inner heart and be blessed. 8:21 For we are taking pains to do what is right not only in the eyes of Lord but also in the eyes of men. THE VISIBLE BROTHERS II CORIN 9: 1-15 OCT 17 THURSDAY
The kindness is not only for the poor but also for the people in our church who are in need. Because if we cannot love the brother who is visible how can we love the unseen God. When we do these things god will bless us abundantly in all our good deeds. 9:15 thanks be to god for his indescribable gifts. THE STRENGTH OF GOD II CORIN 10: 1-18 OCT 18 FRIDAY
Whenever we face problems in our life we should think according to the flesh (if anyone beats you, you should not beat them in return) but should take the counsel of god through Bible. We should ask for the heavenly strength to overcome all the worldly desires and also pray for humbleness. 10:18 for it is not the one who commands himself who is approved, but the one whom the Lord commands. GENEROSITY OF MACEDONIANS II CORIN 11: 1-15 OCT 19 SATURDAY
In three chapters 8,9,11 the generosity of Macedonians were discussed by Apostle Paul, because they did not give out of their wealth but in spite of their poverty they gave. May god bless you with this beautiful and excellent gift of kindness. And also humble yourself so that others can come up in their lives (like ladder). 11:7a I lower myself in order to elevate you by preaching gospel. SUFFERINGS IN CHRISTIAN LIFE II CORIN 11: 16-33 OCT 20 SUNDAY
Verses 23-28 talk about the sufferings of Pauls life as a Christian. All Christians will suffer in this world. But even though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death our Lord will be with us. Pauls god is also god of us the God with Paul will also be with us. So when you face troubles dont get afraid. Our God will give us victory over everything. 22b Are they descendents of Abraham? So am I. (we) GODLY STRENGTH OVER HUMAN WEAKNESS II CORIN 12: 1-21 OCT 21 MONDAY
Apostle Paul had some weaknesses in his life. He knows his weakness. He knows that the weakness was given by satan so that he will humble himself. As Paul accepts his weakness are we ready to accept our weakness and humble ourselves before god then definitely God will strengthen us. 9a God said my power is made perfect in weakness. THE CHRISTIAN VIRTUE II CORIN 13: 1-14 OCT 22 TUESDAY
A real Christian should always glorify God through his good works. Even though he carries cross daily he should feel resurrected power in his life. In verse 11 Paul list out some of good virtues of a Christian follow that and become a child of God and citizen in the kingdom of God. 4b we are weak in Him , yet by Gods power we will live with him . GOSPEL GALATIANS 1: 1-24 OCT 23 WEDNESDAY
We can understand Gospel by two ways one in flesh and another in spirit. If we understand Gospel by our brain (flesh) and think it is good for us the owe to us. But if we accept Gospel with our spirit we will shine like all saints and apostles. Pray to god to open your spiritual understanding and spiritual eyes. 1:24 And they praised god because of me. SPIRITUAL LIFE AND TRADITIONS GAL 2:1-21 OCT 24 THURSDAY
In olden days the circumcision took important place in the lives of Jews but that circumcision or their tradition did not allow them to understand the love and works of Jesus likewise you may also bound with some unwanted traditions but be careful they would rob your freedom in God . All our blessings should come by Jesus Christ only not by traditions. 2:20 I no longer live but Christ in me. NOT BY WORK BUT BY FAITH GAL 3:1-15 OCT 25 FRIDAY
We become righteous not by traditions but by the faith in God. We cannot be saved because we are going to church or doing right things regularly. See this in this way, 1. I am going to church 2. I am learning about the grace, power and love of God. 3. My faith increases and brings changes in me.4.This became my righteousness. So not our deeds but our faith 11b the righteous will live by faith HEIRS OF ABRAHAM GAL 3: 16-29 OCT 26 SATURDAY
When we feel that the righteousness came not by deeds but by faith we will all become children of God and heirs of Abraham. Once we become the children of God all are equal there is no partiality in our life. 3:29b you are Abrahams seed and heir according to the promise. HEIRS OF GOD GAL 4:1-31 OCT 27 SUNDAY
When we believe Jesus Christ we became the heirs and children of mighty god. Now we are independent. But if we follow the worldly traditions and fleshly desires and get along with the worldly people then we will became. Children never lose your freedom for the worldly things. 4:6 God sent the Spirit of his son in to our hearts the spirit who calls out Abba, Father. LEAVEND FLOUR GAL 5: 1-14 OCT 28 MONDAY
Even small amount leavened flour leaven the whole flour. If we have hidden sins in our life that will spoil our spiritual life. Be careful children. Pray to God to remove all the hidden sins from our life. So that we can lead a holy life. 14b love your neighbor as yourself. FRUIT OF SPIRIT AND FLESH GAL 5: 15-26 OCT 29 TUESDAY
In this passage both the spiritual fruits and fruits of flesh are discussed. Which type of fruits you are having. If the tree does not bear it will be cut down and put into fire. 24 those who belonged to Jesus Christ have crucified their sinful nature along with passion and desire. DO GOOD GAL 6: 1-10 OCT 30 WEDNESDAY
All Christians should do good to everyone according to the will of God. Many times our good deeds will come against you, but you should not be discouraged. Definitely god will reward you in His time. 6:8 the one who sows to please the Spirit , from the Spirit will reap eternal life. CROSS MY BOAST GAL 6: 11-18 OCT 31 THURSDAY
Cross should be pride of each and every Christian. The salvation, blessings, redemption from curses and our spiritual life all are from cross only. So cross should be our pride not the worldly things. 6:15 what counts is a new creation in Jesus Christ