Efectos de Rp50

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Name: Imprumptu

Submitted by: Faxe

Date: 09/30/2003
Bank: other
Model: RP50
Notes: I don't know what it is.I improvised it.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = 0ff
Compressor = 12
Amp_Type = S5
EQ_Bass = 8
EQ_Mid = 6
EQ_Treble = 7
Noise_Gate = G6
Chorus_Mod = off
Delay = d1-28
Reverb = r2
Name: mesa boogie
Submitted by: dwezil
Date: 09/29/2003
Bank: metal
Model: RP50
Notes: This is a perfect mesa boogie tube amp. I have a gibson flying v vodoo an
d a peavey 5150 amp .Use a

high volume and it gona be perfect!!

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = off
Compressor = 5
Amp_Type = r9
EQ_Bass = 9
EQ_Mid = 5
EQ_Treble = 7
Noise_Gate = g5
Chorus_Mod = off
Delay = off
Reverb = off
Name: U2 - The Edge
Submitted by: Thomas Schirrmacher
Date: 09/28/2003
Bank: stars
Model: RP50
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = H5
Compressor = 15
Amp_Type = b9
EQ_Bass = 6
EQ_Mid = 6
EQ_Treble = 9
Noise_Gate = G5
Chorus_Mod = OF
Delay = d9/40
Reverb = r5
Name: ts9 +dd3

Submitted by: linch boy

Date: 09/26/2003
Bank: stars
Model: RP50
Notes: Ibanez ts9 + boss dd3 !!!Fabulous
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = off
Compressor = 3
Amp_Type = s9
EQ_Bass = 9
EQ_Mid = 5
EQ_Treble = 7
Noise_Gate = g5
Chorus_Mod = off
Delay = d1/35
Reverb = off
Name: TS9
Submitted by: linch boy
Date: 09/25/2003
Bank: stars
Model: RP50
Notes: The perfect ibanez ts9 !!! rock`n roll baby!!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = OFF
Compressor = 3
Amp_Type = S9
EQ_Bass = 9
EQ_Mid = 5
EQ_Treble = 7
Noise_Gate = G5
Chorus_Mod = OFF
Delay = OFF
Reverb = OFF
Name: MetallicA
Submitted by: BeastmasteR
Date: 09/23/2003
Bank: stars
Model: RP50
Notes: Metallica / Cunning Stunts - My Friend of Misery
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = SH
Compressor = 5
Amp_Type = o4
EQ_Bass = 7
EQ_Mid = 9
EQ_Treble = 4
Noise_Gate = S7
Chorus_Mod = d7
Delay = a3/ 35
Reverb = r5
Name: Gary Moore
Submitted by: BeastmasteR
Date: 09/23/2003
Bank: stars
Model: RP50
Notes: Gary Moore - Still Gor THe Blues...

Pickup_Wah = of
Compressor = 5
Amp_Type = o5
EQ_Bass = 9
EQ_Mid = 5
EQ_Treble = 1
Noise_Gate = G5
Chorus_Mod = d7
Delay = a3/ 35
Reverb = r5
Name: Twangys Lbeck
Submitted by: Peter Lose
Date: 09/11/2003
Bank: rock
Model: RP50
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = 6
Compressor = 8
Amp_Type = 4
EQ_Bass = 3
EQ_Mid = 8
EQ_Treble = 2
Noise_Gate = of
Chorus_Mod = of
Delay = of
Reverb = of
Name: Twangys
Submitted by: Tim Lang
Date: 09/11/2003
Bank: rock
Model: RP50
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = of
Compressor = 3
Amp_Type = of
EQ_Bass = 6
EQ_Mid = 8
EQ_Treble = 2
Noise_Gate = of
Chorus_Mod = of
Delay = 4
Reverb = 7
Name: Inme her mask
Submitted by: Monkey Man
Date: 09/01/2003
Bank: stars
Model: RP50
Notes: this is an excellent patch for the bridge in "her mask" it's good for a v
ariety of weird songs
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = off
Compressor = off
Amp_Type = G9
EQ_Bass = b9
EQ_Mid = d5

EQ_Treble = t5
Noise_Gate = G5
Chorus_Mod = E4
Delay = d8/33
Reverb = H2
Name: Iron maiden
Submitted by: daniel
Date: 09/01/2003
Bank: metal
Model: RP50
Notes: Is a correction for the last patch enjoy!!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = H5
Compressor = 8
Amp_Type = 59
EQ_Bass = b6
EQ_Mid = d2
EQ_Treble = t7
Noise_Gate = 69
Chorus_Mod = off
Delay = off
Name: evanescence
Submitted by: Matty2fatty
Date: 08/31/2003
Bank: stars
Model: RP50
Notes: this kinda sounds like the solo from going under
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = Fr
Compressor = 15
Amp_Type = G9
EQ_Bass = b8
EQ_Mid = d1
EQ_Treble = t8
Noise_Gate = G8
Chorus_Mod = OFF
Delay = OFF
Reverb = r3
Submitted by: STEVE JONES
Date: 08/24/2003
Bank: other
Model: RP50
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = OFF
Compressor = OFF
Amp_Type = AC
EQ_Bass = 9
EQ_Mid = 6
EQ_Treble = 3
Noise_Gate = G1
Chorus_Mod = Y9
Delay = OFF
Reverb = r2


Submitted by: STEVE JONES
Date: 08/24/2003
Bank: rock
Model: RP50



--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = OFF
Compressor = 5
Amp_Type = 59
EQ_Bass = 8
EQ_Mid = 2
EQ_Treble = 7
Noise_Gate = G4
Chorus_Mod = OFF
Delay = D1-35
Reverb = OFF
Name: TheSilenceBand
Submitted by: Mick Jargo
Date: 08/23/2003
Bank: rock
Model: RP50
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = OF
Compressor = 10
Amp_Type = S9
EQ_Bass = b5
EQ_Mid = d3
EQ_Treble = t7
Noise_Gate = G7
Chorus_Mod = OF
Delay = d2/60
Reverb = S3
Name: BIG crunch
Submitted by: Gino Ames
Date: 08/20/2003
Bank: metal
Model: RP50
Notes: This is fun to jam on! You can also try w/delay(d2/34). It sounds cool in
standard or dropped D. Also

its good for getting those Zakk Wylde harmonics! I set the level on 80.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = off
Compressor = 3

Amp_Type = s9
EQ_Bass = 9
EQ_Mid = 4
EQ_Treble = 7
Noise_Gate = g6
Chorus_Mod = off
Delay = off
Reverb = H3
Submitted by: STEVE JONES
Date: 08/10/2003
Bank: stars
Model: RP50

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = OFF
Compressor = 11
Amp_Type = 59
EQ_Bass = 9
EQ_Mid = 1
EQ_Treble = 4
Noise_Gate = G9
Chorus_Mod = OFF
Delay = D1/58
Reverb = R6
Name: Jazz 1
Submitted by: Ahmad A.Kawi
Date: 08/08/2003
Bank: other
Model: RP50
Notes: hey, this is my first jazz tab. i hope you like it. the amp model is a cl
ean tube. you can use for

the EQ the setting; 9,9,9 or 9,5,9. i was playing a gibson ES-345TD, so this gre
atly affected the warmth of

the sound being semi-hollow and stuff. tell me what you think.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah =
Compressor =
Amp_Type = c9
EQ_Bass = 9
EQ_Mid = 9
EQ_Treble = 9
Noise_Gate =
Chorus_Mod =
Delay =
Reverb = r6

Name: Blues Variation
Submitted by: Ahmad A.Kawi
Date: 08/08/2003
Bank: blues
Model: RP50
Notes: this is my first preset. thing is you can use a couple of variations.in t
he amp model, you can

substitute r1 with r2, to get some distortion and r3 for more. to suit your tast
e. you can also use H1. the

Eq preset can be 5,9,4 or 5,5,5 or 5,4,9. and at last reverb could r7 or a6. i k
ept trying with all of them.

have fun and tell me what you think

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah =
Compressor =
Amp_Type = r1
EQ_Bass = 5
EQ_Mid = 9
EQ_Treble = 4
Noise_Gate =
Chorus_Mod =
Delay = d4 (35
Reverb = r7
Name: True Hard DisT
Submitted by: Esref Akbay
Date: 08/02/2003
Bank: metal
Model: RP50
Notes: tRUE hARD distortion for Metal or hard rock ..
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = HS
Compressor = 10
Amp_Type = r9
EQ_Bass = 9
EQ_Mid = 2
EQ_Treble = 9
Noise_Gate = G9
Chorus_Mod = Delay = D1-51
Reverb = A2
Submitted by: Tony
Date: 07/29/2003
Bank: metal
Model: RP50
Notes: This Patch really kick ass with a dimarzio super distortion humbucker on
bridge give Metallica

perfect sound. PS We need MORE patches Come on guys

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = OFF
Compressor = OFF
Amp_Type = R9
EQ_Bass = 9
EQ_Mid = 4
EQ_Treble = 9
Noise_Gate = G9
Chorus_Mod = OFF
Delay = OFF
Reverb = R3
Name: F Zappa
Submitted by: Yan Esteves
Date: 07/19/2003
Bank: stars
Model: RP50
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = cr
Compressor = 9
Amp_Type = S9
EQ_Bass = 5
EQ_Mid = 5
EQ_Treble = 8
Noise_Gate = G5
Chorus_Mod = OF
Delay = OF
Reverb = R8
Name: Blink 182 Dist
Submitted by: Ryan Stevens
Date: 07/13/2003
Bank: rock
Model: RP50
Notes: even though i hate blink...heres a good setting for playing blink style..
...Iron Maiden rocks! m/
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = H5
Compressor = none
Amp_Type = 59
EQ_Bass = B6
EQ_Mid = D5
EQ_Treble = T6
Noise_Gate = G6
Chorus_Mod = none
Delay = none
Reverb = A4
Name: Rush
Submitted by: Jon
Date: 07/07/2003
Bank: stars
Model: RP50
Notes: My first attempt at duplicating anyone's sound, I'm still a youmg guitari
st. I was going for Closer

to the heart. But I think this works for Red Barchetta too. Let me know if you t
hink of any improvements.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = off
Compressor = off
Amp_Type = U3
EQ_Bass = 8
EQ_Mid = 5
EQ_Treble = 5
Noise_Gate = G9
Chorus_Mod = C4
Delay = off
Reverb = off
Name: Van Halen VSwel
Submitted by: Nick
Date: 07/07/2003
Bank: stars
Model: RP50
Notes: This is the part after the opening of the cathedral..where he dive bombs
and does all the cool

sounds..then goes in the volume swells..leave this setting on for all of that an
d just fret a note with

volume off on guitar and after you fret the note turn the volume up on the guita
r...must do it quickly up

and down the neck for the violin sound and to hear the delay good..but yeah have
fun with it..
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = off
Compressor = off
Amp_Type = o9
EQ_Bass = 5
EQ_Mid = 5
EQ_Treble = 5
Noise_Gate = off
Chorus_Mod = off
Delay = d9 37
Reverb = 58

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: 1
: 13
: 364
: 1052 RMB
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name: VAN HALEN D
Submitted by: Nick
Date: 07/07/2003
Bank: clean
Model: RP50
Notes: This is the clean delay sound for the begining of eds cathedral ...before
he goes into the dive bomb
and all the crazy sounds he does before the volume swells for the rest of the ca
thedral ...
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = off
Compressor = off
Amp_Type = off
EQ_Bass = 5
EQ_Mid = 5
EQ_Treble = 5
Noise_Gate = off
Chorus_Mod = c2
Delay = d9 35
Reverb =
Name: st. anger-ish
Submitted by: Rob
Date: 07/06/2003
Bank: metal
Model: RP50
Notes: VERY LOUD AND RAW!!!! I'm playing it with an explorer. Sounds kickass \m/
\m/ with humbuckers. Has
much less distort on single coil pickups. come share your patches here to
http://www.xsorbit1.com/users/danza/index.cgi just a small message board some bu
ds set up. -Hetjr (my sn)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = H5
Compressor = off
Amp_Type = 59
EQ_Bass = b9
EQ_Mid = d5
EQ_Treble = t9
Noise_Gate = off
Chorus_Mod = off
Delay = d5, 2
Reverb = off

Name: Mad Solo

Submitted by: Stevemiester
Date: 07/05/2003
Bank: metal
Model: RP50
Notes: Sounds great when playing solos, but doesn't sound good playing chords. C
heck this out, one crazy
soloing sound!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = H5
Compressor = 6
Amp_Type = G9
EQ_Bass = 4
EQ_Mid = 1
EQ_Treble = 5
Noise_Gate = G9
Chorus_Mod = H3
Delay = d1/51
Reverb = r2
Name: Pantera
Submitted by: Colin Turnbull
Date: 07/05/2003
Bank: metal
Model: RP50
Notes: This patych is good for any pantera, but its sounds the most like anythin
g from vulgar disply of
power on.... P.S. We need more metal patches posted here
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = off
Compressor = 1
Amp_Type = r9
EQ_Bass = b8
EQ_Mid = d1
EQ_Treble = t8
Noise_Gate = g9
Chorus_Mod = off
Delay = off
Reverb = r2
Submitted by: Guillermo Varela
Date: 07/04/2003
Bank: stars
Model: RP50
Notes: Rocking sound of queen and brian may's red special
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = SH
Compressor = 15
Amp_Type = S9
EQ_Bass = 4
EQ_Mid = 1
EQ_Treble = 9
Noise_Gate = G9
Chorus_Mod = C1
Delay = OFF
Reverb = r4

Name: Synthetic Dist.

Submitted by: MaximuS
Date: 07/01/2003
Bank: metal
Model: RP50
Notes: Sound similar to PESTILENCE "Spheres" album guitar sound.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = 5h
Compressor = off
Amp_Type = t9
EQ_Bass = b9
EQ_Mid = d7
EQ_Treble = t8
Noise_Gate = g5
Chorus_Mod = c2
Delay = off
Reverb = r3
Name: Jupiterian Vibe
Submitted by: MaximuS
Date: 07/01/2003
Bank: metal
Model: RP50
Notes: Pretty metal dist very similar to SAMAEL's "Passage" sound. For more heav
iness try to increase gain
in amp model section.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = 5h
Compressor = 5
Amp_Type = r5
EQ_Bass = g7
EQ_Mid = d6
EQ_Treble = b7
Noise_Gate = t9
Chorus_Mod = off
Delay = d1/7
Reverb = r3
Name: Cold(2)
Submitted by: Aaron Steinberg
Date: 06/29/2003
Bank: stars
Model: RP50
Notes: This is the tone for the intro of "Cure My Tragedy(Letters To God)" by Co
ld off of Year Of The
Spider. this is the closest i could come to the exact tone w/o the CD handy, pre
tty impressive....
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = Off
Compressor = Off
Amp_Type = B1
EQ_Bass = 1
EQ_Mid = 5
EQ_Treble = 9
Noise_Gate = G7
Chorus_Mod = P7
Delay = D3/45
Reverb = R2

Name: Cold(Gone Away)
Submitted by: Aaron Steinberg
Date: 06/29/2003
Bank: stars
Model: RP50
Notes: This patch replicates the tone in the intro, verse and chorus of Gone Awa
y by cold. These settings
pretty much nail the tone, practice this song alot, it will really clean up your
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = Off
Compressor = Off
Amp_Type = B1
EQ_Bass = 2
EQ_Mid = 5
EQ_Treble = 5
Noise_Gate = G7
Chorus_Mod = C4
Delay = Off
Reverb = H3
Name: Base Corus
Submitted by: Samuel R.Macedo
Date: 06/29/2003
Bank: other
Model: RP50
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = H5
Compressor = 5
Amp_Type = C9
EQ_Bass = 6
EQ_Mid = 6
EQ_Treble = 4
Noise_Gate = OF
Chorus_Mod = C5
Delay = P2/40
Reverb = A7

1 | Posted:2005-01-02 05:29|


1052 RMB

 : 0
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Base
Submitted by: Samuel R. Macedo
Date: 06/29/2003
Bank: other
Model: RP50
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = OF
Compressor = 2
Amp_Type = t3
EQ_Bass = 5
EQ_Mid = 6
EQ_Treble = 6
Noise_Gate = OF
Chorus_Mod = C5
Delay = A2/44
Reverb = A2
Name: macano prieto
Submitted by: EL macanisisimo prieto
Date: 06/20/2003
Bank: metal
Model: RP50
Notes: este es un efecto de huevos un distor tipo metallica, a f***ing cool effe
ct and if you dont like it
stick it trough your arse atte tu macano prieto
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = off
Compressor = 1
Amp_Type = g9
EQ_Bass = 8
EQ_Mid = 4
EQ_Treble = 5
Noise_Gate = g5
Chorus_Mod = off
Delay = off
Reverb = off
Name: HiGain Strat
Submitted by: Paul Vozzo
Date: 06/15/2003
Bank: blues
Model: RP50
Notes: I use a Strat, neck pickup setting. Good lead sound, see what you think.
Tone is everything.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = off
Compressor = 6
Amp_Type = o5
EQ_Bass = 6
EQ_Mid = 4
EQ_Treble = 8
Noise_Gate = G5

Chorus_Mod = off
Delay = P5/24
Reverb = r4
Name: Clean Strat
Submitted by: Paul Vozzo
Date: 06/15/2003
Bank: blues
Model: RP50
Notes: I use a Strat, neck pickup setting. Good for lead as well as rhythm. The
compressor gives it more
power while still having enough attack to the notes.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = off
Compressor = 7
Amp_Type = b9
EQ_Bass = 8
EQ_Mid = 2
EQ_Treble = 8
Noise_Gate = G5
Chorus_Mod = d2
Delay = A2/35
Reverb = r9
Name: Floyd DogsSolo2
Submitted by: Paul Vozzo
Date: 06/15/2003
Bank: stars
Model: RP50
Notes: Use bridge pickup on a Strat. For harmonized leads in Dogs use Chorus/Mod
setting H6. Use middle
pickup switch settings for rhythm guitar parts. David Gilmour, as far as I know,
uses Hi Watt amplifier and
a couple of Leslie rotating speaker cabinets in his setup (from a couple of inte
rviews I read somewhere).
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = off
Compressor = 8
Amp_Type = o9
EQ_Bass = 7
EQ_Mid = 6
EQ_Treble = 9
Noise_Gate = off
Chorus_Mod = d3
Delay = off
Reverb = r6
Name: Floyd Dogs Solo
Submitted by: sabedavo@yahoo.com
Date: 06/11/2003
Bank: stars
Model: RP50
Notes: One of my favorite guitarists of all time - David Gilmour. Based on his s
olos from "Dogs" on the
"Animals" album. There are lots of different guitar effects throughout this albu
m, the variety is just mind

boggling. If this doesn't sound good on your amp, try amp models H9 or S5 instea
d. I had my Strat set to
middle pickup switch position.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = off
Compressor = 4
Amp_Type = G5
EQ_Bass = 7
EQ_Mid = 8
EQ_Treble = 9
Noise_Gate = off
Chorus_Mod = F5
Delay = off
Reverb = A2
Name: Slash for Strat
Submitted by: Paul Vozzo
Date: 06/11/2003
Bank: stars
Model: RP50
Notes: Guns N Roses' Slash's lead sound from Appetite for Destruction album. Bes
t I could do, considering I
don't even have the album anymore to compare this to!!! Give it a try and let me
know if you can make it
better. Thanks!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = off
Compressor = 7
Amp_Type = S8
EQ_Bass = 7
EQ_Mid = 7
EQ_Treble = 8
Noise_Gate = off
Chorus_Mod = off
Delay = off
Reverb = A4
Name: Peace Sells
Submitted by: damage
Date: 05/30/2003
Bank: metal
Model: RP50
Notes: Just a good, clean distortion, reminds me of Dave Mustaine's awesome PEAC
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = SH
Compressor = OF
Amp_Type = F9
EQ_Bass = b8
EQ_Mid = d1
EQ_Treble = t8
Noise_Gate = G8
Chorus_Mod = OF
Delay = OF
Reverb = r3

Name: twisted sister!

Submitted by: john the master!
Date: 05/30/2003
Bank: metal
Model: RP50
Notes: good sound for twisted sister i wanna rock for more email me
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = off
Compressor = off
Amp_Type = R9
EQ_Bass = B2
EQ_Mid = D8
EQ_Treble = T9
Noise_Gate = G9
Chorus_Mod = off
Delay = off
Reverb = off
Name: cool reverbing
Submitted by: el macano prieto
Date: 05/29/2003
Bank: other
Model: RP50
Notes: este es un efecto de huevos
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = off
Compressor = 3
Amp_Type = g5
EQ_Bass = 7
EQ_Mid = 7
EQ_Treble = 7
Noise_Gate = g3
Chorus_Mod = off
Delay = h3 97
Reverb = off
Name: Immigrant Song
Submitted by: Paul Vozzo
Date: 05/28/2003
Bank: stars
Model: RP50
Notes: Led Zeppelin "Immigrant Song." Pretty basic, just play it loud and hard!
Can vary midrange EQ to
taste, or amp gain plus or minus one.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = off
Compressor = off
Amp_Type = S6
EQ_Bass = 8
EQ_Mid = 8
EQ_Treble = 8
Noise_Gate = off
Chorus_Mod = off
Delay = off
Reverb = P2
Name: Black Dog
Submitted by: Paul Vozzo
Date: 05/28/2003

Bank: stars
Model: RP50
Notes: Led Zeppelin "Black Dog." A hard one to emulate. To me, it sounds even be
tter when you add your amp's
own distortion over it! Needs more edginess, but I can't seem to replicate it. C
lose enough!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = off
Compressor = 1
Amp_Type = F6
EQ_Bass = 5
EQ_Mid = 8
EQ_Treble = 7
Noise_Gate = off
Chorus_Mod = off
Delay = off
Reverb = r3
Name: Hells Bells
Submitted by: Paul Vozzo
Date: 05/28/2003
Bank: stars
Model: RP50
Notes: AC/DC Hell's Bells. Can try with cabinet modeling on as well.

2 | Posted:2005-01-02 05:31|

: 1
: 13
: 364
: 1052 RMB
 : 0
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = off
Compressor = 6
Amp_Type = S5
EQ_Bass = 6
EQ_Mid = 6
EQ_Treble = 6
Noise_Gate = off
Chorus_Mod = off
Delay = off
Reverb = r5

Name: grinding
Submitted by: Machinate
Date: 05/28/2003
Bank: metal
Model: RP50
Notes: metalish dist
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = off
Compressor = 15
Amp_Type = 59
EQ_Bass = 9
EQ_Mid = 2
EQ_Treble = 9
Noise_Gate = g9
Chorus_Mod = off
Delay = off
Reverb = off
Name: Inme Flanger
Submitted by: Monkey Man
Date: 05/15/2003
Bank: stars
Model: RP50
Notes: Excellent for the pre-chorus in Firefly.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = OFF
Compressor = OFF
Amp_Type = G7
EQ_Bass = b6
EQ_Mid = d1
EQ_Treble = t7
Noise_Gate = G5
Chorus_Mod = F5
Delay = P2 1.0
Reverb = H1
Name: Heavy Stuff
Submitted by: XxXSk8rockerXxX
Date: 05/11/2003
Bank: metal
Model: RP50
Notes: Some really heavy stuff sounds like slipknot and korn. I experimented wit
h it for a while and this is
how it came out (you might need to change the tone on your guitar or amp to make
it sound good)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = OFF
Compressor = 15
Amp_Type = G9
EQ_Bass = b9
EQ_Mid = d7
EQ_Treble = t7
Noise_Gate = G9
Chorus_Mod = OFF
Delay = OFF
Reverb = OFF
Name: IronMaiden

Submitted by: Maiden Dude

Date: 05/08/2003
Bank: metal
Model: RP50
Notes: This is the best setting for play any Iron Maiden tunes or even some Meta
llica. UP THE IRONS!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = H5
Compressor = 9
Amp_Type = 59
EQ_Bass = B7
EQ_Mid = D3
EQ_Treble = T8
Noise_Gate = G9
Chorus_Mod = none
Delay = none
Reverb = H3
Name: Rhoads
Submitted by: 1956too
Date: 05/05/2003
Bank: stars
Model: RP50
Notes: A great patch for FLYING HIGH AGAIN thru a Rhoads solo. Will their be any
one as good as Rhoads again?
I DON'T KNOW....:) This patch works well for the Tribute material. ENJOY!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = H5
Compressor = 15
Amp_Type = S9
EQ_Bass = 4
EQ_Mid = 7
EQ_Treble = 8
Noise_Gate = 4
Chorus_Mod = off
Delay = d1 10
Reverb = r6
Name: Yngwie's Shred!
Submitted by: Frank Y. Bigus
Date: 05/04/2003
Bank: stars
Model: RP50
Notes: This is similiar to the sound heard in "Far Beyond the Sun" and "Deja Vu.
" I added the Noise Gate the
compensate for the loud sound of the distortion DSP chip. Originally I made this
in G9, but felt that G7 had
a little more 'crunch' to offer. Best played with BRIDGE pickup in rhythm and le
ad sound is maximized at
NECK. Enjoy!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = OFF
Compressor = 15
Amp_Type = G7
EQ_Bass = 5
EQ_Mid = 1

EQ_Treble = 9
Noise_Gate = G9
Chorus_Mod = OFF
Delay = OFF
Reverb = C2
Name: Black Sabbath
Submitted by: LOU UNDYING
Date: 05/01/2003
Bank: metal
Model: RP50
Notes: Perfect for Iron Man - Electric Funeral early Black Sabbath Distortion an
d sound.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = OFF
Compressor = OFF
Amp_Type = F9
EQ_Bass = B5
EQ_Mid = D5
EQ_Treble = T9
Noise_Gate = G5
Chorus_Mod = OFF
Delay = OFF
Reverb = OFF
Submitted by: STANOUCHE
Date: 04/30/2003
Bank: stars
Model: RP50
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = H5
Compressor = 4
Amp_Type = T9
EQ_Bass = 8
EQ_Mid = 3
EQ_Treble = 3
Noise_Gate = G6
Chorus_Mod = C1
Delay = OFF
Reverb = P2
Name: Blackmo purple
Submitted by: STANOUCHE
Date: 04/30/2003
Bank: stars
Model: RP50
Notes: la strato de Ritchie Blackmore
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = H5
Compressor = 5
Amp_Type = S5
EQ_Bass = 7
EQ_Mid = 8
EQ_Treble = 4

Noise_Gate = G2
Chorus_Mod = OFF
Delay = A1/6
Reverb = A3
Name: Backtothefuture
Submitted by: Mark May
Date: 04/28/2003
Bank: rock
Model: RP50
Notes: Designed to sound like Johnny B Goode from Back to the future. "This one
really cooks--" Let those
windmill power chords fly...
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = h5
Compressor = off
Amp_Type = h8
EQ_Bass = 2
EQ_Mid = 9
EQ_Treble = 9
Noise_Gate = 3
Chorus_Mod = off
Delay = d1 23
Reverb = h4
Name: cool metal dist
Submitted by: machinedhead
Date: 04/23/2003
Bank: metal
Model: RP50
Notes: this is a pretty cool metal distortion
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = off
Compressor = 3
Amp_Type = r9
EQ_Bass = 9
EQ_Mid = 1
EQ_Treble = 6
Noise_Gate = g9
Chorus_Mod = off
Delay = off
Reverb = r3
Name: WHO-get fooled
Submitted by: Paul Vozzo
Date: 04/23/2003
Bank: stars
Model: RP50
Notes: Humbucker pickups on bridge selection. Play loud. VERY LOUD. This was as
close as I could get, you'd
need a real tube amp to get any better. You Won't Get Fooled Again with this pat
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = off
Compressor = 10
Amp_Type = o6
EQ_Bass = 3
EQ_Mid = 6

EQ_Treble = 7
Noise_Gate = G7
Chorus_Mod = off
Delay = off
Reverb = P2
Name: petrucci
Submitted by: canyildizli
Date: 04/19/2003
Bank: stars
Model: RP50
Notes: sounds good..
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = Compressor = Amp_Type = r9
EQ_Bass = 8
EQ_Mid = 4
EQ_Treble = 8
Noise_Gate = 9
Chorus_Mod = Delay = d1/7
Reverb = h4
Name: Twisted Sister
Submitted by: Matt
Date: 04/18/2003
Bank: rock
Model: RP50
Notes: Twisted Sister - I Wanna Rock
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = OF
Compressor = OF
Amp_Type = r9
EQ_Bass = b2
EQ_Mid = d8
EQ_Treble = t9
Noise_Gate = G9
Chorus_Mod = OF
Delay = OF
Reverb = OF
Name: high dist
Submitted by: joe porrington
Date: 04/18/2003
Bank: metal
Model: RP50
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = off
Compressor = 10
Amp_Type = r8
EQ_Bass = 9
EQ_Mid = 3
EQ_Treble = 4
Noise_Gate = g5
Chorus_Mod = off
Delay = off
Reverb = p1

Name: Korn - Kill You

Submitted by: Scott Burns
Date: 04/17/2003
Bank: metal
Model: RP50
Notes: To me this sounds pretty much like the Intro of Kill You on Life is Peach
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = Off
Compressor = 5
Amp_Type = B9
EQ_Bass = 6
EQ_Mid = 5
EQ_Treble = 5
Noise_Gate = G9
Chorus_Mod = F1
Delay = Off
Reverb = R5
Name: eric johnson
Submitted by: Lou Aguado
Date: 04/11/2003
Bank: stars
Model: RP50
Notes: Cliffs of dover sound.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = HS
Compressor = 5
Amp_Type = U9
EQ_Bass = 8
EQ_Mid = 2
EQ_Treble = 2
Noise_Gate = 2
Chorus_Mod =
Delay = A3/40
Reverb =
Name: come as u are
Submitted by: Dan Smith
Date: 04/05/2003
Bank: rock
Model: RP50
Notes: Nirvana's come as you are
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = OF
Compressor = 1
Amp_Type = AC
EQ_Bass = b6
EQ_Mid = d4
EQ_Treble = t9
Noise_Gate = G5
Chorus_Mod = C2
Delay = D5/15
Reverb = C9
Name: Thick Chunk
Submitted by: Lou
Date: 04/02/2003
Bank: metal
Model: RP50

Notes: Amp simulator is on ( hold drum button while pluging in power.)

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = off
Compressor = 5
Amp_Type = r9
EQ_Bass = 9
EQ_Mid = 2
EQ_Treble = 2
Noise_Gate = 5
Chorus_Mod = c1
Delay = off
Reverb = h1
Name: Jimmy Page L.P.
Submitted by: Jason Templeton
Date: 03/31/2003
Bank: stars
Model: RP50
Notes: this patch sounds like the 58 Les Paul Standard, Jimmy uses on the Song R
emains The Same ROCK ON
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = off
Compressor = 7
Amp_Type = h9
EQ_Bass = 8
EQ_Mid = 6
EQ_Treble = 7
Noise_Gate = off
Chorus_Mod = off
Delay = off
Reverb = r1
Name: Bass metal
Submitted by: Matt
Date: 03/27/2003
Bank: metal
Model: RP50
Notes: Hardcore
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = none
Compressor = 2
Amp_Type = R9
EQ_Bass = 7
EQ_Mid = 1
EQ_Treble = 9
Noise_Gate = G9
Chorus_Mod = none
Delay = none
Reverb = none

3 | Posted:2005-01-02 05:32|

: 1
: 13
: 364
: 1052 RMB
 : 0
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Megadeth (Live)
Submitted by: Sharpy
Date: 03/26/2003
Bank: metal
Model: RP50
Notes: This patch is based on megadeth's live Rude Awakening DVD. Sounds almost
perfect on my setup yours
may require more fine tuning depending on your amp.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = N/A
Compressor = 1
Amp_Type = r9
EQ_Bass = b5
EQ_Mid = d6
EQ_Treble = t7
Noise_Gate = g2
Chorus_Mod = N/A
Delay = N/A
Reverb = r4
Name: blink dist.
Submitted by: taylor jones
Date: 03/17/2003
Bank: stars
Model: RP50
Notes: the numbers beside the mid and treble is that ether sound good. try to ma
ke it better and put it on
the list. punk rawks!!! go blink
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = x
Compressor = 1
Amp_Type = h3
EQ_Bass = 7
EQ_Mid = 5-6
EQ_Treble = 3-5
Noise_Gate = 9
Chorus_Mod = x
Delay = x
Reverb = x
Name: Power Chords

Submitted by: Gino Ames

Date: 03/12/2003
Bank: rock
Model: RP50
Notes: Sounds cool bashin' out power chords, hope you dig it!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = off
Compressor = 7
Amp_Type = S9
EQ_Bass = 8
EQ_Mid = 7
EQ_Treble = 5
Noise_Gate = G5
Chorus_Mod =
Delay =
Reverb = H1
Name: Nirvana-SmellsSubmitted by: Ernie
Date: 03/11/2003
Bank: rock
Model: RP50
Notes: Im not sure....but this sounds right to me Peace Out
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = off
Compressor = off
Amp_Type = G9
EQ_Bass = 9
EQ_Mid = 1
EQ_Treble = 9
Noise_Gate = G5
Chorus_Mod = off
Delay = off
Reverb = H1
Name: LikeAStone Solo
Submitted by: Metal_Shredder
Date: 03/09/2003
Bank: rock
Model: RP50
Notes: Good for the solo of Like a stone by Audioslave, use a passive volume in
the expression input for the
expression on the whammy, if your like me and dont have a passive volume pedal,
use a wah pedal hooked up
from the guitar to the pedal input, and out to the amp, this is about as good as
it gets with this pedal,
Rock On.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = SH
Compressor = 3
Amp_Type = G5
EQ_Bass = G9
EQ_Mid = b5
EQ_Treble = d1
Noise_Gate = t9
Chorus_Mod = Y8
Delay = A3/80

Reverb = off
Name: LikeAStone
Submitted by: Metal_Shredder
Date: 03/09/2003
Bank: rock
Model: RP50
Notes: Sounds like the clean parts to Like a Stone by Audioslave, uses a tremolo
and a delay, Rock On
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = SH
Compressor = 3
Amp_Type = C5
EQ_Bass = b6
EQ_Mid = d2
EQ_Treble = t8
Noise_Gate = off
Chorus_Mod = t9
Delay = A3/80
Reverb = off
Submitted by: IRVING
Date: 03/08/2003
Bank: stars
Model: RP50
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = HS
Compressor = 1
Amp_Type = R7
EQ_Bass = 6
EQ_Mid = 4
EQ_Treble = 7
Noise_Gate = G5
Chorus_Mod = D1
Delay = D1
Reverb = OF
Name: Randy Rhoads
Submitted by: Steven Heard
Date: 03/04/2003
Bank: stars
Model: RP50
Notes: A close approximation of Randy's studio sound. I made this patch up with
Cab modeling on. Again, not
perfect, please post any improvements.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = Off
Compressor = 5
Amp_Type = S8
EQ_Bass = b6
EQ_Mid = d7
EQ_Treble = t7
Noise_Gate = G2
Chorus_Mod = Off
Delay = d1/40
Reverb = H1

Name: Metallica Clean

Submitted by: Russell Scheerer
Date: 03/03/2003
Bank: stars
Model: RP50
Notes: This sounds pretty close to the Metallica Clean Sound used on the S&M Liv
e album. This sounds
especially close to "Hero of the Day".
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = OF
Compressor = 10
Amp_Type = b3
EQ_Bass = b8
EQ_Mid = d6
EQ_Treble = t6
Noise_Gate = G5
Chorus_Mod = C1
Delay = OF
Reverb = S2
Name: Heavy rock
Submitted by: SharpAsKnives
Date: 03/03/2003
Bank: rock
Model: RP50
Notes: This is a really heavy rock setting ;)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = SH
Compressor = OF
Amp_Type = D4
EQ_Bass = 12
EQ_Mid = 12
EQ_Treble = 12
Noise_Gate = 36
Chorus_Mod = OF
Delay = OF
Reverb = OF
Name: Van Halen
Submitted by: Paul Vozzo
Date: 03/02/2003
Bank: stars
Model: RP50
Notes: Classic Van Halen. Add treble if using cabinet modeling. I can supply the
patch, but could never play
like Eddie.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = off
Compressor = 6
Amp_Type = G9
EQ_Bass = 6
EQ_Mid = 5
EQ_Treble = 8
Noise_Gate = G2
Chorus_Mod = C2
Delay = off
Reverb = A2

Name: Total Shred

Submitted by: damage
Date: 03/01/2003
Bank: metal
Model: RP50
Notes: High overdrive, lots of squeal, for shredding!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = HS
Compressor = 7
Amp_Type = r9
EQ_Bass = b5
EQ_Mid = d5
EQ_Treble = t5
Noise_Gate = G6
Chorus_Mod = C1
Delay = off
Reverb = off
Name: CrunchySweet
Submitted by: mutefingers
Date: 02/27/2003
Bank: rock
Model: RP50
Notes: Crunchy, warm with a small bit of distortion - reminiscent of Page
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = OF
Compressor = 6
Amp_Type = S5
EQ_Bass = b4
EQ_Mid = d5
EQ_Treble = t7
Noise_Gate = G9
Chorus_Mod = OF
Delay = d3 / 3
Reverb = P2
Name: Early Kiss
Submitted by: Steven Heard
Date: 02/24/2003
Bank: stars
Model: RP50
Notes: Try the opening line of Deuce or Cold Gin. It's close, but not quite perf
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah =
Compressor =
Amp_Type = U9
EQ_Bass = b9
EQ_Mid = d7
EQ_Treble = t6
Noise_Gate = G2
Chorus_Mod =
Delay =
Reverb =
Name: 80's Def Lepprd
Submitted by: Paul Vozzo
Date: 02/21/2003
Bank: stars

Model: RP50
Notes: Close resemblance to classic Def Leppard. Variations - add chorus (C1) an
d lower gain/turn off amp
modeling for cleaner tracks, could add some delay (A2, 33) instead of reverb. Us
e a humbucking pickup guitar
or model, with bridge pickup selected.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = SH/off
Compressor = 3
Amp_Type = H9
EQ_Bass = 7
EQ_Mid = 2
EQ_Treble = 9
Noise_Gate = off
Chorus_Mod = off
Delay = off
Reverb = H3
Name: Dark Chorus
Submitted by: Metal_Shredder
Date: 02/16/2003
Bank: metal
Model: RP50
Notes: low treble, dark sound
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = off
Compressor = 10
Amp_Type = H9
EQ_Bass = b7
EQ_Mid = d9
EQ_Treble = t3
Noise_Gate = G9
Chorus_Mod = C1
Delay = off
Reverb = A9
Name: Heavy (Solo)
Submitted by: rboo_ct
Date: 02/12/2003
Bank: other
Model: RP50
Notes: Nice lead patch that basically matches my rhythm patch, but boosts the le
ad ahead of the other
instruments and bit and adds slight chorus, delay and wah effect. Too really 'pe
rsonalize', I suggest a
volume, wah or other 'expression' pedal for this feature. Set your amp to regula
r 'clean' settings, use
first position pickup (bridge) and let the pedal do the rest. Easily refined to
your specific tastes if your
style is hendrix, blackmore, van halen, rhoades or hammett.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = CR
Compressor = 15
Amp_Type = G9

EQ_Bass = B5
EQ_Mid = D5
EQ_Treble = T7
Noise_Gate = G5
Chorus_Mod = C1
Delay = 1 (D1)
Reverb = OFF
Name: Heavy (Rhy)
Submitted by: rboo_ct
Date: 02/12/2003
Bank: other
Model: RP50
Notes: A heavy rhythm patch, tone and sustain for today's 'nu metal', but also a
pplicable for old school
hard rock/metal with an added but not 'over done' flair. Keep your amp set to re
gular 'clean' setting, first
pickup position (bridge) and let the pedal do the rest.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = OFF
Compressor = 15
Amp_Type = G9
EQ_Bass = B9
EQ_Mid = D4
EQ_Treble = T7
Noise_Gate = G9
Chorus_Mod = OFF
Delay = 1 (A1)
Reverb = OFF
Name: Clean & Sweet
Submitted by: rboo_ct
Date: 02/12/2003
Bank: acoustic
Model: RP50
Notes: Set your amp to clean level, let pedal do the rest and keep guitar setup
in first (bridge) pickup
position. For a thicker tone, toggle out of first position to desired pickup. Pa
tch has been set for bright,
yet warm tone and ease of switch from acoustic to heavy electric sound. (Check '
Heavy (Rhy)' and 'Heavy
(Solo)' other patch banks with same amp and guitar settings. Nice pedal!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = OFF
Compressor = OFF
Amp_Type = AC
EQ_Bass = B9
EQ_Mid = D4
EQ_Treble = T3
Noise_Gate = G3
Chorus_Mod = C4
Delay = OFF
Reverb = OFF
Name: Metal Fire

Submitted by: htdhdf

Date: 02/12/2003
Bank: metal
Model: RP50
Notes: This the Metal Rock Played in the song Fire.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = off
Compressor = 5
Amp_Type = 57
EQ_Bass = b3
EQ_Mid = b5
EQ_Treble = b7
Noise_Gate = g3
Chorus_Mod = off
Delay = off
Reverb = off
Name: dyers eve
Submitted by: Rob Thorne
Date: 01/25/2003
Bank: metal
Model: RP50
Notes: A wall of metal distortion with a stadium sound. lots of kick. adjust mid
s as desired.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = off
Compressor = 10
Amp_Type = r9
EQ_Bass = b8
EQ_Mid = d2
EQ_Treble = t9
Noise_Gate = G2
Chorus_Mod = d5
Delay = d5
Reverb = 7

4 | Posted:2005-01-02 05:32|

: 1
: 13
: 364
: 1052 RMB
 : 0

Name: Reelin' In theSubmitted by: paul vozzo

Date: 01/23/2003
Bank: stars
Model: RP50
Notes: Steely Dan's Reelin' in the Years. Optional - experiment with different c
ompression and reverb to
suit your ears. It's really not needed, though. Just a basic fuzz sound. I use a
bridge humbucking pickup
for a fat heavy sound.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah =
Compressor = 2
Amp_Type = F9
EQ_Bass = 5
EQ_Mid = 8
EQ_Treble = 7
Noise_Gate = off
Chorus_Mod = off
Delay = off
Reverb = off
Name: Hendrix dist.
Submitted by: g rock '60
Date: 01/22/2003
Bank: stars
Model: RP50
Notes: Live Hendrix fuzz.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = HS
Compressor = OFF
Amp_Type = F9
EQ_Bass = 9
EQ_Mid = 1
EQ_Treble = 9
Noise_Gate = G5
Chorus_Mod = C1
Delay = OFF
Reverb = R9
Name: Floyd's Wall1
Submitted by: Paul Vozzo
Date: 01/22/2003
Bank: stars
Model: RP50
Notes: Another Brick in the Wall, I, II. As close as I could get, using a dual h
umbucking guitar, both
pickups on. Variations with or without: delay, flange. Amp U7 good for Brick II
guitar solo. Can also try
amps T1 and H1, depending on your ears and amp. Did not try with cabinet modelin
g on.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = HS
Compressor = 6
Amp_Type = U1,U7

EQ_Bass = 5
EQ_Mid = 5
EQ_Treble = 5
Noise_Gate = off
Chorus_Mod = F1
Delay = A8,38
Reverb = off
Name: Led Zep I
Submitted by: Paul Vozzo
Date: 01/18/2003
Bank: stars
Model: RP50
Notes: Based on "I Can't Quit You Baby" only a bit raunchier. Can substitute amp
with S, range 3-6,
depending on your taste. A nice, general 60's blues sound.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = off
Compressor = 3
Amp_Type = U9
EQ_Bass = 7
EQ_Mid = 4
EQ_Treble = 7
Noise_Gate = off
Chorus_Mod = off
Delay = d4, 17
Reverb = H4
Name: PinkFloyd
Submitted by: Paul Vozzo
Date: 01/18/2003
Bank: stars
Model: RP50
Notes: Delicate Sound of Thunder - based on song "Sorrow". I use humbuckers, so
I switched to HS pickup
model. High noise gate selection due to lots of hum and hiss on my amp. Cabinet
modeling is disabled.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = HS
Compressor = 9
Amp_Type = G7
EQ_Bass = 4
EQ_Mid = 4
EQ_Treble = 8
Noise_Gate = G9
Chorus_Mod = C1
Delay = A6, 40
Reverb = off
Name: Smellsliketeen
Submitted by: Belledog
Date: 01/14/2003
Bank: stars
Model: RP50
Notes: Works for the solo part

Pickup_Wah = off
Compressor = 1
Amp_Type = s9
EQ_Bass = 6
EQ_Mid = 3
EQ_Treble = 7
Noise_Gate = 5
Chorus_Mod = d5
Delay = off
Reverb = off
Name: Metallica
Submitted by: Dan Selwood
Date: 01/08/2003
Bank: clean
Model: RP50
Notes: this sounds great to play metallica nothing else matters and guns n roses
- paradice city intro!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = Off
Compressor = Off
Amp_Type = B9
EQ_Bass = 7
EQ_Mid = 5
EQ_Treble = 7
Noise_Gate = S7
Chorus_Mod = C4
Delay = Off
Reverb = R2
Name: Blues
Submitted by: Dan Selwood
Date: 01/08/2003
Bank: blues
Model: RP50
Notes: this sounds pretty bluesy, its also good for playing the intro to jimi he
ndrix - voodoo chile
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = Off
Compressor = 10
Amp_Type = C9
EQ_Bass = B8
EQ_Mid = D4
EQ_Treble = T6
Noise_Gate = G2
Chorus_Mod = P3
Delay = Off
Reverb = R2
Name: Blackmore"Live"
Submitted by: trial and error
Date: 01/07/2003
Bank: stars
Model: RP50
Notes: With a humbucker pickup guitar, this patch sounds close to Ritchie Blackm
ores' "Live" sound.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = HS
Compressor = off
Amp_Type = o5

EQ_Bass = 7
EQ_Mid = 6
EQ_Treble = 6
Noise_Gate = G3
Chorus_Mod = off
Delay = d1 /16
Reverb = H2
Name: Petr
Submitted by: Petr
Date: 01/07/2003
Bank: acoustic
Model: RP50
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = h5
Compressor = 1
Amp_Type = ac
EQ_Bass = 6
EQ_Mid = 4
EQ_Treble = 9
Noise_Gate = g5
Chorus_Mod = c2
Delay = d5 1
Reverb = r1
Name: RATM...almost
Submitted by: GEEBES
Date: 01/05/2003
Bank: rock
Model: RP50
Notes: this is pretty cool almost sounds like rage against the machine
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = bo
Compressor = off
Amp_Type = H9
EQ_Bass = 1
EQ_Mid = 1
EQ_Treble = 1
Noise_Gate = off
Chorus_Mod = E8
Delay = P1
Reverb = P9
Submitted by: Metal_Shredder
Date: 01/01/2003
Bank: metal
Model: RP50
Notes: A pretty good metallica sounding distrotion, sound like most heavy distor
tion used in the black album
and all before it, might need some fine tuning on your own amp and guitar and ma
ybe even the pre-set to get
it just right with your set up. ROCK ON!!!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = off
Compressor = off
Amp_Type = r 9

EQ_Bass = 8
EQ_Mid = 7
EQ_Treble = 9
Noise_Gate = G 9
Chorus_Mod = off
Delay = off
Reverb = off
Name: Pink Floyd
Submitted by: Jon Davies & Rob Hales
Date: 12/28/2002
Bank: stars
Model: RP50
Notes: Run like hell patch
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = OF
Compressor = 5
Amp_Type = T2
EQ_Bass = 5
EQ_Mid = 7
EQ_Treble = 9
Noise_Gate = 5
Chorus_Mod = P2
Delay = D9 35
Reverb = H5
Name: Smooth Jazz
Submitted by: BPV
Date: 12/13/2002
Bank: clean
Model: RP50
Notes: Tight,Clean Jazz..Turns your Strat into something hollow w/ fholes.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pickup_Wah = SH
Compressor = 4
Amp_Type = c9
EQ_Bass = b9
EQ_Mid = d8
EQ_Treble = E5
Noise_Gate = G5
Chorus_Mod = OFF

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