TMP 1 B46
TMP 1 B46
TMP 1 B46
Charles D. Mills,2 Kristi Kincaid, Jennifer M. Alt, Michelle J. Heilman, and Annette M. Hill
Evidence is provided that macrophages can make M-1 or M-2 responses. The concept of M-1/M-2 fomented from observations that
macrophages from prototypical Th1 strains (C57BL/6, B10D2) are more easily activated to produce NO with either IFN-␥ or LPS
than macrophages from Th2 strains (BALB/c, DBA/2). In marked contrast, LPS stimulates Th2, but not Th1, macrophages to
increase arginine metabolism to ornithine. Thus, M-1/M-2 does not simply describe activated or unactivated macrophages, but
cells expressing distinct metabolic programs. Because NO inhibits cell division, while ornithine can stimulate cell division (via
polyamines), these results also indicate that M-1 and M-2 responses can influence inflammatory reactions in opposite ways.
Macrophage TGF-1, which inhibits inducible NO synthase and stimulates arginase, appears to play an important role in reg-
ulating the balance between M-1 and M-2. M-1/M-2 phenotypes are independent of T or B lymphocytes because C57BL/6 and
BALB/c NUDE or SCID macrophages also exhibit M-1/M-2. Indeed, M-1/M-2 proclivities are magnified in NUDE and SCID mice.
Finally, C57BL/6 SCID macrophages cause CB6F1 lymphocytes to increase IFN-␥ production, while BALB/c SCID macrophages
increase TGF- production. Together, the results indicate that M-1- or M-2-dominant macrophage responses can influence
whether Th1/Th2 or other types of inflammatory responses occur. The Journal of Immunology, 2000, 164: 6166 – 6173.
M acrophages are essential for host defense (1–7). In cytokines that activate or inhibit macrophages, other reports have
primitive organisms, macrophages are the host de- shown that macrophages from the Th1 strains are more easily ac-
fense, in that they are responsible for everything from tivated than those from Th2 strains (17–21). Thus, the ability to
recognition to engulfment to destruction of threats (8). During phy- generate a Th1- or Th2-type response does not wholly depend on
logeny, lymphocytes take on progressively more of these macro- T lymphocytes. That macrophages themselves may determine im-
phage duties using their superior recognition structures. The shift munologic outcomes is suggested by results such as those showing
in the importance from innate to adaptive immune responses in that Leishmania infection of macrophages can increase their ability
evolution (9) is illustrated by the fact that lymphocyte-deficient to stimulate a Th2 response instead of a Th1 response (22). In a
rodents or humans succumb rapidly to infection. In line with the related vein, it has been reported recently that dendritic cells have
increasing lymphocentricity of immune systems, a paradigm has the potential to shepherd T lymphocytes into Th1- or Th2-domi-
developed over the last decade or so in which T or other types of nant phenotypes (23–26). That macrophage and dendritic cells can
lymphocytes control the type of immune responses generated by both influence lymphocyte responses is in keeping with the knowl-
the profile of cytokines they secrete (10 –12). In particular, im- edge that macrophages are a precursor of dendritic cells (27).
mune responses highlighted by T lymphocyte production of IFN-␥, In the course of our ongoing investigations into factors that reg-
which causes macrophage activation, are called Th1. Th2 immune ulate macrophage arginine metabolism, we found evidence that
responses are associated with IL-4, IL-5, and IL-10, which, in Th1 and Th2 macrophages not only differ in their ability to be
contrast to IFN-␥, inhibit macrophage activation and instead stim- activated in the classical sense, but made qualitatively different
ulate Ab production. Leishmania major is the prototypical model responses to the same stimuli. For example, we confirmed that
of Th1 and Th2 responses. Resistant C57BL/6 T lymphocytes pro- macrophages from Th1-like strains are more easily activated to
duce IFN-␥ that activates macrophages to produce NO and kill the produce NO than macrophages from Th2-like strains. More im-
parasite, while susceptible BALB/c T lymphocytes instead pro- portantly, however, we also discovered that in response to certain
duce more IL-4 that suppresses macrophages (13, 14). In addition, stimuli (LPS), Th2 macrophages not only do not produce NO, but
IL-4 and other Th2 cytokines have been reported to increase mac- instead increase arginine metabolism to ornithine; Th1 macro-
rophage arginine metabolism via argininase, which produces or- phages do not. Because NO inhibits cell replication (7, 28, 29),
nithine and urea (15). T lymphocytes of other strains of mice have while ornithine (as a precursor of polyamines) can stimulate rep-
also been reported to have a tendency to produce Th1 (B10D2) or lication, these results suggested that macrophages from Th1 and
Th2 (DBA/2) cytokine profiles (16). Th2 mice can influence immune reactions in opposite ways. The
Whereas the aforementioned results clearly indicate that T lym- results to follow provide evidence to support this postulate and will
phocytes from different strains of mice have a tendency to produce show that macrophages from Th1 and Th2 strains differentially
influence whether Th1, Th2, or other immune response occurs. We
propose that these different macrophage responses be termed M-1
Department of Surgery, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455 and M-2.
Received for publication January 3, 2000. Accepted for publication March 30, 2000.
The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page
charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked advertisement in accordance Materials and Methods
with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact.
This study was supported by National Institutes of Health Grants R01DK51495
and 5P01GM50150. C57BL/6, B10D2, DBA/2, BALB/c, B6D2F1, CB6F1, C57BL/6J-
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Charles D. Mills, Department of Hfh11nu, BALB/cByJ-Hfh11nu, C57BL/6J-Prkdcscid/SzJ, and BALB/cByJ-
Surgery, University of Minnesota Hospital and Clinic, Box 120, 420 Delaware St. Prkdcscid/J female mice were purchased from The Jackson Laboratory (Bar
S.E., Minneapolis, MN 55455. E-mail address: Harbor, ME). Mice used for experiments were between 9 and 14 wk old.
They were routinely tested for common murine pathogens by the Univer-
sity of Minnesota Research Animal Resources (Minneapolis, MN). Mice
were euthanized with carbon dioxide.
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