Internship Report On Peoples Insurance Company Limited
Internship Report On Peoples Insurance Company Limited
Internship Report On Peoples Insurance Company Limited
Submitted To:
Tazrina Floora Lecturer Stamford University Bangladesh.
Submitted By:
Name: Md. Rafiuddin Biplab ID No. BBA 042 13331
01st August, 2011 Tazrina Floora Senior Lecturer Department of Business Administration Stamford University Bangladesh Dhanmondi, Dhaka Subject: Submission of Assignment Report. Dear Madam, It gives us immense pleasure in presenting here with the assignment on Peoples Insurance Company Limited, which was assigned to us as partial fulfillment of the Principle of Insurance course requirement. The Assignment gave the opportunity to have an insight on the insurance practice and its performance all over the organ-ization of Popular Insurance Company limited in Bangladesh. We have been tried to provide a brief discussion on overall performance of the company. We have tried heart and soul to make the report attractive, effective and useful. The Assignment was very much valuable to us as it helped us to gain experience from the practical field. We are grateful to you for providing us this opportunity of gaining such practical experiences and to know how theoretical knowledge is applied in the real world.
For the successful accomplishment of this report, first we would like to thank the almighty. Next, with warm gratitude from the deepest of our heart we would like to remember all of them who have helped us from every side in accomplishing this report. We feel very much lucky that we got a fabulous opportunity to carry on our Assignment on such a notable Peoples Insurance Company Limited. This has been working as the overall insurance business in Bangladesh since 1985. We would like to thanks to Peoples Insurance Company Limited for providing the opportunities for obtained the information of overall business of Insurance. Besides these helps us for different assistance like library facilities, answering the questionnaires, annual report and others. We would like to admit our cordial gratitude to our honorable Teacher Tazrina Floora, the senior lecturer of BBA, Stamford University Bangladesh for guiding us from start to end in preparing this report. The final accomplishment of this work would not have been possible without her immense assistance and care. Last of all we would like to acknowledge the Department of Business Administration, Stamford University for providing different facilities like Library and others. Stamford University helps for acquiring the practical knowledge in the field which we have study theoriticals in course. In essence, we would like to say that project and thesis program on overall insurance practice of Peoples Insurance Company Limited helped us largely in acquiring useful insights about highly utilizing our academic knowledge in terms of practical orientation. Moreover, as our project was of very much practical and early effectual in nature, the assistance from all our guides made us able to apply easily the concepts and tools into practical field. Our efforts as well as those of our supervisors will be fruitful if this work is brought into effect.
i) ii) PICL = Peoples Insurance Company Limited BIA = Bangladesh Insurance Academy
Executive Summary
Peoples Insurance Company Limited is one of the leading insurance organizations of Bangladesh. It is a General Insurance company. Insurance is a form of contract or agreement under which one party agrees in return for a consideration to pay an agreed amount of money to another party to make good a loss, damage or injury to something of value in which the insured has a pecuniary( it means economic) interest as a result of some uncertain event. It is a device by which loss is likely to be caused by an uncertain event is spread over a number of persons who are exposed to it and who propose to insure themselves against such an event. Thats why there is very demand of the insurance all over the world. There are many social and economic values of insurance, but perhaps the greatest value lies in the many benefits flowing from the risk in Society. Peoples Insurance Company Limited (PICL) is a first private insurance company in Bangladesh. PICL was established in 1985. Date of Incorporation and Obtained Certificate for Commen- cement of Business is 31 March 1985. PICL is a reliable insurance company in the insurance landscape in Bangladesh. There are different insurance policies of PICL and those are Fire Insurance, Industrial "All Risks" Insurance, Marine Cargo Insurance, Marine Hull Insurance, Motor Insurance, Contractor's "All Risks" Insurance, Erection"All Risks" Insurance, Machinery Breakdown Insurance, Deterioration of Stock Insurance, Boiler & Pressure Vessel Insurance, Burglary & Housebreaking Insurance, Cashin-transit Insurance, Cash-in-safe Insurance, Cash-on-counter Insurance, Public Liability Insurance, Personal Accident Insurance, Peoples's Personal Accident Insurance, Workmen's Compensation Insurance, Goods-in-transit Insurance, Comprehensive Travel Insurance, Overseas Medi-claim Insurance, "All Risks" Insurance, Fidelity Guarantee Insurance, Bank Lockers Insurance. Those Policies are available in Peoples insurance company Limited. Besides different new policies will be launch soon. Insurance company is providing economic security to the clients as well as creating long term capital in the market.This is a very important factor for the socio economic development of Bangladesh. Peoples Insurance Company was established with a vision that is to reach at zenith point of providing quality service and hence achieving highest corporate goal and customer satisfaction. Our slogan is manush manusher Janna.
Chapter # 01
1.1 Introduction 1.2 Background of the Study 1.3 Objective of the study 1.4 Scope of the study 1.5 Methodology 1.6 Limitation of the Assignment
Chapter # 02
2.1 Industry Overview 2.2 Our Organization 2.3 Organizational History 2.4 Background, Vision and Mission
Chapter # 03
3.1 All Product Details
Chapter # 04
4.1 Performance Analysis 4.1.1 Balance Sheet 4.1.2 Five years Line Chart 4.2 SWOT Analysis
Chapter # 05
5.1 Recommendation 5.2 Conclusion 5.3 Bibliography
Insurance Directorate, under the Ministry of Commerce, is the regulatory-body of the country's insurance sector.
3. To know the financial and money market business like insurance. 4. How it maintain the insurance all over Bangladesh. 5. To know about the money and credit policies in Bangladesh. 6. To know the strategy of making relationship with internal and external customer. 7. To develop our skill about insurance policy. 8. To survive with the current market situation. 9. To observe the practice of modern technology in business organization. 10. Practical knowledge about transaction. 11. To know about the inflow.
Since Peoples Insurance Company Limited perform various tasks in the insurance business. The survey of the study has been conducted on overall insurance activities. Most of the information is collected from direct questionnaires and other techniques. The analyzing and interpretations of the report have been done with the help of academic teacher in the University Campus.
The scope of the project report is given below: The back ground of the organization (Peoples Insurance Company Limited) The different insurance activities and other efforts. The organization structure and organizing process for effectiveness. And the other areas of operation in organization.
1.5 Methodology
The project report has been written on the basis of information collected from primary as well as secondary sources. The primary information has been collected from the personnel, in this case WE have used physical attendance to get positive, negative both sides of the project. Then WE got the relevant data for the required project. To carry out the proposed study, data have been collected from two sources: Primary and secondary sources. Primary data: Primary data for this study have been collected through a well-prepared questionnaire, which contains both open and close-ended questions. Several ways of collecting data have been used like, face-to-face interviews with the respondents, questionnaire surveyed. Secondary data: Secondary data again are of two kinds, internal and external. Internal secondary data has been collected from the organization Peoples Insurance Company Limited (PICL) and from its brochures and annual reports of different years. External secondary data gathered from various outlets, research reports, and literatures /magazines, and the internet and internship reports of other organizations. Secondary sources of data will be used for data requirements of the report. Secondary sources of data: Use Internet and different articles published in the journals & magazines have been used. Secondary Sources are: Textbooks on insurance Insurance Journals. Reference books on insurance. Annual Reports of BGIC. Internet Books. Annual report of insurance companies
Every Assignment (Project and Thesis) has some limitation. In these thesis paper there are lot of limitation are discuss below: Due to time and cost restriction, the study in concentrated in selected areas. Difficulty in collecting information Lack of experience of the researcher and luck of cooperation from the respondents. This project paper is submitted on theoretical prospective. The study completely depends on official records, question answer, observation, face to face viva and annual reports. Peoples Insurance Company Limited, they are busy and they could not give us enough time for discussion about various topes. Lack of proper information in the websites of the insurance company. Lack of necessary information in the journals and official publications of insurance companies. Inexperience and time constraint is the limitation restricting this report from being more detailed. Secondary data has been collected from the hand books, magazines, which may biased to the insurance business.
Chapter # 02 Insurance Industry Overview 2.Background of insurance business in Bangladesh 2.1 Origin of insurance in Bangladesh
Resistance against colonial or autocratic regimes in the third world has often been led by educated intelligentsia inspired by western ideas of nationalism and democracy has played a dominant role. Most victorious nationalist movements have been in later years reneged from their earlier commitments and few developing countries to day are nationalist, socialist or democratic. But that is a different story. When the Awami League cane to power in Bangladesh and the peoples party in Pakistan in 1972.It was inevitable that nationalization a wide scale would take place, for both parties had flaunted socialism as part of their political rhetoric. In Pakistan the administrative mechanism for nationalization of banking, insurance and some industries was carefully worked out by the bureaucracy under political leadership, and the takeover in a feel swoop passed of smoothly. Heads of insurance companies, for instance, where invited to tea at a Karachi Hotel. Where they told that while they were having teas the head offices of their companies were being sealed and Government appointed administrators were being put in charge. This was done to ensure that the assets of the companies remained intact and no tempering with accounts, records and documents was possible. In Bangladesh an effective government machinery did no exist in the chaotic conditions obtaining an independence following a bitter and brutal war industries was taken over without any inventory, and erstwhile owners ,who were being dispossessed, were allowed to administer their mills and factories till statutory corporations were established.
These operations were :the Jatiya Bima Corporation,Tista Bima Corporation,Karnafuli Bima Corporation,Rupsa Jibon Bima Corporation and Surma Jibon Bima Corpporation.The Jatiya Bima Corporation was an apex corporation only to supervise and control the activities of the other insurance corporations which were responsible for underwriting.Tista and Karnafuli Bima Corporation were for general insurance and Rupsa and Surma for life insuance.The specialist life insurance companies or for a life portion of a composite company joined the Rupsa and Surma corporations while specialist general insurance companies or the general portion of a composite company joined The Tista and Karnafuli corporations. The basic idea behind the formation of four underwriting corporations, two in each main branch of life and general, was to encourage competition even under a nationalized system. But the burden of administrative expenses incurred in maintaining two corporations in each front of life and general and an apex institution at the top outweighed the advantages of limited competition. consequently, on 14 May 1973,a restructuring was made under the Insurance Corporations Act 1973. Following the Act, in place of five corporations the government formed two: the SADHARAN BIMA CORPORATION for general business, and JIBAN BIMA CORPORATION for life business. The postal life insurance business and the life insurance business by foreign companies were still allowed to continue as before .In reality, however, only the AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY continued to operate in the life sector for both new business and servicing, while three other foreign life insurance continued to operate only for servicing their old policies issued during Pakistan days. Postal life maintained its business as before. After1973, general insurance business became the sole responsibility of the Sadharan Bima Corporation. Life insurance business was carried out by the Jibon Bima Corporation, the American Life insurance Company, and the Postal Life Insurance Department until 1994, when a change was made in the structure arrangement to keep place with the new economic trend of liberalization. The insurance corporations Act1973 were amended in 1984 to allow insurance companies in the private sector to operate side by with Sadharan Bima Corporation and Jiban Bima Corporation. The Insurance Corporations Amendment Act 1984 allowed floating of insurance companies, both life and general, in the private sector subject to certain restrictions regarding business operations and reinsurance. Under the new act, all general insurance business emanating from the public sector were reserved for the state owned Sadharan Bima Corporation, which could also underwrite insurance business emanating from the private sector. The Act of 1984 made it a requirement for the private sector insurance companies o obtain 100% reinsurance protection from the Sadharan Bima Corporation.This virtually turned Sadharan Bima Corporation into a reinsurance organization, in addition to its usual activities as direct insurer.Sadharan Bima Corporation itself had the right to reinsure its surplus elsewhere outside the country out after exhausting the retention capacity of the domestic market. Such restrictions aimed at preventing outflow of foreign exchange in the shape of reinsurance premium and developing are insurance market within Bangladesh. The restriction regarding business placement affected the interests of the private insurance companies in many ways. The restrictions were considered not congenial to the development of private sector business in insurance. Two strong arguments were put forward to articulate feelings: Since the public sector accounted for about 80% of the total premium volume of the country, there was little premium left for the insurance companies in the private sector to
survive. In this context, Sadharan Bima Corporation should not have been allowed to compute with the private sector insurance companies for the meager premium (20%) emanating from the private sector; Being a competitor in the insurance market, Sadharan Bima Corporation was hardly acceptable as an agency to protect the interest of the private sector insurance companies and should not have retained the exclusive right to reinsure policies of these companies. The arrangement was in fact, against the principle of laissez faire. Private sector insurance companies demanded withdrawal of the above restrictions so that they could: Underwrite both public and private sector insurance business in competition with the Sadharan Bima Corporation, and The government modified the system through promulgation of the Insurance Corporation (Amendment) Act1990.The changes allowed private sector insurance companies to underwrite 50% of the insurance business emanating from the public sector and to place up to 50% of their reinsurance with any reinsure of their choice, at home or aboard, keeping the remaining for placement with the Sadharan Bima corporation.
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
Standard Insurance Ltd. South Asia Ins. Co. Ltd. Paramount Insurance Co. Ltd Cotinental Insurance Limited Agrani Insurance Co. Ltd Islami Insurance Bangladesh Ltd Islami Commercial Ins. Co. Ltd. Global Insurance Ltd. Sonar Bangla Insurance Ltd Express Insurance Limited Asia Insurance Ltd. Republic Insurance Company Ltd. Crystal Insurance Company Ltd. The Loyeds Insurance Co. Ltd Sunflower Insurance Co. Ltd. Union Insurance Co. Ltd. Asia Pacific Gen. Ins. Co. Ltd. Progressive Life Ins. Co. Ltd. Desh Gen. Ins. Co. Ltd. Takaful Islami Insurance Ltd. Fareast Islami Life Ins. Co. Ltd Prime Islami life Insurance Co. Ltd Popular Life Insurance Co. Ltd. Padma Islami Life Insurance Ltd. Pragati Life Insurance Ltd. Rupali Life Insurance Co. Ltd. Sun Life Insurance Co. Ltd. Baira Life Insurance Co. Ltd.
losses and occasionally, for valuation of insurance properties, while the agents work to procure both life and general insurance business against commission. The system of professional brokers has not yet developed in Bangladesh. However, it is a common practice of the insurers to engage salaried development officers for promotion of their insurance business.
Alico Bangladesh started full service branch operations in Bangladesh on 15 January 1974 and has since then been marketing individual and group life insurance products under the Insurance Act 1938, Insurance Rules 1958, and other applicable laws. American Life Insurance Company Bangladesh runs its business through its agency offices scattered mostly in big cities such as Dhaka, Chittagong and Khulna. Over 2700 career agents are working for the company. The company has a trained and dedicated work force of 223 employees in Bangladesh.
Peoples Insurance Company Limited provides insurance solutions in Bangladesh. The company offers fire, industrial risk, marine cargo, marine hull, motor, contractors risk, erection risk, machinery breakdown, deterioration of stock, boiler and pressure vessel, and burglary and housebreaking insurance solutions. It also provides cash-in-transit, cash-in-safe, cash-oncounter, public liability, personal accident, workmens compensation, goods-in-transit, comprehensive travel, overseas medi-claim, fidelity guarantee, and bank lockers insurance solutions. The company was incorporated in 1985 and is based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The Peoples Insurance Company Limited is very proud to stand beside its customer and general people of Bangladesh when they are in disaster. The company is always a friend of its valued customer through its business responsibilities and of general people of Bangladesh through its corporate social responsibilities. Our board of directors leading both types of responsibilities includes veteran insurance personalities, industrialists, doctors, chartered accountant, and business professions. The human resource team is educated in developed countries like USA, UK, Australia, and Germany. The board of directors is chaired by Mr. Abul Basher Mukul, who is always dedicated to the company. Our vision Our mission is to reach at zenith point of providing quality service and hence achieving highest corporate goal and customer satisfaction. Our slogan is manush manusher Janna Our mission Our assignment is to produce value for shareholders all the way through customer, employee and general people satisfaction
First private insurance company in Bangladesh A reliable insurance company in the insurance landscape in Bangladesh. Customers satisfaction is our main concern. We value our customer, we protect our customer. We provide the protection you need. 17
Care for you forever To get you set soon again. Marches with time Celebrating 30 years of time
Future Plans The Company has undertaken various realistic future plans which amongst others include the following: To computerize the entire operation system within the shortest possible time To impart extensive training for the employees at home and abroad. Field force (100%) has to be properly groomed up. To expand Company's operations to all commercially important places of the country gradually. To introduce new products depending on the demand of the market. To observing March as the "Client Service Month" in every year. To follow "Service First than Business "by expeditious and judicious settlement of claim.
Capital Structure
Date of Incorporation Obtained Certificate for Commencement of Business Registered with the Department of Insurance Authorised Capital Issued, Subscribed and Paid up Capital Listing in Dhaka Stock Exchange Listing in Chittagong Stock Exchange Prospectus Issued for Floatation of Public Shares Amount of Public Subscription Registration of Land at 36, Dilkusha C/A,Dhaka-1000.(Measuring 16.85 Katha) Inaguration of 22 storied Building Construction work at 36, Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka-1000 Bonus Share Issued @ 25% Bonus Share Issued @ 100% Listed with CDBL Rated by CRISL
31 March 1985 31 March 1985 31 July 1985 Tk. 50.00 Crore Tk.15.00 Crore 29 July 1990 10 October 1995 16 August 1990 Tk. 3.00 Crore 05 March 1998 09 June 1999 In 2004 In 2005 4th July 2005 CPA-BBB
After the natural disasters, we participate in various types of the activities for the reconstruction of the damaged infra-structures. Moreover, when the calamity is over, we try to take care of those who have lost their lives and their valued properties. We are always in favor of protecting our tradition and heritage. For example, our company always sponsors not only the sports which are our own, for example, Kabadi, Bali Khela, Lathi Khela etc. but also our non-traditional sports like football and cricket. Our company created a significant number of employment opportunities for the unemployment human resources since its inception. The effort for job creation will continue in future too. The company has a plan to provide scholarships for the needy brilliant students who want to make a career in the fields of technology and digital sciences. We have a plan to help the sick-aged people so that they do not consider themselves as a burden of our society. Finally, the company focuses on the welfare of the employees so that they can have the necessary skills and opportunities to face the challenges.
S. N. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.
Name M. H. Khaled Nizam Mohammed Uddin Mezbahul Karim Abdullah-Al-Mamoon M. Abu Bakar Siddique Sib Sankar Saha Md. Shamsul Haque Khan Md. Abdul Wohab Khan Md. Iqbal Hussain Md. Shafrinoor Rahman Md.Delower Hossain Chowdhury Chowdhury Hamid Gaffar S. M. Nasim Md. Jahangir Alam Md. Abdullah-Al-Mobin Ashique-Ur-Rahim Mir Zulfequr Rahman Md. Sharifuddin Asif Nur Md. Azizul Haque Talukder Md. Kamaluddin Akunjee Anisul Mowla Ratan Md. Nurul Huda
Designation Managing Director & CEO Additional Managing Director Deputy Managing Director Deputy Managing Director Deputy Managing Director Deputy Managing Director & CFO General Manager-II General Manager-II General Manager-II General Manager-II Deputy General Manager Deputy General Manager Deputy General Manager Deputy General Manager Deputy General Manager Deputy General Manager Deputy General Manager Deputy General Manager Deputy General Manager Asstt. General Manager Asstt. General Manager Asstt. General Manager Adviser(Marketing)
Valued Customers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.
The ACME Laboratories Limited Apex Foods Limited Apex Weaving & Finishing Limited Bashundhara Group BOC Bangladesh Limited Abul Khair Group DADA Corporation (Korean Enterprise) Echo Cotton Mills Limited Erba Group Fison's (Bangladesh) Limited Glaxo Smith Kline Bangladesh Limited Hotel Sarina, Banani, Dhaka Kader Synthetic Fibers Limited M.M. Ispahani Group MSA Spinning Limited Opex Group PHP Group Paxar Bangladesh Limited, EPZ, Savar, Dhaka Prime Group of Industries R.M. Group RAK Ceramic Industries Pvt. Limited Scholastica Group Sena Kalyan Sangstha
24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.
Shinepukur Holding Co. Limited Shanta Group, EPZ, Savar, Dhaka Siemens Bangladesh Limited Sinha Textile Group STS Holding (including Apollo Hospitals, Dhaka) Techno Textile Mills Limited Youngone Bangladesh Limited, EPZ, Savar, Dhaka & Patenga, Chittagong AA Synthetic Fibres Limited. Royal Thai Embassy Nandan Group
OPEN PREVIOUS CLOSE $56.00 $55.80 DAY HIGH DAY LOW $56.90 $54.70 52 WEEK HIGH 52 WEEK LOW 12/6/10 - $115.24 05/25/11 - $41.50 MARKET CAP AVERAGE VOLUME 10 D -516.4K EPS TTM SHARES OUTSTANDING -0.0 EX-DATE P/E TTM 04/12/11 -DIVIDEND DIVIDEND YIELD $0.48 0.86% K = Thousands M = Millions B = Billions
Over-seas Medi-claim Insurance "All Risks" Insurance Fidelity Guarantee Insurance Bank Lockers Insurance
Particulars Financial Performance Gross Premium Net Premium Gross Claim Net Claim Underwriting Profit / (Loss) Investment & Other Income
195.50 212.55 256.43 135.81 139.60 150.61 24.45 19.84 24.46 13.55 23.62 22.11 32.95 12.35 43.92 30.02 49.80 29.44 33.07 12.48 44.20 31.62
Net Profit /Loss) befor 36.50 Tax Net profit / (Loss) after Tax Share Capital & Reserve 29.28
Paid up Capital Shareholders Equity Reserve Assets Investment in Shares & Securities Cash, FDR & Bank Balance Land & Building Other Assets Total Assets
Financial Analysis Dividend in Percentage Earning per share(EPS) Highest/Lowest Market Price of Share 690/540 675/540 1850/800 800/673 673/270 548/180 26% 48.8 27% 50.03 25% 52.70 25%(stock) 100%(stock) 54.07 4.36 No 10% Dividend -96.55 118.64
ELEPHANT ROAD BRANCH 91, New Elephant Road Dhaka Md. Alauddin Dulal General Manager -II KAWRAN BAZAR BRANCH 41/1, Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue (Floor No. 3) Kawran Bazar, Dhaka-1215. Md. Shahnewaz Khan General Manager Recommendation:
Chapter # 05
5.1 Recommendation
There must be scope for further developments: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Introducing flexible working hours for the workers as that they can look after their personal problem during these flexible hours. Building a team of committed workers who strongly believe in the organizational goal. Designing insurance policies that include strict disciplinary action against all bad activities. Making the planning process more clear of the strategies, goals, action and operational plans in Peoples Insurance Company Limited. Scanning the national and international environmental for the competitive edge and technological advance in Peoples Insurance Company Limited.
Peoples Insurance Company Limited is one of the leading insurance institutions in Bangladesh. Day by day Peoples Insurance Company is going upward. Peoples Insurance Company Limited is established in 1985. When we were doing this assignment, we got so much practical knowledge. This practical knowledge helps us lot to know about overall insurance company activities.
The information and data provided by the Peoples Insurance Company Limited is mainly used for this assignment. Basically Bibliography means to write down some books, web-sites & other name that help for doing this report but here we tried to write down our theoretical and practical knowledge along with the information of provided by Peoples Insurance Company Limited. The references which are used for prepare the report is given below: Books M. N. Mishra (Insurance Principles and Practice) Banglapedia Peoples Insurance Company Limited Annual Report 2010 Internet Sources