Ship Terms Glossary

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Ship Terms
Access Holes: These are temporary openings cut in ship’s structure to allow access
and shifting of equipment into position during construction.

Accommodation: All spaces on a ship such as living spaces for the crew, including
navigation, radio, and similar spaces when incorporated in the same deckhouse.

Accuracy control: The usage of statistical methods to monitor, control, and

continuously improve shipbuilding design details and work methods so as to
maximize productivity.

Aft: The portion of the ship towards or near the stern.

After body: The portion of the ships hull aft of amidships.

Afterpeak: The compartment of the stern, aft of the aftermost watertight bulkhead.

Air and drainage holes: Holes which are cut in the structure, usually transverse
webs, to ensure the free escape of air to the vents and free drainage of liquids to
the pump suction wells.

Amidships: The point, which is exactly at halfway between aft and forward
Anchor: A device, usually made of steel, used to hold a ship against the movement
of current, tide, and wind.

Angle or angle bar: A structural stiffener made of a web and a flange.

Appendages: The portions of the vessel extending beyond the main hull outline,
including such items as rudder, shafting, struts, bossings, and bilge keels.

Aperture: A recess in which the propeller is located.

Assemble: A process of joining parts together.

Assembly: an assembly of parts. These assembled parts form blocks.

Athwart ship: across the ship, perpendicular to the fore and aft centerline.

Auxiliary machinery: The mechanical equipment required by a ship apart from the
main engine such as pumps, motors, generators, etc.,


Back gouging: The forming of a bevel or groove on the back of a partially welded
joint to assure complete penetration upon subsequent welding from that side.

Ballast tank: A watertight compartment used to hold ballast.

Bars: Basic structural members of a ship, usually steel, of certain standard shapes;
a shape in any bar of constant cross section throughout its length such as a
channel, T bar, or angle bar.

Baseline: An imaginary horizontal line, drawn throughout the molded hull of the
vessel, often the keel, from which vertical distances may be measured.

Beam, cant: A term applied to the beams supporting the deck plating in the
overhanging portion of the stern. These beams radiate in fan shape formation from
the cant frames to the transom.

Beam, deck: A Horizontal structural member, usually a rolled shape, which

supports a deck or flat.

Beam, Knee: A bracket between a deck beam and frame.

Beam, Molded: The maximum breadth of the ship’s hull measured between the
inside surfaces of side shell plate.

Beam, transom: The aftermost transverse side frame, to which are connected cant

Berth: The place where a ship is docked; A bunk or bed for a ship.

Bevel: The angle between the different flanges of a frame or other member; an
angled edge on a structural member used to facilitate welding.

Bilge: A section between the bottom and the side of the vessel; the lowest part of
the vessel into which water drains.

Bilge and ballast system: A piping system located in holds or lower compartments
of a vessel and connected to pumps or eductors. This system is used to clear off
the accumulated water overboard and also to fill water into the ballast tanks.

Bilge blocks: Blocks made of wood or concrete set under the bilge for support
during construction or dry-docking.

Bilge bracket: A vertical transverse plate welded to the tank top or margin plate and
to the frame in way of the bilge area.

Bilge keel: A vane mounted on the outside of a ship at the turn of the bilge
perpendicular to the hull to reduce rolling effect.


Bilge plates: The shell plates, which form the bilge.

Bilge strake: The hull plates that form the curved sections that make the transition
from bottom shell to side shell.

Butt, mooring: Posts attached to the deck for the purpose of securing mooring or
towing lanes.

Bitumastic: An elastic bituminous cement usually found in fresh water lakes, which
is used in place of paint to protect steel.

Block: A section of ship structure which is a three dimensional entity. Blocks are
built in the sub-assembly area and are combined to form a ship. These are the
largest sections to be assembled away from the erection site.

Blue sky: In the open; Not under a roof.

Blue sky outfitting: Out fitting done under the blue sky.

Body: All the volume below the upper deck.

Bollard: A mooring bit.

Booby hatch: An access hatch from the weather deck, which is protected from
seawater and weather by a hood. It is also called companionway.

Boom: A round spar hinged at its lower end to mast or crane and supported by a
wire rope or tackle from aloft to the upper end of the boom. Cargo, stores, etc. are
lifted by tackle leading from the upper end of the boom.

Boom table: A small platform usually attached to a mast or crane to support the end
of booms and to provide proper working clearances when a number of booms are
installed around one mast; also called mast table.

Bosom piece: A strap formed by a short piece of angle attached inside a but joint of
two angles.

Bossing or Boss: The curved outboard portion of the ship’s hull plating that
surrounds and supports the propeller shaft. Also called propeller boss.

Bossing plate: Steel plate covering the bulged portion of the ship’s hull where the
propeller shaft passes outboard.

Bow: Forward end of a ship.

Bracket: A structural member used to reinforce two or more structural parts, which
are joined at approximately right angles to each other, such as deck beam to frame,
or bulkhead stiffener to the deck or tank top.
Break: The end of a partial superstructure such as a poop, bridge or forecastle
where it drops to the deck below; any sharp change in a vessels line.

Breakwater: Plates fitted on a forward weather deck to form a V-shaped shield
against water that shipped over the bow.

Breast hook: A triangular plate bracket, which joins port and starboard side
stringers at the bow.

Bridge, Navigating: The conning station or command post of a ship.

Bridge house: A part of the upper superstructure of a ship, where the officer’s
quarters, staterooms, and accommodations are located. Pilothouse is located
above it.
Bulbous bow: A bow with a round, bulging shape at the bottom of a ship to improve
flow and resistance characteristics.

Bulk carrier: Ships, which are designed to carry bulk cargo such as coal, ore, grain,

Bulkhead: A vertical partition which sub divides the interior of a ship into
compartments or rooms. Bulkheads, which contribute to the strength of a vessel,
are called strength bulkheads. Those, which contribute for watertight subdivision,
are called watertight bulkheads. Gastight bulkheads serve to prevent the passage of
gas or fumes.

Bulwark: Fore and aft vertical plating immediately above the upper edge of the
sheer strake.

Bumped: A term applied to a plate which has been pressed or otherwise formed to a
concave or convex shape used for heads of tanks, boilers etc.

Burning: Oxygen/gas, plasma-arc, or laser cutting, usually of shell plating or other

structural sections.

Butt: The joint formed when two parts are placed edge to edge; the end joint
between two plates; also transverse joints for connecting two parts, sub assemblies
or blocks.
Butt strap: A strap that serves as a connecting strength strap when it overlaps the
butt between two plates.

CAD: Computer aided design.

CAM: Computer aided manufacturing.

Cant frame: A frame such as stern frame which is not square to the keel line.

Cargo hatch: An opening in a deck for vertical loading and unloading of cargo

Cargo port: An opening in a ship’s side for loading and unloading cargo.

Casing, engine and boiler: Bulkheads enclosing a large opening between the
weather deck and the engine and boiler rooms. This permits installing or removing
large propulsion units such as boilers or turbines.

Centerline: A vertical center line between fore and aft sides dividing the ship into
two symmetrical halves.

Center vertical keel: A vertical girder running from flat keel to the tank top along the

Chafing plate: A bent plate, which minimizes the chafing of ropes as at hatches.

Chain locker: The compartment in the lower fore or aft portion of a ship where
anchor chain is stored.

Chamfer: To cut of the sharp edge of a 900 corner. To trim to an acute angle.

Chock: An opening for a towing or mooring line; A cut piece of plating used to
terminate a structural shape at its end or to support a structural shape.

Chock, boat: A support for a lifeboat.

Clip: A short length of angle used by shipfitters to align structural sections.

Coaming: The vertical plating bounding an opening used for stiffening the edges of
the opening. It also prevents the entry of water.

Cofferdam: Narrow void space between two bulkheads or floors to prevent leakage
between the adjoining compartments; also used for insulation purposes.

Come along: A hand operated lever hoist used during shipfitting for pulling
together or supporting ship’ parts or subassemblies.

Companionway: An access hatchway in a deck, with a ladder leading below.

Generally for crew’s use.

Compartment: A subdivision of space or room in a ship.

Compartmentation: The subdividing of the hull by watertight bulkheads so that the

ship may remain afloat under certain conditions of flooding.

Compatibility1: Ability to meet economic, time and environmental requirements.

Container ship: A ship, which is designed to carry cargo containers in holds and on

Cost/schedule control system (C/SCS): Any system used by a U.S government
contractor in planning and controlling the performance of a contract. A C/SCS is
predicted on a logical breakdown of contract work into discrete work packages.

Covered electrode: A filler material electrode which is used in arc welding,

consisting of a metal core (usually steel) with a covering that protects the weld
puddle from the atmosphere, improves the properties of the weld metal, and
stabilizes the arc; also called a stick or rod.

Cowl: A hood shaped top or end of a natural ventilation trunk that may be rotated to
cause wind to blow air into or out of the trunk.

Cradle: A form of support on which the ships rests during launching.

Crane: A device for lifting and moving heavy weights by means of a movable
projecting arm and a horizontal beam.

Critical path method (CPM): A method of scheduling that determines which

sequence of tasks within a project requires more time to accomplish than any other
sequence, based on the anticipated duration and interrelationships of all tasks in
the project.

Davit: A crane arm used for handling lifeboats, anchors, stores, etc.

Dead cover: A metal cover used to close or protect an airport in case of heavy
weather, to avoid breakage of glass.

Deadlight: A metal cover fitted inside a porthole, to prevent the entrance of water if
the porthole leaks, or the glass becomes broken.

Deck: A horizontal surface in a ship. It is the plating, planking, or covering of any

tier beams in either the hull or the superstructure of a ship. Decks are usually
designated by their location, as boat deck, bridge deck, upper deck, main deck, etc.
Decks at various levels serve different functions; they may be either watertight
decks, strength decks, or simply cargo and passenger accommodation decks.

Deck height: The vertical distance between the molded lines of two adjacent decks.

Deckhouse: A comparatively light structure, built on the hull, which does not
normally extend from side to side of a ship. It commonly is composed of spaces
that are used for crew accommodations and control of the ship (bridge, radio room,

Deck machinery: Miscellaneous machinery, which is located on various decks of a

ship such as windlasses, winches etc.

Deck stringer: The strake of deck plating that runs along the outboard edge of the
deck; also called stringer plate.

Declivity: Inclination of the slipways on which ships are built and down which they
slide during their launching.

Deep tanks: Tanks extending from the bottom or inner bottom up to or higher than
the lower deck. They are often fitted with hatches so that they may also be used to
store dry cargo instead of fuel oil, ballast water, or liquid cargo.

Depot-level: This term is used to define repair and maintenance actions on military
ships, temporarily out of service, that must be accomplished at a repair facility.

Derrick: A device for raising or lowering heavy weights, cargo, stores, etc.

Docking brackets: Short transverse flanged plates in the inner bottom structure that
run from the central vertical keel to the first longitudinals on both sides of the keel.
They usually alternate with the floors.

Dog: A small metal device used for securing doors, hatch covers, manholes, etc., in
a closed position.

Double bottom: Compartment at the bottom of a ship between inner bottom and the
shell plating, mostly used for ballast water, fresh water or fuel oil.

Doubling plate: A plate fitted outside or inside of another to give extra stiffness.

Draft marks: The numbers painted on each side of the ship both forward and aft and
sometimes amidships, to indicate the distance from the lower edge of the number
to bottom of the keel or other fixed reference point. The numbers are 6 inches high
and spaced 12 inches bottom to bottom vertically. Draft marks may also be
provided in meters.

Drag lines: Wire ropes attached to temporary pads or chains attached to a ship for
arresting the motion of a ship when it is launched.

Dry cargo ship: A ship which is designed to carry dry cargo in units, often stowed
on pallets and not carried in bulk.

Durability: Freedom from unanticipated maintenance.


Edge preparation: a contour prepared on the edge of a plate or member for welding.
The angle of contour normally ranges from 10 to 30 degrees.

Eductor room: A pump room to transfer liquid cargo.

Electric arc welding: A standard welding process used in ship building and repair
work. An electric arc is formed when an electric current passes between two
electrodes separated by a short distance from each other. In electric arc welding
one electrode is the welding rod, while the other is the metal to be welded. The
temperature is about 40000 C, The current flow between 20 and 600 amperes.

Engine room: The place on board a ship, where main propulsion and auxiliary
machinery of a ship are located.

Ensign staff: A flagstaff at the stern.

Equivalent manning: The ratio of total man-hours recorded daily, weekly or monthly
divided by the standard number of hours in the period.

Erection: The connection of all the subassemblies, blocks and outfit units of a ship,
either on slip ways or any other building position.

Escape trunk: A vertical trunk equipped with a ladder to permit personnel to escape
when trapped. It is usually located in the aft end of a vessel between the shaft
tunnel and upper decks.

Fabricate: To process materials in the shops, to create parts needed for both hull
and outfit assemblies. Fabrication usually consists of cutting, shaping, punching,
drilling, countersinking, scarfing, rabbeting, beveling and welding.

Face plate: It is a narrow stiffening plate fitted along the inner edge of the web
frames, stringers, etc., to form the flange of the member.

Fair: The alignment of parts of a ship so as to remove kinks, bumps or waves; To

remove distortion from parts or assemblies.

Fairhead or fairlead: A fitting device used to preserve or change the direction of a

rope so as to delivers it on a straight line to a sheave or drum.

Fairwater: A term applied to plating fitted around the ends of shaft tubes and strut
barrels, and shaped to streamline the parts, thus eliminating abrupt changes in the
water flow.

Fall: The rope used with blocks to make a tackle. The end secured to the block is
called the standing part and the opposite end, the hauling part.

Fantail: The overhanging stern section, which extends well after the after
perpendicular and is also called counter stern.

Fashion plate: A bulwark after the bow and above the forecastle deck.

Fender: A device made of wood or rubber built or hung over around the side of a
ship to prevent the shell plating from rubbing or chafing around other ships or

Fidley: the top of the engine and boiler room; Casings on the weather deck; a
partially raised deck over the engine and boiler casings, usually around the

Fish head: A self locking plate clamp, used on cranes to lift plate.

Fixed light: A circular non-opening window with glass in the side of a ship, door,
skylight cover, etc.

Flange: The part of a plate or shape bent at right angles to the main part; to bend
over to form an angle.

Flat: A small partial deck or machinery level, usually built flat.

Floor: A vertical transverse plate immediately above the bottom shell plating, often
located at every frame, extending from bilge to bilge.

Fore: A term used to indicate portions of a ship at or near the bow.

Fore and aft: Along the length of the ship.

Forebody: The portion of the ship forward of the midship section; entrance.

Forecastle: A super structure (usually an additional deck) fitted at the extreme

forward end of the upper deck.

Forefoot: The lower end of a ship’s stem, which curves to meet the keel.

Forepeak: The watertight compartment at the extreme forward end.

Forward: In the direction of the bow.

Foundation: A structural support for equipment and machinery in a ship. The

structural support for the boilers, main engines or turbines, and reduction gears are
called the main foundations. The support for auxiliary machinery is called auxiliary

Frame: A term used to designate one of the transverse members the rib like part of
the skeleton of a ship. The frames act as stiffeners holding the outside plating in
shape and maintaining the transverse form of the ship.

Frame spacing: The fore and aft distance, heel to hell or web to web, of adjacent
transverse frames, depending on the shape or frame used.


Freeing port: An opening in the lower portion of the bulwark used to drain water

Funnel: A chimney through which combustion products are lead from propulsion
and auxiliary machinery to the weather.

Furnaced plate: A plate that is to be heated in order to be shaped.

Galley: A cookroom or kitchen of a ship.

Gangway: A passageway, side shell opening, and ladderway used for boarding of a

Garboard strake: The strake of bottom shell plating adjacent to the keel plate.

Gas metal arc welding: A process that welds by heating an electric arc between a
continuous consumable electrode wire and the work. Shielding is usually by an
inert gas. Also called MIG welding.

Gas tungsten arc welding: A process common for aluminum or stainless steel that
welds by heating an electric arc between an electrode and the work. Shielding is
obtained from an inert gas or gas mixture. Also called TIG welding.

Girder: A large strengthening member to support horizontal or vertical loads. It is

larger than a longitudinal or stiffener.

Girth: Any expanded length, such as the length of a frame from gunwale to

Gooseneck or pacific iron: A swivel fitting on the end of boom used to connect to
the mast or mast table. It permits the boom to rotate laterally and to be peaked at an

Gouging: The forming of a groove or bevel by material removal; usually done with
arc-air or pneumatic tools and often used for removing defective welds; also called

Grommet: A soft ring under the nut or bolt to maintain watertightness.

Ground tackle: A general term used for anchors, cables, wire ropes, etc., used in
anchoring a ship to the bottom.

Group technology: The logical arrangement and sequence of all facets of company
operation in order to bring the benefit of mass production to high variety mixed
quantity production.

Gudgeon: Bosses or lugs on the sternpost drilled for the pins to rest the rudder
Gunwale: The junction of deck and shell at the top of the sheer strake.
Gunwale bar: The angle connecting the deck plating to the shell plating or to the
inside of the frame. The stringer bar on the strength deck is usually called gunwale

Gusset plate: A bracket plate lying in the horizontal or nearly horizontal plane.

Habitability: Pertaining to those spaces and systems used to provide living
accommodations for the crew and passengers aboard the ship.

Halyard: Light lines used in raising signals, flags, etc.

Hatch beam: A portable beam across the hatch to support hatch covers.

Hatchway: An opening in a deck through which cargo and stores are loaded and

Hawse pipe: A tube through which anchor chain is lead overboard from the
windlass wildcat on deck through the ship’s side. Stockless anchors are usually
stored in the hawse pipe.

Heel: The corner on an angle, bulb angles, or channel; commonly used in reference
to the molded line.

Hold: The large space below the main deck for the stowage of cargo.

Holding piece: A device to hold metal in piece for tack welding.

Horning: A method of checking the accuracy of a layout of a square or rectangular

plate by matching diagonal measurements.

Hot track: A track weld followed by hammer blow to bring the surfaces of the
members in line while the weld material is still plastic.

Hull: The structural body of a ship, which includes shell plating, framing, decks,
bulkheads, etc.; The outfit specialty design group dealing with all areas of ship
except machinery and superstructure.

Hull block construction method: A ship building system wherein hull parts,
subassemblies, and blocks are manufactured according to group technology.


I-Beam: structural shapes with a cross section resembling letter I.

Ice-strengthening: Special strengthening for ships operating in ice as specified by a

classification society.

Impressed current system: A protection system used to slow down the marine
corrosion of a ship’s hull.

Inner bottom: The plating forming the top of the double bottom (tank top).

Intercostal: Made of separate parts running between floors, frames or beams; the
opposite of continuous.

Intermittent: A weld where its continuity is broken by recurring unwelded spaces.

Jack staff: A flagstaff at the bow.

Jig: A device used as a tool or template.

Joinery: Work, which involves lightweight materials (metallic and non-metallic),

such as bulkheads and ceilings in accommodation spaces.

Keel: The principal fore and aft component of a ship’s framing which is located
along the centerline at the bottom and connected to the stern and stern frames.
Floors and bottom transverse are attached to the keel.

Keel blocks: Heavy blocks made of wood or concrete on which a ship rests during
construction or dry-docking.

Keelson side: Fore and aft vertical plate member located the bottom shell on each
side of the center vertical keel and some distance therefrom.

King post: A strong vertical post used instead of a mast to support a boom and
rigging to form a derrick; also called Samson post.

Knee or bottom knee: A bracket between a deck beam and frame.

Knuckle: An abrupt change in direction of the plating, frames, decks, or other
structure of the ship.


Labor turnover: The number of separations divided by average employment during
a specified time interval multiplied by 100. Annual turnover is the monthly turnover
multiplied by 12.

Land: To set in place an outfit unit, subassembly or block during ship erection.

Lap: A joint in which one part overlaps the other.

Launching: The entrance of a ship into the water for the first time.

Laydown: A schedule showing the individual sheets that make up a plate assembly
with weight, size, drawing number, etc.

Laying off: The development of lines of ship form on the mold loft form and making
the templates therefrom.

Layout: The process of making a plate assembly showing the location of

longitudinals, frames, edges and attached parts.

Learning function or startup curves: Mathematical formulae used for a variety of

operating management purposes, especially in the areas of cost planning and
control. Learning curves measure actual or planned efficiency gains for successive
items produced using a repetitive process. Also called experience or progress

Lifeboat: A boat carried by a ship used in emergency.

Life raft: A buoyant raft, usually inflatable, designed to hold people abandoning

Lightening hole: A hole cut in a non-watertight structural member for ventilation,

accessibility, and weight reduction.

Limber hole: A drain hole in a frame or plate to prevent water or oil from collecting.

Line heating: The use of systematic heating and cooling of steel or aluminum plates
or structural shapes for shaping and forming.

Liner: A filler usually a flat or tapered strip placed under a plate or shape to bring it
in line with another part that it overlaps.

Line shafting: Section of the main shafting located in the shaft tunnel between the
engine room and the after peak bulkhead.

Liquefied gas carrier (LNG): A ship specially designed to carry gases, primarily
natural gas, at extremely low temperatures in the liquid state. The liquid gases are
carried in specially constructed tanks and considerable insulation has to be

provided to ensure that the temperatures are maintained in the tanks while the main
hull structure is maintained at ambient temperature.

Loftwork: The laying off of full form details at full size in preparation for cutting of
plate and structural members. The process is now completely computerized.

Longitudinal: A fore and aft structural shape or plate member attached to the
underside of decks, or to the inner bottom, or on the inboard side of the shell

Machinery: All spaces in a ship that primarily contain operating equipment such as
main propulsion machinery, auxiliary machinery, pumping systems, heating,
ventilation and air conditioning machinery, etc.

Manhole: A hole cut in an oil or watertight bulkhead for accessibility, which has a
watertight cover.

Manning: The number of workers assigned to a ship (ship manning), program

(program manning), or shipyard (yard manning).

Margin angle: The angle connecting the margin plate to the shell.

Margin bracket: A bracket connecting the side frame to the margin plate at the bilge.

Margin plate: The outboard strake of the inner bottom. When the margin plate is
turned down at the bilge it forms the outboard boundary of the double bottom,
connecting the inner bottom to the shell plating at the bilge.

Mast: A tall vertical structure usually of circular section, located on the centerline of
a ship and used to carry navigation lights, radio antennae and sometimes cargo

Mast step: The foundation of the mast.

Mast table: Same as boom table.

Material control: The functions of purchasing, expediting, warehousing, palletizing,

and delivering material to the work site.

Material list by system (MLS): A list of all materials required for construction of a
shipboard outfit system.

Material list for component (MLC): A list of material for manufacturing other
materials other than pipe.

Material list for fitting (MLF): A material list of all outfit components required by a

Material list for pipe (MLP): A list of material for manufacturing pipe pieces.

Messroom: Dining room aboard a ship.

Molded dimensions: The dimensions of a ship measured inside a shell and deck
plating, horizontally to the outer edges of the frames, vertically from the baseline to
the level of the tops of the beams of the ship’s side.

Mold loft: A large floor space used for laying off the full size lines of a ship for
making templates to lay out the hull structural components. In modern shipyards
this process is computerized.

Mooring: Securing of a ship at a dock or elsewhere by several ropes or cables to

restrict its movement.

Mooring ring: A round or oval casting inserted in the bulwark plating allowing the
passage of mooring lines or hawsers.

Nonwatertight: A joint, which is structurally strong but cannot seal the flow of
liquids from one side to another.

Notch: A sudden discontinuity or abrupt change in geometry such as square cut

corners of hatchway.

Nozzle: An enclosure around a propeller used to increase thrust at low speed and
high slip. This is common for tugs and trawlers.

Numerical control: Control of machine by means of computer programming, where

the control logic is stored on tape or file to permit the machine to automatically
perform a task. Mostly this is used for cutting of plates or structural members.

Oilstop: A special weld to prevent the leakage of oil from one tank to another. This
is not required when a beveled full penetration weld is used. Also called waterstop.

Oil tanker: A vessel specifically designed for carriage of oil in bulk.

Outfit: All the parts of a ship that are not structural in nature such as pipes,
derricks, masts, rigging, engines, machinery, electrical cable, hotel services, etc.

Padeye: A fitting having one or more eyes integral with a base to secure blocking,
wire rope, or fiber line.


Pallet: A portable platform upon which materials are stacked for storage or

Panel: A section of a ship containing one or more plates with associated

strengthening members.

Panting frames: The frames in the forward and after portions of the hull to prevent
dishing of the shell plating.

Parts: All the components that are welded to a plate assembly, such as stiffeners,
longitudinals, frames, girders, web frames, headers, etc.

Passenger ship: A ship designed mainly to carry passengers.

Pillar: A vertical column giving support to a deck girder, flat, or similar structure.
Also referred as Stanchion.

Pin jig: A jig consisting of adjustable pins used as a building position for curved
blocks or templates for curved plates.

Pintles: The pins or bolts that hinge the rudder to the gudgeons on the stern post or

Pipe piece family manufacturing: The classification of pipe pieces into groups
having design or manufacturing attributes which are sufficiently similar to make
batch manufacturing practical.

Pitch or pitching: A method of laying out two plate assemblies so that they can be
correctly drawn together and welded at a later point in the manufacturing cycle.

Planking: Wood covering for decks.

Planning: The listing of all jobs that must be completed to finish a project.

Platen: A flat level upon which subassemblies, blocks, and outfit units are built.

Plates on the round: The term used to denote a group of curved plates welded
together to form a cylindrical section.

Platform: A partial deck usually flat.

Poop: A super structure or deck at the after end of the ship above the main deck.
Port, cargo: A watertight opening in the side plating used for loading and unloading

Porthole: A hinged glass window, generally circular in the ship’s side for light and

Problem area: A division of the ship building process into small work processes.

Process lane: A work center specifically designed to perform a certain type of work
or a certain series of work steps.

Production control: The monitoring of the difference of actual and scheduled

performance of a project.

Propeller: A revolving device that drives the ship through the water, consisting of
two or more blades, also called a screw or wheel.

Propeller bossing or boss: same as boss.

Propeller post: Large casting, forging or weldment attached to the after end of the

Propeller shaft: The short after most section of the main shafting to which the
propeller is attached.

Quality assurance: The system used to assure a finished product meets the preset

Quarters: Living or sleeping rooms.

Rabbet: A groove, depression or offset in a member into which the end or edge of
another member is fitted. A rabbet in the stern or stern frame would take the ends
or edges of the shell plating, resulting in a flush surface.

Rail: The rounded member at the upper edge of a bulwark.

Rake: A term applied to the fore-and-aft inclination from the vertical, of a mast,
smokestack, sternpost, etc.

Reverse polarity: Direct current arc welding in which the electrode has positive
polarity and ground is negative.

Resistance welding: A welding method in which the parts to be joined are clamped
together and an electric current is passed through the joint.

Ribband: A fore-and-aft wooden batten used in aligning transverse frames and

keeping them in fair line.

Rider plate: A continuous plate attached to the top and bottom of a girder.

Rigging: Wire ropes, fiber line, rigging, etc., used to support mats, spars, booms,
etc., and for handling and placing cargo on board ship.


Roll: To impart curvature to a plate.

Root: The smallest dimension of a joint prepared for welding. Also the first pass of
a welding requiring more than one pass. It is also called nose or land.

Rudder: A device used to steer a ship. The most common types of rudder consist of
a vertical metal area, hinged at the forward edge to the stern post or rudderpost.

Rudderpost: The vertical part of the stern frame to which the rudder is attached.

Rudderstock: A vertical shaft that connects the rudder to the steering gear.

Rudder stop: A lug on the stern frame or a stout bracket on deck at each side of the
quadrant, to limit the swing of the rudder to approximately 370 port or starboard.

Samson post: Same as king post.

Safety: Freedom from undue threat of harm to life, property and environment.

Scaffolding: Temporary wooden or metal structures for supporting workmen, tools,


Scantlings: The dimensions of a ship’s structural members.

Scarf: A connection made between two pieces by tapering their ends so that they fit
together in a joint of the same breadth and depth as the pieces connected.

Scheduling: The laying out of the actual time order in which jobs are to be
performed in order to complete a project.

Scupper: A drain from deck to carry accumulations of rainwater, seawater. They are
located in the gutters or waterways, on open decks, and in corners of enclosed
decks, and connect to pipes, usually leading overboard.

Scuttle: A small circular or oval opening on the to provide access.

Sea chest: An opening for supplying sea water to condensers, pumps, etc., and for
discharging water from the ship’s water systems to the sea. It is cast or built up
structure located in the hull below the waterline, having means for attachment of
the associated piping. A structural sea chest is fitted with strainers or gratings, and
sometimes has a lip that forces water into the sea chest when the ship is underway.

Seam: A fore-and-aft joint of a shell plating, deck and tank top plating, or a
lengthwise edge joint of any plating.

Seam line: A symbol for a welded butt joint.

Seam strap: A strap that connects butted edges of plating. Strap connections at the
ends of plates are called butt straps.

Sea weld: A weld all around structures exposed to the weather or in ballast tanks,
potable water tanks, cargo oil tanks, cargo oil tanks, and fresh water tanks welded
so water cannot get under the part.

Serviceability: Ability to meet service requirements.

Shaft tunnel or shaft alley: A watertight enclosure for the propeller shafting, large to
facilitate walking, extending aft from the engine room to provide access and
protection to the shafting.

Shape: A rolled bar of constant cross section such as an angle, bulb angle,
channel, etc.

Sheer strake: The shell plating at the strength deck level.

Shell: The outer skin plates of a ship including side and bottom shell.

Shell landings: The points on the frames where the edges of a shell plate are

Shell plating: The plates forming the shell.

Shielded metal arc welding: A process that welds by heat from an electric arc
between a covered metal electrode and the work. Shielding comes form
decomposition of the electrode covering. The filler material is from the electrode. It
is also called stick welding.

Shift of butts: The arrangements of butts in structural plating members where the
butts of adjacent members are located a specific distance from one another.

Shop: A building where work is performed in a protected area.

Shore: A brace used for support during the building of a ship.

Shroud: One of the principal members of the standing rigging, consisting of a wire
rope which extends from the mast head to the ship’s side, providing lateral support
for the mast.

Sight edge: The visible edge as seen from outside the hull.

Skids: A skeleton framework used to hold structural assemblies above ground to

facilitate welding.

Skip burn: A partially burned opening which indicates a burner where to start an
opening from the far side.

Skylight: A frame work fitted over a deck opening and having glass covers for
admission of sun light and air.

Smokestack: same as funnel.


Smooth side: The surface opposite the one with longitudinals or stiffeners on a
plate assembly.

Snipe: a 450 beveled off corner.

Sounding pipe: A pipe leading to the bottom of water or oil tank, used to guide to
measure the depth of the liquid in the tank.

Spectacle frame: A large casting extending outboard from the main hull and giving
support for the ends of a propeller shafts in a multi screw ship. The bossing
encloses the shafts and is attached at its after end to the spectacle frame used in
place of shaft struts.

Spring bearing: Bearings to support line shafting.

Stage: A classification of work based on when it will be performed during the

construction process relative to the other work.

Staging: Same as scaffolding.

Stanchion: Same as pillar and rail

Standing rigging: Fixed rigging supporting the masts such as shrouds and stays.
Does not include running rigging such as boom topping lifts, vangs and cargo falls.
Stays: Fixed wire ropes on a mast to support the mast and prevent from bending
fore or aft.

Stealer: A single wide plate that is butt connected to two narrow plates, usually near
the ends of a ship.

Steering gear: A term applied to the steering wheels, leads, steering engine, and
fittings by which the rudder is controlled.
Stem: The bow frame forming the apex of the intersection of the forward sides of a
ship. It is rigidly connected at its lower end to the keel and may be heavy flat bar or
of rounded plate construction.

Stern: After end of a ship.

Stern frame: Large casting, forging, or weldment attached to the after end of a keel.
It incorporates the rudder gudgeons and in single screw ships includes the
propeller post.

Stern post: The vertical part of the stern frame to which the rudder is attached.

Stern tube: The watertight tube enclosing and supporting the propeller shaft. It
consists of a cast iron or cast steel cylinder fitted with a bearing surface upon
which the propeller shaft, enclosed in a sleeve, rotates.

Stiffener: A structural member attached to plate to strengthen it.

Strake: A course or row of shell, deck, bulkhead, or other plating.


Stringer: A fore-and-aft girder running along the side of a ship at the shell. Also the
side pieces of a ladder or staircase into which the threads and risers are fastened.

Stringer bar: The angle connecting the deck plating to the shell plating or to the
inside of a frame.

Stringer plate: Same as deck stringer.

Strut: An outboard column like support for the propeller shaft. Mostly used in
warships. It is not commonly used in modern ships.

Subassembly: An assembly of parts. Subassemblies when joined together form


Superstructure: A structure above the upper deck, the outboard sides of which are
formed by the shell plating, as distinguished from a deckhouse that does not
extend outboard to the ship’s sides.

Supervisor of ships: An organization within the Naval Sea Systems Command

Responsible for developing repair specifications and managing shipbuilding and
repair contracts between the navy and private industry.

Surface preparation: The work required permitting coating materials to be

satisfactorily applied to metals.

System: A structurally or operationally functioning product.

Tabernacle: An arrangement of brackets used to support a mast.

Tack weld: A weld made to hold the materials together until the final welding.

Tailshaft: Same as propeller shaft.

Tank, ballast: same as ballast tank.

Tank, peak: Same as afterpeak, forepeak.

Tank, settling: Fuel oil tanks used for separating entrained water from oil.

Tank, trimming: A tank located near both the ends of the ship. Seawater is carried in
these tanks to change the trim of the vessel.

Tank, wing: Tanks located well outboard adjacent to the side shell plating, often
consisting of a continuation of the double bottom up the sides to a deck or flat.
Tank top: Same as inner bottom.

Telegraph: An apparatus either mechanical or electrical used for transmitting
orders to various parts of a ship.

Telemotor: A device for operating the control valves of the steering engine from the
pilothouse, either by fluid pressure or by electricity.

Template: Wood, paper, or steel full sized patterns to be placed on materials to

indicate the size and location of penetrations, plate edges, etc.

Test head: The head or height of column of water which will give a prescribed
pressure on the vertical or horizontal sides of a compartment or tank in order to test
its tightness or strength.

Thrust recess: A small compartment between the engine room and shaft tunnel to
contain and give access to the thrust shaft and block.

Tie plates: Plates used to tie parts of the structure together when they are not
connected to each other.

Tiller: An arm attached to the rudderstocks, which turns the rudder.

Topping lift: A wire rope or tackle extending along the mast or to the ship’s
structure, to support the weight of the boom and its loads, and permitting the boom
to be raised or lowered.

Topside: Portion of a ship accessible for repair work while the ship remains afloat.
Transverse: At right angles to the centerline.

Tripping bracket: Flat bars or plates fitted at various points on girders, stiffeners, or
beams as reinforcement to prevent the free flanges from tripping.

Trunk: A vertical or inclined space or passage formed by bulkheads or casings,

extending through various decks around openings in the decks, through which
access can be obtained and cargo, stores, etc., handled, or ventilation provided
without disturbing or interfering with the contents or arrangements of the adjoining

Trunk, escape: A vertical provided with ladder to permit escape when trapped.

Tween decks: The space between two adjacent decks.

Unit: A self-contained, self-supporting collection of outfit pieces assembled prior to
combining with structural blocks or to loading on board during erection.

Uptake: A metal casing which usually carries smoke and hot gases from a boiler or
engine to the smoke stack.


Vang: Wire rope or tackle secured to the end of a cargo boom, the lower end being
secured to the deck, top of bulwark, or to a special post at the ship’s side.

Ventilator cowl: A hood shaped top or end of a natural ventilation trunk that may be
rotated to cause wind to blow air into or out of the trunk.

Waterstop: same as oilstop.

Waterway: A narrow gutter along the edge of the deck for drainage.

Web: The main part of a bent or flanged plate or structural section.

Web frame: A built up frame to provide extra strength. It is usually fabricated of a

web plate flanged or otherwise stiffened and spaced several frames apart, with the
smaller frames in between.
Weld preparation: A contour such as bevel, placed on the edge of a member or
plate to facilitate welding.

Well: The space in the bottom of the ship to which bilge water drains so that it may
be pumped overboard. Also the space between partial superstructures.

Wildcat: A special type of coglike windlass drum whose faces are formatted to fit
the links of an anchor chain. The rotating wildcat causes the chain to be slacked off
when lowering the anchor, or hauled in when raising the anchor.

Winch: A machine, usually steam or electric used primarily for raising and lowering

Windlass: The machine used to raise or lower anchors.

Work breakdown structure: Any classification for sub dividing the work required for
a ship construction or conversion program in order to manage the program.

Work measurement: An analysis technique designed to establish the time an

average qualified worker should take to carry out a specified job at a defined level
of performance.

Work package: A resource subdivision, which specifies the material and labor,
required completing some portion of the shipbuilding or repair contact.


Zone: A geographical sub-section of a ship that includes all items within the
boundaries of the physical region.

Zone outfitting method: A ship building system, which organizes outfitting work by
zone and stage into on-unit, on-block, and on-board work.

Zone painting method: A ship building system, which integrates surface

preparation and coating work into the overall construction process.

Zone technology: management methodology based on organizing work by zone

rather than by system.

Arjun k bharath
B.Tech NA&SB, 29th batch
Dept of Ship Technology


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