3MuriGeneralDescription PDF
3MuriGeneralDescription PDF
3MuriGeneralDescription PDF
= degree of vulnerability for the ultimate limit state
= degree of vulnerability for the damage limit state
Presentation of the details
For each analysis, the push-over curve and the outline of the bilateral equivalent
system are shown in the window. Based on the user defined code, the corresponding
conditions to be satisfied are shown.
Any parameter of the construction's response can be examined in order to provide
adequate understanding of the structure's behaviour. This data is necessary in order to
better design any necessary changes for improving the seismic response.
Presentation of the results takes place in 4 areas:
zone 1: Front view of the interested wall is seen;
zone 2: numeric results are shown;
zone 3: the general deformed plan based on the load steps is shown. In addition,
the wall seen in zone 1 is highlighted;
zone 4: the force-deformation curve relative to the entire structure is shown.
Deformation strain curve
The result of the "Non-linear static analysis" is the curve shear to the base-displacement
relative to a control node.
From that obtained curve, the bilinear equivalent is defined and a global seismic check
of the building is performed.
The limit of the curve on the right indicates the displacement provided by the structure.
The red vertical bar identifies the minimum displacement required by the code. If this
value is less than the right limit of the curve, then the structure has passed the check.
However, if the structure does not pass, it is possible to provide for improvements
through plating or injections or inserting new elements in different materials (for
example R.C. walls, beams, columns, tie beams or tie rods).
Working in this way, it is no longer necessary to check each individual element as their
contribution is implicitly taken into account in the analysis of the entire structure.
The 3Muri model, through study of the elastic-plastic behaviour of the elements, allows
evaluation at any moment of the conditions of the individual elements as well as the
global structure.
Hence, the check is provided in performance terms, that is the capacity of the structure
to undergo displacement in excess to that required by code.
Numeric results
The result window shows all the values (nodal displacements, reaction, columns forces,
etc.) for the various walls that make up the structure, for each substep of the analysis.
In this window each value can be selected. The results can be exported for use in other
programs, such as Word and Excel.
You can also see the deformation alignment, both for the plan and the wall. The change
in color highlights the state of advancement of the damage in the various
By observing the colors found in the damaged wall map, it is easy to understand which
macroelements are damaged and the cause of the damage (shear, compression
bending, etc.).
It is also possible to examine the tendency towards damage for all non damaged
elements, making it easy to determine whether they become plastic due to shearing or
compression bending.
This type of visualization is not only for masonry elements but also for reinforced
cement, steel or wood.
This instrument is extremely useful for managing any changes that need to be made to
existing structures, as it is very simple to identify the areas in which intervention is
Evolution of damage
After having performed the push-over analysis it is possible to display the progress of
the damage to the structure, following the course of the selected load.
In fact, by moving the cursor that indicates the load's history, you can see the
animation of the damage as it propagates through the structure.
In the images, from left to right and from top to bottom, you can see the variation in
the state of the elements. They begin whole and move to the plastic state, then finally
The color map, as seen in the figure below, indicates the meaning of each color.
The drawing created by the program allows you to see the configuration of the floors'
deformation as well as for the individual walls at each load step. In this way, the level
of damage for the macroelements is highlighted. The numeric results of the analyses
are listed in a table (frequency of the modal analysis, node displacement, etc.).
It is also possible to export the results in text or Excel format.
For each dynamic analysis you can obtain a temporal history of the node displacements
or the other significant parameters for the analysis (interfloor drift, damage and failure
of elements, forces), automatically identifying the maximum and minimum values.
3D presentation of the damaged model
To obtain a clear representation of the structural damage, it is possible to show the
evolution in 3D mode. In this way, it is possible to highlight the parts and the level of
damage reached.
These representations highlight the elements that reached failure.
In this way, it is easy to understand the failure mechanisms and make changes with
targeted reinforcements.
Displaying the structure as transparent and showing only the failed elements, makes it
easier to identify the individual points where the structure is weak.
Foundations Analysis
The foundations analysis results can be displayed for each substep of the analysis.
For each of these is shown the tension in contact with the soil (foundation-ground) of
the current step, and the maximum value between the first step and that
corresponding to the displacement value equal to Dmax.
Local static checks
Checks relative are performed for the following areas:
Slenderness check: ( D.M.87)
Load eccentricity check: ( D.M.87)
Vertical loads check: ( D.M.87)
Video that presents the results
Dynamic modal analysis
After the calculation of dynamic modal we can look the presentation of results.
In the table at the bottom right is presented the list of modal forms.
The table gives the following data:
Mode: Numeric identifier for the modal form
T[s]: Fundamental period
mx[kg]: Participating mass direction X
Mx[%]: Percentage of participating mass direction X
my[kg]: Participating mass direction Y
My[%]: Percentage of participating mass direction Y
mz[kg]: Participating mass direction Z
Mz[%]: Percentage of participating mass direction Z
After having performed the analysis, the report manager will be able to produce the
final document.
The data are extrapolated from the the computational data according to specifications
that the user can personalize.
Using the tree on the left, the user can decide which parts will be included in the report.
The final document can be seen in preview and then exported in various standard
formats (.doc, .html, .pdf, .xls).
FME method checks
In order to verify the reliability of the theoretical solution, the damages suffered by the
City Hall of Castelnuovo Belbo after the earthquake in Monferrato in 2000 were
compared with the damage predictions calculated by 3Muri.
The calculated numeric results compare with optimal approximation to the image of the
damages that were actually suffered. This indicates the capacity of 3Muri to examine
reality in a way that no other program has done to date.
At the left the damages suffered by the actual structure on the ground and first floor
can be seen. On the right are the damages predicted by 3Muri.
The image of the damages caused by the earthquakes match almost completely with
the analysis performed with 3Muri.
Experimental tests
Real scale models were created at various research centers and then brought to failure
using dynamic loads.
Again in these tests, the theoretical analysis performed with 3Muri overlaps with the
experimental data.
Comparing FME method with POR and FEM method
The FME method is fairly recent, although it derives from studies and research
performed in the last few decades.
Below you will find a comparison with the methods used before: POR method and FEM
The POR method
The first method to be examined is the POR, which was developed in the 1980s, a
period when computers were not yet widely used.
One of the objectives of this method was to make possible to use incremental collapse
analysis, despite the difficulties associated with manual computation.
For this reason the structure is schematised in an extremely simplified way, taking into
account only the resistance of the vertical masonry elements (1), (2), (3) as in the
figure below, without examining the true rigidity of the horizontal masonry spandrel
The decision to take the floor as having infinite rigidity (as a connection system
between the various masonry walls, instead of a replacement for the actual rigidity of
the floor and spandrel beam system), means using a computation model in which the
vertical masonry elements are considered to have rotation impeded at their extremities.
Summary of the characteristics of the POR method
Simplified model, numerically easy and can be used to do manual calculations
Infinitely rigid floors
Does not allow for spandrel beam damage mechanisms
Over-estimates structural rigidity
Extremely-underestimates structural ductility
The FEM method
A masonry construction can be analysed by making the walls discrete elements, using
the surface finished elements with classic FEM programs.
Due to this, the analysis increases in significance with the level of detail of the mesh.
Hence it is "mesh dependent" and heavily conditioned by the operations which define
the model.
This type of analysis is much more burdensome in computational terms and can only be
done with automatic calculation programs.
In the case in which a non-linear constituent law is considered for the material, this
method can take into account the proper degradation of the masonry, reducing the
resistance of the damaged elements.
Definition of the parameters requires precise knowledge about the masonry material
and a level of detail that is not explicitly noted in the codes, whose evaluation can only
be found through carful experimental analysis.
If these parameters are lacking, or if the evaluation if not performed correctly, it means
that the "pushover" curve obtained through the non-linear static analysis will not take
into account the descending length formed due to the structural damage.
The code defines the maximum value in correspondence with a 20% decline in the
shear value with respect to the maximum value.
Hence, it is not possible to define the collapse, in accordance with that required by the
Results of analyses of this type will provide maps which highlight the localized tension
level of the masonry.
A tension point value that exceeds the limit value does not represent failure of the
masonry panel.
In fact, resistance criteria for the masonry elements depend on the value of the force
characteristics that do not have a direct correspondence with the tension state. Hence,
they don't consider the effects of the tension points, but also possible redistribution
due to non-linear behaviour and degradation.
Hence, it is necessary to revise the modelling results, through median and integration
operations, in order to perform the analysis correctly and consistently.
Summary of the characteristics of the FEM method
Dependence on mesh analysis (mesh dependent) and computation times that are
heavily reliant on model dimensions. For large models computation time can be notable.
Point definition of material constituent laws is difficult to achieve
The Code does not contain all the parameters necessary to define non-linear
behaviour and degradation. Without these values it is impossible to consistently
apply the resistance criteria and the displacement limits associated with the
degradation of global resistance on the capacity curve.
In order to apply shear resistance and bending criteria to the masonry, it is
necessary to integrate the node effects on the individual masonry elements, at least
in order to check and verify the results obtained with the non-linear constituent
In face, the Code does not offer explicit reference to modelling of the panels through
creating discrete objects for surface elements. Instead, it suggests using an
equivalent frame model with piers, masonry beams and, if necessary, other structural
elements in R.C. and steel.
The FME method
The Code provides some general considerations on the ways of modelling structures
with the intention of global seismic analysis.
For existing buildings in normal masonry, some details are indicated and some concepts
are suggested for modelling.
The reference model is a three-dimensional equivalent frame, in which the walls are
interconnected with horizontal partitions on the floors.
In the specific case of a masonry structure, the wall can be schematized as a frame in
which the resistant elements (piers and spandrel beams) and the rigid nodes are
Coupling beams in normal masonry or piers are modelled only if the designer holds that
they are adequately toothed by the walls.
Dividing the walls into vertical lengths corresponding to the various floors, and knowing
the location of the openings, then the portion of masonry, masonry piers and floor
lengths (where the deformability and damage is concentrate) is automatically
determined. This can be verified by observing damage caused by real earthquakes or
through experimental and numerical simulations.
Hence piers and spandrel beams are modelled with finished two-dimensional
macroelements, that represent the masonry panels with two nodes with three degrees
of freedom each (ux, uz, roty).
The remaining portions of the wall are considered as rigid two-dimensional nodes with
finite dimensions, to which the macro-elements are connected. The macro-elements
transfer the actions along the level's three degrees of liberty, at each incident node.
When describing a single wall, the nodes are identified by a pair of coordinates (x,z) on
the floor of the wall. The degrees of freedom which they possess can only be ux, uz,
roty (two-dimensional nodes).
Thanks to the division of elements into nodes, the wall model becomes completely
comparable to that of a frame plan.
Structural modelling also requires the possibility of inserting beams, identified in the
level by the position of the two edge nodes.
In addition to the presence of actual beams (architraves or r.c. tie beams), the model
assumes the presence of tie rod structures. These metallic structures completely lack
bending rigidity and lose all effectiveness if they are compressed. This detail adds an
additional non-linear element to the model.
Code includes performance character among its assumptions: indications about
modelling modality and elements check constitute a reference for reliable non-linear
Code requires formulation of the mechanisms, which are considered to be bending
response as well as shear response: the compression-bending mechanism is rigorously
examined, considering the effective redistribution of the compression due to both
section choking and reaching of the maximum compression resistance. The last
displacement associated with the compressive-bending mechanism is determined
based on the maximum drift value expected for this mechanism: 0.6%.
The shear mechanism is described by the Mohr-Coulumb model which, through the
Gambarotta-Lagomarsino joint, is able to collect the progressive degradation of the
element's resistance and rigidity through the descriptive quantities of the damage.
The ultimate shear deformation is determined based on the maximum drift value
expected in the code: 0.4%.
In this way, the structure is modelled by assembly of the level structures: the walls and
the horizontal structures, both lacking bending rigidity outside of the level.
The model created makes the structure's spatial behaviour clear. In this way, mass and
rigidity are distributed to all the three-dimensional degrees of liberty. At the same time,
it locally takes into account the individual degrees of liberty of the levels (two-
dimensional nodes).
Connection nodes, belonging to a single wall, maintain their degrees of liberty at the
local reference level. Nodes that belong to more than one wall (localized in the
incidences of the walls) must have degrees of liberty in the overall reference (three-
dimensional nodes).
Predictions for changes
Thanks to this modelling technique, it is possible to identify structural weak points
through colored mapping. Each color is associated with a level of localized degradation.
Structural degradation of each individual wall, as a consequence of the progressive
loading of the structure, is highlighted through the damage map shown for each wall.
The above figure shows the color table which identifies the various levels of damage for
the structural elements (walls, columns, tie beams, beams, R.C. walls), according to the
level reached.
The following figures shows various levels of degradation for the structure based on
the load level reached.
Thanks to this instrument, it is possible to identify the points where changes can be
made, in order to perform targeted changes.
Mixed structures
One of the characteristics aspects of this type of modelling is the possibility to examine
structures in mixed materials, where the presence of R.C., wood, or steel provides a
notable contribution to the structure's resistance.
While the resistance of R.C. structural elements is almost always higher than masonry
elements, this computational procedure provides the possibility of monitoring the failure
sequence of the various elements, independent of the structural typology and the
material. In this way, their contribution to the total resistance can be subtracted when
they fail.
The designer has the possibility to escape the limitations of the POR method, having
the possibility to take into account the resistance contribution of the various structural
elements outside of the masonry.
Automatic calculation of accidental eccentricity
Once the building plan has been defined, accidental eccentricity as required under code
is automatically computed. This leads to the creation of a table for computation of the
24 load conditions, exactly as required by the code.
Summary of the characteristics of 3Muri's FME method
Equivalent frame modelling with all the specifications required by code
Modelling elements, piers and spandrel beams, allow direct computation of forces in
order to compare them with the limit values provided in the code.
Can examine mixed structures (masonry, beams, columns, R.C. walls, steel and
wood) with non-linear behaviour for all elements.
Modelling of equivalent frame walls allows spatial assembly of the walls, connecting
them through deformable elements to simulate the effective rigidity of the floors.
Reading the results is simple and intuitive: the cause of local and global damage due
to shear or compression bending can be identified, so effective changes to
consolidate the structure can be made.
The speed of non-linear computation is notable, and the model dimensions impact
only slightly on time.
Comparison of the POR and FEM methods
Calculating a building using elements with blocked rotation and infinitely rigid floors
(POR Method) generally means over-estimating rigidity and under-estimating structural
Consider for example a three-storey masonry building without tie beams on the floor
levels, representative of many existing buildings.
The comparison between the models is not exactly a comparison between the POR
method and the equivalent frame method: POR analyzes the individual floors
individually and then "overlaps" the response.
The above diagram illustrates flexibility values that are much smaller, in addition to the
greater rigidity of the model with impeded rotation rigid planks with respect to the real
one (deformable and evaluated with 3Muri).
The red curve (in the middle of the other two) corresponds to a structure whose floor
has been stiffened by tie beams, whose behaviour is intermediate between the two
extreme instances seen above.
From this, the comparison between the two codes can be seen:
Applicability of the POR method, according to the Circular of 30-07-1981
The POR computational method is found in the appendix of the circular from 30-07-1981
and is considered to be a simplified method applicable only in clearly defined conditions,
illustrated in the code:
"In the case of thick walls operating for the most part shearing, which can generally be
considered to be buildings of a limited height (2 or 3 floors) and with spandrel beams on the
floors between lines of continuous openings and very rigid overlaps and with sufficient
resistance, collapse generally occurs due to shear failure of the vertical masonry elements
(spandrel beams) and the checks can be carried out using the POR procedure (illustrated in
detail in the appendix)."
However, when the precedent requirements are not satisfied:
"Buildings that are relatively high (4 or more floors) or with insufficient rigidity or spandrel
beam on the floors' resistance, generally collapse with a preventive shear failure of the
spandrel beams on the floors, followed by the masonry spandrel beams due to the
combined effects of shear and bending." Hence, the check should be conducting using a
computational method that takes into account the predictable collapse modality.
The walls can be checked schematizing them as floor frames."
The more generic computational method, already specified in the 1981 circular, for all
the cases in which the simplified method (POR) was not applicable, guides the designer
to use the new method of computation which has now been adopted in the Code.
The computation method described requires modellation of the floor frames, which is
currently used in the macroelement theory found in 3Muri software.
The choice to use rigid slabs (POR method) was demonstrably restricted in NTC 08.
The POR method presupposes modelling of the masonry beams as infinitely rigid. In this
way, the possibility that they could be damaged or fail is excluded: not only is this not
consistent with the the actual behaviour of constructions but the method also does not
provide the forces that operate on these elements and does not allow them to be
In contrast to the equivalent frame method, POR method does not allow analysis to be
performed on equilibrium, either locally or globally.
Analyzing the single floor response for the construction separately means that it is not
possible to evaluate the variation in vertical actions connected to the application of
horizontal forces. It also isn't possible to guarantee equilibrium in the passage
between one spandrel beam and the corresponding one on the floor above.
In addition to the aspects connected to passing (or not) the checks specified in various
codes, it is a good idea to point out how equivalent frame analysis (macroelement) is
able to simulate real responses in a more accurate manner. In this way, it provides a
more trustworthy and informed evaluation of the most effective consolidation method.
Comparison of the FME and FEM methods
Let's reexamine the problems of analysing the finished elements with respect to a
macroelement model.
Large computation times due to a steady computational burden.
The Code makes explicit reference to equivalent frame models, both when dealing
with analysis methods (8.1.5), and when specifying how to perform checks (8.1.6 and
8.2.2). In fact, it always refers to masonry or structural elements.
In the Code, the checks are performed in terms of forces characteristics (N, T and M)
and not in terms of point tension to the masonry: analysis for finished elements
requires successive integration of all the masonry elements since the resistance
criteria provided by the code is expressed in global terms for the wall.
A detail analysis, similar to the finished element analysis, requires point constituent
links defined by a number of parameters that is greater than those provided by the
Code. In this way, the designer is forced to define them arbitrarily or using careful
experimental analysis.
Even the final examination of the results can become difficult or unclear, in the case of
the finished elements method. It also requires a great degree of experience and
specific skills.
Hence, examining these factors, it becomes clear just how complex it is to perform a
check using the continuos FEM model while respecting Code specifications.
Due to the difficulties that it creates, this modelling strategy is appropriate for
specialised analysis of particular or monumental structures (churches, towers, masonry
bridges), but it is not appropriate for the daily needs of accuracy, speed and simplicity
of results-reading (very practical needs for engineering).
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