Logical Consequences Chart1
Logical Consequences Chart1
Logical Consequences Chart1
Whole class does not follow the rules in the hallway.
Go back to room and practice again. Take the whole class on the walking path during recess to practice desired hallways behavior.(Teacher led They have to have a specific place in line they may have to be moved from their line order. Go to the end of the line and try again. Loss of privilege of having a drink. Go all the way back to starting point to try again.
Talking#not following bathroom rules %oiling in other places other than toilet &utting misc. items in the toilet &aper towels on the floor &eeking and crawling under the doors(Locking them &laying with water#soap
$ot allowed to be in the bathroom without supervision. (adult or peer supervision Clean it up 'ish them out and clean them up (will be done with custodians( assistance &icking them up for )*+ number of days person#crawling under and unlocking them. Cleaning up mess if necessary, loss of privilege of going alone
-estroys school property#misuse of classroom materials $ot completing work#wasting learning time
They have to clean it up or try to replace it (if possible . Work to pay back the teacher. They have to finish their work on their own time. ("ecess, bring it to work outside if you are on duty, or as homework -o it at their )choice time+. Take a break Go back and try it again Take a break or time away room /ove desk Child contacts parents by phone !pology of !ction &ractice using alternate language at alternate time Take a break -o work at another time. Take a break Time !way !pology of !ction 0lue %lip 1ffice involvement Lose the privilege to use that supply Clean desk(s /ove away from group#partner Go to the end of the line, walk on the other side of the hallway away from your class, hold the teacher(s hand Loss of privilege to participate
2sing %upplies incorrectly Writing on desk Talking to neighbor during work time after Take a break has been used Lining up infraction
morning meeting
$ot showing five "unning
"eview 3 chart 4 e*pectations %tand 2ntil !ll &articipate &ractice showing five "eview 3 chart 4e*pectations Go back to point of origin and wait until quiet &ractice standing in line with voices off "eview 3 chart &ractice walking Go back to point of origin and try again !pology of !ction 0lue slip Time away Loss of privilege of lining up with class Loss of privilege#defined play area ne*t to lines until student regains responsibility &ractice lining up at another time.
$ot lining up
"unning 5n wrong place 3elling -isrespectful
.scort back to point of origin and practice walking .scort to right place "e4direct in right direction &ractice soft voices "eview 3 chart !pology of !ction 0lue slip
Time away
&hysical !ggression 2sing playground equipment unsafe (same with football, soccer, balls, 6ump ropes 5gnoring playground boundaries Consistent stragglers lining up
0lue slip Warning, loss of privilege for 7 amount of time %tay on blacktop only Lose 8 minutes of ne*t recess, stand in the yellow 9one. Loss of privilege of where to play. (Teacher chooses a spot for them near their line !ll students must be quiet before line goes in.
Walking path is used only for a cool down and to remove a child from the situation. %hould not be punitive. :uiet signal should be repeated until it is done successfully. Teacher on duty gives quiet signal.
Talking during quiet time Throwing food $ot using inside voices
/ove to Take a 0reak table &ick it up#floor clean4up Warning, lose privilege to talk