Dynamic - Dynamic Range: Imaging
Dynamic - Dynamic Range: Imaging
Dynamic - Dynamic Range: Imaging
fullwell capacity 6e- @ readout noise 6e- @ fullwell capacity 6e- @ dynCCD = 20 $ log c m6dB @ readout noise 6e- @ dynCCD =
an analog-to-digital (A/D) converter. Therefore, the light signals (photons) are converted into digital values. The analog-to-digital converters have a given resolution or dynamic range, that in most cases is given as a power of base 2, (2x). This means that an 8 bit resolution corresponds to 256 steps, which can be used to subdivide or convert the full scale voltage signal. CCD camera manufacturers usually optimize a combination of the dynamic range of the CCD image sensor, gain and conversion factor (defined as average conversion ratio that takes x electrons to generate one count in the image) to optimize the dynamic range of the CCD image sensor by the analog-to-digital converter. The dynamic range of the digitization is not identical to the usable dynamic range.
Upon examination of these specifications, the ICX285 could be digitized using 4096 steps (corresponds to {212} 12 bit resolution), while the KAI-11000 should be digitized using 8192 steps (corresponds to 13 bit resolution). This references to maximum values which are explained in detail in the usable dynamic range section. Furthermore, additional gain makes sense only if the dynamic range of the A/D-converter is smaller than the dynamic range of the CCD image sensor. For example, if the dynamic range of the CCD is 70 dB, and the dynamic range of the A/D-converter is 48 dB, a useful gain or amplification would be 22 dB. Alternatively, a programmable gain would increase the performance of such a system.
The resolutions above directly correspond to the theoretical maximum limit of the converter devices. Analog-to-digital converters have an average conversion uncertainty of 0.4 - 0.7 bit, which reduces the resolution for practical applications by 1 bit. If the camera system is not limited in its dynamic range by A/D converter discrepancies, it is useful to inflate the A/D converter resolution by 1 or 2 bits. This is achieved by electronically adding a minor amount to the signal a so-called offset signal, so that the lower limit is solely provided via the image sensor and read out amplifier noise, with some resolution sacrifices from the converter.
pco. imaging
Figure 1 Weakly illuminated image with 12bit total dynamic displayed with 255 gray levels. scaled: 0-4095 -> 0-255 graph shows readout line
Figure 2 Same image as above with 12bit total dynamic displayed with 255 gray levels. scaled: 53-70 -> 0-255 graph shows readout line
Figure 3 Same image as above but with 8bit total dynamic displayed with 255 gray levels. scaled: 7-9 -> 0-255 graph shows readout line
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The Cooke Corporation 6930 Metroplex Drive Romulus, Michigan 48174, USA tel (248) 276 8820 fax (248) 276 8825 info@cookecorp.com www.cookecorp.com
pco. imaging
subject to changes without prior notice | PCO AG, Kelheim | dynamic - dynamic range | v. 0810