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Career Research Guide Worksheet2013

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Name: Carly La Berge

Career Research Guide Worksheet

Make sure you have completed the career exploration and have a good idea of the career that interests you! Your job title : Pediatrician Job o er ie!"What they do: Pediatricians are doctors #or children$ #rom ne!born babies to teenagers$ !hose goals are to hel% children and make them #eel better& Pediatricians conduct tests and e'ams to hel% them diagnose %roblems$ recommend %ossible treatments and hel% the children through tough situations& Working conditions : Pediatricians usually !ork ()*+ hours a day ,-.)/0 hours a !eek1$ !ork 2on call3 so they may need to !ork at any time$ day or night& 4hey !ork in either a hos%ital$ health clinic or go ernment agency and they usually !ear scrubs !hen needed #or hygienic reasons or nice clothing to gi e o## a %ro#essional %ersona ,!hen there is no risk o# them getting dirty1&

5alary : 4he a erage Pediatrician makes bet!een 6*00$000 7 6800$0009 annually$ but it ranges based on hours$ %lace and e'%erience& :uture outlook : Pediatrics is ery com%etiti e$ and there is so many %eo%le !anting to become doctors that it may not necessarily be in demand& ;edicine is ery strange because there !ill be too many doctors in one branch and not enough in another& <t all de%ends on the %lace and !hether or not they ha e room& :or e'am%le$ there are too many Gynecologists in =elo!na$ but not enough #amily doctors$ e en though they re>uire less education&
Post-Secondary Institute/Training Program #1

Pediatricians need about +)8 years o# undergraduate studies$ some schools re>uire a Bachelor?s";aster?s degree and o# course$ a @octor o# ;edicine degree& 4hen$ they must com%lete medical school& ABCB o##ers all this in one sim%le %rogram and is %aired !ith the hos%ital to gi e students e'tra e'%erience and training&
Location and name of program: 5outh ;edical Program at ABC?s Bkanagan cam%us& <t o##ers a !ide range o# 5cience and ;edicine courses and is %aired !ith the hos%ital$ so < !ould get e'tra e'%erience !ith %atients and ha e lots o# o%tions& Clso$ < !ould be able to !ork !ith doctors and see !hat other o%tions o# medicine are& Plus$ the Bkanagan cam%us is close to my house$ so < could li e !ith my %arents and cut costs& Cost: ,#irst year CN@ total cost o# %rogram$ including tuition$ books$ and su%%lies1

<# %lanning on attending a major uni ersity: !!!&you&ubc&ca to calculate an a%%ro'imate cost <# %lanning on attending a college: !!!&okanagan&bc&ca"tuition to calculate an a%%ro'imate cost Cost #or the ;@ %rogram !hile li ing at home: 6+D$.+*&DD& Pre-requisites of program: < !ould need Eealth 5ciences *+ and at least 8 other grade *+ courses& Clso$ Biology$ Physics and Chemistry *+ are ery ad antageous and < !ould also need at least F0G as an o erall mark&

What are 8 related occu%ations you could take i# this one didn?t !ork out #or you : < understand that Pediatrics is really hard to get into$ so here are my other o%tions: *& Nursing: education is not as long and stress#ul$ but < !ould still get to do similar$ hel%#ul things& +& Pro#essor: my mom said a back)u% %lan is i# < can?t get into medical school$ continue my education until < am ca%able o# teaching the courses$ that !ay < !ould hel% %eo%le become !hat they !ant to be& 8& :amily @octor: education is shorter$ no s%ecialiHation$ get to start !ork right a#ter medical school& Cnd most im%ortantlyI Why are you interested in this careerJ : < ha e been interested in this career since < !as *0 years old because that !as !hen < decided 2< !ant to change someone?s li#e&3 Clso my mom is a doctor and < look u% to her as my role model& < also lo e children and babysitting so < think Pediatrics !ould be a %er#ect #it& < am a ery gi ing and hel%#ul %erson !ho !ill stand u% #or !hat < think is right$ and < am really hard !orker so < think Pediatrics is something < am ca%able o# doing&

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