TopGrom Championship Invitiation List (Ver 1) PDF

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MODERN SKATEPARK, ROYAL OAK, MICHIGAN, USA JANUARY 17-18, 2014 (Qualifiers: Modern, Rye Airfield, Newmarket, YMCA Mission Valley)
First Eben Jim Jesse Gavin Asher David Shea Cooper Aidan Tate Devin Logan Nicholas Lazer Andrew Ethan Kobe Marky Joshua Joseph Johathan Claudio Nate Liam Kaiden Carlos Carlos Bryson Last Andrews Applesead Bittle Bottger Bradshaw Branom Burrows Burrows Caldwell Carew Cobb Cogswell Cornacchia Crawford Decker Dhittier Dinsmore DiPasquale Dirksen Dizon Djurovic Dominguez Dugan Dunne Edelbrock Fagundes Fagundes Farrill First+Last Eben Andrews Jim Applesead Jesse Bittle Gavin Bottger Asher Bradshaw David Branom Shea Burrows Cooper Burrows Aidan Caldwell Tate Carew Devin Cobb Logan Cogswell Nicholas Cornacchia Lazer Crawford Andrew Decker Ethan Dhittier Kobe Dinsmore Marky DiPasquale Joshua Dirksen Joseph Dizon Johathan Djurovic Claudio Dominguez Nate Dugan Liam Dunne Kaiden Edelbrock Carlos Fagundes Carlos Fagundes Bryson Farrill Age 8 12 9 6 9 12 7 10 7 8 6 11 11 7 13 12 12 12 12 11 11 10 13 12 9 9 10 12 Home Town Qualifier Boxborough, MA Rye San Deigo Mission Valley Toronto Mission Valley San Deigo Mission Valley San Deigo Mission Valley San Deigo Mission Valley San Deigo Mission Valley San Deigo Mission Valley Royal Oak Modern San Deigo Mission Valley San Deigo Mission Valley San Deigo Mission Valley Toronto, Ont Newmarket San Deigo Mission Valley Hudson New HampshireRye Cumberland, Maine Rye Greensberg Modern San Deigo Mission Valley Hampton, NH USA Rye Richmond Hill Newmarket Oakland Township Modern Millwaukee Modern 0 Rye Toronto, Ont Newmarket San Deigo Mission Valley Brantford ONT Rye Brantford Modern San Deigo Mission Valley

John Josh Cauy Nicholas William Josh Cash Tate Tyler Callum Owen Jack Rylan Stephen Lucas Qincy Cayde Jonah Felix Lawsen Paul Tyler Will Taylor Jalen Liam Nick Nate Max Aslan Corbin Finn Dylan Matt Eddie Noah Nick Ethan

Flynn Forsberg George Gounezis Greenaway Jenkins Kenton Kokubo Kulesza Lang Liban MacDermitt Mancilla Marchibroda Martin Martin Mckinstray Melnyk Meyers Miller Milne Milne Morton Nye Oliver Pace Papa Paugh Pergament Peters Pierce Pope Powell Resche Reynolds Ritchart Rivera Rivera

John Flynn Josh Forsberg Cauy George Nicholas Gounezis William Greenaway Josh Jenkins Cash Kenton Tate Kokubo Tyler Kulesza Callum Lang Owen Liban Jack MacDermitt Rylan Mancilla Stephen Marchibroda Lucas Martin Qincy Martin Cayde Mckinstray Jonah Melnyk Felix Meyers Lawsen Miller Paul Milne Tyler Milne Will Morton Taylor Nye Jalen Oliver Liam Pace Nick Papa Nate Paugh Max Pergament Aslan Peters Corbin Pierce Finn Pope Dylan Powell Matt Resche Eddie Reynolds Noah Ritchart Nick Rivera Ethan Rivera

6 11 13 13 13 9 9 12 11 13 10 13 8 6 13 10 7 13 10 7 9 9 7 9 11 12 12 10 7 7 9 9 8 13 7 12 9 13

Portsmouth San Deigo Mount Pleasant Toronto Toronto Seattle San Deigo Arlington, MA Milford Toronto, Ontario Millwaukee Toronto, Ont San Deigo Portsmouth Oakville, Ont Toronto Oakville Belleville, Ont Millwaukee

Rye Mission Valley Modern Modern Modern Bye Mission Valley Rye Modern Newmarket Modern Newmarket Mission Valley Rye Newmarket Modern Newmarket Newmarket Modern 0 Modern tecumseh Modern tecumseh Modern Seattle, WA Rye San Deigo Mission Valley Middleville Modern San Deigo Mission Valley San Deigo Mission Valley Virginia Beach Rye Seattle Bye Cowson Modern Washington Township, NJ Rye Seattle Bye San Deigo Mission Valley Royal Oak Modern San Deigo Mission Valley San Deigo Mission Valley San Deigo Mission Valley Oakville, Ont Newmarket

Jaxon David Matthew Nick Ben Griffin Zion Nick Katie Desmond Robert Caden Myles Dylan Ethan Leif River Riley Nate Cooper Eamon William Matthew Finn Henry Brigton Jack

Robbins Roberts Robitaille Rose Ruef Sanford Schack Scolaro Segel Shepard Smith Smith Strampello Sullivan Thompson Traser Trasser Vaughn Vernia Vosburg Wakefield Watson Wilcox Woodley Woolever Zeuner Zeuner

Jaxon Robbins David Roberts Matthew Robitaille Nick Rose Ben Ruef Griffin Sanford Zion Schack Nick Scolaro Katie Segel Desmond Shepard Robert Smith Caden Smith Myles Strampello Dylan Sullivan Ethan Thompson Leif Traser River Trasser Riley Vaughn Nate Vernia Cooper Vosburg Eamon Wakefield William Watson Matthew Wilcox Finn Woodley Henry Woolever Brigton Zeuner Jack Zeuner

9 13 13 13 10 13 9 13 0 9 10 9 7 11 12 7 10 11 11 11 11 6 13 9 13 9 10

San Deigo Mission Valley Hampton, NH USA Rye Toronto, Ontario Newmarket Raymond, Maine Rye San Deigo Mission Valley Northville Modern Milton, Ontario Newmarket Oakville, Ont Newmarket Milwaukee Modern San Deigo Mission Valley betoskey Modern Seattle Bye San Deigo Mission Valley San Deigo Mission Valley Newfields New Hampshire Rye Brookfield Wisconscin Modern Brookfield whisconsion Modern Orland Park Illinois Modern San Deigo Mission Valley Milford Modern Newton, MA Rye Peabody, Massachusetts Rye San Deigo Mission Valley Toronto, Ontari Newmarket Lake in the hills Illinois Modern San Deigo Mission Valley San Deigo Mission Valley

Note: We will be adding participants for the Monster (Sydney, Australia) and Tropical Skate School, Dominican Republic Qualifiers in the coming days!

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