Land Pollution

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Land Pollution

By: Casey, Raquel, Lone, Ryan and Kyle


Major global health concern Human leave waste on the land
Serious problem contributes to other forms of contamination Degrades quality of land where the waste is Degrades the quality of things what growing in that land contaminates ground water kills animals and plants species causes disease Major causes: industrialization Chemical treatment Human activity


Who is involved in the pollution?

Animals Human Water Soil

What are the risks

Can cause problems in the human respiratory system Cause problems on the skin. Cause various kinds cancers. Affects lives

What are the benefits?

Protects the environment by reducing the risk of toxic releases.

What caused this issue?

Littering o make a place untidy with rubbish or a large number of objects left lying about Landfills o A method of solid waste disposal in which refuse is buried between layers of dirt so as to fill in or reclaim low-lying ground

Mining Activities o mine waste can leach out into surface and groundwater causing serious pollution that can last for many generations
Agriculture o pesticides, fertilizers, contaminated water

What is the threat to the ecosystem?

the release of excessive amounts of nitrates and phosphates from sewage

and agricultural run-off

pharmaceuticals used by people and in livestock production that are toxic to wildlife; acid rain; heavy metals; herbicides and pesticides; and

habitat destruction, over-hunting, pollution and climate change statistics of what things are being polluted:

What human actions are causing this threat?

Deforestation and soil erosion Agricultural activities

o Farmers using highly toxic fertilizers

Mining activities Overcrowded landfills

o Landfills keep filling up with peoples garbage

Nuclear Waste
o The left over radioactive material contains harmful and toxic chemicals that can affect human health

Sewage Treatment
o Large amount of solid waste is leftover once the sewage has been treated

Why is the issue important?

Soil pollution can not only affect the growth of lawns and gardens, but it can also bring a danger to people and animals exposed to the loose soil. o It takes so long for soil pollutants to decay, the soil could possibly remain contaminated a long time after the pollution has been eliminated

Historical Background
During the mid-19th century, new sources of pollution were introduced by the Industrial Revolution. The EPA began regulating hazardous waste in 1976.

How Can it Be Defined?

The definition of land pollution is the presence of a substance or thing that has harmful or poisonous effects to an environment.

Strong disagreement as to how the issues should be solved

Pollution control: controlling where the garbage goes Burning: to burn the garbage and not having it built up

Compacting: forcing the garbage into little cubes

what is the nature of this?

to cause the world harm like make vegetation die. some animals won't have a home

damage earth's layers the layer to keep the suns harmful rays out how the animals will live they won't have a home and they will die off

Works Cited
Nathanson, Jerry A. "Land Pollution." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Web. 29 Oct. 2013. Durkee, Debra. "The Importance of Soil Pollution | EHow." EHow. Demand Media, 08 May 2011. Web. 29 Oct. 2013.

"Important Facts on Land Pollution." Important Facts on Land Pollution. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Oct. 2013.
Causes| Land Pollution | Environmental Health." ThinkQuest. Oracle Foundation, n.d. Web. 29 Oct. 2013. Water and Air Pollution. 2013. The History Channel website. Oct 30 2013, 3:17

"Acid Mine Drainage: Mining and Water Pollution Issues." Acid Mine Drainage: Mining and Water Pollution Issues. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Oct. 2013. "Cause of Land Pollution." N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Oct. 2013.

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