Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
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Origins in ritual practices Theatre as a form is at least 2500 years old It has been as varied as the cultures in which it has appeared
What is Performed
Many types of activities may be considered theatre What is the essence of theatrical performance?
Possibilities: The staged performance of a text Storytelling
Since theatre has a broad range of possibilities, the essence of What is Performed is difficult to define Therefore theatre, as a performing art, is difficult to define
The Performance
The Performance translates the potential of a script, scenario, or plan into actuality.
Artistic Collaboration:
How the playwright, director, designers, and others work together to create the performance
Theatrical Elements:
Scenery, Costumes, Music, Lighting, and other effects that contribute to the performance
The Audience
The only thing that all forms of theatre have in common is the need for an audience. Peter Brook
The Audience: Completes the cycle of Creation/Communication Provides Immediate Feedback to the Performers 3-Way Interaction: Performers Audience Audience Audience Performers Audience
Purposes of Art
Art as a means to understand ones world Like other disciplines, such as history, art seeks to discover and record patterns in human experience . While historians, scientists, and other scholars appeal to the mind/intellect, artists appeal to the senses .
Esthetic Distance
We are detached enough from the performance to view it with some objectivity
Feeling of involvement with the performance
Esthetic distance and empathy seem to be contradictory concepts, but they balance each other in performance through the audiences willing suspension of disbelief.
Complexity Theatre combines varied elements such as movement, lighting, and sound while also drawing from all of the other arts. Immediacy Theatre is psychologically immediate, because it transpires in the simultaneous presence of live actors and spectators in the same room.
Making Connections:
Chapter 1 encourages us to access the value of art in our lives
Activity: (1) Make a list of all of the forms of art that enhance your life. (2) Consider how your life would change without these art forms (either for the positive or negative). (3) Consider ways in which you can share the art in your life with others.