Resume 2013
Resume 2013
Resume 2013
edu 1501 Lakeside Drive Box 815 Lynchburg, Virginia, 24501 (804) 555-9710 OBJECTIVE To write a resume for GS100. EDUCATION Advanced Diploma, Woodside High School, Newport News, Virginia, June 2013 G.P.A. 3.7 RELATED COURSEWORK Chemistry of Life (Nursing Chemistry), Nutrition RELATED EXPERIENCE Volunteer at The Gardens for Warwick Forest (Dependent Living Facility), Newport News, Virginia, 2012-present Assisted in activities for the residents Aided residents and nursing staff COMPUTER SKILLS Microsoft Word Microsoft Excel Microsoft PowerPoint ACTIVITES AND AWARDS Co-President- French Club 2013-Present Member- Concert Choir 2013-present Member- Acapella Club 2013-present Member- National Honor Society 2012-2013 Vice-President French National Honor Society 2011-2013 Member Tri-M Music Honor Society 2011-2013 REFERNECES Available upon request.