1 Presentation Echometer QRod Quick Rod Design
1 Presentation Echometer QRod Quick Rod Design
1 Presentation Echometer QRod Quick Rod Design
10352 Lbs
4815 Lbs
4370 Lbs
Fo From Fluid Level
Fo Max 2.50
1.25 0 -1.25
34.9 0 42.0
QRod Design
Primary Inputs: 1) Pump Inlet Pres. 2) Pump Depth 3) Target Rate 4) Stroke Length 5) Pump Diameter 6) Stroke Rate Secondary Inputs: 1) Unit Type 2) Rod String Type 3) Fluid Spec. Grav. 4) Tubing Pressure 5) Damping Factor 6) Anchored
1. Is the pumping system operating as expected? 2. Is the predicted dynamometer in agreement with accurately measured horseshoe dynamometer data? 3. If not, the design program may have incorrect data, or the software is not properly predicting well performance. 4. Can the performance be improved by a change in pump size, polished rod stroke length, SPM or other factors?
Design a pumping system to pump 350 BPD from a depth of 5000 ft with a .95 fluid specific gravity
API RP11L method determines percentage of each rod size and depends on the pump diameter; resulting in a balanced design with approximately equal stresses at the top of each rod section. 86 - 3 taper rod string 30.0% of 1 inch, 29.5% of 7/8 inch and 40.5% of inch rods. Loading on the top rod is 91.9% of the allowable for grade C rods and calculated using the modified Goodman diagram method.
Maximum allowable working stresses should not be higher than about 30,000 to 40,000 psi, although some sucker rods, such as the "high tensile strength" rods are rated at 40,000 to 50,000 psi maximum. Operation of rods in corrosive environments requires that the maximum allowable stress be decreased. Max. Allowable Stress, Sa = (0.25T + 0.5625*Smin)*SF Allowable Stress Range, Sr = Sa - Smin
Stress Limit For New Rods Based On API-Goodman Guide ========================== New Grade C Rod (Psi) New Grade K Rod (Psi) New Grade D Rod (Psi) New Grade H Rod (Psi) Service Factor 1.0 T/4 T/1.75 ====== ====== 23,750 54,286 21,250 48,571 28,750 65,714 50,000 50,000 Peak Tensile(T) ======= 95,000 85,000 115,000 140,000
Peak Torque Rating in Thousands of IN-LBS
Length in Inches
Wellhead Viewed to the Right: Crank nearest is #1 crank On opposite side #2 crank Counterweights on the Crank On top #1, On the bottom #2
0 CW #1 #2 180 #1 90
CCW 270
Measure Electric Power (kW) and Current (Amps) Input to the Motor over the time of a Pump Stroke