Sutra and Arabic Perfumed Garden.: Sex Positions
Sutra and Arabic Perfumed Garden.: Sex Positions
Sutra and Arabic Perfumed Garden.: Sex Positions
position themselves for sexual intercourse) have been used. In ancient texts it reveals that it was an art form among certain cultures, as in the Indian Kama Sutra and Arabic Perfumed Garden. There are many sexual positions which are mostly variations on a few basic positions. As with any other desire you have to find the positions that are most en oyable to you and your partner. !verybody"s needs are different. #ome couples are very innovative, some prefer the standard missionary position (manon$ top). The aim of lovema%ing, however, should be measured by fulfillment and satisfaction for both partners. The sexual positions a couple uses depends on a variety of factors& physical comfort inhibitions about experimenting with different positions prolonging or hastening orgasm may determine the position circumstances, such as time available, location, etc.) may find one position more satisfying
Some Sexual Positions are: Man-on-top (missionary position) Woman-on-top Side-by-side Rear-entry Spread-eagle Leapfrog Position Cross Position Cuissade Position Arm !air Position "urniture Position #ead to toe Lap $an e Split le%el Position Spoon Position Standing Position Standing and Carrying Position S&imming Position Spontaneous Position Anal inter ourse (pra ti ed by some !eterosexual ouples and some gay men) 'ou can vary these positions by performing them& lying down sitting standing %neeling combination of these There are many different ways of en oying sex and countless sexual positions. #ome positions offer& chance to embrace and %iss more with all$over body contact deeper penetration greater intimacy more excitement and tension as they are (uite difficult to maintain )overs will always find variations of their own. The important thing is to explore each other"s feelings and needs and en oy yourself.
'!e Man-(n-'op Position)Missionary Position The *an$On$Top +osition,*issionary +osition is named after the century /hristian missionaries who believed that the man on top was the only natural and proper position for intercourse, and preached to their converts to give up their animal positions in favor of the man$on$top position. The missionary position is the most common lovema%ing position because& it is comfortable it allows a great deal of body contact it allows good depth of penetration you can %iss and hold each other at the same time #o& to $o In the man$on$top position& The woman lies on her bac% with her legs spread and her %nees raised while the man enters her vagina with his penis The man can either lie flat on the woman if he is not too heavy in weight and it is not uncomfortable for her, or he can support some or all of his weight on his elbows, hands or %nees (sometimes the weight of the man on them can restrict a woman"s pelvic movement) The woman can wrap her legs around the man"s hips, bac%, or over his shoulders, the higher her legs the deeper the man may penetrate with his penis The woman can use her hands freely to caress the man or stimulate her clitoris as the man has limited use of his hands, but it is a good position for being able to see each other and for %issing and to caressing. #ome women do not li%e the deep penetration of this position.
*n reased onfiden e
#o& to $o In the woman$on$top,astride position& The man lies on his bac% and the woman sits on his erect penis 0acing him, she may s(uat on her haunches 0acing him, she may %neel, supporting herself with her hands, ma%ing it easier to lean forward and %iss his mouth. #itting on top, facing away from him, increases the depth of penetration )ying with her whole body along his increases the intimacy On top the woman can control the pace of lovema%ing and regulate the depth of penetration and the rate of thrusting of the penis. The woman$on$top position allows& for maximum indirect stimulation of the clitoris by the penis some women to reach orgasm more easily freer hand movements for caressing couples to see each other #ome women do not li%e the deep penetration of this position. This can be regulated by limiting how far down they lower themselves onto the erect penis. 1ue to the vigorous movements the penis can slip out of the vagina which can cause frustration.
#ome couples do not li%e the side$to$side position as deep pelvic thrusting is difficult. The partners can %iss and touch each other"s genitals while ma%ing love in this position. #o& 'o $o In the side$by$side position& The partners lie on their sides facing each other The man enters the woman"s vagina with his penis The woman wraps her leg around her partner"s body to facilitate deeper penetration pulling him towards her with her leg as he thrusts This position is useful& during later pregnancy to accommodate the woman"s belly for people who need to avoid strenuous activity
Rear ,ntry
2ear entry position is not the same as anal intercourse. In rear entry position the man"s penis enters the woman"s vagina when she has her bac% to him. 3hereas, in anal intercourse the man"s penis is inserted into his partner"s anus (rectum). 2ear entry allows for deep penetration and vigorous thrusting rather than tender lovema%ing so is not really suitable during pregnancy. #o& 'o $o This position allows for deep penetration. The woman gets on on her hands and %nees and her partner %neels behind her (commonly %nown as "doggy style") 4oth partners may stand with the woman bending forward and supporting herself against something, bed, furniture, wall, etc. 4oth partners lie on their sides, her bac% to his front The position allows the man to caress his partner"s breasts, buttoc%s and clitoris An alternative rear entry position %nown as the #pread$eagle +osition& The woman lies face down with the man on top of her and spreads her legs, while lifting her bottom off the bed slightly (with a pillow, etc.), to achieve deeper penetration The man supports his weight on his arms or lays with his full weight on his partner
In this rear entry position, the woman lies face down with the man on top of her. #he spreads her legs and he supports his weight on his arms. #o& 'o $o If she raises her bottom off the bed slightly, perhaps with the aid of a pillow under her hips, then it will be possible to achieve deeper penetration. The man can also lie with his full weight on his partner, from which position it is easy to roll into "spoons". Leapfrog Position
This position is ideal when the woman starts to feel uncomfortable with the man"s weight pressing down on her. It also protects her belly from over$enthusiastic thrusting. #o& 'o $o The woman %neels on the bed with legs spread wide falling forwards as the man enters her from behind The man can then caress her bac% and control the depth of thrust
This position is somewhat easier to maintain if the man lies beneath on his bac% and the woman is in control. #o& 'o $o The woman lies on her bac% on the bed and the man lies diagonally across her. #he opens her legs to allow him to enter and he roc%s gently from side to side. #he can guide his movements with the pressure of her hands. Cuissade Position This position is %nown as cuissade, from the 0rench cuisse, meaning thigh. The woman can exert a certain amount of restraint with her thigh, which can ma%e it more exciting. The position is a very intimate one and the lovers can hold one another and %iss. #o& 'o $o The woman lies on her bac% with the man at her side #he raises the leg nearest to him and rests it on his body 5e enters from under her thigh with his nearest leg crossing her body Arm !air Position
+etter sex
#o& 'o $o The woman sits comfortably in an armchair with her hands and legs around the man The man %neels in front of her and enters her 5e can support himself with his hands on the bac% of the chair which will allow him more thrust.
"urniture Position
This position allows the man greater control and very deep penetration. #o& 'o $o 0ind furniture that is the correct height The woman lies on the edge of a table, futon or bed covered with (uilts and pillows and spreads her legs wide The man begins by %neeling and giving the woman cunnilingus The man enters the woman supporting himself on his %nees and holding her legs.
#ead to toe
The woman is very much in control in this position. #o& 'o $o The man lies on his bac% with his legs spread and his penis inside the woman The woman lies on her bac% with her legs spread across her partner"s and her toes pointing to his head and her head away from him.
Lap $an e
The woman is very much in control of the the pace of lovema%ing in this position.
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