Elec Estimate
Elec Estimate
Elec Estimate
1. Introduction Before any electrical project is initiated, it is essential to list out the materials required and compute the cost involved for completion of that work. Thus estimation consists of two parts; (a) preparing list of various items involved and ( ) calculating the cost of materials and la our cost involved for e!ecuting the work. The quantity and specification of various materials required for installation work written in a ta ular form is called schedule of materials. 2. Graphical symbols for diagram "n engineering drawing it is common practice to employ graphical sym ols to represent various components. "n order to get the same meaning to every one who reads the drawing, sym ols are standardi#ed y Bureau of "ndian $tandards (B"$). %s far as possi le these sym ols are agreed with the convention adopted y the "nternational &lectro Technical 'ommission. %n important criterion in the selection of sym ol is that, as far as possi le, they should e self e!planatory and easy to draw. "$ ()*( gives a list of standard sym ols.
3. Standard values of voltages +or the sake of completeness, all the standard values of voltages given in "$, -.- / 012(. 3 $ingle phase, two wire system / The standard voltage shall e (4) 5 3 Three phase system 6 40- 5, *.* k5, 2.2 k5, 00 k5, (( k5, ** k5, 22 k5, 00) k5, 0*( k5, (() k5 and 4)) k5. 3 The standard dc voltage shall e (() 7 44) 5 4. Voltage limits for A system The voltage at any point of the system under normal conditions shall not depart from the declared voltage y more than the values given elow; 3 28 in the case of low ((-)5 or less) or medium ((-0 to 2-) 5) voltage 3 28 in the higher side or 18 on the lower side in case of 9igh voltage (2-0 5 to ** k5) 3 0(.-8 in case of &!tra 9igh voltage ( a ove ** k5)
!. "istance from #lectric $ines :o uilding shall e allowed to e erected or re6 erected, or any additions or alterations made to the e!isting uilding unless the following minimum clearances are provided from the over head electric supply lines. 5ertical (m) 9ori#ontal (m) (a) ;ow < medium 5oltage lines (.- 0.( ( ) 9igh voltage =p to and including 00 k5 *.> 0.( lines % ove 00 k5 up to and including ** k5 (c) &!tra high voltage lines *.> (.) :ote,6 +or e!tra high voltage lines apart from the minimum clearance indicated, a vertical and hori#ontal clearance of *.) m from every additional ** k5 or part thereof shall e provided. %. &iring Installations % major portion of the fi!ed installation design in a uilding relates to wiring installation. The essential design and constructional requirements for electrical wiring installations are as follows. (2.0) +ittings and %ccessories 3 % ceiling rose or any other attachment shall not e used on a circuit, the voltage of which normally e!ceeds (-) 5. 3 &ach 0- % socket outlet provided in uilding for the use of domestic appliances such as %', water cooler etc. 3 &ach socket outlet shall e controlled y a switch which shall prefera ly e located immediately adjacent thereto or com ined therewith. 3 ?rdinary socket outlet may e fi!ed at any convenient place at a height a ove () cm from the floor level. "n a situation where the socket outlet is accessi le to children, socket outlet which automatically gets screened y the withdrawal of plug is prefera le. 3 "n an earthed system of supply, a socket outlet with plug shall e three pin types with third terminal connected to earth. 3 %ll lamps unless otherwise required and suita ly protected, shall e hung at a height of not less than (.- m a ove floor level. 3 =nless otherwise specified, the clearance etween the ottom most point of the ceiling fan and the floor shall e not less than (.4 m. the minimum clearance etween the ceiling and the plane of the lade shall e not less than *) cm.
(2.() @eception and Aistri ution of Bain $upply 3 There shall e circuit reaker or a linked switch with fuse on each live conductor of the supply mains at the point of entry. The main switch shall e easily accessi le and shall e situated near to the termination of service line. 3 Branch distri ution oard shall e provided with a fuse or a miniature circuit reaker (B'B) or oth of adequate rating 7 setting. 3 ;ight and fans may e wired on a common circuit. $uch su 6circuit shall not have more than a total of 0) points of light, fan and - % socket outlets. The load of such circuit shall e restricted to .)) Catts. Dower su 6circuit shall e designed according to the load ut in no case shall there e more than two 0- % outlets on each su 6circuit. 3 The load on any low voltage su circuit shall not e!ceed *))) Catts. "n case of new installation, all circuits and su 6circuits shall e designed y making a provision of ()8 increase in load due to any future modification. 3 The distri ution fuse oard shall e located as near as possi le to the centre of the load. These shall e fi!ed in suita le stanchion or wall and shall not e more than ( m from the floor level. 3 %ll conductors shall e of copper or aluminium. 'onductor for final su 6circuit of fan and light wiring shall have a nominal cross sectional area not less than 0 $q. mm copper and 0.- $q. mm aluminium. The cross sectional area for power wiring shall e not less than (.- $q. mm copper, 4 $q. mm aluminium. The minimum cross sectional area of conductors of fle!i le cord shall e ).- $q. mm copper. (2.*) 'onduit wiring 3 @igid non6metallic conduits are used for surface, recessed and concealed conduit wiring. 'onductors of ac supply and dc supply shall e unched in separate conduits. The num ers of insulated ca les that may e drawn into the conduit are given in ta le. Ba!imum permissi le num er of 0.0 k5 grade single core ca les that may e drawn into rigid non metallic conduits
'onduit shall e fi!ed y saddles secured to suita le wood plugs or other plugs with screws at an interval of not more than 2) cm. whenever necessary, ends or diversions may e achieved y ending the conduits or y employing normal ends, inspection ends, inspection o!es, el ows or similar fittings. '. #arthing &arthing or grounding means connecting all parts of the apparatus (other than live part) to the general mass of earth y wire of negligi le resistance. This ensures that all parts of the equipment other than live part shall e at earth potential (ie, #ero potential) so that the operator shall e at earth potential at all the time, thus will avoid shock to the operator. The neutral of the supply system is also solidly earthed to ensure its potential equal to #ero. &arthing shall generally e carried out in accordance with the requirement of "ndian &lectricity @ule 01-2, particularly "& @ules *(, -0, 20, 2(, 2>, 21, ..(() and 1). 3 %ll medium voltage equipment shall e earthed two separate and distinct connections with earth through an earth electrode. "n the case of high and e!tra high voltage the neutral point shall e earthed y not less than two separate and distinct connections. 3 &ach earth system shall e so devised that the testing of individual earth electrode is possi le. "t is recommended that the value of any earth system resistance shall not e more than - E, unless otherwise specified. 3 =nder ordinary conditions of soil, use of copper, iron or mild steel electrodes is recommended. "n direct current system, however due to corrosive action, it is recommended to use only copper electrode. =se similar materials for earth electrode and earth conductors to avoid corrosion. (>.0) Aesign data on earth electrode
$tandard earth electrodes are; (a) @oad and pipe electrodes, ( ) $trip or conductor electrodes, (c) Dlate electrodes, and (d) 'a le sheaths.
(>.() Aesign of earth electrode &arth resistivity, F G (H$@ E6m , where $ G distance etween successive electrode in m, @ G earth megger reading in E Dermissi le current density for * sec; 'opper G 00. %7mm( %luminium G >* %7mm( $teel (I") G 42 %7mm( 'urrent density permissi le at an earth electrode, $pecification 3 The earth rod shall e situated at a distance not less than 0.- m from the uilding whose installation eing earthed 3 The si#e of the continuity conductor shall e (.1 mm( (04 $CI) or half of the installation conductor si#e. 3 The permissi le value of earth resistance is, o ;arge Dower $tation 6 ).- E o Bajor Dower $tation 6 0 E o $mall $u station 6 ( E o "n all other cases 6 - E o &arth continuity resistance 6 0 E ( etween earth plate and any earth conductor) (. "omestic #lectric Installations and #stimates Aomestic dwellings7 @esidential uildings include any uildings in which sleeping accommodation is provided for normal residential purpose with cooking and dining facilities. (..0) &stimation of load requirements 3 The electrical installation in this area mainly consists of lights, fans, electrical appliances and other gadgets. "n estimating the current to e carried, following ratings are recommended. "tem @ecommended @ating "ncandescent lamps 2) C 'eiling +an and Ta le +an 2) C - %, * pin socket outlet 0)) C
+luorescent tu es, Dower socket outlet (0- %) +or Ieyser +or %' 0))) C ())) C *))) C
(..() :um er of points in ranch circuit @ecommended num ers of points for dwelling units are as follows $l :o. Aescription %rea of the main dwelling unit in m( *- 4- -- .- 04) 0 ;ight point > . 0) 0( 0> ( 'eiling fans ( points / ( fans *6( 46* -64 >6* - % socket outlet ( * 4 - > 4 0- % socket outlet 6 0 ( * 4 - 'all 6 ell 6 6 0 0 0 (..*) :um er of socket outlets @ecommended schedule of socket outlets for various su 6units are as follows Aescription :um er of socket outlets - % 0- % Bed room ( to * 0 ;iving room ( to * ( Jitchen 0 ( Aining room ( 0 Iarage 0 0 +or refrigerator 6 0 +or air conditioner 6 0 5erandah 0 per 0) m( 0 Bathroom 0 0 (..4) @ecommended levels of illumination ;ocation "llumination ;evel &ntrance 9allways 0)) ;iving room *)) Aining room 0-) Bed room Ieneral
Aress ta le, ed heads *)) ()) Iames or recreation room 0)) Ta le games *)) Jitchen ()) Jitchen sink *)) ;aundry ()) Bath room 0)) Bath room mirror *)) $ewing >)) workshop ()) stairs 0)) Iarage >) $tudy *)) (..-) Aomestic wiring 3 Balancing of circuit in * phase installation shall e planned efore hand. "t is recommended that all socket outlets in a room are connected to one phase. 3 Dower su 6circuits shall e kept separate and distinct from light and fan su circuit. %ll wiring shall e on the distri ution system with main and ranch distri ution oards convenient physical and electrical load centers. 3 "t is recommended to provide at least two lighting su 6circuits in each house. $eparate lighting circuits e utili#ed for all e!ternal lightings of steps, walkways, porch, car park terrace etc. with two way switch control. 3 Chatever the load to e fed is more than 0 kC, it shall e controlled y an isolator switch or B'B 3 $witch oards shall not e erected a ove gas stove or sink or within (.- m of any washing unit in the washing room. 3 % switch oard shall not e installed at height less than 0.(- m from floor level, unless the front of the switch oard is completely enclosed y a door. 3 &nergy meters shall e installed at a height where it is convenient to note the meter reading; it should prefera ly not e installed at a height not less than 0 m from the ground. (..2) $equence to e followed in carrying out the estimate 0. Ciring layout, Drepare uilding plan on a suita le scale and mark electrical points, switch oards, main oard, meter oard, distri ution oard etc. on the plan using
specified sym ols. The path of wiring showing connection to each point is marked y a little thick line. (. 'alculation of total connected load, The total connected load and hence the total current is calculated for deciding the ca le si#e, rating of main switch oard and distri ution oard. *. $election of Bain $witch, ?nce the connected load is calculated, the main switch can e conveniently selected from the availa le standard switch list.
(*.0) ;ist of standard "ron 'lad main switches for domestic purpose, a) AD"' (Aou le Dole "ron 'lad) main switch, -,0- or *) %, (-)5 or ADB'B (Aou le Dole Biniature 'ircuit Breaker), -, 0), 02, *( and 2* %, (-) 5 ) TD"' (Triple Dole "ron 'lad) main switch, *), 2), 0)), ()) %, -)) 5 or TDB'B (Triple Dole Biniature 'ircuit Breaker), 02, *( and 2* %, -)) 5, eyond this TDB''B (Triple Dole Bolded 'ase 'ircuit Breaker), 0)), ()), *)) and -)) %, 22) 5 c) TD: main switch, *), 2), 0)), ()), *)) %, -)) 5 or TD:B'B, 02, *(, 2*%, -)) 5, eyond this TD:B''B, 0)), ()), *)), -)) %, 22) 5. 4. $election of Bain Aistri ution Board, The Bain Aistri ution Board is a fuse o! or B'B o! where different su 6circuits are terminated. :um ers of su 6circuits are decided ased on the total connected load or total num er of points. -. %ssumptions, the conditions which are not specified in the question may e assumed conveniently. &g,6 location of main switch oard, switch oards, height of uilding(if not specified) 2. 'alculation of length of conduit, To avoid duplicity in calculating the length of conduit pipe, this may e calculated in three stages. (a) The conduit installed from switch oard up to hori#ontal run (9@) including from main switch or AB to 9@. ( ) The conduit on walls running parallel to the floor ie, the 9@ elow ceiling. (c) The conduit installed etween 9@ and ceiling, along ceiling and ceiling to last point on 9@. The total length of conduit is calculated y adding the length of conduit o tained from the three stages and including 0)8 wastage. >. 'alculation of length of phase wire and neutral wire, The phase wire and neutral wire is calculated su 6circuit wise. ?nce it is calculated, wastage of 0-8 is included.
.. 'alculation of length of earth wire, The earth wire is run along the conduit. The calculations are carried out in length ut it is converted in to weight while preparing material ta le. 1. Dreparing Baterial Ta le, The material ta le should specification of each item. (..>) 'urrent rating of copper conductor single core ca les (...) $election, rating and installation of equipments on the main switch oard &g 0,6 There are 4 light7 power su 6circuits in an installation of a house wiring. ?ne of them is a su 6circuit for 0- a socket. Araw the single line diagram showing cutout, meter, main switch, main distri ution oard and other equipment. Bake your own assumptions for num er of electrical points in each su 6circuit and find out the rating of main switch and distri ution oard. %:$, ;oad in su 6circuit :o. 0 ;ight point G ( ! 2) G 0() C +an point G ( ! 2) G 0() C - % socket G 4 ! 0)) G 4)) C Total connected load G 24) C ;oad in su 6circuit :o. ( ;ight point G - ! 2) G *)) C +an point G ( ! 2) G 0() C - % socket G ( ! 0)) G ()) C Total connected load G 2() C ;oad in su 6circuit :o. * ;ight point G ( ! 2) G 0() C +an point G * ! 2) G 0.) C - % socket G * ! 0)) G *)) C Total connected load G 2)) C ;oad in su 6circuit :o. 4 $u 6circuit for 0- % socket outlet at 0))) % Total connected load on all four su 6circuits in the house G 24) K 2() K 2)) K 0))) G (.2) C Total load in %mp G (.2) 7 (*) G 0(.4* % "f all points are put on 0(.4* % have to e carried. 'onsidering future requirements, an iron clad main switch of *) %, (-) 5 is suggested. &g (,6 Araw the wiring layout and estimate the quantity of materials required. e prepared with complete
%ssume the height of ceiling as *.2 m and one plug point is to e provided in each room. %ns, 0. Ciring layout %ssumption, a 9eight of BB from the floor G 0.- m ) 9eight of 9@ from the floor G * m c) 9eight of $B from the floor G 0.- m d) Thickness of wall G ).(- m e) 9eight of racket from floor G (.4 m (. 'alculation of total connected load ;ight points G - ! 2) G *)) C +an points G ( ! 2) G 0() C - % socket G ( ! 0)) G ()) C Total connected load G 2() C ;oad in %mps G 2() 7 (*) G (.21 % 9ere there are only 1 points; hence no distri ution oard is required. %s the total connected load is (.21 % if all the points are switched on simultaneously. "t is suggested to use AD"' main switch of 0- %, (-) 5 grade is used. ((.0) $election of wire, D5' insulated copper wire of 0.- $q. mm is used for su 6circuit wiring and D5' insulated copper wire of 0 $q. mm is used for light7 fan7 - % socket points. *. 'alculation of length of (- mm dia. conduit pipe, +rom BB to 9@ G 0.- m +rom $B0 to 9@ G 0.- m +rom $B( to 9@ G 0.- m +rom 9@ to ;0, ;( < +0 G ).2 K (.4 K (.4 K 0.( K (.4 K 0.( G 0).( m +rom BB to $B0(9@) G ( m +rom 9@ to $B ( G 0.- K ).(- G 0.>- m +rom 9@ to ;4, ;-, +( < ;* G ).2K ).2 K 0.*- K 0.*- K ).2 K).(- G 4.>- m +rom 9@ etween $ ( and ;4 G 0.. m Total G (- m 0)8 wastage G (.- m G (>.- m say 28 m 4. 'alculation of D5' insulated copper wire, a) 'ircuit wire (0.- $q. mm) +rom BB to $B0 G (0.- K ( K 0.-) ! ( G 0) m +rom BB to $B( G (0.- K ( K 0.- K).(-) ! ( G 0).- m Total G ().- m
Castage 0-8 G *.)>-m (( G (*.->- m Say 24 m ) ;ight7 fan7 - % socket points wire (0 $q. mm) Dhase wire, +rom $B0 to +0, ;0 < ;(G (0.- K ).2 K(.4) ! * K ((.4 K).2)! ( G 01.- m +rom $B( to +(, ;*, ;4 < ;- G (0.- K0..) ! 4 K ).2 K ).(K (0.*- K).2) ! ( K(0.*- K).2) G 01.2>- m Total G *1.0>- m :eutral wire, +rom $B0 to +0, ;0 < ;(G 0.- K ).2 K(.4 K ((.4 K).2)! ( G ..0 m +rom $B( to +(, ;*, ;4 < ;- G 0.- K0.. K ).2 K ).(- K0.( K0.*-K0.*-K).2 G ..2- m Total G 02.>- m Total 0 $q. mm wire G 02.>- K 0- 8 wastage G 01.(2(Say, 20 m c) &arth wire (04 $CI) +rom BB to $B0 G (0.- K ( K 0.-) G - m +rom BB to $B( G (0.- K ( K 0.- K).(-) G -.(- m Total G 0).(- m Total 04 $CI are cu wire K Castage 0-8 G 00.>.m say, 12 m -. Baterial Ta le, $l :o. 0 ( * 4 2 > . 1 0) 00 0( 0* 04 002
Aescription 0- %, (-) 5,AD"' switch (- mm D5' conduit D5' end, Tee $addle clips 0 $q. mm ,D5' insulated copper wire 0.- $q. mm ,D5' insulated copper wire - % piano switch 'eiling rose %ngle racket - %, socket Teak wood o!, (- ! () cm for $B0 < $B( Teak wood o!, (- ! 0- cm Teak wood Batten > ! > cm Cooden screws 04 $CI are cu wire &arthing set(pipe earth)
Luantity 0 :o. (. m 0- :os >- :os () m (4 m 1 :os ( :os - nos ( :os ( :os 0 :o - :os *)) nos 0( m 0 $et
). *o+er distribution in an industry The power distri ution in an industry has different levels 3 Bain $witch Board (B$B) level 3 $u $witch Board ($$B) level 3 Aistri ution Board (AB) level AB is the last element efore the loads. But large loads are directly connected to $$B or B$B.
DB / DFB (Distri !ti"# F!s$ B"ar%& / FDB (F!s$ Distri !ti"# B"ar%& =sually even num ers of ways are used in ABs ((, 4, 2, ., 0) and 0(). %s per "$ the ma!imum num er of ways is limited to 0(. &g,6 0( way * ph AB G 4 ! 0( G 4. ca le connection including neutral. =sual current rating of AB s are , 02%, *(% and 2*% 2*%, 0( way AB s are not common. $ince ma!imum input current G 2* ! 0( G >))%, which is not possi le to handle y a AB. 9ence 2*% AB is ( ways or 4 ways. Botor loads up to () hp are fed from AB s of various rating. %ll ABs have isolator or $+= as incomer switch. But in some case this is avoided if the switch oard supplying to the AB is within *m from the AB "n a designed system ()8 spare outlets are kept for future e!pansion. ie, in each AB, 0 or ( outlets shall e kept as spares. S$'$(ti"# ") rati#* ") i#("m$r is"'at"r/SF+ a#% i#("m$r )$$%$r si,$ "n any system, all the connected loads will not e put on simultaneously. This reduces the ma!imum demand from simply computing y adding all connected loads. The ma!imum demand is e!pressed through a factor called Aiversity +actor, Aiversity +actor (A+) G $um of connected load $imultaneousma!.demand(BA) M0 +rom the requirement data, the details of connected load on each AB are known to us. +or spare outlets, an average of other outlets can e assumed. "f the A+ is known, we can find the ma!imum current requirement of the AB to feed all loads including spares. "nstead of furnishing the A+, a usual practice is specifying BA. % commonly accepted and safe value of A+ is 0.-. this value can e assumed for each AB
"f motor loads are connected, for selection of isolator 7 $+=, the starting current has to e taken in to account rather than continuous current. &g,6 - hp 6 -:os and 0) hp 6 (:os motors are connected to a AB Total connected load G 4-hp BAG 4- *) 0.G hp 'orresponding ma!imum current is *) ! 0.4 G 4( %. This current is the continuous ma!imum current Chen motors are started we have to account the starting inrush current of large motor in the down stream. $tarting current of A?; starting motor is (.- times the rated current and for assisted starting (star delta), it is 0.- times the rated current. $o the BA calculation in the a ove case is as follows, ?ne 0) hp (one higher rating) kept aside :ow only BA of () hp is e!isting "ts ma!imum current G () ! 0.4 G (. % +or one 0) hp alone, ma!imum current G (.- ! (0) ! 0.4) G *- % Therefore BA of the AB G (. K *- G 2* % ie, incoming feeder, isolator7$+= of the AB can e rated to 2* % Gra%i#* "r Dis(rimi#ati"# $t-$$# F$$%$r F!s$ a#% DB F!s$ The feeder to a AB will e fed from an $$B or B$B. This feeder will e protected y the 9@' fuse in the $$B or B$B. "t is necessary that the feeder protective fuse should not low off efore the motor protective fuse in the AB. This is achieved y proper grading etween the fuses. The fuse of $$B7B$B is denoted as major fuse and that of AB is termed as minor fuse. +or achieving grading the ratio etween major and minor fuses shall e (,0 or more +eeder ca le is selected y considering the ()8 e!cess of the BA of AB. %lso major fuse rating should match with the ca le selection. "f the ca le length e!ceeds >- to 0))mtr, the voltage drop condition should e taken in to account. The voltage drop in the feeder should not e more than *8in the ma!imum demand condition. &g 0,6 -) hp, 40- 5, * ph "nduction motor use D5'%D5' 0-) m ca le. %ns, "; G (-) ! >-*.-)7(N* ! 40- ! ).. ! )..-) G >2 % -) $q. mm, 4 core ca le is selected
"ts voltage drop7%mp7mtr G 0.* m5 8 volage drop G (0.* ! 0)6* ! >2 ! 0-) !0)))740- G *.-> 8 6 e!ceeds the limit :e!t higher si#e ca le is >) $q. mm "ts voltage drop7%mp7mtr G ).1* m5 8 volage drop G ().1* ! 0)6* ! >2 ! 0-) !0)))740- G (.-- 8 6 within limit Therefore >) $q. mm %O+O ( D5'%D5'), 4 core ca le is selected. D$si*# ") i#("m$r SF+, Ca '$ si,$ a#% B!s ar rati#* )"r SSBs a#% MSBs $witch oards in general are power distri ution centers with $+=s7B''Bs7%'Bs7?'Bs for controlling outlets and incomer. =nlike ABs, switch oards are specified y its total current carrying capacity or incomer current rating. Chere as in ABs current rating of the outlet is the specified rating. $tandard switch oard ratings are 0)) %, ()) %, 4)) %, .)) %, 0()) %, 02)) %, ())) %, (-)) % and *()) %. "f the incomer supply is controlled with an $+=, the switch oard is called switch fuse controlled oard and if the incomer is %'B7 ?'B controlled, it is called reaker controlled oard. % switch oard having three sections ?utlet control gears Bus cham er "ncomer control gear The outlet switch, fuse and ca le rating are decided y the load that has to e handled through that feeder. "f the num er of loads is more, $$B is required, which is installed almost at the load centers. "n smaller set up $$B may not e necessary and B$B will e the only switch oard. 'onsider the setup,6 +or 2* % and 0)) % respective rating of switch and fuse are availa le. +or .) %, 0)) % switch with .) % fuse may e used, since .) % switch is not availa le. +or 4) hp motor with star6delta starter 3 $tarting current G 4) ! 0.4 ! 0.- G .4 % Therefore 0)) % switch and fuse are used $pare is taken as 0)) % Total out going fuse rating G 2* ! ( K 0)) ! * K .) G -)2 % A+ of ( is assumed The BA will e G (-)27() G (-* % Taking () 8 e!tra, the ma!imum current requirement G *)*.2 % say, *)) %
9ence the incomer switch and fuse shall have a rating of *)) % is used. "f *))% switch is not availa le, 4))% switch with *))% fuse can e used. The incomer ca le is also rated for *))%. But in this case, instead of -2% (4) ! 0.4) continuous current of 4) hp motor, we have taken .4 % and fuse of 0))%. 'onsidering all these, a practical and most economical selection is (-)% incomer. $ince the incomer fuse is (-)%, any fuse on the outlet greater than 0(-% will grade with (-)%. 9ere ma!imum fuse rating is 0))% and grading is automatically satisfied. :e!t step is finding Bus ar si#e. Bus ar materials are, 3 %luminum or %luminium alloy / working current density, ).. %7 $q.mm 3 'opper / working current density, 0.( %7 $q.mm 3 +or the a ove set up,6 (-)7).. G *0(.- $q. mm +or neutral us ar, half the si#e of phase us ar si#e is sufficient. ie, 4) ! . mm or -) ! 2 mm %l us ar may e used for phases and () ! . mm or (- ! 2 mm for neutral. ?r *0 ! 2 mm 'u us ar may e used for phases and *0 ! * mm for neutral. +or small switch oards the distance etween the us supports will e -) cms. "f A+ is not given, we can assume, A+ as ( for all switch oards. The term ampacity is some times used to denote the ma!imum current rating of the feeders. "f A+ is not clearly known, the total ampacity of outlet feeders shall not e more than two times the ampacity of the incomer feeder. The feeder ca les need to e selected for the fuse used in the $+=. 3 &g,6 when we want 0(-% feeder, the fuse and ca le corresponding to 0(-%. But the switch may e ())%, since a ove 0))%, only ())% switch is availa le. $tandard switch ratings are, *(%, 2*%, 0))%, ())%, (-)%, 4))%, 2*)% %:A .))%. $ome manufactures makes 0(-% and *()% also. "n the a ove diagram, the incomer switch and fuse are rated for (-)%. ?ne of the outlet switches is rated to ())%. But the scheme is correct. Though the switch is rated to ())%, the fuse is only 0(-%, which will grade with the incomer (-)%.
There is no lower limit for the outlet of fuses, e!cept those are imposed y practical consideration of mounting. ie, it may not e possi le to mount a -% fuse in a *(% switch. But there is lower limit for outlet switch rating. ./$# t/$ i#("m$r ") a s-it(/ "ar% is ("#tr"''$% -it/ a# SF+ Ma0im!m "!t'$t )!s$ rati#* is ") i#("m$r )!s$ rati#*1 T/$r$ is #" !22$r 'imit )"r s-it(/ rati#* $0($2t t/at is im2"s$% y $("#"mi( ("#si%$rati"#1 Mi#im!m "!t'$t s-it(/ rati#* is 0 to 0 ") i#("m$r )!s$ rati#*1 T/$r$ is #" '"-$r 'imit )"r )!s$ rati#* "t/$r t/a# a3ai'a i'ity a#% m"!#ti#* 2"ssi i'ity1 ./$# t/$ i#("m$r ") a s-it(/ "ar% is ("#tr"''$% -it/ a Br$a4$r, t/$ ma0im!m (!rr$#t rati#* ") "!t'$t )!s$ s/"!'% #"t $ m"r$ t/a# i#("m$r rati#* (s$tti#* ") CB& a#% mi#im!m "!t'$t s-it(/ rati#* s/a'' #"t $ '$ss t/a# ") t/$ r$a4$r rati#*1 'Bs are availa le in the ranges of 4))%, .))%, 0())%, 02))%, (4))%, *())% and *2))% 1,. Substations ?n the asis of design su stations may e classified in to (a)?utdoor type i. Dole mounted (single stout pole7 96type7 46pole structure employed for transformers of (- k5%, 0)) k5% and a ove 0)) k5%) ii. +oundation mounted (+or transformers a ove (-) k5% and voltage of ** k5 and a ove) ( ) "ndoor type ("n this the su station apparatus are installed within the uilding) (0).0) ?utdoor su station Chen transformers are installed out door, certain clearances must e maintained. 3 'learance etween supplierPs and consumerPs structure should not e less than * meters. This is for maintaining the minimum sectional clearance of ()2 m at 00 k5. 3 $upplierPs and consumerPs structure shall e raced together when the clearance etween them is - m or less. 3 The ground clearance of the live parts of 'TDT unit shall not e less than *.> m. 3 Dhase to phase clearance at the %B switch shall e 10- mm
3 Dhase to earth clearance at the %B switch shall e 20) mm. "t is the clearance etween the operating rode of the %B switch and the jumpers of 00 k5 down conductors 3 The supported length of 00 k5 jumpers shall e limited to 0.- m for standard conductors and (.44 m for solid conductors (:o. ( or :o. ) $CI copper). 3 Chere there is a ca le end o! with open terminations, the clearance of the live pairs to ground shall not e less than *)- m 3 The ground clearance of ht parts, usually 00 k5 at the transformer ushings shall not e less than (.>- m. 3 The ground clearance of %B switch handle shall e etween 0 and 0.( m "ndoor $u station "ndoor su station of 00 k5740- 5 are usually installed at industrial areas and other load areas like multistoried uildings, telephone e!change etc. $u station uilding is constructed for installing transformer, 9T and ;T panel etc. @oom si#e should e sufficient, so as to give adequate clearance etween wall and various equipments. $uita le ventilation for entry of fresh air at the ottom of transformer room and e!it of hot air at top on opposite sides are necessary. The installation of transformer should that the ca le o!es are on the sides and not facing the door. The ?9 line terminates on a AD structure outside the indoor su station. %ll protection accessories such as %B switch, ;% and A? fuse are installed in the AD structure. 'T DT unit is installed for connecting metering device. $upply to 9T side of transformer is rought through =I ca le. Both sides of the transformer are protected y suita le capacity 'B. %dequate fire fitting equipment shall e provided at easily accessi le positions. Aanger notice oard should e provided on the 95 and B5 equipments.